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With Few US Students Taking CS Classes, 'Scales Back' Funding For CS Education ( 162

"In 2012, most CS teacher professional development was paid for by the National Science Foundation or Google." And in the years that followed, 80,000 primary and secondary school teachers received opportunities to learn how to teach computer science without paying any fees -- thanks to tech-bankrolled

But is anyone taking the classes? Slashdot reader theodp quotes a Communications of the ACM post by University of Michigan professor Mark Guzdial: In 2013, began, and they changed the face of CS education in the United States . It started out as just a video (linked here, seen over 14 million times), and grew into an organization that created and provided curriculum, offered teacher professional development, and worked with states and districts around public policy initiatives. A recent report from showed that 44 states have enacted public policies to promote computing education in the five years from 2013 to 2018, and much of that happened through's influence....

Now, has announced that they are starting to scale back their funding, which begins a multi-year transition to shift the burden of paying for teacher professional development to the local regions.... The only question is whether it's too soon. Will local regions step up and demonstrate that they value computer science by paying for it...? I'd guess that many states have between 40% and 70% of their high schools now offering computer science. However, even though many schools offer computer science, there are still few students taking computer science.

Indiana reported that only 0.4% of Indiana high school students had enrolled in their most popular course. Meanwhile in one region in Texas, 54 of 159 high schools offer computer science, yet only 2.3% of their students have ever taken a computer science class. But of course, there's another issue.

"If (or NSF or Google) are paying for all the development of CS teachers, then the districts don't get to say, 'In our community we care about this and we care less about that.' The U.S. education system is organized around the local regions calling the shots, setting the priorities, and deciding what they want teachers to teach."
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With Few US Students Taking CS Classes, 'Scales Back' Funding For CS Education

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  • by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Saturday October 27, 2018 @10:47AM (#57544865)
    in America? Every job site I've seen is at best 80/20 H1-Bs, sometimes 90/10. You can't even get a project management job anymore. Companies did away with all the entry level positions so they could claim there was a shortage of "senior programmers" so there's no career track.

    Momma's don't let your babies grow up to be CS Majors, let'em be Doctor's and such.
    • Anybody in their right mind would do it. It's an awesome career offering opportunity anywhere on the planet, and the pay is higher than most fields out there, and the amount of formal education required is still close to nil. It's an awesome career.
      • Promoting of CS as a career choice will lead to both resentment by those already established*, as well as too many pursuing too few, lowering wages, and standards. Formal education leads to a well rounded student, and employee.

        *Look at the humor surrounding certification.

        • by epyT-R ( 613989 )

          These days, educational institutions supposedly still offering these 'well rounded' environments are too busy with political indoctrination to care much for disciplines that rely on facts, logic, and reason.

          • by Anonymous Coward

            Bullshit... I recently returned to school at 35yrs of age and I have yet to see this "indoctrination" everyone keeps claiming is rampant in our colleges and universities. My professors have been largely neutral and they seem to want the students to come to their own conclusions instead of forcing their ideology down their throats.

            However, I have noticed that kids bring their parents' ideological views to school and they often have trouble dealing with different points of view. It's pretty funny being tol

      • by currently_awake ( 1248758 ) on Saturday October 27, 2018 @11:11AM (#57544955)
        Any job that can be done by someone from home can be done by someone in India or China, for 1/10 your wage. Avoid any job that doesn't require a physical presence.
        • If the only needed thing was a warm body then yes. However in telecommuting one's doing more than that. They're bringing their environment as well. And that's not so mobile (hence the ability to tell India from America).

        • by fluffernutter ( 1411889 ) on Saturday October 27, 2018 @11:56AM (#57545083)
          In my experience, the people working overseas for cheap can't do much more than follow direction. If you need someone who needs to represent your team on a project (and do what is good for your team) or if you need someone to make sure everyone is working on the right thing and being efficient; you need someone from here. The work can be done remotely but everyone overseas that can do it either charges just as much as we do or they have already moved here.
          • by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Saturday October 27, 2018 @01:31PM (#57545373)
            Sure, the top 5% of programmers still get decent work.

            But no, they don't charge just as much. You're forgetting about training. US colleges are crazy expensive []. You're also forgetting that US workers put in 50-60 hour work weeks while the guys overseas are doing 80. And we used to do 30-40 until we were forced to work harder to compete. Sure, they burn out, but there's literally a billion of them.

            I don't really care that my oil filter's only good for 6000 miles when it's $20 bucks. That's because It's cheap, disposable, and good enough..

            This is like War Games. The only winning move it not to play.
            • You're also forgetting that US workers put in 50-60 hour work weeks while the guys overseas are doing 80. And we used to do 30-40 until we were forced to work harder to compete. Sure, they burn out, but there's literally a billion of them.

              My experience is the US workers do 50-60 hour work weeks while the overseas guys work less hours and at a slower pace. I currently have a team in Poland, they actually have laws limiting work hours:


        • Except that working remotely is nothing like being in the same office with your coworkers.

          The company I work for has software engineering offices on either coast of USA, Ireland (where I work), and India. For one's the there's the time zone woes - we only get at most a few working hours in common with any other office, and there's no hours in common between all offices. Teleconferencing is not pleasant. Phones and video connections are still far from perfect, so it's much easier to make yourself understood

          • by dcw3 ( 649211 )

            I've worked on several dev projects with people in several timezones. While it can be done, the parent is right, it's much harder. When things go wrong, the blame is almost always put on people who are somewhere else. You don't have the watercooler conversations, so remote workers miss out on a lot. Quite honestly, there's little that can compete with a team all collocated in a lab.

      • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

        by sittingnut ( 88521 )

        pay should never be the main criteria for a life long career choice. quite apart making decision, based on short term relative differences in pay of different careers, while ignoring possible long term changes in relative pay as markets change, one should do something one is good at, and can enjoy, and give meaning and satisfaction to life. pay does help with some of that, but it should be a secondary consideration.

        • by djinn6 ( 1868030 )

          I think all those starving artists would disagree. Being paid for your work is good, even if your passion is elsewhere.

      • by Anonymous Coward

        > the amount of formal education required is still close to nil.

        That's the point. Why would you waste your degree on something so simple a billion guys in Asia can learn in 3 months? Why not major in something actually valuable and then do a coding bootcamp? Programming is utterly simple.

    • by fermion ( 181285 )
      CS as is teaching it is really more like advanced computer literacy. Understanding how compute work, how they interact, the internet, how to use them. It is more functional less design. While learned to write code, design algorithm, the modern classes are more like auto mechanic. You will understand the infrastructure, you will be able to fix things, but no one is going to expect you to learn a new language and put together projects in six months, which is what I and most people who are trained
      • by tepples ( 727027 )

        I see educated parents sending their kids to auto mechanics training at $10,000 instead of coding boot camp. What is the sense of this?

        I have at least four guesses.

        • Occasionally I see a fear in parents of exposing children to too much "screen time", such as giving a child around age 14 only 3 hours of PC time per week.
        • Or the parents live outside the service area of wired high-speed Internet, and wireless has a prohibitive cost per gigabyte of monthly data transfer quota.
        • Or the parents want a job that can't be outsourced to an offshore firm, and they see computer programming as more vulnerable to outsourcing.
        • Or they want a job that the child
    • by JBMcB ( 73720 )

      My company just hired a bunch of CS graduates right out of college. We also let go of a few project managers (who worked in a defunct product group) who got new jobs within a month.

    • I work for a major financial institution and a major percentage of emplolyees in the last 20 years have shifted from local developers to people shipped over from India.
      • *that should have read, "a major percentage of developers and QA staff in the last 20 years have shifted from local developers to people shipped over from India". I personally would be very discouraged entering this field.
    • You must live in California. In other places like Texas, the market for CS majors is so tight they are getting 2-3 job offers at a time, having to choose which one to take.

    • by KC0A ( 307773 )

      I've been a developer for almost 40 years and this is a great time to be a software developer. Wages for strong developers relative to other professionals are the highest they have ever been. College interns in Seattle are getting above $5K/month with housing included. We can't find them fast enough. Male, female, old, young, green, purple, they are thin on the ground.

  • By the time they are teens kids should be able to learn CS without a meat puppet hovering over them in a class, one somewhere far away behind a computer to help them occasionally should be enough together with good parents to keep them motivated.

    Sure it's a noble goal to try to rescue kids from bad parents, but it's an uphill battle ... attack the problem at it's source first and foremost, parenting classes in high school rather than CS.

    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      I've been a mentor in a high school coding class. I'll have to disagree, I mean parenting is very important but so is human interaction. The amount of help needed, the interest level and the maturity level vary a lot. Those kids have questions and its best if you are right there to help.

      At the same time, we have to be honest, programming is not for everyone. Just like accounting isn't for everyone. Its good to know something about coding and something about accounting but we don't all need to be experts

    • Maybe. It is interesting how programming games are a popular genre on Steam. No classes required there, and it gives one an idea in a fun way.

    • by elrous0 ( 869638 ) on Saturday October 27, 2018 @11:26AM (#57545003)

      Yep, good programmers don't need to be recruited or sold on programming. They'll do it with or without a class at their school, because it's who they are. Begging randos to become coders will only get you a bunch of shit coders.

      • Fine, and one can say that about any field. Teachers? The good ones are the ones with a passion for teaching. Scientists? The best ones are those with a passion for learning. You don't need to recruit those because they will naturally find their field.

        But what if you need 100 programmers/teachers/scientists, and you only have 10 who are passionate about it? Your task (as a society) is to fill the remaining 90 positions with people who can do the work. Which requires attracting people whose first inst

    • Any parent to tried to teach a child to "code" should have their kids taken away. Coding is a more-or-less trivial vocational skill that you can learn in a week if you know other things first - like basic problem-solving skills.

            Kids need to be kids, play games, get in competition/conflicts/fights (that are not moderated by adults) and learn basic language, mathematics, history, and civics Not learn a niche manual skill.

  • Kids don't need CS training to use Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Tinder, etc.

    • Why do students learn anything in school? Given how most students will learn way more math than they'll ever use, swap out a semester/year of math for CS classes. It will really help them understand the rest of the math classes.
  • The big question is, how many of those kids should be learning programming.

    When I started out in the late 70s, you were busy coding solutions to problems, and writing real code. Later it became more about memorizing big function/class libraries, which got old pretty fast.

    I asked a younger guy who is in the business about it recently, and he said nowadays what you learn are 'frameworks', whatever that is.

    Even back in the 70s, when I was taking classes, the beginning classes were big for Comp Sci majors, but

    • And I wonder how good all those 80,000 primary and secondary school teachers actually are at teaching programming.

      They're as good at teaching programming as they are at programming.

    • "I asked a younger guy who is in the business about it recently, and he said nowadays what you learn are 'frameworks', whatever that is."

      *raised eyebrow* Frameworks are an old idea. "Whatever that is" shouldn't be a question. []

    • I resisted .NET for a long time on personal projects. Last month I started something ambitious, in C#, and I can crank out piles of functionality. Who needs to memorize when you have Google and stack overflow? And of course you can put ASM in a .dll and P/Invoke if you need the speed, but it's rare.

      Coding slowly is not fun. Reusing tested code to save time is fun.

      • by shoor ( 33382 )

        At the time I more or less retired, that kind of support was in its infancy. I'm glad to hear that things have gotten better in some respects.

    • by dcw3 ( 649211 )

      That's why you need to expose kids to CS, and a wide variety of other subjects. How else are they going to know if they like it?

  • Just like climate change...all of our leaders pay it lipservice but very few, including consumers, are speaking with thier wallet. The head of GM just asked for bold legislation that would allow them to pursue electric vehical without them having to deal with spooking investors. In short, nearly everyone is afraid to lead. I'm not of the opinion that electric vehical would do anything to help the environment but they would sure love that government boost to remove the risk in introducing average priced EVs
  • If kids are interested in programming, just point them at []
    Kids that will be natural programmers won't even need a teacher to play
    If SJWs want more girls in programming, they should fork [] and make a version that is more appealing to young girls.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday October 27, 2018 @11:21AM (#57544991)

    Clearly, from observing the way a large minority of citizens are behaving (and believing) in the United States, learning to program computers is a relatively minuscule concern.

    Rather, teaching this mass of ignorant anti-rational people how to think clearly, from facts, is critically important.

    • by jez9999 ( 618189 )

      Are we talking about whites who don't want to be a minority in their own country? Because if so, I'm here to tell you that THEY'RE the rational ones.

      Here's a fact: minorities get treated like shit, whatever the circumstances. Especially if whites aren't in the majority.

      • Are we talking about whites who don't want to be a minority in their own country?

        By "their own country", do you mean the country they invaded a couple of centuries ago?

    • That is supposed to be part of a good college degree. The issue lies in the universities trying to cater too much to the students. After all, Business majors have not required ethics until just recently and it is a joke from what I have seen.
    • by dcw3 ( 649211 )

      Maybe, we can actually do more than one thing at a time. In fact, maybe teaching CS will help people think logically.

  • Most kids are more interested in what kind of social shennanigans and petty politics they can get up to rather than working hard at something. Same as most adults. Most people could care less about being productive and useful in life, they just want to see how much they can grab through petty back-stabbing and bullshit games. Hence the popularity of worthless "Humanities" degrees. The only value of "Humanities Degree" is you you repeatedly crumble and uncrumble the piece of paper it is written on until the

  • This isn't failure (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday October 27, 2018 @11:36AM (#57545025)

    It's course correction. The 'EVERYONE MUST CODE!' initiatives were ludicrous to begin with. It was said a great deal at the time: not everyone wants to learn to code or has a natural interest in it, and no amount of bullying from tech companies is going to change that. It's as it should be, and this is what it looks like when only those with a real interest take a subject. Make it a math elective and let those who want to pursue it pursue it.

    It's worth noting as well that more and more of our technology resembles appliance, and using that metaphor, very few people want to learn to fix other appliances like washing machines or care how they work (do you?). Silicon Valley got pretty full of itself there for awhile, so much of what has been proposed by them has been a riduculous, overly-hyped canard. What we are seeing now was pretty much inevitable, and it means things have re-stabilized from the ebb and flow and nothing more.

    • Excellent points and analysis.

    • I'm not sure I disagree entirely, but I have a bright high schooler in my family, well ahead of grade on math / calculus, certainly not struggling academically and when he got the chance to do the coding class he did not go for it.

      I suspect he considerered it to be combination of boring or irrelevant, or the pacing was wrong or the homework. In any case, I think it would have been better for him if every class had included some aspect of coding and the coding class had been a purer CS (data structures, oop,

      • by djinn6 ( 1868030 )

        I have a bright high schooler in my family... when he got the chance to do the coding class he did not go for it.

        I suspect he considerered it to be combination of boring or irrelevant, or the pacing was wrong or the homework.

        He wouldn't know that unless he already tried taking the class. It's the advertising, or the lack thereof, that put him off.

    • by jhoger ( 519683 )

      Yeah just like the "everybody must algebra" movement was ludicrous.

    • In fact, it is the same issue that we have with pushing College on everybody. We need to return to teaching kids not just blue collar, but life skills. I would LOVE for my kids to come out of high school knowing how to run not just 3D printers, table saws, radial arm saws, laser cutters, etc, but also how to make a meal, wash clothes, sew, etc. We used to do that, but NO MORE.

      Or that we offer loads of scholarships for athletics, or simply good grades, but not for doing degrees that American businesses n
    • by Shaitan ( 22585 )

      Everyone should learn to code but that doesn't mean making it a career. It is a basic skill alongside reading and math. What they are teaching kids with drag and drop code and highly abstracted oop coding isn't really what they need though. Everyone should learn non-oop coding so they learn solid fundamental structured logic. With oop there is always a magic box beneath you.

    • by dcw3 ( 649211 )

      There is no "EVERYONE MUST CODE". What everyone must do is get exposure to code, just like you got exposure to a wide variety of topics in school. Unless you're exposed to it, you won't appreciate, or know if it's something you're interested in, or possibly good at doing.

  • The vast majority of classes in Middle school and High school are required. There is a very small selection of elective classes, and even then, mostly in Senior year. So where these classes made as pure electives? Or could they chosen in place of a math class like Algebra 2 or geometry? If they are counted as credit in place of a required course, more people would chose to take them.
  • you can not be a programmer or in IT. In many places the public education system is not functioning well and has basic graduation rates of 50-60%.
    Our public schools struggle to teach reading, writing and arthritic. After High School many students do not function at grade level and can not pass entry level college classes. How would they have the skill set to be a programmer or have a career in IT. Form that matter any STEM field.

    Just my 2 cents ;)
    • What if the point of a CS class wouldn't be to get them a career in IT, but to help with the basics? For many students, Algebra level math and higher remains mystical. Even if they can do it in a homework assignment, it still feels mystical. They're following a series of rules without any understanding. I suspect if they had a CS class, where they could apply those math concepts, instead of one more level of math that they'll never use, a lot of the basics from those math classes will have more context and
    • by dcw3 ( 649211 )

      If only they taught the meaning of hyperbole. In 2017, the graduation rate across the US was 84%. The lowest state had 68%

      I'm fully expecting a rebuttal about how kids are just pushed through, or that state averages don't show the low local numbers (true, but those are the exception). Yes, school systems should be held accountable for the kids they're graduating, but that's become a political football that neither side holds high moral ground on.

  • I am late to checking my rss inbox, but has there been a good deep dive to the problems in development that might turn people off? James Damore comes to mind as someone that tried to genuinely bring up an issue, but well didn't work out so well to actually address anything. This and other issues could really turn potential CS students. I have seen to too much arm chair logic that has no research behind it, "You know why people don't go for CS", then a reason based on no research
  • by jhoger ( 519683 ) on Saturday October 27, 2018 @07:29PM (#57546761) Homepage

    I think all students should learn to code, just like all students should learn to do algebra, or find the intersection of two linear equations, or write an essay.

    But the end goal is not to make everyone programmers. The end goal is to make people well rounded, aware of how things work, because in most jobs, you benefit from understanding how computers work. And if you can code at all, you understand how they work in a fundamental way.

  • was from the start a scam to saturate the CS labor pool to attain cheaper talent. The issue with the whole idea is that there's only so many people capable of actually thinking on the level required to take up transcribing their thoughts and making machines obey them, let alone transcribing the thoughts of other people to make the machines obey those. So basically a bunch of corrupt businessmen and market makers decided "labor is too expensive, we need a scam to make it cheaper" and ended up blow
  • Instead of focusing on High school, focus efforts at COmmunity College levels.
    In particular, if student takes a particular coding class, and passes it, then pay a % of for the students tuition.
    Assume that this was an intro CS class. If they get an A, pay 66%. B? pay 50%. c? Pay 33%.
    Once they get up higher, say Algorithms/Data Structures, pay 100% on A, 75% on B, and 50% on C.
    Finally, once into upper-end classes that can help a company directly, then pay 100/90/60 on A/B/C.

    The point being that if S
    • by dcw3 ( 649211 )

      Just like with learning a new language, kids need exposure to CS at an early age. That doesn't mean they need a career in it, but exposure to give them a taste and see if they have interest and ability.

"An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of code." -- an anonymous programmer
