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FAA Says Boeing 737 MAX Planes Are Still Airworthy ( 209

An anonymous reader quotes a report from CNBC: The Boeing 737 MAX, the type of plane involved in a deadly crash in Ethiopia over the weekend, is still airworthy and the Federal Aviation Administration plans to issue a notice to the international aviation community later Monday, a person familiar with the matter said. "The FAA continuously assesses and oversees the safety performance of U.S. commercial aircraft," the FAA said in a statement. "If we identify an issue that affects safety, the FAA will take immediate and appropriate action."

Aviation officials in China and Indonesia ordered domestic airlines to ground their fleets of the popular Boeing single-aisle planes after the deadly crash of one operated by Ethiopian Airlines on Sunday. The 149 passengers and eight crew members on board were killed when the plane crashed shortly after takeoff. The incident was the second deadly crash of the new Boeing planes in less than five months. A Lion Air Boeing 737 MAX 8 plunged into the Java Sea shortly after taking off from Jakarta in October, killing all 189 people on board.

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FAA Says Boeing 737 MAX Planes Are Still Airworthy

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  • by SuperKendall ( 25149 ) on Monday March 11, 2019 @06:02PM (#58257130)

    Southwest, and I think American have both said they don't think anything is fundamentally wrong with the plane. Possibly this is some kind of training issue.

    Given there have been no issues here, I don't think it's unreasonable for other carriers to keep flying them even while they figure out what happened.

    • by ceoyoyo ( 59147 ) on Monday March 11, 2019 @06:48PM (#58257420)

      The Indonesian flight seems to have been due to a training issue: Boeing elected not to include the required procedures for disabling a failing anti-stall system into the variant difference training course because they didn't want to confuse the average pilot.

      So hopefully all 737 max pilots have gotten the message now, and will respond quickly and appropriately when their aircraft exhibit a determined effort to dive into the ground.

      • What gets me is that even without any specific training, you can override the controls.

        The system controls the trim tabs on the elevators. When it detects a stall it adjusts trim, the trim moves the elevator, and that causes the nose to drop. However:

        1. Even with trim maxed out, pulling back on the yoke/stick will still bring the nose back up.

        2. Adjusting trim via the electronic controls will temporarily alleviate the problem, but the system will then again screw with your trim. This should be an immed

        • by crgrace ( 220738 )

          You seem to be misinformed:

          1. Even with trim maxed out, pulling back on the yoke/stick will still bring the nose back up.

          However, according to the New York Times:

          Older 737s had another way of addressing certain problems with the stabilizers: Pulling back on the yoke, or control column, one of which sits immediately in front of both the captain and the first officer, would cut off electronic control of the stabilizers, allowing the pilots to control them manually.

          That feature was disabled on the Max when M.C.A.S. was activated â" another change that pilots were unlikely to have been aware of. After the crash, Boeing told airlines that when M.C.A.S. is activated, as it appeared to have been on the Lion Air flight, pulling back on the control column will not stop so-called stabilizer runaway.

          Source: []

          • That's a pretty shit article, but it did correct one misconception I had, so thank you for that! I had figured the 737 would accomplish trim via tabs on the elevator, but after checking it looks like the entire horizontal stab is trimmable. Cool.

            Doesn't change things too much. I didn't say that pulling back on the yoke would override the trim; I said it would still bring the nose up. Trimmable stabs might be a bit more of a problem than elevator trim, but it would still be possible to maintain altitude.

            • I skimmed that article again, and also read a linked article, and they actually do explain what happened in a way that makes it all make sense. Here's a summary:

              The pilots on a previous flight of the same aircraft experienced the same problem, and they were able to cut off the automatic trim system and manually trim the aircraft.

              The pilots on the plane which crashed DID pull the nose up numerous times, but they - for whatever reason - never turned off automatic trim. Eventually, after repeated dives and r

              • The pilots on the plane which crashed DID pull the nose up numerous times, but they - for whatever reason - never turned off automatic trim.

                Because they expected that to happen automatically when they pulled the nose up, as it had done on previous versions of the aircraft.

                It's right there in the article that crgrace ( 220738 ) posted.

                So they pull the nose up, go "phew, that was close!" but the Mad Crazy Ass Suicide mechanism is still active and pitches forward again...

                • Because they expected that to happen automatically when they pulled the nose up, as it had done on previous versions of the aircraft.

                  Except it didn't. Go check the video I posted. That's from 2015. They manually turn off the automatic trim system. The camera even zooms in on the switches.

                  My understanding is that on older models pulling on the yoke temporarily disable the electrical trim system. It didn't completely shut it off. The difference between older 737s and the MAX, then, would be that the MAX would be somewhat harder to control until you actually flipped those switches, but on both versions of the 737 you still have to fol

          • Now we know where Gnome usability specialists go to when they fancy a change.

        • by ceoyoyo ( 59147 )

          There have been some discussions by actual Boeing 737 pilots. Yes, given time you might realize that the plane is screwing with your trim. But consider:

          1) You don't know that it can do that because Boeing elected not to tell you
          2) The autopilot is off
          3) You've just taken off, are low, and in one of the most dangerous phases of flight
          4) The cockpit is full of alarms that are telling you you're stalling, and other alarms telling you your angle of attack, air speed and stall warnings are unreliable
          5) You keep

          • 1) You don't know that it can do that because Boeing elected not to tell you

            That's a fair criticism of Boeing, but also not all that relevant. The symptom here would be the same as any other runaway trim situation, and would be dealt with the same way.

            2) The autopilot is off

            It would have to be; MCAS doesn't function with the autopilot on.

            3) You've just taken off, are low, and in one of the most dangerous phases of flight

            You can't be that low or early; MCAS also doesn't function with the flaps down.


            I could make some objections to these, but nothing of much consequence so I'll agree it's a shitty situation.

            Pilots in emergency situations are human. They rely on memorized safety procedures to follow in situations like that. Apparently "turn off the MCAS" is now one of those procedural items. It wasn't before.

            There is no "turn off the MCAS". There's a "turn off electrical trim system", wh

            • by ceoyoyo ( 59147 )

              There definitely seems to be more to it. The MAX series is apparently unstable at high angles of attack due to the change in placement of the engines, which is why the MCAS was added in the first place. Perhaps the system is able to produce a pitch excursion large enough to put the plane into the unstable regime.

              Anyway, the MAX has suddenly acquired a pretty bad safety record. It might be really bad luck, but probably not.

        • Everyone is soooo overthinking this.

          Maybe the pilot let a friend fly who reversed his Z axis settings.

          That's forced me to quit out, reset, and respawn many a time. /s

      • by amorsen ( 7485 )

        So hopefully all 737 max pilots have gotten the message now, and will respond quickly and appropriately when their aircraft exhibit a determined effort to dive into the ground.

        A better option would seem to be to fix the aircraft so that it does not exhibit a determined effort to dive into the ground.

        Modern aircraft are a UI disaster.

        • The aircraft aren't just diving towards the ground as a default behavior. The Lion Air 737 crashed because the angle of attack sensor was defective, giving bad information to the MCAS. As a result, the system thought that the aircraft was nose-up and about to stall when it was actually in level flight.

          The AOA sensor gave bad info in the penultimate flight, causing a runaway trim problem. However, the ground crew did not fix the AOA sensor, and did not tell the new flight crew about the AOA problem and runaw

          • by amorsen ( 7485 )

            It is ridiculous to have the safety of the aircraft depend on one single sensor with no clear indication of the state of that sensor. Especially if you then don't tell the crew about it because doing so would mean they would have to actually be trained on the aircraft they're flying, not on a somewhat similar model without the automatic trim system.

          • To split a hair, in this case, it did exactly that. As a default behavior on _this_ flight. Without notice, provocation or warning to its operators, the machine pointed its own nose to the ground. By default. That that new 'default' was caused by a system failure somewhere up the line, is immaterial. For the operators of that machine, that day, it on its own, by default, repeatedly pointed its own nose to the ground.
      • To be fair, the MCAS system that contributed to the Lion Air crash was receiving bad information from a defective angle of attack sensor that had been marked down for repair after the flight right before the fatal one. The ground maintenance crew did not service the AOA sensor, so the MCAS thought the plane was stalling, and then kept on pushing the nose down. The chances of another AOA sensor failing, and then triggering the MCAS system would be astronomically small, but also catastrophic for Boeing if tru

        • by ceoyoyo ( 59147 )

          Not so small if the sensor design is faulty. The sensor may not have actually been at fault, or maybe the Ethiopian crash was caused by something completely different. It would seem like a good idea to make the MCAS give a warning and disengage if the two AOA sensors don't agree though. And maybe cross check against some other flight data as a backup. Having the MCAS aware of the altitude and not initiate a dive when the plane was near the ground might be a good idea.

      • There were 2 experienced pilots. None of them having a clue how to fix such a dangerous situation is suspicious...
      • The Indonesian flight seems to have been due to a training issue: Boeing elected not to include the required procedures for disabling a failing anti-stall system into the variant difference training course because they didn't want to confuse the average pilot.

        So hopefully all 737 max pilots have gotten the message now, and will respond quickly and appropriately when their aircraft exhibit a determined effort to dive into the ground.

        Y'all have stock in Boeing?

        What flights are serviced by 737 max? I what to fly on an aircraft where the pilot must remember what button to push to bypass random attempts of the aircraft to kill everyone. Knowing the "training" problem has been fixed is very reassuring.

        Many expletives and ad homenim insults cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced during the production of this message.

        • Y'all

          It is bad enough when people pronounce that abomination, but why would you go on the internet and use it? Just to warn everybody you're from the South and might be horrible inside?

        • by ceoyoyo ( 59147 )

          Apparently sarcasm is too subtle for Slashdot. What part of "so hopefully all 737 max pilots have gotten the message now, and will respond quickly and appropriately when their aircraft exhibit a determined effort to dive into the ground" makes you think I have stock in Boeing?

      • No. The software is at fault. With proper training the poor pilots could have overridden or disabled the software, but it was a fault in the software that caused the plane to repeatedly point is nose to the ground. That software was designed by people, written by people, the system designed and built by people, and tested by people who either missed or ignored a fault that has now killed hundreds of people. Just to be patently clear, the answer to a design or implementation flaw is not better training to a
        • by ceoyoyo ( 59147 )

          when their aircraft exhibit a determined effort to dive into the ground

          Just in case you missed it.

          At least on on the Indonesian flight, it appears that a hardware sensor failed, causing the software system to act inappropriately and a backup manual override procedure wasn't part of the training course. There's lots of failure to go around, at the hardware, software, and training levels.

    • I, for one will opt out from this Boeing 737 version while they "figure out" what is wrong with the 737 Max.
      To quote Chesley Sullenberger: "If we only blame the pilots we will not have changed any of the underlying fundamental conditions. We'd not done our best to prevent this from happening again".

      -- This sig sagged

    • SuperKendall said

      Southwest, and I think American have both said they don't think anything is fundamentally wrong with the plane. Possibly this is some kind of training issue.

      Given there have been no issues here, I don't think it's unreasonable for other carriers to keep flying them even while they figure out what happened.

      Boeing must be embarrassed they sold the 737 Max as being so similar to the other 737s, pilots won't have to go back to school in order to fly it.

      Updating pilot manuals to handle a known hardware failure sounds like a good idea. Calling accidents that arise from said hardware failure 'pilot error' doesn't.

      News reports are pointing to an airflow sensor, called the "Angle of Attack" sensor as the possible problem. It's false readings (bad data) tricks the plane's computer into issuing

    • Southwest, and I think American have both said they don't think anything is fundamentally wrong with the plane.

      Well, they say the same about their service, so ...

  • by Anonymous Coward

    My faith in the government is such that I believe the FAA's statement has more to do with political donations than the aircraft in question.

    • by HiThere ( 15173 )

      IIUC, the investigation into the accident has barely started. So the only reasonable decisions would be on some variant of "the precautionary principle". If the FAA is making a decision now, then one needs to wonder just who or what their use of "the precautionary principle" is protecting.

      • from the FAA, right now, before the black box analysis, would be to say that:

          The Boeing 737 Max 8 is "probably, most of the time" still airworthy, as far as we know.

        [cynicism]But that doesn't keep the sales flowing in, so what's the harm in a little time-shifting of the truth? [end cynicism]
        • That would be the only statement they could make about literally every aircraft ever flown, except for the ones which are known to have been insanely dangerous.

          Their statement says the aircraft is still airworthy. That's an accurate statement. If an issue is identified which makes the aircraft unsafe to fly, THEN it will no longer be airworthy. What you're asking them to do is take an aircraft which went through years of certification flights and is being safely operated around the world, and tell everyo

          • by ceoyoyo ( 59147 )

            A crash rate of a bit over 1/350 / year isn't exactly great.

        • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • In fact! (Score:2, Flamebait)

    It is surely only common sense that having the crash-prone 737s weeded out of the fleet makes the remainder not just safe, but safer, on average. Science.
    • you just weeded out the ones that are prone to fail early.

      You're now flying in one that's statistically more prone to failing slightly later. And it's now slightly later.
  • by bosef1 ( 208943 ) on Monday March 11, 2019 @06:25PM (#58257266)

    Today, [company], the only one that manufactures [thing], says that in spite of [recent deaths / maulings / spontaneous combustions (strike unneeded)] attributed to [thing], [thing] is still suitable for general use, and the public should feel safe continuing to use [thing], preferably [in / at (strike unneeded)] a greater [quantity / rate (strike unneeded)] than before.

    In other news, experts are still baffled as reports of [missing / de-limbed / immolated (strike unneeded)] personnel continue to come in. The [chief of police / head zookeeper / fire marshal] (strike unneeded)] advises the citizenry to remain calm as the reports are investigated by [his / her (strike unneeded)] top people.

    • Re: (Score:2, Flamebait)

      by yodleboy ( 982200 )

      still safer to fly than drive a Tesla on autopilot. I'll trust Boeing's word over Elon's, thanks.

  • I get the impression that Boeing is insufficiently managed. Partly, there is a lack of sufficient social cohesion, in my experience. Sometimes Boeing people act robotically, in some ways, and that prevents the wisdom that comes from everyone supplying their best ideas.

    I've been exploring helping Boeing with its purchase of 80% of Embraer, a Brazilian aircraft manufacturer. There are huge cultural differences between the U.S. and Brazilian cultures. People with whom I work and I could help the management
  • by jd ( 1658 ) <imipak@yaho[ ]om ['o.c' in gap]> on Monday March 11, 2019 @06:37PM (#58257352) Homepage Journal

    They do nothing without clear and compelling evidence. And even then have been known to delay.

    There were cases in an earlier Boeing aircraft of metallic particles in hydraulic fluid causing crashes, but the FAA and NTSB held off on action because they couldn't prove that was the cause of the accidents in the lab.

    Turned out their lab tests were faulty.

    Once upon a time, they were too proactive, demanding changes without proper testing or evaluation. That also caused crashes, which is why they prefer to do nothing over doing too much.

    The second aircraft was in flames prior to the flight terminating abruptly on the ground. It has been suggested that overworked controls fighting with an overly aggressive antistall device may have caused that.

    Moreover, we must remember the 777. It suffered multiple near-disasters with battery packs in flames in the first few flights. This would suggest poor testing procedures.

    Conditions for both crashes are very, very different from those in America, so if it's an environmental factor that triggered the fault, the FAA are likely correct.

    If it's a design flaw triggered, as with the 777, by unusual system loads, then it could happen at any time.

    If the accident reports are indeterminate and crashes remain in one part of the world, it's environmental.

    Remember, unsafe designs don't explode on first use. The DC9 and original 737 were incredibly bad designs. But they only failed occasionally. Even the Comet completed more flights than not.

    • by chispito ( 1870390 ) on Monday March 11, 2019 @06:51PM (#58257436)

      Moreover, we must remember the 777. It suffered multiple near-disasters with battery packs in flames in the first few flights. This would suggest poor testing procedures.

      Your post is insightful, but I believe here you are thinking of the 787 [].

    • Probably not in this case. Right now, the likely culprit seems to be pilots being inadequately trained on the automated flight control systems. Airbus has had similar systems in their planes for decades (which can override pilot inputs, and require the pilots to turn them off if they decide it's malfunctioning). The FAA had no problem approving those, so this isn't a resistance to change on the part of the FAA.

      Boeing stuck to the "pilot should always be in control" philosophy, and is only now adding a
      • In the 1988 crash the automation saved lifes preventing the aircraft from stalling and falling down like a stone and killing all of the passengers instead of gliding on the top of the trees cushioning the impact.
        As for the reverse thrust and autospoiler thing, that is not an unusual problem. Even a a Tupolev once crashed that way. []
        If I remember correctly, it happened on a barely automated MD-80 once as well, and on a 757 too. Almost all airplanes have to detect that they are

    • by hcs_$reboot ( 1536101 ) on Monday March 11, 2019 @09:19PM (#58258108)
      The question you might ask is: what would do the FAA if the "problem" was affecting the Airbus fleet?
      • by Anonymous Coward
        They would be the first to ground them. Whether it is a technical or training issue the problem needs to be urgently resolved and they have grounded planes for far less.
      • The question you might ask is: what would do the FAA if the "problem" was affecting the Airbus fleet?

        No, the question is, What is the safest response for this model of aircraft, in this situation? And perhaps that is grounding and perhaps it is not. Otherwise you are implying you are satisfied as long as the FAA responds to potential Airbus incidents in an equally unsafe manner (again assuming inaction is less safe than grounding).

    • The second aircraft was in flames prior to the flight terminating abruptly on the ground. It has been suggested that overworked controls fighting with an overly aggressive antistall device may have caused that.

      "Overworking the controls" does not cause a fire! That's utterly absurd, no amount of "working the controls" will cause a fire, absent some other almost inconceivable design error.

      That's like asking a computer to "compute pi to the last digit", t

      • While I understand not everybody believes the eye witness reports of noise, smoke, and a trail of falling luggage, it does seem especially odd to me to believe just the smoke/fire part.

        Although in your comparison, if I tell my computer to do more math than it can finish quickly, it does indeed make some sproinging noises; it could use a new fan. It's normally quiet at regular speeds but it rattles and chirps over 3500 RPM.

        • Those things may well have happened, but they are certainly NOT the result of "overworking the controls".

      • You are incorrect.
        Source: multiple Star Trek Episodes.

    • Insightful thoughts. I might add this seems to represent a slight but significant difference in how we process risk. What you've summarized is that the standards and safety agency is willing to risk a certain level of issues/casualties/failures in the interest of keeping the much larger system running. Where we, largely uninterested in 'the system', have much lower tolerance for that risk if we believe it would directly affect us. I think its a little like the difference between the statements "Some peop
  • I think this decision is controversial because there is not enough evidence either way to say that grounding the fleet is right or wrong. China/Indonesia could be right, or the US could be right.

    If the FAA believes that the AOA sensor issue was properly addressed with clarified training, then this incident adds no information at present to change that status. If the plane went down because of the same issue, they have resolved the issue in their judgement.

    If though, something emerges from this inve
    • by Anonymous Coward

      Ask yourself this: if Airbus or Bombardier had the same problem, how fast would the FAA ban them? Would it be 2 hours or 20 minutes? Boeing is now a branch of the US government. Public marketing and rules bending, private profits.

      • I would assume the FAA, in the absence of clear evidence that there was an airworthyness issue with an Airbus aircraft, would let them fly just the same.

        I would also assume that the FAA wouldn't be making this decision anyway, but the EU analog of the FAA, EASA would. Airbus is in the EU, certify their aircraft under EU rules and Airbus operates under EU's oversight.

    • The "confuse pilots" is a natural results of what this system does when it's getting bad information from the AOA sensor.

      Where I understand why you want to mess with the control forces to avoid an inadvertent stall where the point is to provide force feedback to keep the aircraft within the normal flight envelope, it provides a subconscious feed back to the pilot that says, don't go there, you are puling to hard... When the sensor goes bad and the system starts providing feed back that doesn't make any se

  • by caseih ( 160668 ) on Monday March 11, 2019 @09:13PM (#58258082)

    Several eyewitnesses reported seeing flames before the plane crashed, but it's not clear whether those were coming from the engines or from somewhere else on the aircraft. It's possible that witnesses are mistaken about the flames before the crash. It could be that the excitement and trauma of seeing the crash happen, and the subsequent fireball, caused them to incorrectly remember seeing flames before the crash.

    According to the news article I read, however witnesses did say that the plane was pitching up and down and eventually nose-dived into the ground and caused a fireball. If it weren't for the reports of earlier fire, I could believe this was an MCAS problem and pilots were, perhaps in a panic, fighting the MCAS without remembering to disable the trim motors (there are switches right behind the trim wheels to deactivate the motors). You can bet that 737 MAX pilots from today on will keep those switches in the back of their minds. And Boeing will no doubt be making some changes if MCAS is implicated in any way.

    In the meantime, I think with heightened awareness on the part of pilots after these two tragedies, the MAX 8 is still safe to fly on.

    • Well, let see what the black boxes have to say before jumping into conclusion.
      • by caseih ( 160668 )

        Precisely my point.

      • by bobby ( 109046 )

        Yeah, but it's likely to take a year before they issue final analysis / report. Not sure I want them flying around until we know for sure. Might be good for FAA, Boeing, etc., to fast-track this analysis.

        • Most 1st World countries, airlines order it with the optional AOA indicator. So if the AOA sensor is faulty, there is a related indicator that will show what is wrong.

          The problems are if you don't have that option, and also don't know the new procedures for the AOA sensor.

          So it doesn't seem like an extreme mitigation is even useful from an FAA perspective; the version flying here isn't likely to confuse pilots in the same way. It is also less likely for planes to keep flying with a faulty sensor here; preci

        • The FAA is not the only party taking part in the investigation. 1) it happened abroad (not the US) 2) many nationalities have been affected. The FAA will have no way to tamper with the BB data (though I don't think they would do that if the crash was in the US anyway). And since many countries have been grounding these planes, the FAA (...) will be pushed into investigating in a quicker manner.
      • by Zemran ( 3101 )
        Yeah, fuck safety. No point in playing safe when there is a good profit to make.
    • I've watched enough Mayday episodes to know that for every crash that was witnessed there are always several people who report seeing flames and they are almost always wrong.

    • "I think with heightened awareness on the part of pilots after these N tragedies, the MAX 8 is still safe to fly on."

      Earlier N was 1. Now it is two.

  • They are totally safe when they do not fall out of the sky which only happens occasionally.

To be or not to be, that is the bottom line.
