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Amazon Prime Video Gives Amateur How-To's, Conspiracy Theories a Stage ( 229

Streaming service touts its large collection of titles, but a majority are uploads -- and questionable films are in the mix [Editor's note: the link may be paywalled; an alternative source wasn't immediately available.]. From a report: When Walter Wilson, a construction worker from North Carolina, sat down to watch the blockbuster "Avengers: Endgame" on Amazon Prime Video, he ended up seeing something very different: a 2007 documentary, also titled "Endgame," directed by far-right talk show host Alex Jones. Mr. Jones's videos have been banned from many mainstream sites like Apple's iTunes and Facebook for promoting outlandish conspiracy theories. "Endgame" purported to document a clandestine organization of bankers and politicians bent on establishing a "blueprint for global enslavement." Its availability on's streaming service highlighted a fact not widely known among subscribers: The e-commerce giant accepts nonprofessional and questionable content to offer a video library that in Amazon's style can dominate the competition through sheer volume.

While the video service is known for original movies and shows that have won Oscars and Emmys -- such as "Manchester By the Sea" and "Transparent" -- the site also carries thousands of conspiracy-theory videos, amateur productions and short instructional clips. Similar to Alphabet's YouTube, some videos are uploaded by individuals who made them or by others owning the rights to the content. Others Amazon bought in bulk as part of vast libraries of amateur content. An Amazon spokeswoman says the company has sought a broad selection of content, including videos from award winners and independent producers.

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Amazon Prime Video Gives Amateur How-To's, Conspiracy Theories a Stage

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  • by TigerPlish ( 174064 ) on Thursday January 23, 2020 @03:36PM (#59648500)

    Oooo, can't be having non-sanctioned wrongthink...

    Any bets as to when the censorship starts?

    Censor! Ban! Prohibit! Don't let us think for ourselves! Protect us from thought! /s

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by youngone ( 975102 )
      Your sig claims Joseph McCarthy was right, and you're worried about other people's censorship?
    • Check the source (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Comboman ( 895500 )

      Oooo, can't be having non-sanctioned wrongthink...

      Any bets as to when the censorship starts?

      Censor! Ban! Prohibit! Don't let us think for ourselves! Protect us from thought! /s


      "Civilized Society" jumped the shark ca. 1973.

      Joe McCarthy was right.

      While I'm all for free speech, it's a bit hard to take this rant seriously when it comes from someone who's sig praises Joe McCarthy. Congratulations, you win the hypocrite of the year award.

    • You just don't get it. Alex Jones' ideas are dangerous to our first amendment rights.

      He's been giving people this crazy ideas about utter nonsense, like the notion that the freaking frogs are turning gay [].

      Popper said in the Paradox of Tolerance that we have to defend ourselves from people who would use fists or pistols to take away that right. Surely we have the right to defend ourselves against freaking frogs as well?

      • by Strill ( 6019874 )

        Your link shows that the frogs weren't turning gay at all. They were turning transsexual.

    • Where's the amateur or otherwise, porn on Prime then?

      It's very odd to have things like The Expanse up next to feature length My First Movie, or internet-grade videos. Everyone in our household already knows if it doesn't say prime original, and you haven't heard of it, run.

    • How, exactly, is this any worse than their book self-publishing service?

    • Alex Jones is not in prison or even been fined, despite threatening a member of Congress []. If the censorship hasn't started yet, it probably never will.

      He has been sued by the families of shooting victims for lying about them. His ex wife has sought sole custody (which she partly won) due to his unhinged behaviour. Neither of these are censorship.

  • And? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Dan East ( 318230 ) on Thursday January 23, 2020 @03:36PM (#59648502) Journal

    If it isn't illegal, then what is the problem here? The Blair Witch Project professes to be a legitimate documentary made from found footage of student filmmakers who disappeared. People watch it for entertainment purposes.

    Any time I see articles like this the first question I have to ask is "Who is going to be gatekeeper for the censorship you propose? You? Is your opinion on this matter supposed to be the standard against which things are judged"

    • by nomadic ( 141991 )

      "Who is going to be the gatekeeper for the gate that leads onto private property?"

      • I bet advocates of the attitude presented in this article have some suggestions, and they may not involve Amazon.
    • Re:And? (Score:4, Interesting)

      by Train0987 ( 1059246 ) on Thursday January 23, 2020 @03:48PM (#59648556)

      It's the Left's new strategy, ban "conspiracy theories" so they can then label every opinion they can't argue against a conspiracy theory. You just aren't smart enough to think and decide for yourself, see?

    • by Ichijo ( 607641 )

      If it isn't illegal, then what is the problem here?

      There's a difference between what's illegal and what's unethical.

    • ^ THIS.

      I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it -- Evelyn Beatrice Hall

      If you don't like what you are watching -- here's a fucking idea -- STOP watching it.

      Censorship is precisely the problem.
      Only children censor. Adults discuss and even laugh at taboo subjects.

  • welp (Score:2, Flamebait)

    by lactose99 ( 71132 )

    If you find yourself accidentally watching Alex Jones... I don't know what to tell you, other than you're probably too dumb to have Amazon Prime.

  • by Nidi62 ( 1525137 ) on Thursday January 23, 2020 @03:45PM (#59648528)

    Amazon Prime video really doesn't have a very good selection outside their own content. A lot of it is old, low budget, and/or named to be confusing with other, more well known titles. For example, they have a movie labeled Battle of the Bulge. However, it is not the classic film that most people would assume, but is in fact a documentary type film using newsreels.

  • Really? (Score:3, Informative)

    by argStyopa ( 232550 ) on Thursday January 23, 2020 @03:56PM (#59648578) Journal

    I *literally* just searched 'ENDGAME" on Amazon prime video.
    I got 170 results, starting with
    LEGO Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu: The Complete First Season
    Dead Rising: Endgame
    The Four Horsemen of the Endgame
    Clip: Transformers Devastation Playthrough
    etc. No sign of nutball Alex Jones.

    I searched Avengers Endgame and something like the first 6 titles were Marvel comic videos.
    Still no Alex Jones.

    I searched Alex Jones Endgame
    I got 4 results:
    State of Mind: The Psychology of Control -- this is the Alex Jones documentary, I suspect, although it says 2013, not 2007.
    Hung: Season 3
    Hung: Season 4

    I don't see this is really a critical problem at all. Which then makes me wonder: in whose interest is it that we THINK this is a problem that needs some action to correct it, that action being of course filtering what we see/hear/read?

  • I've seen Reptillian and 9/11 "truther" videos on Hulu as well. My concern is that these videos aren't labeled "Controversial" and some young impressionable kid will watch them.
  • by eepok ( 545733 ) on Thursday January 23, 2020 @04:57PM (#59648864) Homepage

    There are many conspiracy theories that turned out to be true.

    - Cigarettes kill you and the companies know it.
    - Project Sunshine
    - Poisoning bootlegged alcohol
    - Government testing on unwilling citizens (Tuskegee)
    - MK-Ultra
    - Government surveillance and disruption of political movements (Civil Rights/MLK Jr., etc.)
    - Various plans to instigate/justify wars

    To deny these conspiracy theories would be revisionist history and absolutely not OK.

    There are a bunch of other conspiracy theories that can easily be argued to be "political speech" on the grounds that they accuse the government in the same way as the theories listed above. Culling those out would be like walking through a minefield of legal and PR liability.

    So, which should it be? No conspiracy theories allowed and everything Alex Jones does is removed from the platform along with everyone implicating Trump of backroom deals? (All conspiracy theory until proven true...) Or allow them all?

    I'm sure Amazon would be happy to play ball if someone would just write out the rules of the game.

    • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

      by Ksevio ( 865461 )

      But Alex Jones has many conspiracy theories that have been proven to be false. At some point you have to look at the reputation of a person and consider the content. Instead of "no conspiracies theories" maybe "no false conspiracy theories published by man known to spread false conspiracy theories"

      • by rldp ( 6381096 )

        But [CNN/MSNBC/Fox/BBC/CBC/Al Jazeera] has many conspiracy theories that have been proven to be false. At some point you have to look at the reputation of a person and consider the content. Instead of "no conspiracies theories" maybe "no false conspiracy theories published by man known to spread false conspiracy theories"

        You propose we attack the people, not the argument? Ad Hominems all the way down?

  • Do Parallel Porn Titles also show up and if so that may be good for selling them.

  • I expect this kind of crap from religious politicians, grandmas, and oppressive governments, but not from what I used to think of as the generally intelligent readership of slashdot.

    Here's a simple test- If what your wanting to do ends in "for your own good", "For the children", or "because we don't trust them to think for themselves", then what your trying to do is restrict freedoms, regardless of your specific why.

  • by bill_mcgonigle ( 4333 ) * on Friday January 24, 2020 @09:29AM (#59651388) Homepage Journal

    Freedom of Speech isn't just a restriction on government, it's a fundamental principle of a post-Englightenment society. If you think people don't have critical thinking skills then go complain to the teachers' union instead of trying to stifle ideas like a Wahhabist.

    Even a blind squirrel finds some nuts - all you people trying to ban Alex Jones should figure out who in the media was livid in 2014 about Jeffrey Epstein trafficking children for sex and Hunter Biden sitting on the board of Burisma.

    Yet somebody with critical thinking skills can not believe him that it's Satan behind the events. Try thinking for yourself .

If I set here and stare at nothing long enough, people might think I'm an engineer working on something. -- S.R. McElroy
