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United States Medicine

US Deaths Soared In Early Weeks of Pandemic, Far Exceeding Number Attributed To COVID-19 ( 309

hackingbear writes: According to The Washington Post, U.S. deaths soared in the early weeks of the pandemic, surpassing the number of COVID-19 related deaths, as well as the number normally expected for the time period. An estimated 15,400 excess deaths occurred from March 1 to April 4, nearly double the 8,128 deaths attributed to COVID-19 during that time. The excess deaths estimate was calculated by subtracting the expected seasonal baseline from all deaths but may be attributed to causes other than COVID-19 directly, such as patients afraid of visiting hospitals. On April 15, the New York City revised its COVID-19 death toll upward by 3,778 to account for people who were not tested but presumed to have died from the virus. On April 17, the city of Wuhan, the original epicenter of COVID-19, similarly raised death toll by 1,290 to account for omission due to overwhelmed hospitals in the early days of the epidemic in the city, but the change was viewed as an "evidence" of prior cover-up in the West. The excess deaths "could include people who died because of the epidemic but not from the disease, such as those who were afraid to seek medical treatment for unrelated illnesses, as well as some number of deaths that are part of the ordinary variation in the death rate," notes The Washington Post. "The count is also affected by increases or decreases in other categories of deaths, such as suicides, homicides and motor vehicle accidents."

"But in any pandemic, higher-than-normal mortality is a starting point for scientists seeking to understand the full impact of the disease."
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US Deaths Soared In Early Weeks of Pandemic, Far Exceeding Number Attributed To COVID-19

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  • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 ) on Tuesday April 28, 2020 @09:04AM (#59999966) Homepage Journal

    Same thing happened in the UK. Deaths spiked way higher than accounted for just by official COVID-19 numbers.

    • The number of corona-deaths seemed higher in my country (BE) than in other countries due adding 'suspect-corona' - deaths in the statistics, which lead to higher number than in surrounding countries. Now a few weeks later by comparing the actual deaths with the average for april/march in the previous years the published number seemed correct. The difference was mostly attributed to deaths in nursing homes.

    • If COVID-19 deaths are a subset of the deaths, one should expect overall death rates to be greater than just the COVID-19 deaths. Baseline mortality in the UK was already near 10000 per month before the epidemic.

      • Oops. Meant to say baseline mortality was 10000 per week, not per month.

      • If COVID-19 deaths are a subset of the deaths, one should expect overall death rates to be greater than just the COVID-19 deaths.

        You've misunderstood; not surprising as the article headline is not well written. What they're talking about is not baseline deaths, but the number of deaths over the normal baseline. This number is much greater than the deaths attributed to COVID-19. It is most likely that a lot of these extra deaths are caused by COVID-19 but are not being attributed to it.

    • Same thing happened in the UK. Deaths spiked way higher than accounted for just by official COVID-19 numbers.

      I've been saying this for the past month. This was first reported (as far as I can tell) by the RIVM (equivalent of the CDC) and the CBS (not sure who they are equivalent to the in USA since every department there seems to be in charge of its own statistics) in the Netherlands.

      Since then countries around the world have done similar studies. So far the excess mortality figures corrected for official COVID deaths are around 10-30% in most countries.

  • HOAX (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Merk42 ( 1906718 ) on Tuesday April 28, 2020 @09:08AM (#59999974)
    I didn't die and I also feel fine. Therefore, this whole thing is a giant conspiracy!
    • Or: "It's not the disease that's killing most of these people, it's the government overreaction!"
    • Re:HOAX (Score:5, Funny)

      by arglebargle_xiv ( 2212710 ) on Tuesday April 28, 2020 @09:27AM (#60000058)
      Exactly. No-one has died at all, they've all been spirited away to the secret concentration camps that FEMA have been building, run by the UN. OK, at this point my knowledge of conspiracy theory lunacy kinda runs out, would others want to add more to this?
      • Re:HOAX (Score:5, Funny)

        by charlie merritt ( 4684639 ) on Tuesday April 28, 2020 @10:15AM (#60000256)

        The camps are REAL, I have personally seen satellite photos of them, somewhere. Some guy said a friend of his actually worked for a contractor that had another crew that actually worked on the actual fencing! Really! So for starters don't make fun of them, us, whoever. FEMA is mainly funded by Mexico, you know. So now you know what to expect of them. And speaking of whoever, why do you think WHO chose those exact letters to represent them? Just think about that situation before you make fun.
        WHO, no kidding

  • Clearly (Score:5, Insightful)

    by t4eXanadu ( 143668 ) on Tuesday April 28, 2020 @09:22AM (#60000032)

    This is proof of a concerted effort by thousands of people from statisticians to politicians the world over trying to make Trump look bad! It's obviously evidence of some vast conspiracy!

    I'm completely joking, conspiracy theories are absurd because they require a vast number of people to remain silent, which in this age of social media is pretty much impossible.

    What amazes me is that people will genuinely believe what I said above, and yet they always fail to explain the mechanisms of how such a vast conspiracy would work. Instead they cite disparate "evidence" that collectively "proves" the validity of their claims, ignoring entirely the facts that call serious doubts on their claims. This is confirmation bias (and a number of other cognitively biases) at work.

      Robert Anton Wilson, the writer and counterculture trickster wrote an essay in his book Everything is Under Control in which he analyzed the structure common to a conspiracies and then proceeded to demonstrate in the remainder of the book how one can construct a conspiracy by employing that basic structure.

    • What amazes me is that people will genuinely believe what I said above, and yet they always fail to explain the mechanisms of how such a vast conspiracy would work.

      That's always a great way to shut down any debate with a conspiracy theorist, challenge them to explain how it would work. When they can magic whatever effects they need out of thin air it's simple, when they actually have to explain how it would work in practice they typically get very frustrated very quickly, and then you can go back to your coffee while they go off in a huff.

    • by owlaf ( 5251737 )
      People believe out of simple willingness. They want to believe so much, they just do. No matter factual numbers that are presented from creditable sources. They end up chasing highly questionable sources because it is what they want to hear.
    • This is proof of a concerted effort by thousands of people from statisticians to politicians the world over trying to make Trump look bad! It's obviously evidence of some vast conspiracy!

      In Trumps defense, thost statisticians are making all politicians in the world look bad.

      Why do I feel sick? Could it be because I said in Trump's def *barf*

  • Look, editing history is possible and permitted. But you must use the command line switch -f to force push the commit to the upstream repo.
  • by fluffernutter ( 1411889 ) on Tuesday April 28, 2020 @09:36AM (#60000096)
    Why does everyone keep saying there is a conspiracy. Trump is avoiding shutting down because he's worried it will hurt his economy numbers (which were Obama's in the first place). That's plainly obvious. In fact you're not out of this yet, Trump will reopen too soon.

    Trump is a man who worries about nothing but money, at a time when that is the last thing he should be concerned about.
    • Trump himself has been spreading conspiracy theories regarding the virus.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • by radl33t ( 900691 ) on Tuesday April 28, 2020 @10:51AM (#60000400)
        Economic slope lines have been constant for a decade. Maybe its fair to credit Trump with maintaining that slope in the later years of the recovery (tax stimulus), but that tax stimulus just gave us growth in exchange for government debt, which is unsurprising. Vast portions of it simple went directly into investor pockets. It's not hard to spend tomorrow's money today. I'm not exactly complaining, I've personally benefited greatly, but I doubt the trade off is reasonable when considering all of society and our collective future. Especially since that stimulus has and will continue to fall below levels necessary to justify it in the first place. It was a wealth grab. Probably now we see the folly of carrying the existing deficit in the background of the largest debt fueled stimulus in history.
        • If you have a knack for investing then I'm sure you are profiting. Some of us just expect to work hard and get rewarded for it, which is supposed to be what America is about isn't it?
      • by fluffernutter ( 1411889 ) on Tuesday April 28, 2020 @10:55AM (#60000414)
        Check any GDP per capita chart.. Steady rise since 2012.
      • by gtall ( 79522 )

        Ya, dumping all that deficit spending into the economy from the last tax giveaway had nothing to do with it, eh?

      • by fluffernutter ( 1411889 ) on Tuesday April 28, 2020 @11:12AM (#60000490)
        Also Obama had DOUBLE the job growth at the end of this last term than Trump ever had, and Obama found stimulus from within the economy he didn't have to borrow it.
      • by fluffernutter ( 1411889 ) on Tuesday April 28, 2020 @11:18AM (#60000506)
        The article attempts to make an excuse for Trump on his job numbers because it's harder to create jobs as you approach 100%. Well, DUH. Actually the elephant in the room is that Trumps stimulus is all coming from borrowing; that's the problem. Read this article in that context, and it underscores a bigger issue that Trump is shoveling money from the deficit and throwing more and more at the economy for less and less gains! So thanks for helping to demonstrate our point.
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • Why do you even think that's strange? The disease, like many other respiratory pandemics, is more likely to kill the old than the young, more likely to kill those with cardiovascular problems than not, but even so some young will die and some old with co morbidity problems will live. You don't understand basic probabilities?

    • A good 8%-16% of the deaths have no comorbidity, so the picture isn't entirely clear.
  • The "excess deaths" is within the statistical anomalies on the chart. It seems they don't allow any deaths "above average" . . look at the light gray region and the "excess" region. they are the same.
  • There is a chance that cases where there were multiple contributing causes of death (co-morbidity) they were separately counted in each of those groups. As an example. A person with COPD contracts Covid-19 and subsequently dies. There are some instances where that patient was counted under COPD and Covid-19. This did not happen in large numbers but it did happen. I am searching for the link to the report I read but this was several weeks past and I didn't make a copy of the link at the time.

    This may be one

  • To keep the numbers artificially low. And we don't yet know if you can be immune to the virus either.

    But we're gonna reopen, except for the governor's mansion that is. No shit a guy called the GA governor's office to see what happens if he tries to schedule a tour and the lady said he was nuts, were in a pandemic, they can't do tours.

    The wealthy and well connected will quarantine and we'll go back to work and die for Wall Street. Meanwhile /. is a nerd site. If you're reading this you're probably hi
  • by EnOne ( 786812 ) on Tuesday April 28, 2020 @01:22PM (#60001032)
    With social distancing, businesses and bars being closed there are fewer cars on the road. So there are probably a lower number deaths due to car crashes than normal.
    If this number it taken into account the number of total deaths due to Covid-19 might be higher

What good is a ticket to the good life, if you can't find the entrance?
