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United States Government Politics

Trump Impeachment Inquiry Opens as Call Transcript Is Released (nytimes.com) 704

The White House released a transcript that showed President Trump urged Ukraine's leader to contact Attorney General William Barr about opening an inquiry tied to Joseph R. Biden Jr. Two intelligence officials referred Mr. Trump's activity to the Justice Dept. for a possible criminal inquiry. It declined to open one. The New York Times: President Trump released the transcript on Wednesday of a July 25 call he had with Volodymyr Zelensky, the president of Ukraine, in which he encouraged his Ukrainian counterpart to contact Attorney General William P. Barr about investigating a political rival. Mr. Trump has defiantly denied saying anything inappropriate on the call, but the transcript shows he clearly referred by name to former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., a leading 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, and encouraged Mr. Zelensky to reach out to Mr. Barr. Before the release, he declared on Twitter that Democrats had fallen into his trap, and that the release of the transcript would exonerate him -- and make them look foolish.

The transcript's release and content ensured a day of intense scrutiny. Representative Jerrold Nadler of New York, the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, marveled that the attorney general has now been pulled in. Republicans stuck to their position that Mr. Trump did not offer Mr. Zelensky any inducements nor did he threaten him, so his demand for a Biden inquiry was not improper. "From a quid pro quo aspect, there's nothing there," said Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina. The release did not go far enough for many Democrats, who have demanded to see the full complaint about Mr. Trump's actions lodged by a whistle-blower, which has not been shared with Congress.
On Tuesday, Nancy Pelosi announced formal Trump impeachment inquiry. From a report: "Today, I'm announcing the House of Representatives is moving forward with an official impeachment inquiry. I'm directing our 6 committees to proceed with their investigations under that umbrella ... The president must be held accountable," she said.
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Trump Impeachment Inquiry Opens as Call Transcript Is Released

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  • by courteaudotbiz ( 1191083 ) on Wednesday September 25, 2019 @11:27AM (#59234148) Homepage
    *Takes popcorn*
    • by MightyMartian ( 840721 ) on Wednesday September 25, 2019 @11:34AM (#59234180) Journal

      I'm Canadian as well. Apart from anything, it tells me the USMCA is dead in the water, and NAFTA stands. Congress will now be eaten up for a few months with further investigations. Pretty good deal for us folks north of the border.

      • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

        As an American, I don't consider these 4 years of (basically) a stalemate to be the worst thing in the world. Yes he's an embarassment, but most of the time when government is "getting things done" it means money is disappearing, rights are disappearing, government is growing, regulations are becoming ever more onerous, and these are changes that are for all practical purposes irreversible.

        • by DigitalisAkujin ( 846133 ) on Wednesday September 25, 2019 @12:06PM (#59234398) Homepage

          Yea but have you seen the exploding deficit? Party of fiscal conservatism my ass

          • Re:I am Canadian... (Score:5, Interesting)

            by gtall ( 79522 ) on Wednesday September 25, 2019 @12:35PM (#59234632)

            Now, now. They promised that the Tax Cut would pay for itself. I guess "pay for itself" has been redefined to "blow up the deficit". So in effect it is paying for itself, the U.S. must cover that increased debt. What happens when the interest on the debt really starts crowding out the budget? Republicans will turn around and claim entitlements must be cut, there goes SS and Medicare. The Democrats will whine about their new spending plans being unaffordable. The rich will quietly offshore their holdings.

          • Yea but have you seen the exploding deficit? Party of fiscal conservatism my ass

            Indeed. Trump isn't a true Republican by any means (which is why most republicans hated him as much as the democrats do when he first came on the scene). Trump himself has wavered between supporting the two parties throughout his life. He only became a Republican when Obama became president.

            • Re:I am Canadian... (Score:5, Interesting)

              by mobby_6kl ( 668092 ) on Wednesday September 25, 2019 @05:25PM (#59236396)

              No true Republican.

              No, they're all complicit, the party has no principles, agenda, integrity or vision other than perhaps "fuck you, more money for me". You can literally watch any of them flip their position 180 degrees the moment it's concerning their guy. War is good, unless it's Hillary, she's a war hawk. North Korea is part of Axis of Evil unless Kim compliments Trump's big nuclear missile. Obama's employment numbers? Fake. Deficit is a disaster. Trump's job numbers are obviously the best numbers ever seen, and why do you care about deficit?!?

        • by spongman ( 182339 ) on Wednesday September 25, 2019 @12:19PM (#59234486)

          Weâ(TM)re you asleep during the whole hypocritical bullshit that was âoeausterityâ a decade ago when the republicans tried to tell us that they cared about the federal budget. Fucking joke. All they want is to take money away from programs that actually help the American people and the economy, and put it in the pockets of their rich friends. Fiscal conservatism is a fucking joke told to idiot randroids to convince them to vote against their own interests.

        • Re:I am Canadian... (Score:5, Interesting)

          by Altus ( 1034 ) on Wednesday September 25, 2019 @12:20PM (#59234498) Homepage

          Its not a stalemate... if nothing else the huge number of federal judges being appointed will shape America for years... now you may think that doesn't effect you but even if we get someone who, say, cares about the climate, into office so the US can actually join a coalition of countries trying to prevent catastrophic climate change those judges will be the ones presiding over lawsuits designed to delay or end any attempt we make to change literally anything about our power consumption, our economy, you name it... even what lightbulbs need to be power efficient will be challenged in some court.

          Its bad for the world unless you are a billionaire and don't have any kids.

        • Re:I am Canadian... (Score:4, Interesting)

          by spun ( 1352 ) <loverevolutionary AT yahoo DOT com> on Wednesday September 25, 2019 @12:25PM (#59234548) Journal

          Money is disappearing directly into Trump's pockets. Emoluments clause be damned. Government is growing, in very bad ways, for example, Trump is using the EPA to punish the entire state of California for, get this, wanting stricter emissions standards. Regulations are becoming more onerous. Trump is digging up making it harder for legal asylum seekers to, you know, seek asylum. Are these changes reversible? Not if we get another four years of Trump.

          Basically, Trump is trying to prove that government can do no good, only bad, by stopping the government from doing anything good and forcing it to just fuck shit up.

          • Re:I am Canadian... (Score:5, Interesting)

            by gtall ( 79522 ) on Wednesday September 25, 2019 @12:37PM (#59234660)

            Republicans have been screwing up government for years just to claim it doesn't work. Wait until Ma and Pa Kettle don't get their full SS and Medicare, they'll be bleating about "how could this happen while we were asleep at the wheel".

    • by sinij ( 911942 )

      *Puts on blackface*

      I am not at all surprised.

  • News for nerds? (Score:2, Insightful)

    by kackle ( 910159 )
    I can read about politics anywhere.
  • by FictionPimp ( 712802 ) on Wednesday September 25, 2019 @11:34AM (#59234196) Homepage


    If Muller had a poor and incompetent performance, doesn't that mean that he came to the wrong conclusion, which would be that Trump should be charged? If someone basically handed me a 'no you didn't do enough to break the law' document, I wouldn't be calling him incompetent, I would be thanking him.

    • The current impeachment inquiry isn't centered on the Mueller report.
    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      by meta-monkey ( 321000 )

      If Muller had a poor and incompetent performance, doesn't that mean that he came to the wrong conclusion, which would be that Trump should be charged?

      I think from Trump's point of view it's more like:

      1) If Mueller were competent, he would have immediately seen it was baseless and wrapped up much more quickly.

      2) He would have investigated the origin of the Steele Dossier to see whether or not the info Hillary and DNC bought through Steele from Russian intelligence was part of the Russian efforts to interfere in the election.

      3) He wouldn't have issued the confusing report and public statements, with meaningless words like "does not exonerate," when there i

      • by Actually, I do RTFA ( 1058596 ) on Wednesday September 25, 2019 @02:33PM (#59235430)

        Trump's point of view with regard to Mueller, like most of his views, is wrong.

        1) Mueller found both smoke and fire, so it wasn't baseless.

        2) The Steele Dossier was irrelevant. Maybe if Hillary was president it would matter (although I don't really pay attention enough to know what's there) but losers don't matter.

        3) The only reason anyone is confused by the report is because they want to be. It's very clearly stated that Trump committed many individual acts of obstruction of justice (I forget was it 10 or 14) any one of which would be prosecutable if he wasn't president.

  • by Tempest_2084 ( 605915 ) on Wednesday September 25, 2019 @11:40AM (#59234224)
    Yeah yeah I know it's "stuff that matters" and all that, but for the love of god is there anywhere I can go and NOT have to deal with politics being thrown in my face 24/7? If I want to read political stuff I'll go to a regular news site, not a tech site. This crap has even invaded several of the sites I visit for my hobby, it's like people MUST discuss it whenever and wherever they can, even if it's totally off topic for the site.
  • by Nidi62 ( 1525137 ) on Wednesday September 25, 2019 @11:43AM (#59234236)

    Elect a bad businessman president, don't be surprised when he tries to run the country like a bad business. He puts unqualified family members in positions of authority, prioritizes loyalty to himself, prefers yes-men as subordinates, and tries to make back room deals. You don't get as wealthy as Trump (claims to be) without breaking a few laws and ignoring a lot of ethics and it's worked for him so far so why would he stop now? And unfortunately a not insignificant number (but not a majority, much to his chagrin) of Americans support him.

  • Not a transcript! (Score:5, Informative)

    by Trulak ( 1971012 ) on Wednesday September 25, 2019 @11:48AM (#59234274)
    Tired of everyone calling it that. It's a memo, a reconstruction. It is NOT a transcript. It is based on the notes and memories of people that witnessed the call. To call it a transcript is a lie.
    • Re:Not a transcript! (Score:4, Interesting)

      by stabiesoft ( 733417 ) on Wednesday September 25, 2019 @12:05PM (#59234394) Homepage
      Not exactly. It looks more like what a court reporter does, and could have errors. It is not from a recording that can be rewound if the note taker can't keep up. What is clear is the Ukraine prez was lapping it up on trump. Note the mentions of "your plane is better than my plane", and the obvious mention of "I stayed at Trump Tower". Cough emolument Cough. Trump sounds like a mob boss that knows he is being recorded.
  • by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Wednesday September 25, 2019 @12:04PM (#59234388)
    this does not mean he will be removed from Office. America has two branches of Congress, the House and the Senate. The House votes to impeach and the Senate votes to remove. The Senate is held by the Republican party. Donald Trump is overwhelmingly popular with his party. Voting to remove him would be political suicide. And the Senate leader, Mitch McConnell, is famous for arm twisting behind the scenes.

    So why Impeach? A few reasons:

    1. Rule of law. Donald Trump has violated law in two verified ways (he obstructed justice in the Mueller probe and this latest incident he solicited a thing of value from a foreign power in exchange for aid, i.e. a bribe). And that's before we talk about all the emoluments clause violations.

    2. Tie him up politically in non stop investigations. This is what was done to Bill Clinton, and it's a big part of why he didn't take action on healthcare in the 90s.

    3. If the establishment Democrats (Pelosi, Schumer, etc) ignore this Trump is likely to go after them next using the same tactic, making this a bridge too far.

    Note that scoring political points is _not_ a reason to impeach. Polls show impeachment is unpopular. Yes, 40% of the country wants him removed from office for the aforementioned crimes. But 55% do not and 5% are ambivalent.

    This will also energize his base. The establishment Dems would like to run a "safe" candidate like Joe Biden, Pete Buttigieg or Kamala Harris in 2020. The kind that won't excite Democratic voters but might turn a few moderates. Impeachment makes that a very difficult proposition. This will increase Trump's voter turn out.

    The Dems will have to respond by also increasing voter turn out. But it's hard to get folks out for milktoast candidates who run on nothing more than a "return to normalcy". If people were OK with "normalcy" we'd be saying Madam President right now.
    • Several good points made here, some I have a problem with though.

      Central to all of it is fear. Democractic supporters aren't in favor of impeachment proceedings because they're afraid that process will get Trump re-elected. Democratic voters are afraid of certain candidates because they fear a progressive will alienate enough people to get Trump re-elected. The fears are somewhat rational, but we need a reminder that one of the key reasons the 2016 general election went the way it did is because of a low

  • let me guess (Score:5, Interesting)

    by argStyopa ( 232550 ) on Wednesday September 25, 2019 @12:26PM (#59234556) Journal

    People that are pro-Trump will insist this exonerates him.
    People that are anti-Trump will insist this proves his guilt.

    Does that about sum it up? Can we avoid the next 1200 angry posts and get back to tech news now?

  • by TFlan91 ( 2615727 ) on Wednesday September 25, 2019 @12:33PM (#59234606)

    The President: ... The other thing, There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if youcan look into it ... It sounds horrible to me.

    https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-... [whitehouse.gov]

    The entire call Trump continually goes back to the Biden thing, telling President Zelenskyy multiple times that:
    "I will ask him to call you along with the Attorney General. ... If you could speak to him that would be great. "
    "I will have Mr.Giuliani give you a call and I am also going to have Attorney General Barr call and we will get to the bottom of it."
    "I will tell Rudy and Attorney General Barr to call."

    Regardless of your political party, you cannot deny what Trump did on that phone call.

  • by GregMmm ( 5115215 ) on Wednesday September 25, 2019 @01:05PM (#59234868)

    Let follow how impeachment in the US goes:

    1) The House has the right to start impeachment proceedings. They can find it needs to have an formal trial. This will most likely happen as the House is controlled by the Democrats.
    2) The Senate had the power to hold the trial. This will need a 2/3 majority vote. This will be most likely impossible, as the Republicans have a majority. To get a super majority.. I wouldn't hold my breath.
    3) The Senate has the final say. No appeals can be made, as the Judicial branch has stated so and given this to the Senate.

    End result: Waste of Time. Waste of Money Nothing changes. Government of US doing nothing for it's people.

  • by guacamole ( 24270 ) on Wednesday September 25, 2019 @09:17PM (#59237444)

    There is nothing in this transcript that's impeachment worthy. Not even close. Trump asking to look into Joe Biden's dealings in Ukraine's energy sector is simply a request to look into a possible corruption scandal in its own house. Ukraine is notoriously corrupt place, even under pro-western president Poroshenko (just left office). Why is this important? They also happen to receive hundreds of millions worth of American aid. If Dems think this impeachment will remove the president from office, they're completely delusional .

"The trouble with doing something right the first time is that nobody appreciates how difficult it was." -- Walt West
