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Earth EU Science

A Tectonic Plate May Have Peeled Apart - and That Could Shrink the Atlantic ( 31

pgmrdlm quotes National Geographic: For years, João Duarte has puzzled over a seemingly boring underwater expanse off the coast of Portugal. In 1969, this site spawned a massive earthquake that rattled the shore and sparked a tsunami. But you would never know why just from looking at the broad, featureless surface of the seabed. Duarte, a marine geologist from the Instituto Dom Luiz at the University of Lisbon, wanted to find out what was going on.

Now, 50 years after the event, he may finally have an answer: The bottom of the tectonic plate off Portugal's coast seems to be peeling away from its top. This action may be providing the necessary spark for one plate to start grinding beneath another in what's known as a subduction zone, according to computer simulations Duarte presented in April at the European Geosciences Union meeting.

If confirmed, the new work would be the first time an oceanic plate has been caught in the act of peeling—and it may mark one of the earliest stages of the Atlantic Ocean shrinking, sending Europe inching toward Canada as predicted by some models of tectonic activity.

"Duarte is not the first to propose these curious happenings off Portugal's coast," the article points out, "but it's the first time there are data to back it up."
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A Tectonic Plate May Have Peeled Apart - and That Could Shrink the Atlantic

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  • by mellon ( 7048 ) on Sunday May 12, 2019 @10:39AM (#58577774) Homepage

    Finally we can have a bridge to Europe, instead of all these pesky airplane flights! I'm really looking forward to this.

    Hm, of course, now all I have to do is survive for a few million years... Whee!

    • So that is how they are going to have the train setup between the USA and Europe once they stop air travel.
  • by Anonymous Coward

    And with global warming and sea level rise, these things will cancel each other out.

  • Fasten your seatbelt (Score:4, Interesting)

    by jfdavis668 ( 1414919 ) on Sunday May 12, 2019 @11:01AM (#58577846)
    The continental collision is going to be epic!
    • yes, something on the order of 250 million or so years from now, its expected all continents will merge as they were in past about 175 million years ago. the little details of what collides with what really aren't important.

  • A fault runs through NY City, Hindenburg VT, to Montreal giving us here little earthquakes now&then.

    Waiting for 'the big-one' to rip everything East into Atlantic,
    give VT the sea shore & Volcanoes we deserve! .. and succulent Lobsters,Crabs,fish .. fatten on all the unfortunate. []

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