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Kids Think the Darndest Things About How Computers Work ( 226

"When visiting a series of eight primary school class rooms recently, CS professor Judy Robertson talked to children aged 5-12 about how computers work and discussed pictures they drew of what they thought is inside a computer," writes Slashdot reader theodp:
"In my view," Robertson writes, "computational thinking has abstracted us too far away from the heart of computation — the machine. The world would be a tedious place if we had to do all out computational thinking ourselves; that's why we invented computers in the first place. Yet, the new school curricula across the world have lost focus on hardware and how code executes on it."

She notes, "What the pictures, and subsequent classroom discussions told me is that the children know names of components within a computer, and possibly some isolated facts about them. None of the pictures showed accurately how the components work together to perform computation, although the children were ready and willing to reason about this with their classmates. Although some of the children had programmed in the visual programming language, none of them knew how the commands they wrote in Scratch would be executed in the hardware inside a computer. One boy, who had been learning about variables in Scratch the previous day wanted to know whether if he looked in his computer he would really see apps with boxes full of variables in them."

Time to get the Walk-Through Computer (1990 video) out of mothballs?

"Many of the children knew the names of the components within a computer: a chip, memory, a disc, and they were often insistent that there should be a fan in there. They knew that there would be wires inside, and that it would need a battery to make it work...."

But one student confessed that while they knew that a computer was full of both devices and code, "I am not sure what it looked like so I just scribbled."
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Kids Think the Darndest Things About How Computers Work

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  • Well ... (Score:2, Interesting)

    by nospam007 ( 722110 ) *

    They also don‘t know how a car or a locomotive works and if they are from the South, how Evolution works.

    • Re:Well ... (Score:4, Funny)

      by Anonymous Coward on Sunday October 28, 2018 @07:09AM (#57548493)

      And if they are from the west coast, how human reproduction and genders work.

    • How a car works ... (Score:5, Interesting)

      by peetm ( 781139 ) on Sunday October 28, 2018 @07:15AM (#57548519) Homepage

      You're right - and it's not just kids.

      A couple of years ago I was asked to teach a Masters level course in software development. During one discussion, we somehow got on to the subject of cars, and what made them go. Faced with baffled faces and a stunned silence, I drilled a bit deeper and found that none of them actually knew how an internal combustion engine worked - had no idea as to what made it go other than they had to put petrol in every so often. They had cars, drove them, but none of them knew anything about the mechanism under the hood.

      This reminds me of a visit to France earlier this year. My wife and I were walking past a couple when my wife slowed down, turned to me, and said "I don't think the man knows what to do about their flat tyre - the girl has just said to him that he'll have to ask someone." They were well into their 20s, but neither had a clue. With the help of my wife as a translator, I changed the wheel for them. You should have seen their faces when I 'amazed them' with my knowledge, e.g., I knew that there'd be a special adapter required to take off one of the wheel-nuts; and that it was probably in the car's glove compartment (which it was).

      I'm at a loss to explain this. Where has 'curiosity' gone; especially in males!? They all seem too much into self grooming products and how they look these days.

      • Where has curiosity gone in automobile repair technicians?

        My car overheated out on the highway and had to be towed in. I OK'd the repair shop of the towing company to work on it.

        They assured me the water pump was fine but the electronically controlled fan was not coming on. They replaced, at considerable cost, a special ECM operating the fan. That didn't fix the car, so they recommended replacing my "plugged radiator" at considerable expense, especially in labor considering the tight "packaging" in

        • I learned something, but this cost me a pricey double repair bill on a 23-year-old car to which I have a sentimental attachment.

          What your need to learn is that:

          • If its less than 5 years old, the cheapest option is probably to replace the entire car - even the dealer probably cant fix the "blobs" inside. (There are several "ECU"s, and generally the manufacturer does not employ anyone who knows what is inside it - like the pyramids - those that built it are conveniently "laid off").
          • 5 - 15 years old, the m
          • What I learned is that I should have stood up to my wife and executed on my plan to drive her 24-year-old Chrysler without working A/C up to my dad's place and exchange it for our 21-year-old Camry with powerful A/C so we weren't under pressure to repair the 23-year-old Ford to drive around the in-laws coming into town on a hot, summer holiday weekend. My wife admitted later that my plan could have saved us a bunch of money, either with a do-it-yourself water pump replacement or making a family decision w

            • What you should have learned was don't buy a Ford and also change your coolant every two years whether you think it needs it or not unless you are running an alternative like Evans NPG.

        • I've gathered from story after story that mechanics failing to do ANY real diagnosis is a huge problem. I've especially heard this for motorcycle dealers, because I hang around those forums.

          Ruling out the fan for example is normally pretty straightforward. Usually there's a simple temperature switch that turns the fan on and off. You can heat this up with specific temperatures of water and check the resistance values against spec. The fan itself can be tested by bypassing this temperature switch.

          Or ev
      • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

        It's not a lack of curiosity, it's a lack of opportunity/need and directing their attention elsewhere.

        I learned to charge a tyre when I saw my dad do it. These days cars are a lot not reliable and I've never had to use that skill. The younger ones just don't have the opportunity to learn or a pressing need to.

        Same with computers. Even the embedded people often don't know much about the hardware, they just buy a driver library or protocol stack. Someone else mentioned Arduino and Pi, but both of those are mo

      • by Calydor ( 739835 )

        There are too many things to be curious about. I know how to put computers together, have built my own since a guy I knew when I was 14 who worked for Digital helped me put in a second HDD in my store-bought computer and took the time to point out the different parts.

        My car had a flat some years back. I had a general idea of what to do, but I ended up having to get a friend to come give me a hand anyway with the details of how to most easily get the car propped up on a jack and so on. I suspect I can do it

      • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

        by alvinrod ( 889928 )

        Where has 'curiosity' gone; especially in males!? They all seem too much into self grooming products and how they look these days.

        There are probably a lot of small reasons that contribute. Here's just a few off the top of my head:

        I suspect that a sizable part of it is that increases in minimum wage have resulted in higher teen unemployment. If you can't find a job (because you don't have sufficient skill to command receiving the minimum wage), what else is there to do but sit around and preen. If you can't afford to buy her flowers, you'd better damn well look good? I learned plenty of useful skills doing low wage work that I would

      • by fred911 ( 83970 )

        "This reminds me of a visit to France earlier this year..........They were well into their 20s, but neither had a clue."

        Dude... they're French. Bad example.

      • Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • To be fair, a lot of the opportunities of the past are now gone. I designed and built my own 6800 computer in high school using wire wrap and TTL parts and, of course, a 40-pin 6800 microprocessor, and wrote my own assembler for it (cue the AC old-guy diatribes). That was in the late '70s. My brother and I also blue-printed and hot-rodded a 350 V8 Camero from the frame up a few years later.

        I still design and program electronic things for a living, but soldering up a Beagleboard is not something you can do a

      • I think you're behind the times a bit with lack of perspective. Maybe the students cared more about software rather than cars and car hardware? Maybe these days people find things other than cars to be interested about? Maybe the french couple, being in Europe, rarely has to drive? If they weren't able/prepared to google the info, that's their lack of planning of course. The "curiosity" can be funneled in other things you know. It's not just cars or self-grooming/looks.
      • Where has 'curiosity' gone; especially in males!? They all seem too much into self grooming products and how they look these days.

        Very insightful. I would argue that "curiosity" is actually a very rare trait amongst people, adults in particular. In a way, "curiosity" is being actively bred out of society. There is no need for curiosity and its existence challenges those would seem themselves as our masters.

        Ignorance is a glorious way to live. Magic becomes much easier and more visible. *sigh*

    • Society isn't being repeatedly conditioned to believe that virtually every paying job is about to be replaced by Thomas the Train and if they don't want to get fed to the digester, they'd really better learn how to polish his knob...
    • Any kids who spwns much time around me end up knowing how an engine works, because I show them any chance I get.

      Showing them the internal workings of a CPU is a bit more difficult. My four-year-old will have some understanding within the next few years, somehow. She already understands wireless internet uses radio waves from the towers she sees, or our home router / AP. She understands that her iPad can't do video in the car because we're too far from the router and the radio waves can't reach. She can't S

    • Less the apt but unnecessary dig at creationists.

      It's progress when people don't have to know what's inside the box. People used to have to know how their car worked so that they could work on it all the time. Cars used to have daily maintenance which had to be performed by a mechanic. Now they go thousands of miles before the first time an inspection even has to be performed. Computers, the same. No more checking for corrosion on wire-wrap terminals.

      • by djinn6 ( 1868030 )

        Yep. Curiosity is good, but it's impossible to know how everything works. There are countless critical processes that most people know nothing about. When's the last time you had to know how a credit card transaction is authorized? Or how glycolysis turns the food you ate into energy? Or how earth generates the gravity that keeps you on the ground?

  • by Pseudonym ( 62607 ) on Sunday October 28, 2018 @06:39AM (#57548409)

    Truth be told, most people in the tech industry don't seem to know either. Or don't want to know. Most of our infrastructure is built on layers upon layers of buggy software, as if software was a platform.

    • by Keruo ( 771880 )
      Software today IS a platform. Platform which is written using Javascript and is on fire.

      But that's FINE! at least its now responsive!
    • I question if there are more than 100000 people who can build a calculator that purely performs addition let alone subtraction, multiplication and division. Itâ(TM)s a question of specialization. Does my mechanic also need to be a metallurgist and a blacksmith to be qualified to rebuild an engine?
      • Your mechanic may not be able to build a car from scratch, but he or she probably knows how to get the best mileage out of most vehicles.

        And I dare say that most mechanics would refuse to build a car which only works with a certain brand of fuel, or spies on the driver and passengers, but that's a topic for another day.

      • Of course there are, how discrete logic and specifically an adder works is a basic part of CS curriculum world over, there are certainly more than 100k people who could do it from discrete transistors, relays or valves without ever having to check internet for help. Might take a bit of head scratching and trial and error for most, but certainly nothing a semi-competent electronics engineer or programmer couldn't do at all. And anyone who can do an adder can with a fair bit extra head scratching also put tog
      • by Potor ( 658520 )
        I love this argument because it leads directly to Plato's observation that the science of the true (metaphysics) is the highest science, and the one that the fewest people are concerned with.
    • by Jeremi ( 14640 )

      Truth be told, most people in the tech industry don't seem to know either. Or don't want to know.

      Yes -- and that was kind of inevitable, given that two of the primary techniques used in software development are abstraction and encapsulation. Both are designed to allow (and encourage!) the programmer to not know about (or care about) what is happening at lower levels of the system, including the hardware.

      It does sometimes lead to comic/tragic situations (especially when it comes to optimizing/performance), but there are nevertheless good reasons to do it:

      (1) software written with full knowledge of the

    • One of the things we covered in my LISP course was how to create a LISP compiler for a system, when the compiler code itself is written in LISP. The trick is to write a compiler which can interpret some basic LISP functions. Then use that to compile the other more complex LISP functions needed by the compiler (written in LISP). Then use that to compile a complete LISP compiler. Nobody really knows what's going on in the machine code for the compiler, since the code giving you the full functionality of L
  • When I was in primary school, I had heard of a computer, but I did not even know what it was.
    When I was in middle school, we got a C64. I knew you could play games on it, and even make your own simple games. Other than that, I did not know what it was good for and certainly did not know what was inside, or care for that matter.
    Yet, somehow, by some miracle, I, as an adult, with money to buy things, am able to purchase PC components to cobble together my own machine. Even a couple hackintosh machines.
    I can e

  • by Attila the Bun ( 952109 ) on Sunday October 28, 2018 @07:08AM (#57548485)
    This is why Arduino and Raspberry Pi are so important. Imagine growing up and not knowing how the world works?

    I was going to write "Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and others like them". But then I couldn't think of any other organisations really pushing understanding of computing technology. Perhaps Micro Bit and Beaglebone?

    • RPI and its like are just an abstracted computer. At least modern computers still separate the main distinct components. The Raspberry pi is just a magic credit card that you can play minecraft on.

    • by fermion ( 181285 )
      There are two issues here. One is exposure. For instance, engineering course today are very different from those after WWII as most of the boys, and they were boys, who did engineering were on the farm before the war and so had exposure to how mechanical systems operated, and understood that is things were not just right they would not work. Now we have to give that exposure in school, with Arduinos, robots, and other manipulative.

      But there is a more critical issue that the study, and most educators mi

    • by grumbel ( 592662 )

      What has the Raspberry Pi actually contributed to learning about computers? As a development machine it's quite a bit underpowered and for learning low-level computer stuff it's also quite useless as you have a whole Linux between you and the hardware. It's useful as a small and cheap computer, but for learning I find it much less useful than a regular old PC.

    • I was going to write "Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and others like them". But then I couldn't think of any other organisations really pushing understanding of computing technology.

      RasPi is cool not because it teaches how computers work, but because it's affordable enough to put one in every kid's hands. It's complicated enough that it doesn't teach how computers work. Arduino is the good stuff, though. It's simple enough to be instructive at that level. What would be wicked cool would be to have kids build their own "PC" out of Arduino parts. I don't know what itsy bitsy operating systems have been written for/ported to Arduino, but if you could actually use it as a PC, that would be

  • by WayneDV ( 35999 ) on Sunday October 28, 2018 @07:09AM (#57548491) Homepage

    This is where and how I started my love affair with computing.
    Back in '84 my school library got a few Usborne books in stock - a year before we had access to a computer :-D That didn't stop me reading the cover-to-cover many times over :-D

    • by rl117 ( 110595 )
      Amazing, these books were my start into computing with my primary school's Amstrad CPC 464 and later my own ZX spectrum. Really well written and pitched to explain all the fundamental concepts to children in a friendly and accessible manner. I wish we had more books at this level today.
  • Way too young (Score:5, Insightful)

    by lucasnate1 ( 4682951 ) on Sunday October 28, 2018 @07:13AM (#57548515) Homepage

    When I was 7, I thought that by writing a game's name on a floppy disk, you copy that game from one disk to another. When I was 17, I wrote a full hardware emulator. Children this young are not supposed to know the intimate details of how a machine works, give them a break.

  • Perhaps it is past time to remove the industry-wide dumb down []

  • by jonwil ( 467024 ) on Sunday October 28, 2018 @08:02AM (#57548651)

    Clearly the kids who made these drawings never saw this old Sesame Street clip: []

    Then again, if the episodes I have seen recently are any indication, I doubt Sesame Street plays the kind of really good educational clips it used to anymore (I suspect it started going downhill when someone decided they could make a lot of money selling plush toys (especially that ugly red thing) and switched the focus away from the educational clips and towards more clips featuring the Muppet characters who could be marketed via toys and such.

  • TRS80 (Score:4, Insightful)

    by lkcl ( 517947 ) <> on Sunday October 28, 2018 @08:02AM (#57548655) Homepage

    y'know... there's a reason why a friend of mine, when his children asked "dad, dad can we get a computer", he went up into the attic, brought down a TRS80 and a stack of byte magazines, dropped them on the table and said, "here you go!"

    they looked at him like he'd grown two heads or something. when they asked him about it, he said, "when you've gone through all of the programs in there, and typed them in and seen how they run, i'll get you a PC"

    i have never heard of any other parent doing this. basic self-running computers just do not exist these days. not even arduinos: they require ANOTHER COMPUTER to program them.

    BBC Basic, the Jupiter ACE (which ran FORTH), the ZX-Spectrum, these were computers that were *critical* to understanding.

    • by Stele ( 9443 )

      This is exactly how I learned computers. I was in 5th grade and our little school in the southwest of Virginia got a TRS80 that was sitting in the library. None of the adults knew what to do with it. I was the kid that liked taking things apart and figuring out how things worked, so they let me go play with it during school. It had a cassette drive and there were a couple of programs, but otherwise I taught myself BASIC on it. My parents got me a subscription to BYTE magazine and I learned everything else f

    • BBC Basic, the Jupiter ACE (which ran FORTH), the ZX-Spectrum, these were computers that were *critical* to understanding.

      As someone who still owns a master and a real original ace (including the cutely written book), I disagree.

      At the age of the kids in the article I didn't understand that much. By 12 I was starting to get the hang of it and could program simple games and build very simple circuits by following instructions. I did later dive much deeper and learned 6502 asm using the inline assembler on th

    • I suspect the kids meant to say "Playstation", not "computer".

  • ... then you need to get them close to the metal but make it less tedious. For instance, I would have them start with modified assembly language that was based on research, with libraries that gave kids a leg up to do cool things quickly (aka make little games, etc).

    The problem with learning how computers work, it's often divorced from what kids want to use it for, aka learning for most kids will always be grunt work so you should tap into what they'd like to make the computer do and their natural curiousi

  • by arielCo ( 995647 ) on Sunday October 28, 2018 @08:32AM (#57548741)

    Besides the absurdity of including 5 year olds in a survey of computer hardware knowledge, how would you explain to them the basics, in a way that doesn't result in blank stares?

    It's a good exercise both in communication skills (shifting your point of view) and creating a top-down view of a complex body of knowledge. Often those heavily involved with a field can't abstract.

    • Or how would you draw it? I have taken low level hardware courses. If asked to draw the inside of a computer I would draw a rectangular box with squiggles inside.
      MY drawing skills are well below a grade 1 level, and I never took a course explaining how to draw any computer schematics.

    • Besides the absurdity of including 5 year olds in a survey of computer hardware knowledge, how would you explain to them the basics, in a way that doesn't result in blank stares?

      It's a good exercise both in communication skills (shifting your point of view) and creating a top-down view of a complex body of knowledge. Often those heavily involved with a field can't abstract.

      I suspect that teach is of the mindset that somehow every child is a genius, and that any child can be anything they want to be, if they only try hard enough. Probably spent too much time watching those annoying commercials where some little kid imparts great and profound knowledge to all the adults around them.

      When in reality, there is a whole spectrum of abilities and interests. And what was once amusing, where children would be asked questions, and give amusing answers - think "Candid Camera" or that s

  • by Qbertino ( 265505 ) <> on Sunday October 28, 2018 @08:54AM (#57548819)

    I don't know, but their knowlege looks just fine to me. That one drawing emphasises two fans - I presume you can hear and/or see them easyest - and just has simple connections between components, not even plus and minus, but let's be honest: Do *you* know how the north and southbridge play together? Or which faulty resistor makes your memory defunct and which one the USB? The last plan of a computer I saw was the C64 layout that came with the manual - and that was pretty much abstracted away too, containing only information that some tinkerer would need.

    That someone thinks a piece of cheese is inside a computer is obviously someone who won't be an engineer but probably a manager or a farmer or something. But children think like that - no big deal.

    Example: As a 4 year old kid I watched the Stan & Laurel piece where they take a rife and shoot at a house and at the same time it explodes because of some dynamite or something. That was the joke but as a 4 year old I didn't get it, couldn't connect the dots between one shot showing a burning fuse, them shooting and the house exploding. I went for a few years thinking that rifles have the power to blow up houses with one shot. Big deal. Children reason as good as they can, and if they learn the details behind things they correct their opinions. That's how reasoning works.

    Bottom line: Open up a computer and show them the insides. They'll learn pretty quickly all the stuff software people like us know. Maybe even more.

    • by Ol Olsoc ( 1175323 ) on Sunday October 28, 2018 @10:33AM (#57549129)

      I don't know, but their knowlege looks just fine to me.

      Yup - it is fine

      Example: As a 4 year old kid I watched the Stan & Laurel piece where they take a rife and shoot at a house and at the same time it explodes because of some dynamite or something. That was the joke but as a 4 year old I didn't get it, couldn't connect the dots between one shot showing a burning fuse, them shooting and the house exploding. I went for a few years thinking that rifles have the power to blow up houses with one shot.

      My own confession - when I was around 4 or so, I was chatting with my father about our car. That was in the days where you weren't constrained to a seat belt. I was standing on the seat beside him and he was showing me things like the spedometer and odometer, and gas guage. He told me that the further we travel, the lower the gas gets in the tank, and eventually it runs out.

      My logical but completely wrong mind jumped to the conclusion that driving the car forward removed gas from the tank, so driving in reverse should fill it.

      And yet now, I have great knowledge about internal combustion engines, the fuel that propels them, the various mechanical devices that trasmits the force they produce to the surface they are sitting on.

      Despite modern ideology, little kids are stupid. Cut them a break everyone. Live isn't an Xfinity commercial where an annoying little child teaches stupid adults about stuff. Big deal. Children reason as good as they can, and if they learn the details behind things they correct their opinions. That's how reasoning works.

      Bottom line: Open up a computer and show them the insides. They'll learn pretty quickly all the stuff software people like us know. Maybe even more.

      • My logical but completely wrong mind jumped to the conclusion that driving the car forward removed gas from the tank, so driving in reverse should fill it.

        How wrong can you be? If you were driving a nice electric car and instead changed some of the directions:
        Driving a car up a hill removed charge from the battery, so driving the car down the hill should replace it.

        Your brain came to a great conclusion given the limited information it possessed. I'm always fascinated by the things children say. Reminds me of a joke:
        Q: How do you put an elephant into a refrigerator?
        A: Open the fridge door and put the elephant in.

        • My logical but completely wrong mind jumped to the conclusion that driving the car forward removed gas from the tank, so driving in reverse should fill it.

          How wrong can you be? If you were driving a nice electric car and instead changed some of the directions:

          Driving a car up a hill removed charge from the battery, so driving the car down the hill should replace it.

          Your brain came to a great conclusion given the limited information it possessed. I'm always fascinated by the things children say. Reminds me of a joke: Q: How do you put an elephant into a refrigerator? A: Open the fridge door and put the elephant in.

          Ha! I guess I was just ahead of my time.

          But you are correct about the child's approach, and at times that is very valuble. Unencumbered by knowledge and not being afraid to be wrong, a simple yet obvious (to them) answer that we might not figure out because we know so much, and get stuck on the details.

          • The encumberment of knowledge only becomes an issue when combined with assumptions. Not knowing how something works is okay, knowing how something works is great, *thinking you know* how something works can have really dire consequences.

            It leads to classic overlooking. We're at work in the process of commissioning a large compressor at the moment. I have nothing to do with the project I just happen to stick my head in to hear an arguement about the control system saying that the substation is "not ready". T

      • My own confession - when I was around 4 or so, I was chatting with my father about our car. That was in the days where you weren't constrained to a seat belt. I was standing on the seat beside him and he was showing me things like the spedometer and odometer, and gas guage. He told me that the further we travel, the lower the gas gets in the tank, and eventually it runs out.

        My logical but completely wrong mind jumped to the conclusion that driving the car forward removed gas from the tank, so driving in reverse should fill it.

        When I was a kid, I thought the car somehow determined how hard it was raining and adjusted the speed of the windshield wipers automatically. Many kids today will think the same thing, except this time they'll be right.

    • I watched the Stan & Laurel piece...

      I'm not sure which film you're talking about, but I do know that it was a Laurel and Hardy movie: Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy. Just a minor nitpick, but I do like to see people get things like that right.
    • The last plan of a computer I saw was the C64 layout that came with the manual - and that was pretty much abstracted away too, containing only information that some tinkerer would need.

      I thought that the C64 came with full schematics? Certainly [at least some of] the Amigas did; my 500 did, and I think my 2000 did as well.

  • The world would be a tedious place if we had to do all out computational thinking ourselves; that's why we invented computers in the first place.

    No, we invented computers not to avoid the computational thinking, but to speed up computational repeat work, in particular the work of code breaking.
    Using computers to avoid thinking is a new use case.

    It's not so long ago that you had to be able to think and troubleshoot far more than the average person in order to use computers.

  • This is why we shouldn't be trying to teach everyone to code. We'll wind up with the homeopathy of programming.

  • Although some of the children had programmed in the visual programming language, none of them knew how the commands they wrote in Scratch would be executed in the hardware inside a computer.

    Okay, you software developers out there, how many of you understand every step of how your code gets converted to binary, then executed on the silicon, down how to make logic gates from transistors and how those transistors actually work?

    (Not that we need to, but I imagine some number of the nerdiest among us actually do.)

  • Yet, the new school curricula across the world have lost focus on hardware and how code executes on it.

    Please, describe the time and place where focusing on hardware and how code (I'm assuming assembly) executes on it, was taught in grade school?

    Given what's described, it sounds like the kids know more than what they need to know. Given how few people actually ever deal with how hardware executes code, versus more people who are going to need to code (in probably abstract and managed languages), this sounds like going in the right direction.

  • Most adults don't understand how tech works.

    The are *users* of technology and considered (sometimes) technically literate but most cellphone, tablet and PC users have no idea what goes on inside their device or how it communicates with the world.

  • All the different Spectre security holes is proof of this.
    A lot of people know how some parts work but nobody knows how everything works.

    But we don't need to know all that either. Depending on what you want to do, different abstractions and simplifications are good enough. Kind of knowing how a computer works is good enough for most programmers, and for others it's enough to know that the "f" on your mobile phone brings up Facebook.

  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Kids are dumb as hell, who cares what they think?

  • That 1990 video hurt me, and something inside died a little.

"The Mets were great in 'sixty eight, The Cards were fine in 'sixty nine, But the Cubs will be heavenly in nineteen and seventy." -- Ernie Banks
