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United States Medicine

Trump Hasn't Followed Through On Plan To Withdraw US From WHO (arstechnica.com) 197

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Ars Technica: On May 29, President Trump said his administration would take immediate action to withdraw the U.S. from the World Health Organization. "Because they have failed to make the requested and greatly needed reforms, we will be today terminating our relationship with the World Health Organization, and redirecting those funds to other worldwide and deserving, urgent global public health needs," Trump said at the time, while criticizing the WHO's response to the coronavirus pandemic and claiming that "China has total control" over the United Nations agency.

But now, two weeks later, there's nothing to indicate that Trump has followed through on his plan. In an article yesterday titled "U.S. hasn't taken action to withdraw from WHO despite Trump pledge," The Hill wrote that "no steps toward a formal withdrawal have been taken," and that "a WHO spokesman told The Hill that the agency had received no formal notification that the United States would withdraw." Another article yesterday in Stat, a health news website, said that "none of the levers that would need to be pulled to follow through on [Trump's WHO] decision has been pulled." For example, the Trump administration has "not paid outstanding financial obligations to the WHO, a step that would be required before the United States could pull out under a joint resolution signed by Congress," the article said.
These reports follow a Vanity Fair article published Monday that describes "the secret plan to unwithdraw from the WHO after Trump's 'bizarre,' 'ruinous' exit." The article continued:

"Now, Vanity Fair has learned, secret negotiations aimed at reversing Trump's decision have begun between [U.S.] Ambassador [Andrew] Bremberg and the WHO's director general, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. A phone call Saturday between the two men resulted in a possible framework agreement to restore the relationship, which the U.S. diplomatic corps views as essential to the global fight against coronavirus and myriad other public health issues.

"The framework would allow for both increased scrutiny of China's conduct and an independent review of the WHO's performance in the first six months of the outbreak. And discussions continue over whether the WHO would exert pressure on China to turn over original samples of the live virus and allow its scientists to be interviewed regarding the virus's origins. 'It's fair to say the US is not out of WHO, and negotiations are ongoing to address concerns and hopefully walk back from this decision,' said an official who participated in a call with G7 partners, an alliance of countries with advanced economies, where this information was shared."
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Trump Hasn't Followed Through On Plan To Withdraw US From WHO

Comments Filter:
  • Trump won anyway (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday June 13, 2020 @09:02AM (#60178774)

    The framework would allow for both increased scrutiny of China's conduct and an independent review of the WHO's performance in the first six months of the outbreak.

    You guys have really never understood haggling have you?

    • by Midnight Thunder ( 17205 ) on Saturday June 13, 2020 @09:22AM (#60178824) Homepage Journal

      The framework would allow for both increased scrutiny of China's conduct and an independent review of the WHO's performance in the first six months of the outbreak.

      You guys have really never understood haggling have you?

      I get the impression here that Trump did damage and the rest of the administration is doing damage control and trying to improve things without him.

    • by I'mjusthere ( 6916492 ) on Saturday June 13, 2020 @09:24AM (#60178826)

      The framework would allow for both increased scrutiny of China's conduct and an independent review of the WHO's performance in the first six months of the outbreak.

      You guys have really never understood haggling have you?

      "Because they have failed to make the requested and greatly needed reforms, ...

      Ya don't understand financial bullying, do ya?

      Trump is all pissed because the WHO aren't aligning with his narrative. This isn't haggling over a price of a chicken. This our fucking health and way of life.

      Trump is a liar, narcissist, fraud, criminal, and downright scumbag. But we have people who support him regardless of those facts. It IS a CULT.

      Yes retarded asshole, Orange man bad!

    • Comment removed (Score:5, Insightful)

      by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Saturday June 13, 2020 @11:10AM (#60179122)
      Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • by Luckyo ( 1726890 )

        Accountability is not something that large international organisations like WHO do in any meaningful fashion, because most of the nation states in the world don't do accountability well if at all.

        Western world is a massive exception to this rule, and even we are not exactly good at it.

    • No one who writes for Vanity Fair has ever bought a used car, apparently.

      Customer: This price is just too high. It should be $2,000 less.

      Salesman: Ok, let me go ask my boss.

      Salesman exits the room. Muffled words are heard through the door, getting louder and angrier. Lots of yelling. Someone throws a coffee mug, which shatters. Something heavy (a filing cabinet?) is tipped over with a crash that shakes the room. The salesman comes back in.

      Salesman: I can't do $2,000 - my boss would kill me. I can get

    • Re:Trump won anyway (Score:5, Informative)

      by multi io ( 640409 ) <olaf.klischat@googlemail.com> on Saturday June 13, 2020 @02:36PM (#60179658)

      The framework would allow for both increased scrutiny of China's conduct and an independent review of the WHO's performance in the first six months of the outbreak.

      You guys have really never understood haggling have you?

      From all I can see, the only thing the US's colossal mishandling of this pandemic is doing internationally is that it's turning the country into a laughing stock and making China more popular than ever. Which is remarkable, considering the fact that the virus originated in China. Trying to shift blame for all those domestic f*ckups to the WHO isn't helping either. You try and spin that into a victory for Trump.

    • by gtall ( 79522 )

      No, Trump shot his mouth off, and now that he's been briefed on the ramifications, he's allowed the adults to clean up after another temper tantrum. Next up will be his gift to his minder Putin and removing troops from Germany.

  • Title grammar (Score:5, Insightful)

    by blahbooboo ( 839709 ) on Saturday June 13, 2020 @09:05AM (#60178778)
    "Hasn't following through" ?? Editors, you are paid for what exactly?
  • a WHO spokesman told The Hill that the agency had received no formal notification that the United States would withdraw

    The President already made the official announcement. Did the WHO spokesman expect a personal notification to himself? And the administrator does not report every single thing they do to the press. So I'm sure things have been undergoing certain steps, just not seen that's all.

  • It's probably fair to say the President has has his share of distractions over the last two weeks,

    but tread carefully,

    since he doesn't seem to respond well to being poked by the press.

  • So the Baby had a Temper Tantrum, and after he went to bed the adults had a serious discussion. This is how everything works around the Trump. He has Temper Tantrums which everyone ignores, then the adults get to talk.

  • by pedz ( 4127433 ) on Saturday June 13, 2020 @09:37AM (#60178878)
    in Vanity Fair ... anyone beside me see the stupidity in that statement?
    • by Jahoda ( 2715225 )
      Well, first of all Conde Nast owns both Slashdot and Vanity Fair. Beyond that, although I am not really a reader, Vanity Fair's actual-journalism is pretty well regarded?
  • Huh (Score:3, Insightful)

    by cascadingstylesheet ( 140919 ) on Saturday June 13, 2020 @09:44AM (#60178894) Journal
    Huh. It's almost as though he put out a really strong initial position and then used it to negotiate for what he really wanted. I've heard of such things.
    • by sjames ( 1099 )

      It's generally better to do that with the person you're negotiating with, not just tweet it somewhere.

      This was not a negotiation, it was a distraction from his failure to actually accomplish the mission WRT COVID.

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      He hasn't got anything yet.

    • Huh. It's almost as though he put out a really strong initial position and then used it to negotiate for what he really wanted. I've heard of such things.

      A unicorn? I mean it sounds like he wants a unicorn. He's trying to "negotiate" directly with the WHO to get them to do something that goes against their charter as set by the UN and as signed by America.

      In other news, I want to negotiate with you a rise in my paycheck. I mean we'll leave my boss, my company, and those people who pay me out of it, I want to negotiate this with you. How about it?

    • Actually there is no initial position. There is Trump being honest. What everyone seems to forget is that Trump explicitly said is the W.H.O. would be replaced with an American version with that same money.

      It really would not be hard to do better than the WHO considering that there is 900 million dollars to work with.

      All the Trump haters should note that the WHO declared a pandemic on March 11. Shortly after Pelosi told everyone to visit Chinatown and Cuomo told everyone to come to New York and "take in a s

      • by swilver ( 617741 )

        Americans can set up as many organizations as they want. As long as they're not recognized by other countries, they'll be in charge of monitoring seasonal flu progression through the 50 states, and nothing else.

  • by Britz ( 170620 ) on Saturday June 13, 2020 @09:49AM (#60178914)

    Many of Trump's dumbest ideas have died by just stealing the relevant papers from his desk and not telling him. At some point he simply forgot. If everyone please just stop mentioning the WHO for a couple weeks, Trump will have forgotten all about it. And we can move on.

    So how about a nice round of STFU?

    • I hate to say this but I want Trump to spend the rest of his Presidency golfing as much as he can and not doing anything else.
  • A whole two weeks? Well you know what we need to do now!
  • by aepervius ( 535155 ) on Saturday June 13, 2020 @10:18AM (#60178970)
    The WHO has NO POWER WHATSOEVER to enforce or force something in one member. If a member decide to give bad info or late info they can't do SHIT to force them they can only ask politely.

    As far as the warning goes anyway, long after the 23rd January warning the US gov did diddly squat and the president kept his "this is nothing it will go away alone" stupid idea. A difference of a few day will have done nothing as the US gov did nothing. But you know what ? The US gov NEED to have to blame somebody , and China is their best bet to blame for their own incompetence. Don't get me wrong I think china is bad , authoritative, kill prisoner for organs, and is all horrible all around, but the blame on US inaction is on US gov alone.
    • How about allowing Taiwan into the WHO? You know, instead of blocking them because CCP can't allow anyone who demonstrates their malfeasance.

      I well remember all the US press saying that closing the borders in Jan was racist, the Dem judge who blocked restrictions, the insults that any attempt was anti-science or moronic...

      But back to the CCP. The outbreak was well underway in December, satellite photos of hospital parking lots and search requests for covid symptoms indicate Oct/Nov as the likely start o
      • As said they have no pwoer to enforce. What if they recognize Taiwan and china says "i am out "? The country from which 3 of the latest big pulmonary virus came out ? Do you think we will better off ? No we will worst off. The chinese folk too would be worst off, but that never stopped china dictatorial gov up to now. Sometimes you have to do what used to be named "real politic" : do the lesser evil and ignore Taiwan.
        • As said they have no pwoer to enforce. What if they recognize Taiwan and china says "i am out "? The country from which 3 of the latest big pulmonary virus came out ? Do you think we will better off ? No we will worst off.

          So, if I understand you correctly, you're saying the WHO recognises and submits to countries with the most force? Sounds like you're in agreement with Trump's approach to them.

    • by kenh ( 9056 )
      The value of the WHO is to have scientists to provide expert opinions on world health matters - they are not press agents, focused on peddling whatever lies their member organizations tell them. You know, "science." That China fed them lies is one thing, that the WHO repeated those lies and then defended them cost people's lives around the world. The WHO validated the lies China made.
    • They have a bully pulpit, and it used to be fairly well respected. Yeah, you can't force things - but call China out on its lying and denial of access and data. Don't try to cover China's failings for them.
  • by Martin S. ( 98249 ) on Saturday June 13, 2020 @11:07AM (#60179112) Journal

    He has a memory like a sieve, ffs don't goad him into following through on an act of gross stupidity that he has forgotten about.

  • For example, the Trump administration has "not paid outstanding financial obligations to the WHO, a step that would be required before the United States could pull out under a joint resolution signed by Congress," the article said.

    Maybe he finds the idea of throwing more money at the WHO so that we may leave the organization a bit repugnant? Just a thought.

    • Repugnant or not, if you don't fulfill your financial obligations, you will be perceived as being untrustworthy. Of course, Trump is already considered to be unworthy of trust by intelligent people due to not meeting his financial obligations (like paying contractors, or delivering value of goods for money spent) and the United States is already considered the same, in no small part due to electing Trump POTUS.

      • You're confused, who funds the bulk of the WHO? The USA has the rights to call the shots or defund the thing, we paid for it.

        • Having the right to do a thing is one thing. Having the right to have a low opinion of doing a thing is another. Both can be valid at once because people are free to disagree, at least in theory. Last I checked that was still supposedly true here in uhhhhmerikkka.

  • Trump is negotiating a change in the WHO which makes them question official government metrics without prejudice into yet another organisation that pushes the USA's agenda.

    Congratulations guys, *now* the WHO is a political organisation.

    • by PPH ( 736903 )

      that pushes the USA's agenda.

      What exactly is that agenda?

      question official government metrics without prejudice

      Sounds like this is NOT what they were doing [cnn.com]. And Trump would like some more transparency. That's an agenda I can live with.

      • He doesn't want transparency, that's precisely what he doesn't want, look at his administration. He wants the WHO to blow smoke up America's ass to make him look good.

  • You go in and make a lowball offer (no more funds). Te other side counters with theirs (give us money but we will throw in some more goodies for you). Eventually you meet in the middle. It's not the way all the self important bureaucrats in such organizations like to be dealt with. They'd rather get their huge egos stroked rather than have their feelings hurt by adversarial negotiations. But that's part of the reason we elected Trump.

    • by swilver ( 617741 )

      So, this behavior was known before hand and you still elected him for president? The long term damage is going to be insane. And the fun part, it's going to be get worse in the next 4 years as neither candidate seems to be able to tie their own shoelaces anymore.

      • by PPH ( 736903 )

        The long term damage is going to be insane.

        If your career goal is to find some cozy little niche as a lifelong bureaucrat, yes. Having elected officials that even consider the option of dumping your ass and finding another solution just makes me smile.

  • by hdyoung ( 5182939 ) on Saturday June 13, 2020 @12:08PM (#60179266)
    This guy announces a civilization-altering initiative every 45 seconds on Twitter. Every 90 seconds he signs an executive order that reshapes the world in the image of an alt-right-Tucker-Rush-Coulter utopia.

    If this guy was earnest, hard-working, intelligent and competent, he wouldn't have the capability to execute on even 1% of the crap that spews out of him. As he is for real? I'll be surprised if he makes good on a single announcement between now and when he leaves office. His end-goal is the image. Actually getting things done is way down on his list of priorities. Doesn't even make his top 10.
  • For example, the Trump administration has "not paid outstanding financial obligations to the WHO, a step that would be required before the United States could pull out under a joint resolution signed by Congress," the article said.

    If the WHO thinks that Trump is going to pull out of the WHO and then write them a big fat check just so they will confirm it then they are as dumb as the people who wrote the headline.

This place just isn't big enough for all of us. We've got to find a way off this planet.
