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Kids Now Spend Nearly as Much Time Watching TikTok as YouTube in US, UK and Spain ( 44

A new study on kids' app usage and habits indicates a major threat to YouTube's dominance, as kids now split their time between Google's online video platform and other apps, like TikTok, Netflix and mobile games like Roblox. From a report: Kids ages four to 15 now spend an average of 85 minutes per day watching YouTube videos, compared with 80 minutes per day spent on TikTok. The latter app also drove growth in kids' social app use by 100% in 2019 and 200% in 2020, the report found. The data in the annual report by digital safety app maker Qustodio was provided by 60,000 families with children ages four to 14 in the U.S., U.K. and Spain, so its data isn't representative of global trends. The research encompasses children's online habits from February 2019 to April 2020, takes into account the COVID-19 crisis and is specifically focused on four main categories of mobile applications: online video, social media, video games and education. YouTube, not surprisingly, remains one of the most-used apps among children, the study found. Kids are now watching twice as many videos per day as they did just four years ago.
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Kids Now Spend Nearly as Much Time Watching TikTok as YouTube in US, UK and Spain

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  • Between this and Twitch. At least I got to experience the only generation that matters - X.
    • by lgw ( 121541 )

      I'm not sure Twitch is any worse than TV. Remember Sturgeon's law: 90% of everything is crap. 99% once "reality TV" happened. Twitch isn't bad by those standards, as entertainment media goes. There are a streamers who can be entertaining even if you don't much care about the game they're playing. Few and far between, but that's no different from TV or NetFilx's streaming catalog.

      • There was a Writers Strike 2007-2008. During this time, Broadcasters pushed reality TV shows, because they didn't need writers. This created TV not by talented actors, but from personalities that are interesting who where often volatile and unpredictable that gravitated people to watch the show.

        In terms of the Decline of Western Civilization, we shouldn't let Reality TV stars known for their unpredictable and volatile nature get into a position of any real power. Otherwise they may do stupid stuff, like i

        • by lgw ( 121541 )

          Oh, FFS! Go the fuck away with your politics! Twisting any random discussion into a political rant is the sign of a deranged mind, and at this point you're just shitting in the pool.

    • Dag Nabbit, these young whipper snappers will bring down civilization with all of hallabalue!

      Every generation once they get into their mid 30's+ look at the generation that is now is their mid Teens - early 20's and see all the stupid stuff they do, and go this is just so trivial and stupid. These are the people who are going to take care of me when I get too old take care of myself.

      Here is the thing.
      Teens - early 20's in general have one thing on their mid. Sex. To help get this Sex, they will need to m

    • Damn skippy. What the hell is a tik-tok anyway, and why the fuck should I care? If it's not being useful creating real value, burn it.

      We shall now inaugurate the tradition of signing all documents with merely an X and our birth year. We are good as illiterate anyway once the AI's take over. Next year we'll start working on recalibrating time and overhauling global calendrics. Screw these hybrid kids and their shenanigans.


  • by fahrbot-bot ( 874524 ) on Monday June 08, 2020 @01:38PM (#60160502)

    Whenever I see TikTok mentioned, I think of this Samuel L. Jackson scene [] in The Hitman's Bodyguard [].

  • Kids these days. With their short attention spans and love of China-censored content.

  • Kids are raised by corporations and governments these days, aren't they? Wouldn't the parents at least want their own government to raise their kids? It's bad enough that China finances Hollywood movies and very obviously injects its ideology into the scripts.
    • Parents? What's that? With both parents working most of these kids are being raised by the internet. It used to be the stupid purple dinosaur but tv is dead.
      • I see nothing wrong with that. The Internet is a calmer option than street gangs. My son has learned a lot thanks to the network and YouTube. He knows how to do video clips now. He figured out how to use free mp3 download []. In fact, I do not scold him but I am proud of him. He will have more chances in our new digital life than I had.
  • Oh wait, they do!

    Candy and Tiktok!

    OMG, what do we do?? ... Parenting! :D

    • Sit 'em down with some 20, 25 year old Squaresoft games. The fabled classic stories of our time. Maybe Elder Scrolls when they get to the tweenage years

      I guess Minecraft is OK too as long as they're actually playing it and not watching some blowhard on YouTube. But I'd give them SimCity or Cities: Skylines first.

  • by sandbagger ( 654585 ) on Monday June 08, 2020 @02:06PM (#60160616)

    YouTube has been deliberately placing itself in the media owners camp and has been demonetizing and hiding independent content creators for some time now. They are leaning toward fewer but bigger dollars for many reasons, partially because YouTube has become an institution but also because it's obviously easier to administer fewer big contracts and those are multi-year and lend to stable finances.

    YouTube may be making the Digg error - of changing its business model and pretending that it hasn't.

    Demonetizing independent but popular content creators is increasingly the moan heard on YouTube. Now these people say 'Pay us through Paypal/SubscribeStar/ Bitcoin' in their YouTube presentation. Of course there will be second order consequences such as audiences drifting away. I heard someone recently say that viral videos now seem to come from somewhere other than YouTube.

    • So, what you are fundamentally saying is this is yet another example of Google killing off a service of theirs that people were using? I guess I just have to say "this".
  • by Berkyjay ( 1225604 ) on Monday June 08, 2020 @03:05PM (#60160842)

    They welcome the data your kids are providing them.

  • It seems like with all the news around how big TikTok has gotten, that people must already be migrating to some other platform.

    So I wonder what that is? Where could you go to have seen TikTok coming before it started to get really popular?

  • When frogs have longer attention spans.

Business is a good game -- lots of competition and minimum of rules. You keep score with money. -- Nolan Bushnell, founder of Atari
