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Facebook-Driven Area 51 Storming May Be Countered With Force, Says US Air Force ( 442

Fun and games on Facebook may have serious consequences for the foolish. That was the message delivered by the US Air Force, who have responded to a Facebook's group's efforts to have 450,000 people storm a top secret military base. From a report: Conspiracy theorists have always believed that Area 51 in Nevada holds information about extra-terrestrial activities on our planet, possibly including actual alien remains and aircraft. That belief spawned a Facebook group suggesting that a wave of humanity could overwhelm the defenses at the base and discover the truth. More than 400,000 people have joined a Facebook event page calling for storming Area 51, with many more indicating interest. The proposed event is scheduled for Sept. 20. "We will all meet up at the Area 51 Alien Center tourist attraction and coordinate our entry," the event description reads. "If we naruto run, we can move faster than their bullets. Lets see them aliens."
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Facebook-Driven Area 51 Storming May Be Countered With Force, Says US Air Force

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  • Ugh (Score:5, Interesting)

    by MrLogic17 ( 233498 ) on Monday July 15, 2019 @01:28PM (#58928934) Journal

    Obviously, this is a parody event, like shooting guns at a hurricane.

    The Air Force ought to play along for good PR. Maybe host a tour of a hanger with jets, and posters with "come shoot the UFO's with us, join today!"

    • Re: Ugh (Score:5, Funny)

      by Anonymous Coward on Monday July 15, 2019 @01:35PM (#58928990)

      Wait until all the crazies are in the building, lock the doors, and then the aliens can do experiments.

    • by presidenteloco ( 659168 ) on Monday July 15, 2019 @01:35PM (#58928996)
      Americans are obviously losing their last finger-clinging grip on reality.
      • Americans are obviously losing their last finger-clinging grip on reality.

        Well, they are on bookFace so their grip on reality is probably pretty tenuous at best.

      • Americans are obviously losing their last finger-clinging grip on reality.

        No, most of us are just fine and are wondering WTF medication the rest our fellow citizens stopped taking so we can force feed it to them.

    • Re:Ugh (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Jfetjunky ( 4359471 ) on Monday July 15, 2019 @01:39PM (#58929048)
      Sometimes you can exploit morons for good PR. Other times it better to show them the world shouldn't bend to their every harebrained whim.
    • The problem is the its perfectly possible that a mob of idiots who do take it seriously would turn up. If only one in a thousand are stupid enough, a mob of 300 could assemble.

    • Re:Ugh (Score:5, Funny)

      by lgw ( 121541 ) on Monday July 15, 2019 @01:45PM (#58929118) Journal

      The Air Force ought to play along for good PR. Maybe host a tour of a hanger with jets, and posters with "come shoot the UFO's with us, join today!"

      Even better: just post to that FB group saying "Thanks for letting us know your plans. We just finished moving all the aliens and spaceships to Zone B-13 (and you don't even know what state that's in). Have a nice day."

      • by Kludge ( 13653 )

        The Air Force should fill the buildings with large alien prostheses in giant glass jars, like in "Independence Day", then leave the site unmanned on the day the crowds invade.

      • Re:Ugh (Score:5, Funny)

        by Nidi62 ( 1525137 ) on Monday July 15, 2019 @02:32PM (#58929556)

        The Air Force ought to play along for good PR. Maybe host a tour of a hanger with jets, and posters with "come shoot the UFO's with us, join today!"

        Even better: just post to that FB group saying "Thanks for letting us know your plans. We just finished moving all the aliens and spaceships to Zone B-13 (and you don't even know what state that's in). Have a nice day."

        B. Second letter of the alphabet. Pennsylvania was the 2nd state to ratify the Constitution. 13. There is a military facility in Pennsylvania called New Cumberland Defense Depot. There are 13 letters in "New Cumberland". It's over 800 acres and supposedly houses the Administrative Support Center East and Defense Distribution Depot Susquehanna Pennsylvania. Those sound exactly like the innocuous sort of name you would use for a top secret facility. There's your Zone B-13.

        • by lgw ( 121541 )

          Shows what you know, that's actually where the budget for the Manhattan Sewer Authority is hidden.

          (Wow, that bit of government black budget lore seems to have been entirely scrubbed from the internet. Perhaps I've said too much already!)

      • FYI - It's Hanger 18 [] in Texas.
    • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

      by Revek ( 133289 )

      I think the free anal probes will be a hit.

    • Re:Ugh (Score:4, Insightful)

      by DaveV1.0 ( 203135 ) on Monday July 15, 2019 @02:21PM (#58929452) Journal
      It is a parody event right up to when people actually do it because they are morons. The whole "they can't shoot us all" mentality only takes a couple of hundred people. if 0,1% of those that signed up show up, that is 450 people who might just be stupid enough to try it.
    • Well ... if I were responsible for the base and there really was a large group of civilians wanting to get into it, I would first have some soldiers do a "flying saucer" with some aircraft scrap.

      Then I would carefully plant an "oh, we have a security hole no one knows about in the hangar that we have not used in years!!" (coincidentally, the same place where his soldiers are making the flying saucer), maybe even put some soldiers firing high (or using blanks) for an extra dose of realism.

      Finally, I wo
  • How can you state that you will counter with force an assault on a base you still claim doesn't exist? There are still plenty of people walking around who will call you a crazy conspiracy theory nut ball for suggesting Area 51 is real.

    • They have admitted its existence. They admitted it 2013. The entire area surrounding the base is an active bombing range. Trying to take it would be foolish. And to all the people who signed up on facebook, if some idiots do take this seriously you could find yourself on a 'no-fly' list.
      • by Mashiki ( 184564 )

        There's an entire generation of people that grew up not knowing running into a bombing range is a bad idea. Colour me shocked and all that.

      • by Shaitan ( 22585 )

        "The entire area surrounding the base is an active bombing range."

        I'm not saying there are little green men at area 51 but this is exactly what you'd say about the base where you hide little green men.

        Honestly though, they'd have to be crazy to still be hiding anything significant at Area 51, it has been too well known for too long. You'd shift focus to another base long before now and keep up the mystery around 51 so nobody looks for that other base.

        • by Nidi62 ( 1525137 )

          Honestly though, they'd have to be crazy to still be hiding anything significant at Area 51, it has been too well known for too long. You'd shift focus to another base long before now and keep up the mystery around 51 so nobody looks for that other base.

          According to the crazies on the latest "History" channel shows, the new location is Dugway Proving Ground, and is referred to in nutjob circles as "Area 52".

        • by EvilSS ( 557649 )

          "The entire area surrounding the base is an active bombing range."

          I'm not saying there are little green men at area 51 but this is exactly what you'd say about the base where you hide little green men.

          But it actually is an active range. We've been blowing that area up since the 1940's. It's home to the Nevada Test Site and Nellis Air Force Range. Area 51 is one of a number of facilities out there. There are also 5 other airfields and a bunch of other facilities inside the range. It's why they put it there.

      • by DrXym ( 126579 )
        Or a six foot under list.
    • by Nidi62 ( 1525137 ) on Monday July 15, 2019 @01:39PM (#58929050)

      How can you state that you will counter with force an assault on a base you still claim doesn't exist?

      From Wikipedia:

      The CIA publicly acknowledged the existence of the base for the first time on 25 June 2013, following a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request filed in 2005, and they declassified documents detailing the history and purpose of Area 51.

      Realistically, it was used to test secret programs like the U-2. Most UFO sightings around there from the 50-60s can probably be attributed to captured or otherwise acquired foreign aircraft such as the MiG-15, which was often unpainted.

      • by Shaitan ( 22585 )

        +1 Informative

        I hadn't gotten the update. All my ancient aliens info really comes from the 90's. As much as it makes me groan I'll have to refresh.

    • by PCM2 ( 4486 )

      According to Air Force spokesperson Laura McAndrews:

      [Area 51] is an open training range for the U.S. Air Force, and we would discourage anyone from trying to come into the area where we train American armed forces,” McAndrews said. “The U.S. Air Force always stands ready to protect America and its assets.

      (via the Washington Post)

    • They do not claim Area 51 does not exist. Its not its official name, and they certainly do not admit to keeping aliens or flying saucers there.

    • Area 51's existence was declassified in 2013.

      That said, people do stuff like that all the time. If it were still classified, the warning would go something like "While there is no Area 51, if there were, it, like all other USAF facilities..."

    • The area all around the base is still restricted and has signs saying that deadly force will be used. One can't even see the base from the edge of the restricted area.
  • by Red_Forman ( 5546482 ) on Monday July 15, 2019 @01:31PM (#58928962)

    A lot of dumbasses died yesterday.

  • Desert (Score:5, Funny)

    by Voice of satan ( 1553177 ) on Monday July 15, 2019 @01:35PM (#58928988)

    No matter how many morons you could mobilize, the desert is the same for everyone. Numbers wouldn't help much in that case. Plus an army could mobilize thousands of people too should that stupid challenge go past the tongue in cheek stage. That would be funny if they really tried.

    • Tragic idiots (Score:4, Insightful)

      by sjbe ( 173966 ) on Monday July 15, 2019 @01:44PM (#58929106)

      Plus an army could mobilize thousands of people too should that stupid challenge go past the tongue in cheek stage.

      The army wouldn't have to. A few AC-130 gunships [] would take care of the problem in remarkably short order. Our extremely well funded military has toys that can wipe out entire population centers in extremely short order. Group of unarmed and unprotected civilians running in the desert would be child's play. Not to mention the ring leaders would be arrested LONG before they ever got anywhere near the property they intend to storm.

      That would be funny if they really tried.

      Funny? No it definitely would not be funny. It would be tragic and a lot of people might die for no good reason. The good news is that it's a virtual certainty that very few people will actually show up for this nonsense.

      • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

        by Anonymous Coward

        Pretty sure the PR of killing tens of thousands of American citizens is something the government would like to avoid. Not sure the military would like the fallout from a mass slaughter.

      • if only 0.1% show up, it will 450 people. That is a group large enough for people to think they can get away with it.
      • "It would be tragic and a lot of people might die for no good reason."

        Darwin is ALWAYS a good reason.

    • They don't need an army of thousands to defend the base. I'm guessing there's at most a half-dozen roads leading to it. Just block those and you're pretty much done. Sure, a bunch of people could march through miles of desert, but when 90% of them are just there for likes, most of them are going to turn around fast when they realize how hot and far it is, and how much hiking through sand sucks.

      This is an air force base. They've likely got close air support in addition to ground forces. And as an active USAF

  • ...I'll sneak into Warehouse 13.

  • "may be" in military lingo translates to "won't be, but we want you to be scared"

  • If we naruto run, we can move faster than their bullets. Lets see them aliens.

    If someone actually believes in and acts on this lunacy then they richly deserve the Darwin Award they are about to receive. They clearly do not understand how lethal modern weapons are or this is the cruelest troll of all time. If all it took was large groups running at their target in large groups, don't you think the military would try that in actual combat? No they do not move faster than bullets nor will large numbers protect them. Even if they somehow manage to not get shot immediately they still

    • It would be NOTHING for the US Army to wipe out 400,000 people gathered in a small area when they know they are coming

      It would be an absolute PR nightmare for decades to come.

      Fortunately, the area, including its surroundings is not anywhere near 'small', and it's in the middle of a mostly empty desert. A typical plan of action, like gathering everybody in a nearby meeting point and then travelling all together is easily thwarted by blocking a couple of roads.

      • by Nidi62 ( 1525137 )

        It would be NOTHING for the US Army to wipe out 400,000 people gathered in a small area when they know they are coming

        It would be an absolute PR nightmare for decades to come.

        It's a test range. There's bound to be unexploded ordnance laying around. Easy to claim that the "protestors" stumbled across some.

        • by jythie ( 914043 )
          For that matter, one probably doesn't need to do anything.. there probably is enough unexploded ordnance that such a large group is bound to trip over something then panic.
        • It would take a Nuclear UXO to take out 400000 people though. Maybe the airforce forgot a mid 50s 20 MT device in the desert.

      • It would be an absolute PR nightmare for decades to come.

        No argument. The point is that their argument that they can swamp the US military's capacity to deal out death is incredibly not correct. I'm not worried it will actually come to that. Worst case they would make an example of a few of the them and the rest would scatter because they know it isn't really a cause worth dying for.

        Fortunately, the area, including its surroundings is not anywhere near 'small', and it's in the middle of a mostly empty desert. A typical plan of action, like gathering everybody in a nearby meeting point and then travelling all together is easily thwarted by blocking a couple of roads.

        It wouldn't even get that far. The police would descend on the gathering spots and stop the whole mess before it ever began.

    • Of course a few machineguns could quickly make the mob think twice, but in practice opening up on your own citizens is a terrible idea. Chinese will never live it down and look at what happened to Russian tsars. If a mob does show up and police crowd control is not enough its better to just let them waltz in and have a look around. You can later jail them one by one
      • Of course a few machineguns could quickly make the mob think twice, but in practice opening up on your own citizens is a terrible idea.

        You do recall this is the US right? Our police routinely shoot about 1000 people [] dead every year with almost no consequences of any kind. We have over 30,000 deaths by firearm in the US every single year, with about 1/3 of those being homicides of some description. You think a few idiots getting themselves killed doing something obviously stupid in the desert is going to really make people start caring? Hell we have people who would probably celebrate it.

        • by mark-t ( 151149 )

          The difference between what you cite and this situation is that this is not something that is spread out over an entire country, and over a period of 12 months, but a single event.

          If you don't think that makes a difference, consider the impact that people dying at a single event had on the American collective consciousness when just 2,000 people died at one time had on September 11, 2001.

    • by rikkards ( 98006 )

      Before that the 10 mile hike through 110*F desert will remove a lot of them.

    • I don't know, this was basically the Omaha Beach tactic. Have more people running in then they have bullets.

      But I imagine these people are in a bit less shape than your average WWII combat soldier storming the beach. Most wouldn't make it the first mile.

    • This is like Bolshevism. Bolsheviks think that, if you take 100000 dumb people together they will make 1 clever person. Wrong.

  • About the only thing they will get to see up close is the sand and scrub next to their noses as the MP has a knee in their back putting on the cuffs, followed by the inside of the paddy wagon on their way to jail followed by a chance see the judge.

    There are better ways to get a cool story to tell your grandchildren, assuming you survive the sand and heat, don't get shot... Besides, there is no alien technology or bodies to see anywhere, including Area 51. You will be storming a military flight test cente

  • by andydread ( 758754 ) on Monday July 15, 2019 @01:42PM (#58929082)
    This is simply just another one of Putin's dangerous games. Amplification of fringe shit and steer it in to trouble such as this.
  • I'm having trouble picturing a scenario that doesn't result in a rich deposit of meme material.
  • by PPH ( 736903 ) on Monday July 15, 2019 @01:48PM (#58929156)

    You might be able to run faster than bullets. But you will be going up against alien faster than c plasma weapons. Did you think the Air Force just stashed those flying saucers in warehouses without reverse engineering their technology?

  • Bunch of loonies and armed trained soldiers? What could possibly go wrong?

    Loss of loony life? Sounds like a win to me.

    Area 51 stormers: Please bring your coffin with you.

  • by pgmrdlm ( 1642279 ) on Monday July 15, 2019 @01:55PM (#58929216) Journal
    And let them die from eat exhaustion . Dig a big hole, bull dose the bodies into it. Put a sign of all religious symbols over it that reads. "Here lies a bunch of idiots".
  • by mpercy ( 1085347 ) on Monday July 15, 2019 @01:58PM (#58929240)

    A few helicopters hovering over the crowd is probably enough to disperse them with non-lethal force. The downdraft and sandblasting that would occur is really unpleasant.

    • A few helicopters hovering over the crowd is probably enough to disperse them with non-lethal force. The downdraft and sandblasting that would occur is really unpleasant.

      I was going to say, the US military has been paying for the development of all sorts of non-lethal weaponry. Water cannons probably aren't too feasible that far out in the desert, but September 20th sounds like a fine time to test some of the other devices, like the sound wave projector.

      Helicopters work too, if the sound device doesn't dissuade them.

    • A few helicopters hovering over the crowd is probably enough to disperse them with non-lethal force.

      US Air Force officers and grunts seen at Sam's Club hauling away cases and cases of XXXL family size, king size and Holy Roman Empire tear gas.

  • road block? (Score:4, Informative)

    by Dallas May ( 4891515 ) on Monday July 15, 2019 @02:02PM (#58929280)

    "What? You put up a road block here? We are five miles from the site! We can't be expected to walk that far. Aw man!"

    Sept. 20. Plan to mass raid Area 51 foiled by simple concrete barricade and two guys in a Humvee.

    • "What? You put up a road block here? We are five miles from the site! We can't be expected to walk that far. Aw man!"

      "I called an Uber, but the driver refused to drive through sand to get around the barricade."

  • I visit Area 15; it's where the dyslexic aliens go. And there's less of a crowd.

  • by SuperKendall ( 25149 ) on Monday July 15, 2019 @02:04PM (#58929300)

    I am pretty sure this event needs to be re-titled the Live-Fyre festival.

    • Actually, calling it the Burning Man Festival would do just fine. If the sun and desert does not do it, the napalm will.

  • by jfdavis668 ( 1414919 ) on Monday July 15, 2019 @02:17PM (#58929408)
    Trenches, barbed wire and machine guns are pretty good at stopping human wave assaults.
  • by Chris Mattern ( 191822 ) on Monday July 15, 2019 @02:17PM (#58929412)

    "If we naruto run, we can move faster than their bullets." Some native forces believed that sort of thing back in the nineteenth century. It didn't end well for them.

  • September is long enough away to move all the flying saucers to a new location. Heck, leave one weather balloon in the middle of a large airplane hanger just as a joke.

  • by bobbied ( 2522392 ) on Monday July 15, 2019 @02:52PM (#58929730)

    The folks storming Area 51 can vote...

    Suddenly a whole lot of stuff doesn't seem so crazy...

  • by WaffleMonster ( 969671 ) on Monday July 15, 2019 @03:05PM (#58929810)

    The secret to gaining access to groom like facility is when challenged for clearance at the guard post show the guard an alien draped in a parachute and say "get the hell out of the way". They'll let you right in.

  • next up (Score:4, Funny)

    by renegade600 ( 204461 ) on Monday July 15, 2019 @05:30PM (#58930678)

    guess next there will soon be a petition to overrun Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Station in order to see the Stargate.

If Machiavelli were a hacker, he'd have worked for the CSSG. -- Phil Lapsley
