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YouTube 'Shorts' Reportedly Launching This Year To Counter TikTok (9to5google.com) 47

According to The Information, the YouTube app will soon be home to a new "Shorts" format that will counter TikTok. 9to5Google reports: Shorts will be brief videos available in a new feed. On the creation front, these videos can use YouTube's existing catalog of licensed music as a background soundtrack. YouTube reportedly plans to launch Shorts by the end of this year. Today's article describes the YouTube Shorts effort as the "most serious effort yet by a Silicon Valley tech company to combat the rise of TikTok." It speculates that YouTube will be able to leverage its existing stable of creators to generate the new type of content.

By making Shorts available inside the YouTube apps, Google is guaranteeing a built-in audience. This is similar to how YouTube rolled out a Stories format to compete with Snapchat and Instagram. Used by channels to make shorter update-like content, it lives alongside full videos in the Subscriptions tab. Unlike videos, these Stories are limited to a certain subscriber count, with that possibly applying to the initial launch of Shorts.

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YouTube 'Shorts' Reportedly Launching This Year To Counter TikTok

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  • by Anonymous Coward

    Headline should say...

    Youtube to TikTok: Eat my Shorts

  • Don't validate the fake "viral" advertising that TikTok is a thing! It is not! Nobody cares!

    Shit "news" are aready advers-hating TikTok enough to single-handly push it down kids' throats!

    Exactly how Justin Bieber only became a thing BECAUSE everyone said he hated ihm all the freaking time without interruption, until kids started to think oher kids would like him (because we were repeating that narrative all the time) and went "He's shit, but maybe we *should* 'like' him, so we don't stand out.".

    Don't put th

    • Yah, this shit makes me so angry, I can't even type right anymore.

      Half the bullshit on this planet nowadays, is only created by people going "Oh no, this is horrible, let's fight it!"

      You could show them a wet fart and theyâ(TM)t "fight" it into a global thermonuclear explosion apocalypse.
      Such strong. Much winner. Wow.

    • False. TikTok is a bit addictive to many people. Shorts will be too.

      • by rtb61 ( 674572 )

        All fads where equally addictive until they were not. The internet is home to many, heh, heh, YOYOs.

    • TV IS
      WE ARE
      ~ Slacker(1991)
      • by skrugen ( 229044 )

        I have Madonna's pap smear in a little sample jar. I think there might be a pubic hair in there, it's hard to tell after all these years

    • Don't validate the fake "viral" advertising that TikTok is a thing! It is not! Nobody cares

      My first thought on reading that was "What's TikTok?"

      Is this like the "OMG, Paris Hilton did a sex tape!" campaign - converting somebody who was on nobody's radar into somebody who charges $500,000 to go to rich-people parties?

      • So I wasn't the only one wondering What TikTok is, looking it up and realizing that if that means I live under a rock, it's a rock worth living under?

  • Soon enough, there will be half-a-second videos with a grunt, and mini-twitter style posts with three characters tops. The next generation will embrace those, mark my words.

  • by Tom ( 822 )

    I wonder what's come of the world. Twitter is beyond comprehension for me - sure, sometimes you can express a thought in a few words, but having a fixed limit that rivals SMS ? I might not be 15 anymore, but I don't get how that ever became a success.

    Now the same thing happens with video.

    Do people not have enough attention span anymore for a few minutes of video? I'm not asking a full documentary or a book, but wtf?

    It's become ridiculous. We are bombarded by short blurbs from every direction, including poli

    • Twitter-style thinking didn't get us to the moon, you know?

      ~ Tom

      What got "us" there saw no return for over half a century and counting.

      McLuan answers a lot of your questions and requires the practice of reading you decry will go away. Ever read David K. Nobles' America by Design? It ain't radicalism. Ever pay attention to Vonnegut's first novel he admitted had no comedic or comic tension and was dedicated to engineers?

      Market segmentation through data extractive appliance is real? Is that what you are asking to be explained? The more finely and granulated a market gr

      • by Tom ( 822 )

        What got "us" there saw no return for over half a century and counting.

        Because politics. Once the Russians had decided to not compete in the space race anymore, we needed another way to bancrupt them.

        The more finely and granulated a market grid is possessed by context in which ever more simple messages can have meaning, or semiotic signal?

        No, it is the takeover of the market in which the simple content pushes out the one that takes even a simple bit of effort to digest - but is more complete and truthful than the simplified version.

        We now see discussions happening on Twitter that should be in a medium where you can lay out a thought properly. That is not an additional dimension to the possibilities of communication

    • by brunes69 ( 86786 )

      Personally, I can not stand the rise of videos on YouTube and how they replaced so much content on the web.

      I do not have time to watch a 10 minute video when all I want are the answer to a simple question.

      Repair videos are the perfect example of something that has become extremely popular due to the millenial generation when the content is much better suited to an article format that can be printed out (have you ever had to deal with actually trying to repair anything with a video? Having to drag the laptop

      • by Junta ( 36770 )

        Yeah, the thing is I generally have found some written guide and there's just this one step that I don't quite get. So I turn to youtube to actually see it. When it helps, it's very useful.

        "Ok, I've been following the obvious instructions and now I'm looking at this... video cuts... Ok, I figured it out but didn't get it on video, so we'll just carry on" or else their hand is in the way. Really frustrating when they gloss over the only difficult step and drone on and on when it comes to the easy

      • by Tom ( 822 )

        I do not have time to watch a 10 minute video when all I want are the answer to a simple question.

        Plus it isn't searchable unless the maker put the term you are looking for into the keywords.

        I am completely with you. Most videos should have been websites.

    • by eddeye ( 85134 )

      It's not ADHD. Limits can be good things. Forces you to be concise, like haiku. Otherwise you'll drone on for ages before getting to the point.

      Is it a forum for serious discussion / debate? No. It's not suited to those. But for quick nuggets of information it's great. Just have to filter the signal from the noise. Which is pretty easy by choosing your sources accordingly.

      Twitter is great for: breaking news headlines; situational updates; on the ground reactions; and snarky commentary. Anythin

      • by Junta ( 36770 )

        Youtube videos nowadays:
        "If you like this video, please be sure to like and subscribe so you'll get more. And if you want to learn how to make videos like this, SkillShare will help you get those skills. Also, before I get started, I just want to say what a blast I've been having playing Raid: Shadow Legends. Ok, guess that is about it for today, if you liked this, be sure to like and subscribe!"

      • I can't tell you how many Youtube videos I closed because some guy decides to drone on and on before showing you the real content. Get to the point or GTFO. Time is a precious resource. Don't waste it.

        Your sibling post mentions repair videos as an example of something that should use text and images instead. I've sometimes had to watch these for minutes in order to get a single piece of technical info, such as the position of a screw, and it's idiotic. I get the feeling that people can't concentrate on writing any more, and instead they'll just turn on the camera and start talking. Hence the rambling. If they could focus and plan for a few minutes, they might as well write it down.

      • by Tom ( 822 )

        Limits can be good things. Forces you to be concise, like haiku.

        For a specific work - sure. As a general rule? Not helpful. You should be able to use both, aphorisms and extended argument, not limit yourself to one or the other.

        But for quick nuggets of information it's great.

        Here's the problem: If you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail. We now have politicians announcing official policy decisions on Twitter. You think that's a "quick nugget of information"?

        Get to the point or GTFO. Time is a precious resource. Don't waste it.

        You can just jump to the middle, though. I often do that.

    • Do you think advertisers want users that are capable of solving complex problems or do you think they prefer ones that think twitter is a good medium? The only reason twitter hasn't gone bankrupt is because it is a direct line to idiots for people selling garbage.
      • by Tom ( 822 )

        That is probably the best explanation for why Twitter exists that I've read so far.

  • by lfp98 ( 740073 ) on Thursday April 02, 2020 @07:09AM (#59900198)
    Will they be portrait or landscape mode?
  • It is controlled by the Chinese Communist Party, so it's not like it would be a lie. More like a public safety warning.
    • Pick your poison (Score:2, Interesting)

      by Anonymous Coward

      Is replacing a Chinese spying tool by an American spying tool a wise choice?

      Let's see, if you are American, the CCP can do jack shit about you, while the American government can easily ruin your life. See Aaron.

      If you are Chinese, ok, getting spied by the US might be safer than by the CCP, but then the CCP knew everything about you already.

      If you are neither American nor Chinese, guess which government have better capability of ruining your life? See Kim Dotcom.

      Gee... choices, choices...

    • It is controlled by the Chinese Communist Party, so it's not like it would be a lie. More like a public safety warning.

      ~ sabbede

      China did not model their responses to an event to equal the loss of life of 3k+.
      They were fighting a horror as a “free” world stopped eating at Chinese restaurants.

      No argument can alter the following results:
      (5) Discerning the inertia of Covid-19 was its asymptomatic character (losing lives of doctors in that process and the world knowing about it); and
      (4) Digging out Wuhan and stabilizing its province to join the rest of the country in an advisory quarantine while halting Covid-19's ad

  • Vine redux (Score:3, Insightful)

    by samwichse ( 1056268 ) on Thursday April 02, 2020 @09:54AM (#59900668)

    So we had Vine and their 6 second videos. They went under. Or got bought by Twitter and then Twitter shitcanned it. I don't remember.

    Now Tiktok pops up doing basically the same thing (except they're now 3-60 seconds).

    Now Youtube copies.

    So we've come the full circle of uselessness.

  • I think it's a safe bet to preemptively add this to the Google Graveyard.
    • I think it's a safe bet to preemptively add this to the Google Graveyard.

      I know what 4-20 means you sick junkie! [lindsey.graham.meme.jpg]

  • Google wouldn't need to if they didn't tweak their algorithm to payout way more money and give all its front page space to 10 minute videos than any other grouping. That's what killed short sketch based YT videos and opened up the market to their competition
  • Google+ anyone

  • by sad_ ( 7868 )

    i mean, what's stopping you from uploading a sub 30s video to youtube right now?

Help fight continental drift.
