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Flat-Earth Daredevil Mad Mike Hughes Dies in Homemade Rocket Launch (nbcnews.com) 292

"He was working on a TV show, Homemade Astronauts, when his craft crashed in the California desert," reports NBC. Four different Slashdot readers shared the news.

NBC News reports: Daredevil "Mad" Mike Hughes died Saturday when a homemade rocket he was attached to launched but quickly dove to earth in the California desert.

The stunt was apparently part of a forthcoming television show, "Homemade Astronauts," that was scheduled to debut later this year on Discovery Inc.'s Science Channel. Discovery confirmed the 64-year-old's death in a statement. "It was always his dream to do this launch, and Science Channel was there to chronicle his journey," the company said...

In 2018, he successfully launched himself about 1,875 feet into the sky above the Mojave desert via a garage-made rocket. His landing that year was softened when he deployed a parachute.

In social media video of Saturday's accident, a parachute-like swath of fabric can be seen flying away from the rocket shortly after blast-off.

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Flat-Earth Daredevil Mad Mike Hughes Dies in Homemade Rocket Launch

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  • Was this a new design that he should had remote tested first, or was it the same old rocket he had flown in before?
    • by PPH ( 736903 )

      was it the same old rocket

      The questions is: Who repacked the chute?

      • Re:Question (Score:5, Funny)

        by fazig ( 2909523 ) on Sunday February 23, 2020 @02:07PM (#59757390)
        Obviously it was the round Earth conspiracy who wanted to silence that one free thinking astronaut who was going to proof that Earth is flat.
        What else could it be?
        • Re:Question (Score:5, Funny)

          by denzacar ( 181829 ) on Sunday February 23, 2020 @02:51PM (#59757558) Journal

          Round Earth conspirators can be found all around the globe.

          • by rednip ( 186217 ) on Sunday February 23, 2020 @04:23PM (#59758074) Journal
            Not only is 'the flat earth' is a myth, it's also inaccurate to even claim that only recently did anyone believe otherwise. Ancient Greek scholars knew the earth was spherical. That era's critics of Columbus's voyage believed that the earth was much larger than the famous explorer claimed, rather than the tale of 'fall off the earth' told my too many modern textbooks. Of course they were right, Columbus was lucky to have hit the Caribbean islands. The irony is that the myth is a modern invention, born out of much of the same nonsense as 'anti-global warming', 'fake news', 'main stream media' and 'anti-vax'.
  • by Type44Q ( 1233630 ) on Sunday February 23, 2020 @12:39PM (#59757044)

    Did he have kids?? A Darwin Award is purely symbolic unless someone hunts down and offs his offspring... just saying.

    • Don't you get a Darwin award even if you already have kids? as at least it stops you from having more. I'm sure he would have wanted one anyway as that would be the only thing to show for his efforts.
  • A true legend (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Bobrick ( 5220289 ) on Sunday February 23, 2020 @12:41PM (#59757052)
    The man died as he lived, as spectacular failure at everything he attempted.
    • Re:A true legend (Score:5, Interesting)

      by phantomfive ( 622387 ) on Sunday February 23, 2020 @12:45PM (#59757062) Journal
      Give him credit where due, he got thousands of flat-earthers to fund his rocket construction by pretending to verify their theories.
      • Re:A true legend (Score:5, Insightful)

        by Bobrick ( 5220289 ) on Sunday February 23, 2020 @12:46PM (#59757066)
        Using a drone would've been too simple, safe and, you know, smart... or spend 200$ on a plane ticket to get to 33,000 feet safely.
        • Re:A true legend (Score:5, Informative)

          by phantomfive ( 622387 ) on Sunday February 23, 2020 @01:56PM (#59757320) Journal
          His goal wasn't to verify anything, his goal was to fly a rocket, and he lied to get funding.
          • His goal wasn't to verify anything, his goal was to fly a rocket, and he lied to get funding.

            Exactly, just a gimmick for publicity and funding. I thought it was obvious, but evidently he's fooled a lot more people than I'd have expected.

        • The problem with using a drone is that drones are already regulated far more than "homebuilt rockets". Apparently drones are too dangerous -- but homebuilt rockets are safe? This tragedy also makes a lie of the aviation regulators' claims that drones are less safe than manned craft "because real pilots have skin in the game".

          Really... go check out the FAA's NPRM that will require all drones and RC model aircraft to have "remote ID" that will report the position of every unmanned aircraft (including toys

          • Re:A true legend (Score:5, Interesting)

            by RubberDogBone ( 851604 ) on Sunday February 23, 2020 @04:56PM (#59758242)

            You make it seem like the FAA cares. I was at a shopping center just yesterday, less than a mile from a major airport and less than 1000 feet directly under the flightpath. It's a very busy airport. Yet there I was, in this shopping center featuring an adhoc carnival and there's a drone zipping around taking video or whatever.

            The drone was being flown by the county recreation authority running the carnival because they wanted good publicity photos. Just for photos, Not public safety. Not operated by law enforcement. When I pointed out there's an airport RIGHT THERE! They dismissed it with "Oh it's ok. We're the county. We can do what we want."

            The FAA may care. And people who don't want to see accidents may care. But everybody else just wants to do whatever they want.

        • Using a drone would've been too simple, safe and, you know, smart... or spend 200$ on a plane ticket to get to 33,000 feet safely.

          Even just stick a 360 camera to the front of your rocket instead of climbing in yourself.

      • by iggymanz ( 596061 ) on Sunday February 23, 2020 @12:49PM (#59757076)

        If the surface of Earth had curvature he would have lived by sliding down the side of the ball. But since the Earth is flat he went splat.

      • Give him credit where due, he got thousands of flat-earthers to fund his rocket construction by pretending to verify their theories.

        And of course, no True Believer is going to back off their crackpot claims one bit as a result of this. You see, "they" must have killed him out there in the desert and made it look like an accident, to prevent him from getting up there and revealing the flatness of the Earth. Like antivaxers and No Nukers, these inbreds will stay around and keep voting forever.

      • That's like praising a televangelist for duping idiots into paying for his mansi... church.

    • by I75BJC ( 4590021 )
      And here You are, reading and writing about Mad Mike.

      Mad Mike had a TV deal, notoriety, name recognition, and your hatred.

      Many people count that as success!
      • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

        by l0ungeb0y ( 442022 )
        So because he was successful in helping to brainwash the willfully ignorant via confirmation bias, he should be celebrated? Frankly, I think he and his kind should be considered a wake up call to the grave threat they and their kind poses to not just Western Civilization, but the advancement of humanity itself. These cretins would drag us backward into a new dark age of ignorance, violence and oppression. So no, I don't consider his "achievements" any form of success, rather his actions were nothing but a d
        • Re:A true legend (Score:5, Insightful)

          by lgw ( 121541 ) on Sunday February 23, 2020 @02:42PM (#59757512) Journal

          He wasn't trying to brainwash anyone. Man, you're filled with hate.

          The man just wanted to fly his rocket. Elon Musk manages to get real investors to pay, but Mad Mike could only manage to get Flat Earthers to pay. But he wasn't too proud to take their money, if it meant living his dream.

          And what dream are you living? The dream of 9-to-5 drudgery in the same old office? And you think you're the smart one?

          to me that makes you the mortal enemy of humanity and someone we need to start rounding up and removing from society

          You're off your meds again. They really do help.

      • If infamy is your goal I suppose
      • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

        by Bobrick ( 5220289 )
        Yes, I'm currently typing a comment about this Mike Hugues, ridiculing him and pointing out how big of an idiot he was. If you count this a success, hey man whatever your life goals is up to you. You know who else thinks that "any publicity is good publicity"? He's now the idiot in chief.
      • OTOH...he's dead. That's a pretty good counterargument against success.

    • The man died as he lived, as spectacular failure at everything he attempted.

      I don't agree. He was an attention seeker, and he got it.

    • The man died as he lived, as spectacular failure at everything he attempted.

      He has the Guinness world record for the longest car jump in a limousine.

      That's pretty good for a daredevil.

      As for the flat-Earth stuff, that was part of his sponsorship deal. He had a sponsor.

      That's pretty good for a daredevil.

      He could have used a ground crew, though, to move the ladder.

  • by timeOday ( 582209 ) on Sunday February 23, 2020 @12:44PM (#59757058)
    I wish more of our public life could be moved back into the realm of objective performance where being right has actual utility.
    • What utility? The proof that you're dying if you hit earth at terminal velocity? I thought we already proved that long time ago, but hey, thanks for confirming the findings of Airforce and NASA...

      • He wasn't going terminal velocity in other than the lethal sense.

        He wasn't high enough to hit aerodynamic terminal velocity; that would have taken another couple thousand feet.

        He was doing ~200mph tops. :)

        It was certainly terminal, though; a backup chute would have been a lifesaver.

        Flat Earth or Round, Gravity is a Bitch.

  • Dumbass. He's up for a Darwin Award.
  • by K. S. Kyosuke ( 729550 ) on Sunday February 23, 2020 @12:58PM (#59757102)
    So, he went from a Flat-earther to a flat Earther?
  • Science Channel (Score:5, Insightful)

    by John Jorsett ( 171560 ) on Sunday February 23, 2020 @01:04PM (#59757120)
    Would he have attempted this, or even been able to attempt it, without the Science Channel's interest? Did their attention and the publicity and funds it engendered enable this guy to kill himself? If I worked for the Science Channel, I'd be haunted by that question.
    • by Mal-2 ( 675116 )

      He would have attempted it, because he did it once before. Whether he had the resources without the Science Channel's money, I don't know -- but it probably would have only delayed the launch, not stopped it, if he had a funds shortage.

    • Re:Science Channel (Score:5, Interesting)

      by RubberDogBone ( 851604 ) on Sunday February 23, 2020 @05:05PM (#59758276)

      Of course they pushed him. They shoot stuff on shoestring budgets and don't plan for extra filming days. That's at least how it was on Mythbusters. Very tight deadlines and tighter budgets. The show was apparently only set for three episodes anyway, which screams low budget. It takes budget to stick around extra days in the desert with all those crew people to feed and house.

      If you look at the crash video, they appear to have launched with the only patch of blue sky for miles around. So it was cloudy. They probably had clouds ruining their camera shots and got an opening to launch. Go go go!

      The chute failure looks similar to Evil Knievel's chute failure from decades ago. Probably a very similar design flaw. And it would have happened even without TV pushing him. It would have taken a redesigned chute to fix it and I'd bet nobody was worried about that part. So he was a dead man the moment he launched. The only the variable was when it was going to kill him.

  • Discovery's Role (Score:5, Interesting)

    by quantaman ( 517394 ) on Sunday February 23, 2020 @01:07PM (#59757130)

    He was a Flat Earther launching himself in homemade rockets, so he clearly had some mental issues. I remember around the time of his previous launch people were concerned that the Internet goading him into a launch was actually goading him into suicide.

    Reality TV stars can become fairly rich and famous, and Discovery's TV show could have done that for him... assuming he provided enough launches and drama to make good TV, which is a very dangerous incentive.

    I'm not saying it's impossible to ethically film TV shows about things like this, and maybe Discovery was enforcing extra safeguards, but it's a problematic setup.

    Fundamentally, they were making a TV show celebrating a mentally ill person for doing something suicidally dangerous. The fact that the person ended up dying is probably related.

    • by 110010001000 ( 697113 ) on Sunday February 23, 2020 @01:14PM (#59757166) Homepage Journal

      Why do you assume he was mentally ill? He enjoyed building and flying in rockets. That is pretty amazing stuff. It isn't easy to build a manned rocket by yourself.

      • by mce ( 509 )
        Especially not if you deny basics such as that the earth isn't flat. 'm sure Newton's law of gravity must have crossed his mind during his design calculations.
      • by quantaman ( 517394 ) on Sunday February 23, 2020 @03:50PM (#59757894)

        Why do you assume he was mentally ill?

        He thought the Earth was flat. To maintain that belief in the modern world seems a pretty strong indicator of mental illness.

        He enjoyed building and flying in rockets. That is pretty amazing stuff. It isn't easy to build a manned rocket by yourself.

        It was amazing and impressive. Also extraordinarily dangerous for someone who had a tenuous grasp of reality (as evidenced by the whole flat Earth thing).

    • He was a Flat Earther launching himself in homemade rockets, so he clearly had some mental issues. I remember around the time of his previous launch people were concerned that the Internet goading him into a launch was actually goading him into suicide.

      Reality TV stars can become fairly rich and famous, and Discovery's TV show could have done that for him... assuming he provided enough launches and drama to make good TV, which is a very dangerous incentive.

      I'm not saying it's impossible to ethically film TV shows about things like this, and maybe Discovery was enforcing extra safeguards, but it's a problematic setup.

      Fundamentally, they were making a TV show celebrating a mentally ill person for doing something suicidally dangerous. The fact that the person ended up dying is probably related.

      Fundamentally, they were covering "homemade astronauts." They didn't push the flat Earth narrative.

      This could have happened to Evel Knievel.

      • Fundamentally, they were covering "homemade astronauts." They didn't push the flat Earth narrative.

        This could have happened to Evel Knievel.

        Evel Knievel was a professional and I think he typically organized his own stunts. I suspect anyone who hired him or was part owner of the performance would need an insurance policy. There's a ton of rules around TV & Film Stunt Performers precisely because there's such a strong economic incentive to put them in harm's way.

        If you did make a Reality TV show covering amateur daredevils you're going to need massive liability insurance since someone is going to seriously injure themselves and sue you for mi

    • Flat Earther? With mental issues? I"m shocked, shocked ...

    • by DewDude ( 537374 )
      The fact they were following a nut-jobs theory just proves they're not about science and about money.
  • So thoughtful to have a parachute for the rocket but not for the personal use.

  • by Gravis Zero ( 934156 ) on Sunday February 23, 2020 @01:11PM (#59757140)

    Flat-Earther Gets Flattened By Earth

    This could have been your headline Slashdot! How could you pass it up?!

  • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday February 23, 2020 @01:11PM (#59757142)

    The man was murdered by a group of people who massively benefit from promoting the flat earth theory and merchandising flat earth related paraphernalia while they themselves know that it all is a hoax. Mad Mike was beneficial to them only as long as he was staying on the ground or at least was not reaching any altitude significant enough for him to discover the uncomfortable truth. Behind the scenes TheDonald, Hillary, and Obama are also involved in the plot, as they have been on the same side of this matter from before 2016. They've all traveled enough to know that the world is not flat, but they all need(ed) the flat earth discussion to divert attention from the uneducated masses from what was really going on to rip them off. Time and future revelations will prove this right.

    The worst part of this, is that some idiot will believe the previous paragraph to be true, even after having read this one. Because anything that's openly denied or ridiculed must have a hidden truth hiding underneath that somebody is trying to suppress.

    The world really is a dodecahedron.

  • He was working on a TV show, Homemade Astronauts

    Did the ratings bomb?

  • He crashed into the dome.
    • Dude was 64 - a bit late to invoke Darwin.

      • Dude was 64 - a bit late to invoke Darwin.

        We live in the time of Viagra, when men of almost any age can procreate. Hopefully no women of child bearing age were still consorting with this moron, but at least we know for certain now that he won't further pollute the human gene pool. Unless he faked his own death to escape the persecution of the mainstream liberal scientific media scam.

  • By demonstrating what happens when a fast-moving object impacts a flat surface.
  • by Martin S. ( 98249 ) on Sunday February 23, 2020 @02:00PM (#59757338) Journal

    Flat earther presented with Darwin Award by Isaac Newton.

  • The least surprising headline ever

  • What a moron. Why did he need a dangerous-ass homemade rocket to get to 2000 feet? Just take a damn airplane and go 10x as high. If flat-Earthers want to trumpet their own ignorance, that's fine, but anyone who believed or trusted this fool about anything is just plain stupid.
    • by mce ( 509 )
      No no no...
      Airplanes are operated by the establishment. The so-called windows in them in reality are computer displays, aimed at preventing passengers from seeing that the earth is flat as a pancake,
      • by Greyfox ( 87712 )
        This [youtube.com] is around 6000 feet AGL, no windows, no rocket. They're going to around 13K AGL, 18K MSL. For neighborhood of $200 you could sign up as a tandem student and be seated where the guy in the pinstripes is now. Their parachutes also always work (And if they don't, they have an extra one.)
  • Or will it go the way of Guinness World records in alcohol consumption: something too dangerous for the network to want to encourage. Even MTV Ridiculousness says, "no one submit any videos of themselves or others performing any dangerous activities. We will not open or view them."
  • Scientific discoveries during all times were always accompanied by the people making them suffering horribly for the discoveries they make. Scientific discoveries were mostly accompanied by blood, sweat and tears.

    What's tragic about this one is, though, that even if he succeeded, there was no scientific breakthrough waiting for him at the end. Best thing we can hope is that his goal was less to go on a wild goose chase but to actually sit in a rocket flying up to the sky. Then he at least died doing what he

  • by Patent Lover ( 779809 ) on Sunday February 23, 2020 @03:50PM (#59757900)
    Finally no more stories about this idiot.
  • by JustAnotherOldGuy ( 4145623 ) on Sunday February 23, 2020 @03:52PM (#59757908) Journal

    Any time a story starts with "Flat Earther" and has the words "homemade rocket" in it, you know it's not going to end well.

  • by jimtheowl ( 4200185 ) on Sunday February 23, 2020 @11:33PM (#59759240)
    ... he didn't fall off the edge.

There are running jobs. Why don't you go chase them?
