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Researchers Open-Source State-Of-The-Art Object Tracking AI ( 8

schwit1 shares a report from VentureBeat: A team of Microsoft and Huazhong University researchers this week open-sourced an AI object detector -- Fair Multi-Object Tracking (FairMOT) -- they claim outperforms state-of-the-art models on public data sets at 30 frames per second. If productized, it could benefit industries ranging from elder care to security, and perhaps be used to track the spread of illnesses like COVID-19. As the team explains, most existing methods employ multiple models to track objects: (1) a detection model that localizes objects of interest and (2) an association model that extracts features used to reidentify briefly obscured objects. By contrast, FairMOT adopts an anchor-free approach to estimate object centers on a high-resolution feature map, which allows the reidentification features to better align with the centers. A parallel branch estimates the features used to predict the objects' identities, while a "backbone" module fuses together the features to deal with objects of different scales.
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Researchers Open-Source State-Of-The-Art Object Tracking AI

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  • Let's see if this is just an overrated AI or that it can handle unexpected elephants : []

    • I was thinking along the lines of tracking dirty clothes, washing dishes, and cleaning bathrooms. I've got vacuuming, dusting, and climbing stairs figured out. the windows will get programmed for before the bathrooms.
    • by Kjella ( 173770 )

      Let's see if this is just an overrated AI or that it can handle unexpected elephants:

      They're improving. But to be fair, humans also do better in familiar/natural contexts. I remember there was a study where they were showing people video clips and then asked people about the position on a chess board in the scene. Those who played chess did much better than those who didn't. Also they had two versions of it, one with a normal play position and one nonsense position. The chess players did much better on the normal position. It's a very natural form of information "compression" so when you ad

  • You know this is going to be used for porn first, like just about every new media tech []. A friend of mine used fancy movement tracking software to insert a few frames of my smiling head onto porn. I was both the guy and the gal. I was fucking myself royally and it looked like I was really enjoying it; crazy shit.

    I'm not sure it can be considered "full" AI or just least-difference statistical alignment*, he's a buzzword braggart, but it did a really good job of aligning and managing the sprite (head) images;

  • by UnixUnix ( 1149659 ) on Friday April 10, 2020 @12:55AM (#59927368) Homepage
    Not as bad as Skynet though.

fortune: cannot execute. Out of cookies.
