Rich Kids Are Cheating in School With Apple Watches (theoutline.com) 252
An anonymous reader shares a report: There is, however, one demographic that has embraced the Apple Watch with open arms: tech-savvy, upper middle-class teens and tweens. The watch is a convenient workaround for classroom cell-phone bans; it can be used for everything from texting to cheating on tests. [...] Julia Rubin, a former middle-school teacher at a private school in New York City, said that when the Apple Watch first came out in 2014, a handful of students got them as presents for the holidays.
When Rubin asked her school's principal to ban the watches the same way the school banned cell phones, she refused. In addition to kids texting during class, there is growing concern that smart watches could be used to help kids cheat during exams. In fact, there is a wealth of YouTube videos showing teens how to do precisely that, usually with the disclaimer that they are only sharing this information "for entertainment purposes."
[...] Nikias Molina, 20, is a Spanish vlogger who runs the YouTube channel Apple World. A slender, dark-haired kid with braces and a slight European accent, Molina posted a 2018 video showing subscribers how to use various apps on the Apple Watch to cheat on exams. As he demonstrates in the video and explained to me, there are apps you can download onto the Apple Watch to save PDFs, but the most common method is to take a photo of a cheat sheet and pull it up on the Apple Watch, which doesn't require internet accessibility. The response to the video was mixed -- "students were thanking me [in the comments], and teachers were hating on me" -- but the video racked up more than 115,000 views.
When Rubin asked her school's principal to ban the watches the same way the school banned cell phones, she refused. In addition to kids texting during class, there is growing concern that smart watches could be used to help kids cheat during exams. In fact, there is a wealth of YouTube videos showing teens how to do precisely that, usually with the disclaimer that they are only sharing this information "for entertainment purposes."
[...] Nikias Molina, 20, is a Spanish vlogger who runs the YouTube channel Apple World. A slender, dark-haired kid with braces and a slight European accent, Molina posted a 2018 video showing subscribers how to use various apps on the Apple Watch to cheat on exams. As he demonstrates in the video and explained to me, there are apps you can download onto the Apple Watch to save PDFs, but the most common method is to take a photo of a cheat sheet and pull it up on the Apple Watch, which doesn't require internet accessibility. The response to the video was mixed -- "students were thanking me [in the comments], and teachers were hating on me" -- but the video racked up more than 115,000 views.
Don't understand (Score:5, Insightful)
What's the difference between pulling up a cheat sheet on your watch and having one stuck in your sock? I suppose you could keep more material on your watch, but as everyone who's ever written an open book test knows, more material is a curse, not a blessing.
If you see a kid fiddling with their smart watch during a test, fail them. Can't do that? THAT's your problem, not the watch.
I cheated on my metaphysics exam (Score:3, Funny)
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The difference is whether or not your parents can make a hefty donation to the school's endowment.
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The difference is, the difference between being a Theranos princess and well a prison sentence. Cheating in school, has real world consequences, just like dropping out, yeah, you will be shite at your chosen profession and likely end up with prison sentence ;/.
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Or rather, just copy the exam conditions in the UK. No watches, no devices at all other than the prescribed calculator, and from what I understand you must even be willing to show the memory of this... Also, clear pencil cases, clear water bottles.
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Because it's simple to write an app for the watch that doesn't require you to fiddle with it to cheat - which means the teach would have to be able to see all the kids watch faces (which is circumventable by having the accelerometer hide/unhide the ui with arm movement.)
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Have you ever invigilated an exam? You don't see kids fiddling with bits of paper. You see them suspiciously staring at something other than the middle distance, usually in the region of their crotches. The watch is even more suspicious.
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So to cheat effectively, you need something to stare at in the middle distance. I think a less conspicuous descendant of Google Glass may provide just that.
Re: Don't understand (Score:2)
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It's a way to call out "rich" kids and further class warfare.
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So since you cheated on your Spanish test, you are now much more likely to say, "Mi papa tiene 50 anos" when you meant to say, "Mi papá tiene 50 años"
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So since you cheated on your Spanish test, you are now much more likely to say, "Mi papa tiene 50 anos" when you meant to say, "Mi papá tiene 50 años"
I'm not likely to say either. Google will speak it for me after I speak the English version of the statement into my phone.
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Well, _that_ I would not call cheating. That is more keeping your synapses free of utterly useless and demented crap.
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If you cheat, you should be expelled. Period.
Considering even self reported polls show about 2/3 of students cheat in high-school, expulsion is a bit dramatic. And considering the chances of getting caught cheating are so low, any significant punishment creates more unfairness than the cheating itself. Cheating as a moral failing rates somewhere around going 10 miles over the speed limit on an interstate.
There are plenty of ways to reduce cheating; many of them mentioned in this article's comments. More significant punishment is usually the worst opti
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Or the teacher could simply say "no watches during tests" and make them take them off.
Like they finally did with graphics calculators. I used to program my graphics calculator with all the formulas and answers... but then I'd never actually need to use it to cheat during the test, because I'd remember the answers after programming them into my calculator.
With my kids now, they wipe the memory of the calculators before a test so they can't cheat... schools slowly learn.
Bad exam design ... (Score:5, Insightful)
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Re: Bad exam design ... (Score:2)
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Important to remember? Not really.
24 June 1812 – 14 December 1812, Russia, Napoleon?
Who and where might be a minimum to look up the date, but are the exact numbers as important as the realities of continuing to invade Russia in winter, or what lessons other "determined leaders" might learn from not being able to reassess your goals in changing circumstances?
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What were the events leading up to World War One, and why could a simple assassination of a heir to the throne start a world wide war?
Trust me, I'll know exactly whether you know anything about it or whether you wikipedia'd it from your answer. And yes, this is probably the only one, or maybe one of two, questions for a one hour exam. Because to explain this all you HAVE to know European history of the 19th century (and basically write a summary of it), and you better know it well.
Re:Bad exam design ... (Score:5, Interesting)
Except that teachers often are told that they can't assess like that, because students need a clear-cut answer. Because subjectively grading that might lead to bias, and it would be better to have a multiple choice test with well defined answers so that nobody can complain about unfair grading.
If we could let teachers be professionals and hold them to high standards, without parental or student interference, that would really help. Unfortunately, we don't pay most public school teachers enough to get great ones, and a lot of administrators (and teachers themselves) aren't interested in fighting asshole parents who often are looking for As for their kid and are seeking any way to manipulate the system to get them.
If your kid fails a multiple choice test, the best you can do is argue that the question was vague or the answer options were wrong. Both are fairly easy to counter-argue. If your kid fails a 1 hr essay on why the Maginot line was ineffective, you can attack that from all sorts of angles including bias on the part of the teacher, and them asking kids for something that doesn't have a well-defined answer. And parents (at least in the US) are insane enough that some will throw fits in the school or district office, and show up at school board meetings to shit on a teacher who didn't give their kid an A. And who will sue everyone even tangentially involved.
This leads schools to dissuade this sort of very good exam writing in favor of cut-and-dried shit that would easily stand up in court. Yet another fantastic knock-on effect of the US legal system!
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Are you a teacher?
If yes, please tell me which school district gives you a class size small enough that you can actually pull that shit off in a non-AP class.
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One outside the US, where teaching still happens.
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What kind of equations did you use in History? There are plenty of subjects where that kind of test just isn't possible. Even in sciences (gross anatomy comes to mind, had lots of memorization in that one).
Others have already pointed out there are much better ways to test knowledge of history than to ask what year Columbus sailed the ocean blue.
It isn't always just poor test design. Often it is poor curriculum design too. If your history test only tests an amount of knowledge you can fit on a cheat sheet, you are only asking for cramming of information (into either their brain or cheat sheet). If you really care that much about memorization, and this is actually important enough information to know long term,
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Like Rome, Greece, the Ottomans, Chinese dynasties and the Japanese feudal system?
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You think that the French Revolution led to a leftist government?
So it's true what I get to hear about the school system? Are we really fucked beyond repair?
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Erm, you throw around words you don't grasp.
Stalin was a fascist just like Hitler ... ooops, has nothing to do with communism.
The communists in Laos or Vietnam never committed any crimes, ooops, you did not know that?
The emperor of China were fascists, ooops, you did not know that? After the revolution the winner of the civil war picked "communism". Why? Because the armies from democratic countries like the french from Lao and Vietnam or the british from Parkistan or along the coasts looted and plundered th
Re:Bad exam design ... (Score:5, Interesting)
Take the Advanced Placement exams, from the college board. These are college level exams where you have all the knowledge in front of you, and you need to understand the application to get a high score. However, the test is ultimately measuring your ability to fill in the correct bubble so any rational person, if they can, is simply going to get a list of correct answer choices and fill them in. Yes, many tests have a written section so you must know something, but on many AP tests the written section is not the limiting factor.
if you are not interested in rank and file, but knowledge, then there are a number of innovated ways that one can ask questions in a computer based exam that both give an somewhat individualized test to each student and can be graded automatically. The student can be given all the content, and can even be allowed to 'cheat' to find other content, but the cheating is not free. I costs time and points as the students will not be able to complete as many questions as the student that is familiar with the subject.
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This is one of the reasons why there was a move towards coursework instead of exams back in the 90s. Measure performance over a longer period of time, factoring in things like the student's willingness to learn and fill in gaps in their knowledge when required. Also helps prevent transient problems like illness causing life-long disadvantage or a culture of re-sits.
The oft cited problem is that it's very easy to cheat on coursework, but there are ways to handle that.
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Re:Bad exam design ... (Score:5, Insightful)
In my current exams, I let the students use all lecture slides and their own notes and their own summary of the lecture. Does not have any impact on results, but the students learn more because they revise the material better this way. One student even commented in the eval that he expected the lecture summary he did to be quite useful in the future. We are in the information age, even if many teachers and lecturers have not realized that. Restricting access to information too much, giving too little time, etc. are just very bad ways to increase exam difficulty. They are easy to do though, so they are a favorite of intellectually lazy teachers.
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Seriously, if your test is about fact regurgitation that can easily be replaced by 5 seconds of google search, don't be surprised when people just do that.
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But that would require that teachers actually understand the subject. That is patently unfair and unreasonable!
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And how do you grade 150 of those and stay within budget?
In most Universities you use free labor from grad students, but that sort of cheat is not available to ordinary High Schools.
nothing new (Score:2)
I was in high school 30 years ago and I cheated during an exam by wearing a long-sleeve shirt and passing the wire of an ear bud in there. Then I listened to my home-made "audio book" of Canadian history on my crappy Candle portable cassette player.
I got real good at pressing the buttons quietly!
Trim but flunked (Score:2)
I tried to use a Fitbit to cheat, but having to move my legs gave it away.
Apple Watch != "rich" (Score:3, Insightful)
An Apple Watch may not be cheap, but having one hardly makes anyone rich. We really have a strange way of measuring wealth in this country.
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An Apple Watch may not be cheap, but having one hardly makes anyone rich.
Not being rich generally makes a person not have an Apple Watch, though -- because an Apple Watch is the kind of frivolous purchase people make only when they have extra money to burn.
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There's a world of difference between the definitions certain people use for "poor" in order to rag on the "rich" and the actual *poor* who can't afford food or clothing.
In the UK, what most people seem to define as "poor" seems to include a lot of people who have large screen TVs, decent smartphones, smoke a pack a day, drink to excess etc.
Which is why I take articles such as these with a huge dose of salt.
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An Apple Watch may not be cheap, but having one hardly makes anyone rich. We really have a strange way of measuring wealth in this country.
Is an Apple watch someone people buy on their own? I've never seen an Apple watch that wasn't paired with a top of the line smartphone.
You are testing wrong (Score:2)
Um... you can buy an Apple watch for $99 bucks (Score:2)
Then again maybe it's only the rich kids with connections that get away with it. There's not a teacher alive who doesn't spot every cheat device you can think of. Even the drunk ones (they just don't particularly care)
"hate" (Score:2)
"students were thanking me [in the comments], and teachers were hating on me"
You know, it is possible for someone to disagree with you without being a "hater".
"European" accent? (Score:5, Insightful)
Really? A "European" accent?
Can they mean "speaks Spanish like a Spaniard rather than a Mexican/Puerto Rican/American/etc," or "speaks English with a Spanish, rather than Mexican/etc accent."
Or perhaps it means they are unable to distinguish between the accents of the Spanish, Greeks, Italians, French, Germans, Poles, Finns, Swedes or British, let alone the regions thereof? (other European countries are available)
Whatever they mean, it adds nothing to the actual story and serves only to demonstrate the laziness and ignorance of this "journalist," and the ineptitude of the editorial oversight processes of this "publication."
Sorry, but this sort of thing really pisses me off - if copy like this came across my desk (OK, so it wouldn't actually, but you know what I mean), words would be had... probably starting with "bollocks."
You're assuming the purpose is journalism (Score:5, Insightful)
It's not. The purpose is to generate more page loads and thus more advertising revenue. So if inflammatory insinuations - like singling out kids who wear an Apple Watch, or speak with a "Europeant" accent - gets you all in a huff to where you click on TFA, then it's done its job. It's one of the reasons I'm not that critical of comments here from people who haven't read TFA. So many of articles are click-bait that I won't fault someone for using a too-stringent anti-click-bait filter and not reading TFA.
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Smaller class sizes (Score:2)
It's all too predictable that most comments are focusing on the "rich" versus "poor" debate, which completely sidesteps the real issue of the lack of quality education in American K-12 schools.
This is why smaller class sizes are important, not because smaller classes are easier to manage in the classroom, but because they enable instructors to actually devise and grade homework and tests that aren't easy to cheat. I see the comments that call for such tests, but fail to appreciate that in a high school env
The problem is the test (Score:2)
If your "test" can be beat by a kid wearing an Apple watch, then your test sucks and is just a waste of everyone's time. There are plenty of ways to assess student growth that can't be beat by an Apple watch (or answer sheet in your sock, or what ever)
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I taught chemistry and physics for 2 years in Dallas ISD while working on my masters. I made lots and lots of assessments, none of which could have been beaten by an Apple watch.
Cheating isn't new - solutions exist. (Score:4, Informative)
I was university back in the late 70s. Kids would program their calculators with the formulas. Teaching assistants would walk around and reset i.e. wipe the memory on everybody's calculator before the exam started. Most professors allowed students to bring a single 8 1/2 x 11 cheat sheet to the exams. The point of the exam wasn't to find out if you could memorize the formulas, it was to find out if you knew how to apply them.
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_Late_ 70s. I had a TI-59, they came out in 1977. The HP-41C came out about 2 years later.
Watches are banned at my university (Score:3)
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At the university I attend (US, top tier research, public school), [...] I was wondering why the heck watches were banned from the testing centers. I couldn't think of a way to cheat with regular watches.
Heh, how did you end up at a top-tier university?
Cheated with a TI84 Plus SE too (Score:2)
Ran 3rd part math and science during the SAT, ACT, and on every math and physics test.
If you know where to look, exam mode hacks abound. Doing this helped me bolster my math scores on my application to Penn. Sure some diversity applicant was denied, but who really cares anyway.
Non story.
Get off my lawn (Score:2)
Feh. When I took the PSAT, one of the proctors who knew I was the only kid in class with a calculator watch made sure to tell me to take the watch off in front of the whole class.
Since when is a 20 year old a 'kid'? (Score:2)
...and we wonder why they live at home until they're 30...
Re:Social Justice Warriors (Score:5, Insightful)
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Now the definition between "rich" and "poor" is based on a $349 device?
How to tell the difference between a "rich" kid and a "poor" kid:
A "rich" kid wears a $349 Apple Watch.
A "poor" kid wears a pair of $349 Nikes.
Re:Social Justice Warriors (Score:4, Funny)
A poor kid has his cheat sheet scotch-taped to the back of their Timex.
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A "poor" kid wears a pair of $349 Nikes.
If your kid paid $349 for Nikes he's not poor, he's incredibly dumb.
Posted while wearing a set of Nikes that cost 1/3rd of that.
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> A "rich" kid wears a $349 Apple Watch.
> A "poor" kid wears a pair of $349 Nikes.
I was poor when I was young. My parents had a saying
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that is incredibly racist.
you never mentioned race
Something isn't racist merely because it (possibly) has some correlation with race.
Misusing words like 'racist' makes fighting actual racism harder, not easier.
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We have the same stereotype where I live: poor, dumb, single-parent, welfare, expensive shoes and chunky gold necklace, drugs and crime.
Except I'm not in America, and there are few blacks, so that whole description here is about social class and not tied to race. Not like in most of the US, anyway.
It was a bit racist of the AC grandparent to make the connection, but I suppose it is hard to live where he is, without automatically associating class and race.
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It was a bit racist of the AC grandparent to make the connection, but I suppose it is hard to live where he is, without automatically associating class and race.
I'm a little confused and feel like I'm missing a joke (probably a racist one that I don't want to know), or some pop culture reference.
What exactly was it that was said that was racist? Is there some sort of stereotype that white people don't wear "sneakers". White people wear trainers too, always have, is this a new taboo? Is white people wearing "sneakers" considered cultural appropriation or something now. What the hell are white people supposed to wear when playing sports now if we're not supposed
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Came here for this. The title is certainly a little click bait with the inference that a several hundred dollar watch separates the rich from the poor. I am very wealthy and have a 120 dollar casio solar radio controlled watch, and I know many people who make much less than I do with the latest iDoodad. I waste my money on plenty of other things so as not to be critical of choices, but to conclude that you can evaluate the socioeconomic class of a person based on a watch they are wear is ridiculous. Now
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No reasonable person who is having trouble putting food on the table is buying a $349 watch. Some unreasonable poor people do stupid things, but that doesn't define the metric.
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In China to be rich you need two (2) apple watches for your dog.
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I'll go one further. "Rich kids" because they have an Apple Watch? Really? Now the definition between "rich" and "poor" is based on a $349 device?
Pretty much. I'm not rich or poor, comfortably middle, and there is no way I'd buy my kids a $349 device! I wouldn't buy one myself, most expensive "goods"I've probably ever purchased for myself besides car/house is a $200 used kayak (would have been $1500 new), and a $220 smart phone.
If you really think "$349" is "nothing" then you're rich, even if you don't know it. (or don't have kids so have plenty of disposable income)
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Duh! Forgot my computer of course which I put together for about $600... clearly more than the price of the watch.
Re: Social Justice Warriors (Score:4)
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Better yet, what about just not trying to control everything everyone does? Why should anyone care if someone cheats? What difference does it make?
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Better yet, what about just not trying to control everything everyone does? Why should anyone care if someone cheats? What difference does it make?
There are several reasons we care about cheating in school, and it has to do with why we give tests and grade them in the first place.
It mostly has to do with the fact that society is competitive and there is not enough to go around, so we want to give resources to the people who will do the best job with those resources. People who cheat can get the rewards that should have gone to a more talented and hard working non-cheater.
And secondly, society is harmed when people get into positions for which they are
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It mostly has to do with the fact that society is competitive and there is not enough to go around,
Learning is unlimited.
Society cares because no one wants a doctor that cheated his way through and does not actually know the content.
If a cheater could genuinely make it all the way through medical school without knowing the material, then your medical school system is a sham.
...engineers ... an assistant...etc.
I don't believe stories like this. If an employer can be fooled into hiring someone dumb, that employer needs to learn how to not be a fool. If an engineer can fool the other engineers over and over and over, enough times to build something that gets past them and then breaks, then honest mistakes will get past them too. Be better at your j
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Smart, talented, hard-working people succeed, regardless of whether someone else cheats
That's so astonishing ignorant of the real world it makes me embarrassed that I had replied to you.
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I guess I know a lot of successful people and I also knew people who cheated. The cheating didn’t prevent the success. If you think the two things are mutually exclusive, then yeah, it's hard to have a conversation about unreality.
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And yet you have no answer
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I'm not an authoritarian or a totalitarian, nor am I jealous of others' success, so I’m not in favor of ruining children's lives or otherwise harming people to maintain some vain illusion of control or exclusivity.
If a kid wants to cheat, why is that any of your business? Because you're on the hunt for people to victimize to bolster your ego? How is that a good thing?
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FCC won't even give prisons authority to operate signal blockers. Good luck ever getting it for schools. Next movie theaters would want it, then owners of snobby restaurants. FCC does not want to open that pandora's box.
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I learned that it's better to beg forgiveness than to ask for permission. Your Apple watch doesn't work? Gee, no idea why, but you can find out after the test. Here, I put a big one up in front of the class so you know how much time you have left, after all that's what you need it for, right?
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You might mean jammers, rather than blockers.
Re:Thats alright (Score:5, Funny)
Aluminum is nothing compared to Wifi waves and GMOs! Fortunately Himalayan salt candles and kombucha can mitigate the effects when used rectally.
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Have you ever been hit in the head with an aluminum baseball bat? Don't tell me aluminum isn't dangerous.
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Many times!
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Fortunately Himalayan salt candles and kombucha can mitigate the effects when used rectally.
I'm assuming that one is not to use any lube then as that would dissolve the salt candle.
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If you need lube then you haven't been properly irrigating your bowels.
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No communication devices, no computing devices. The exam must be your work.