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Western Bumblebee Population Drops Up To 93% Over the Last 20 Years ( 76

The western bumblebee is one of around 30 bumblebee species in the western U.S. and Canada. Now a federal review "unveils an alarming trend for the western bumblebee population, which has seen its numbers dwindle by as much as 93% in the last two decades," reports the Associated Press: The find by the U.S. Geological Survey will help inform a species status assessment to begin this fall by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, which may ultimately add the insect to its endangered species list. Tabitha Graves, senior author of the study and a research ecologist with the survey, said the trend with the western bumblebee documented between 1998 and 2018 is troubling because of their important role as pollinators...

There are multiple factors at play that are contributing to the demise of the bumblebee, including pesticides, habitat fragmentation, a warming climate and pathogens, researchers say... "This bumblebee that was once very widespread and common is something that people started to see less frequently," said Diana Cox-Foster, research leader and location coordinator at the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Pollinating Insects Research Unit at Utah State University. "There are localized populations where it is still happy and healthy, but there have been declines in large parts of its previous distributions. ... Asking why these declines are happening is very important."

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Western Bumblebee Population Drops Up To 93% Over the Last 20 Years

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  • by backslashdot ( 95548 ) on Sunday July 26, 2020 @08:37AM (#60332775)

    It is those damn Decepticons, who else?

    • by wierd_w ( 1375923 ) on Sunday July 26, 2020 @08:50AM (#60332801)

      The most likely culprit is neonicitinoid pesticides.

      There is a pretty long running list of studies showing that bees are particularly vulnerable to them, but the agribiz folks act like you suggested fucking their mothers live on stage if you mention removing them from the market.

      • The most likely culprit is neonicitinoid pesticides.

        There is a pretty long running list of studies showing that bees are particularly vulnerable to them, but the agribiz folks act like you suggested fucking their mothers live on stage if you mention removing them from the market.

        The Disease of Greed will consume mankind eventually.

        And we humans fucking deserve it because we're so damn addicted.

        • by Anonymous Coward

          Not all humans. Possibly most humans, degree being hard to measure.

          But the humans signing off and cutting deals for the best quarter, they're the only ones who matter. You might say we deserve it for ignoring them. There are two things to scrutinize, then: How they got there, how they stay there.

          The former has had some data suggesting sociopaths tend to be massaged upwards because (in a feedback loop) they tend to optimize for Profit At Any Cost (Except Money). The latter is simply the mass of capitalism ex

      • Re: Obvious culprits (Score:5, Informative)

        by jd ( 1658 ) <imipak&yahoo,com> on Sunday July 26, 2020 @11:32AM (#60333201) Homepage Journal

        That's the single biggest culprit, yes.

        The next biggest is an eradication of pollinating plants of high value to bees.

        The third killer is a massive fragmentation of areas available to feed.

        The final killer is the loss of hedgerows and woodlands, limiting options for wild bee populations.

        Bees can't nip down to the corner store for some sugar water, nor are there any realtors/estate agents offering bee condos. Deprive them of food and home, they're not going to do too well.

        Throw in deadly toxins like neonicotinoids and they're likely doomed.

      • by dryeo ( 100693 )

        I live quite away from any farms and there's still hardly any bumblebees around. When I first moved here, over 25 years back, the huckleberry bushes would each have a few bumblebees in them, now I see like one. At least this year the smaller wild bees seem to have sprung back after a couple of years of hardly any.

  • by JustAnotherOldGuy ( 4145623 ) on Sunday July 26, 2020 @08:49AM (#60332795) Journal

    No need to worry about bees or the collapsing ecosystem; bees are so small they couldn't possibly have any real impact on anything. Now carry on with your daily mandated purchases, Citizen.

    • Re: (Score:1, Funny)

      by LenKagetsu ( 6196102 )

      Some people are allergic to bees, who cares if they die? Humans have rights too.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      Then we can also consider that what we have is a less diverse habitat in farming these days than we had some decades ago, now a farm is more or less specialized on a single type of production. Some decades ago a farm were much more diverse.

      • by dryeo ( 100693 )

        Then we can also consider that what we have is a less diverse habitat in farming these days than we had some decades ago, now a farm is more or less specialized on a single type of production. Some decades ago a farm were much more diverse.

        Not just a farm but whole areas of farms often specialize on one crop now. Not far from here it is now blueberries as they pay the best.

  • by caseih ( 160668 ) on Sunday July 26, 2020 @09:12AM (#60332837)

    While at least some of that loss has happened from insecticide use, there could be other factors at play including habitat loss and almost certainly climate change. But I also wonder how the wide-spread cultivation of honey bees and leaf-cutter bees, which are not native to North America, have played a role in the decline of the bumble bee. Nearly all pollination in my area is done by leaf cutter and honey bees. In fact on our farm we use our own leaf cutter bees for several crops. I've often wondered what the impact on native pollinators is from having millions of these non-native species here on each field. I know there are diseases and parasites that accompany these non-native pollinators. How do they affect the bumble bee? From the scientists and researchers that I've heard from (we regularly have scientists present their findings at growers meetings), very little research has been done into native pollinators, including the humble bumble bee. All we know is they are in severe decline.

    Honey bee and leaf cutter bees have been cultivated for many decades, but their use in recent years has expanded due to hybrid crop production requiring controlled pollination.

    By the way we do have to use insecticides sometimes while the leaf-cutter and honey bees are in the field. Certain insecticides are used that are not residual, and we spray when the bees are inactive, mostly huddled in their shelters for the night. We don't know where bumble bees shelter at night. From what we can see, and what researchers verify, our cultivated bees seem to be doing just fine. So we can quantify the effects on honey bees and leaf cutters because they are well studied. How are bumble bees affected? No one knows. All anyone cared about for a long time was the honey bee, thanks in part to the lobbying of the hone bee folk.

    • by Njovich ( 553857 )

      and almost certainly climate change.

      I am not an expert at all, but if climate change was almost certainly a big factor, wouldn't that show up quite obviously, with things like a movement further north or to different parts of the year?

      • by DogDude ( 805747 ) on Sunday July 26, 2020 @09:55AM (#60332939)
        It takes a long time for whole ecosystems to shift. Bees can't just move on their own. Their entire habitat has to move, too. Studies have shown that climate is changing faster than most species can move. That's the crux of the problem.
        • by dgatwood ( 11270 ) on Sunday July 26, 2020 @12:53PM (#60333385) Homepage Journal

          During an average year, the temperature in southern states swings by about 80 degrees Fahrenheit. If temperature swings of 80 or 90 degrees doesn't harm the bees, it seems entirely implausible that a shift of the average by two degrees would devastate them, particularly in states like California, where the coastal temperature swings are far smaller on average, and where at least in coastal areas, the average temperature could increase by ten degrees without the peaks exceeding the temperature range that you see every year in Tennessee.

          Nor could temperature changes realistically result in enough change in the location of vegetation to matter. Some bees are known to migrate seasonally by up to 125 miles, and bees typically forage 2+ miles from home (and sometimes as much as 4 miles) on a daily basis. So even if all plant life on Earth existed in a 5-mile-wide band that moved north by two miles per year, the bees could still easily move along with it.

          Bees survive in a wide range of climates with a wide range of temperatures and a wide range of rainfall, and they store food (honey) to ensure that they can handle wild swings in flower density. So IMO, there is approximately zero chance that their die-off has anything to do with climate change, unless perhaps they have a common cause (e.g. higher CO2 levels causing bees to have trouble breathing somehow), and even that seems pretty unlikely.

    • While at least some of that loss has happened from insecticide use, there could be other factors at play including habitat loss and almost certainly climate change...

      OK, I see your point, but let me stop you there. What pisses me off about these "studies" is NOT the fact that we're still sitting around watching Greed point fingers at Greed to find blame, but the fact that we already know the impact of entirely losing bees in our ecosystem.

      What do you mean it's "not well studied"? If we thought something was quite literally threatening the human food supply, don't you fucking think we would be smart enough to prioritize that, and ensure it's "studied" enough?


      • This is about bumble bees, not bees in general. We don't want bumble bees to go extinct, but it isn't quite literally threatening the human food supply.
        • by dryeo ( 100693 )

          It is threatening the bears food supply around here. Bumblebees are out pollinating very early in the season and are the main pollinators of natural crops like huckleberries and salmon berries.

      • by caseih ( 160668 )

        I mean literally, no one has studied them like honey bees have been studied by scientists. The last few years has seen a lot of research done with regards to the affect of neonics on honey bees, in large part because honey bee keepers have been crying fowl for some time over their colonies dying off. So a ton of research has gone into honey bees. Virtually no research has been done on bumble bees.

        And yes, neonics are being studied very closely by scientists who study bees. There is a correlation between

    • by malkavian ( 9512 )

      Some of the research I've looked at showed a fairly strong correlation between increased pollination using mobile hives, and native bee decline. The mobility of the hives spread varroa infections wider than would normally happen, entering native areas.
      Plus the competition of the commercial pollination has affected the native species due to them making a big dent in available nectar.

      Neonics (which have a small contributory impact) tend to be called as the main culprit, but overall, what I've read seems to p

    • While at least some of that loss has happened from insecticide use, there could be other factors at play including habitat loss and almost certainly climate change. But I also wonder how the wide-spread cultivation of honey bees and leaf-cutter bees, which are not native to North America, have played a role in the decline of the bumble bee.

      We have hundreds of species of native leaf-cutter bees, I photograph them in the park all the time. They're more common than honey bees on many native plants, even though there are urban beekeepers in the area, and lots of honey bees on specific plants.

      One of the very common native bees I see, it is a shame this isn't the right type of place for photos, but one is the Red-footed Cuckoo-leaf-cutter Bee (Coelioxys rufitarsis) which parasitizes nests of other leaf-cutter bees, including the European Wool Carde

  • If you think it is caused by anything other than humans I want to know if you also need a reminder to breathe.
  • Why didn't Monsato scientists think of that?

  • I see far fewer insects of all sorts, eg: fewer house flies, wasps, butterflies, ladybirds & mosquitoes. Whatever has caused their decline probably has other nasty effects as well. I live in England, near London.

    • by malkavian ( 9512 )

      Air quality has been marked as a strong indicator. Diesel (older engines) are a big culprit on that, sending nanoparticulates into the atmosphere. This has been correlated strongly with the decline in sparrows (which used to be a heavy population in London, but now are quite scarce), and the path for that is that Birds have very sensitive respiratory systems (air capillaries, rather than lungs), which respond adversely faster to pollution and disease.
      The rise of the diesel engine in popularity (over the

    • Loss of hedgerows, gardens, natural areas, and traditional (organic) farming.

      Buy organic, save a wasp. Plant a garden, save a butterfly.

      I have some giant house spiders that hunt at night, any house flies trying to live in here last one day. They can't even see it coming at night.

    • Agreed - even out in the suburbs. Birds and spiders have a lot less to eat right now, which will presumably see a decline in their numbers too.

      However, for bumblebees particularly, they seem to go crazy for the lavender we have at the front of our house. If the number we've got buzzing around right now is only 7% of the normal quantity, then that's probably a good thing, or else we wouldn't be able to open the front door. I suspect our local population isn't as impacted as elsewhere.

      Incidentally, lavender i

  • Anecdotal evidence (Score:5, Interesting)

    by bradley13 ( 1118935 ) on Sunday July 26, 2020 @09:34AM (#60332887) Homepage

    This is purely anecdotal, but we recently moved from a town in the prime agricultural area of Switzerland up to a mountain village. The difference in the number of insects is staggering . In the mountain village, there are many, many more creeping, hopping, flying insects - I wouldn't be surprised if it is an order of magnitude more.

    I can only suppose that this is due to widespread pesticide use by farmers down in the valley. This needs to stop. Insects are a critical part of the biosphere.

  • "Western?" (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Aighearach ( 97333 ) on Sunday July 26, 2020 @09:52AM (#60332933)

    The problem with these claims is that there is no ongoing, continuous, high quality, regional population monitoring of bees.

    So claims like this, we know the data is awful, but we don't know how awful, so we can't really calibrate an understanding of it.

    Here in Oregon, which might be presumed to be included in the "Western" region, there has never been a state-wide counting of native bee species. The Oregon Bee Almanac project was supposed to change that this year, but we'll see how good the results are; the lockdown started right before training.

    I live in the city, and macro photography is a hobby of mine. Insects are my main subjects. The city parks are still full of mostly-native bees, including numerous bumblebee species. They vastly outnumber introduced bees on most plants, even though there are beekeepers less than a mile away.

    When I'm in the forest, there are always bumblebees.

    These sorts of observational studies can't really be compared in this way, by just doing a survey of all the results. All these results will actually lead to is additional, higher quality study.

    • Here in Oregon, which might be presumed to be included in the "Western" region, there has never been a state-wide counting of native bee species.

      Not even people want to move to Oregon, why would bees!

      On a serious note though "Western" does not describe the region, it is a colloquial name for the Bombus occidentalis, a bee species whose range currently only includes a tiny portion of the state.

      • Splendid, thanks.

        B. occidentalis is region-wide. Don't believe the hype. I've seen them recently.

  • how did we do this?

    we KNOW that insecticides are part of the problem, but eff that, we want our monoculture.

    in Europe, at least, they are trying to address the problem.

    but here...

    we're scum.

  • I saw on a TV report that there are hornets in the west that are devastating the local bee populations, too.
    • by PPH ( 736903 )

      Murder hornets []. Yet another scourge from Asia. Thanks, guys.

    • And I saw this in REAL LIFE, that hornets eat bees and wasps too, but in negligible amounts. As do birds. An they have been for million of years.

      What you watched is really just the TV equivalent of clickbait.

      I've got wild bees, livestock bees, wasps, hornets and bumblebees of various kinds, from tiny and black like a small ant to huge like your big toe, swarming all around me, the whole day thwice a week.
      (They are almost completely harmless to humans, by the way. Just damn curious. So the art is to stay cal

      • by kackle ( 910159 )
        This report spoke of one hornet, alone, being able to destroy an entire honeybee hive population, then taking the young for food. Is this normal as far as you know? It sounds like it's quite dominating.
  • Scientists have found the reason. []
  • We will ask why until they are gone. Only then we will know it was us. Its was always about us.
  • Yo I made a song about bees. []
  • I am getting no where near the pollination needed. This was not a problem even 3 yrs ago. Location: southwest connecticut.
  • California transportation department has planted a very drought resistant and poisonous plant down the median of interstate highways and likely using federal tax dollars to do it.

    The plant is oleander. Could that be killing the bees?

  • They were mostly brought over from Europe. Without them, native pollinators would do just fine for even farming purposes.
  • Browsing iNaturalist citizen-scientist data for Alabama, Bombus spp. are clearly in decline (, click on History tab).

    Normalizing by eye to Insecta or Animalia results in even starker declines, as this helps account for increasing use of iNat over time.

    Other eastern states I looked at were less obvious, however insects are declining generally, normalized to observations.

    I have not seen a bumble bee in two years in Chatham Co., NC. I am out in nature nearly every d

  • Anything thst acts as a chemo for this planetary pathogen called "humans".

    Don't like it? Use contraception! Reduce humanity to 500k people. Then I'll stop calling you a pathogen.

    (Yes, sadly, I am a human too. But I will do my deed, by not making any more.)

Nothing is impossible for the man who doesn't have to do it himself. -- A.H. Weiler
