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Youtube Censorship

YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki Gets 'Freedom Expression' Award Sponsored By YouTube ( 133

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Newsweek: YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki received a "Free Expression" award from the Freedom Forum Institute in a virtual ceremony sponsored by YouTube, an online video platform owned by Google. On Thursday, YouTube creator Molly Burke presented Wojcicki with the accolade in a video shared to the platform. "I'm so excited to be here tonight to present Susan Wojcicki with the Free Expression award. As the CEO of YouTube, Susan is facing some of the most critical issues around free expression today," Burke said.

Following the ceremony, some Twitter users mocked Wojcicki for receiving an award that was sponsored by her own platform. "YouTube CEO won a Free Speech award...sponsored by YouTube. Hahahahhhaahhhahhahahahaaaaaaa," one user wrote. Another wrote, "Lol, youtube receiving an award for free expression/pro first amendment is Orwellian s***. What's next, Facebook getting an award for respecting privacy?"

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YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki Gets 'Freedom Expression' Award Sponsored By YouTube

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  • lol (Score:4, Informative)

    by Brymouse ( 563050 ) on Tuesday April 20, 2021 @08:03PM (#61295756)
    • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

      It's far worse than that. You cannot quote actual epidemiologists that slightly cut against the mainstream narrative. Until Dr. Fauci or the WHO change the narrative to align with formerly-censored epidemiologists who were right all along.
      • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

        Remember when the WHO claimed there was no evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel coronavirus at the same time that videos were being leaked showing the CCP dumping sand on highways and welding people into their homes? Yeah, trying to help people by showing how the WHO was wrong would get you banned under YouTube's new policy. Same with Fauci saying that masks don't work and you should definitely not use them.

  • Gee, I hope she gets a raise, maybe her own bathroom stall.

  • by niftydude ( 1745144 ) on Tuesday April 20, 2021 @08:11PM (#61295772)
    That they've banned content creators if they even mention alternative video streaming services.

    Now they're pretending they're a bastion of free speech.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      They constantly shadow ban on political grounds too. You see a lot of smaller center-right content creators suffer through that. It's nothing too extreme. I'd say it's what the mainstream was maybe a decade ago.

      I've seen way more extreme channels on the left side - even advocating violence sometimes stays unsuppressed while channels like the LiberalHivemind are shadowbanned (he does clickbait titles but content isn't anything too crazy).

      • by Anonymous Coward

        Yeah.. I'm pretty appalled at the state of YouTube, and as a separate issues, also "the left".

        In my head, I support dictionary liberalism. I'm not a conservative except on core principles, and that just means I change slower--not that I don't change.

        But lately, I've had an awful lot of conversations with friends that ended in arguments because they espoused judging people just for their party associations and not their individual actions.

  • by Kunedog ( 1033226 ) on Tuesday April 20, 2021 @08:14PM (#61295776)
    Did anyone else think it strange that /. didn't cover Youtube's test balloon of hiding the dislike count near the end of last month?

    Old and new media are both desperate to pass off a manufactured/astroturfed popularity, and we've seen major upticks in this kind of thing over the last few years, both in politics and entertainment.

    Manipulating RT critic reviews [] worked for Last Jedi, at least for a single weekend until the user reviews showed up and no one trusted the critic score anymore.

    Manipulating RT user reviews worked for Captain Marvel, and now few people trust the user score either.

    What's left? Most of what people still trust (e.g. word-of-mouth from folks they know, or reviews from trusted Youtubers) can't be gamed the same way, definitely not as effectively.

    Now that Kathleen Kennedy has demonstrated she's still perfectly able and willing to damage Star Wars (and arguably other IPs) even after creative control's been stripped from her [], anything that publically embarrasses her [] or demonstrates the unpopularity of her politics (i.e. anything that gives the public a voice) must also be reworked . . .
    • Covered what now? YouTube has let users hide the like/dislike count on their videos for quite some time. The option is available to any user who uploads a video. I just checked, and it's still there.

      The only channel I've seen actually use it is a Japanese vlog about ducks. []

      • Covered what now? YouTube has let users hide the like/dislike count on their videos for quite some time. []

        See? You're not even aware of what Youtube was doing, probably because Slashdot didn't cover it. Google "dislike count" for the articles.

        • So I watched this video, they mentioned YouTube was (spooky theremin noises) "experimenting with hiding dislikes." and not much else. Apparently, I'm supposed to care because of some Marvel movie and Star Wars?

          It wasn't reported on Slashdot because it's not news. YouTube has let uploaders hide the dislike count on their videos for a long time. If it's part of some plot to (more theremin noises) manufacture consent, they're giving equal latitude for any user on their platform to do it.

          With all of the valid r

      • Why are you so ignorant about this subject but still talking as if you have an opinion anyone wants to hear?

        You dont even know the basic facts. Provably. You even admit it.
      • The only time you hide the ratio and disable comments is when you have something to hide yourself. There is no reason to do it.

        But but but some videos attract tro-
        The responsibility to call bullshit outweighs this.
        But but but some videos are controve-
        Any subject that is "too sensitive to discuss" MUST be discussed.
        But but but some people have harassment campai-
        There are no harassment campaigns, this is an excuse made up by thieves, liars, and scammers.
        But but but some videos are watched by chi-
        Google is fre

    • by Veretax ( 872660 )
      Or that youtube received an award on free speech sponsored by Youtube. Self Congratulations all around at youtube
  • by katz ( 36161 ) <Email? What e - m ail?> on Tuesday April 20, 2021 @08:14PM (#61295778)

    “So this is how liberty dies ... with thunderous applause."

    • I used to think that quote was rather fake, but now I guess it's true.

    • I think you'd be hard-pressed to find anyone who applauded this "virtual ceremony", even virtually. It reads like a stark exercise in navel-gazing. The most popular content on the site also tends to be navel-gazing, so maybe they thought it'd fit, or something. As far as it having anything to do with "liberty", no. Not any more than any other cheesy ad.

  • War is peace
    Freedom is slavery
    Ignorance is strength
    Big Tech is Free Speech
  • by mcnster ( 2043720 ) on Tuesday April 20, 2021 @08:54PM (#61295862)

    This tube is your tube, this tube is my tube
    Watch what you watch, dude
    Or up the bum with no lube.
    From Pewdiepie to the false flag hoaxes
    This tube was made for you and me.

  • I'm sure she just didn't see the hypocrisy in the situation.

  • by tomhath ( 637240 ) on Tuesday April 20, 2021 @09:28PM (#61295930)
    That's not as bad as giving someone a Nobel Peace Prize for reading a speech someone else wrote.
  • WTF? (Score:5, Informative)

    by NewtonsLaw ( 409638 ) on Tuesday April 20, 2021 @09:47PM (#61295956)

    Excuse me? Did I read this correctly?

    YouTube gives its CEO an award for doing something that she's not doing at all?

    YT is the *last* place to go for the balanced set of opinions and perspectives normally associated with free speech.

    Unless you're drinking from YouTube's own koolaid you're almost certainly going to be relegated to the bottom of the search results -- and demonetized, and given a few bogus community strikes as well.

    This is like giving Hitler the Nobel Peace prize.


    • Re: (Score:1, Troll)

      YT is the *last* place to go for the balanced set of opinions and perspectives normally associated with free speech.

      You do know that Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson and Steven Crowder are on there, right? Obviously people are allowed to say a wide range of unsupported poorly thought out garbage associated with free speech.

      • You just named a demonetized person, a Jew who is constantly attacked with death threats by anti-semites ON YOUTUBE that are never removed, and a Liberal.
        • That sentence doesn't parse well. Who's the liberal?
          • Jordan Peterson is the liberal.
            • You wish.
              • He says so. He says liberal things. He has liberal ideas. Pretty sure hes a liberal unless you provide some sort of evidence besides your snide bullshit pretend disbelief.
                • His massive alt-right following is evidence that his ideas are alt-right. Otherwise why would they be following him?
                  • by quall ( 1441799 )

                    Which ideas are "alt-right"? The only one that stands out is his view on gender politics, but he is still respectful of trans people even if he doesn't believe in declarative genders, and respecting others' ideas is a staple trait of a liberal.

                • Jordan Peterson is typically described as a conservative.

                  From what I recall from listening to him he is conservative-leaning, and some of his views are solidly conservative, but he does have some liberal views as well.

                  I think this WP except says it pretty well, though:

                  Peterson has characterized himself politically as a "classic British liberal",[17][97][98] and as a "traditionalist".[99] He has stated that he is commonly mistaken to be right-wing.[72] Yoram Hazony wrote in The Wall Street Journal that "[t]h

        • You just named a demonetized person,

          Oh come on stop being a wanker. I think this award is as stupid as the next person (it's just astonishingly stupid) but seriously stop being a wanker. You're claiming a lack of free speech because youtube is no longer PAYING the person for their speech.

          • Apparently conservatives think that Youtube not only owes them a soapbox, but also a salary. Whatever happened to pull yourself up by your own bootstraps? Oh yeah, that only applies to poor people.

            • Apparently conservatives think that Youtube not only owes them a soapbox, but also a salary. Whatever happened to pull yourself up by your own bootstraps? Oh yeah, that only applies to poor people.

              None of the listed people seem to be hurting for a buck, and none of them seem to be dependent on Youtube for their livelihood. I think the argument, though, is that if Youtube has a system by which creators can make money off their work AND they (per the article, albeit indirectly) declare themselves a place where freedom of expression can thrive, then the logical consequence is that the monetization system should apply equally to those who have popular views, and those who do not.

              There's a difference betw

              • But conservatives also like the idea that employers should be able to fire anyone for any reason. If Youtube denies some people for monetization, then that's their god given right as an employer. No different from newspapers and news statiions not paying reporters who don't work for them. Certainly some news organizations stop paying some of their reporters if they've been caught doing unethical things like plagiarizing to fabrication. Perhaps conservatives aren't used to that - everyone gets a participatio
      • But those guys like Dennis Prager (the same as the ones you mentioned) are on the naughty list (restricted) which may mean people can't seem hardly or if ever.
    • by k6mfw ( 1182893 )
      It sure doesn't make sense. And this story is just two stories down from "MI5 Warns of Spies Using LinkedIn To Trick Staff Into Spilling Secrets." I guess some people think LI is safe and clean.
    • Re: (Score:1, Troll)

      by Luckyo ( 1726890 )

      It's not even hard to argue that Hitler actually does have a good chance of getting a Nobel Peace Prize, when you consider that his goal was to have a war to end all wars (intent is for peace in Europe) and he was actually successful as it took 50 years from ending of WW2 to the next large scale war on European continent, and even that one was peanuts compared to WW2 (outcome is peace in Europe).

      With both intent and outcome being this peaceful, how could you not give him a Nobel Peace Prize?

      See, it's all ab

      • And that's something that modern marxist left is exceptionally good at,

        You seem weirdly up to speed on what the three remaining actual Marxists are up to. Unless of course "Maxrist" is the new "SJW", i.e. a shorthand for "shit I hate".

        or example mindset of MLK of judging people by their character rather than their skin colour is racist in today's left's view.

        No it isn't. The thing they view as racist is ignoring a few hundred yeas of structural racism (which still hasn't gone). Idiots interpret that as "rac

      • With both intent and outcome being this peaceful, how could you not give him a Nobel Peace Prize?

        Well, for one thing, the Nobel Peace Prize is never given posthumously. And that's not even the best reason.

    • Free Expression .. except when it doesn't fit [] our corporate narrative! /s

  • by shubus ( 1382007 ) on Tuesday April 20, 2021 @10:04PM (#61295988)
    Yes, she is the most undeserving person in the world to receive such an award. Who are the idiots who gave her this award? They should be drawn & quartered.
  • And in other news, the Trump Organization has announced that the Noble Trump Peace Prize for 2020 has been awarded to Donald J Trump.
  • I watch a lot of YouTube so I'm well aware of how much stuff will get you demonetized, but even with all the restrictions YouTube has it's about 100x more permissive than sites like Twitter, so I'm ok with it.
    A lot of stuff will get you demonetized, but you'll still be allowed to keep your account and uploaded videos in most cases.
    • I watch a lot of YouTube so I'm well aware of how much stuff will get you demonetized, but even with all the restrictions YouTube has it's about 100x more permissive than sites like Twitter, so I'm ok with it. A lot of stuff will get you demonetized, but you'll still be allowed to keep your account and uploaded videos in most cases.

      You dismiss demonetization as if it's nothing.

      For the beggars on YT desperately trying to make a click-buck, this is akin to walking up to the beggar on the street corner, and taking their money and cup away. Quite a few out there, rely on that income. And were able to rely on that income for years. Up until YT, like many others, got Woke. (which I'm certain will be the next word that triggers demonetization)

      And comparing Shit to Shitter to make me feel better about Shit, ain't working. Still stinks.

      • I thought it was convenient that Youtube pulled its bait and switch after they had reached the critical mass to become a vertical monopoly. There is probably a lesson in there about letting corporations get too big or too influential. Probably.

        The silver lining is that leaves a niche open for another platform to grow that isn't so ideologically driven and isn't striving to make itself just another outlet for cable television and the politically correct. One can hope that it doesn't get strangled in the crib

  • Just like the Old Media Award shows. In years past you didn't expect heathen viewers to nominate the Glitterati for Acadamy Awards, did you? Of course not. So obviously the Anointed are going to award their fellow Anointed online as well, because otherwise it's all heathens.

  • that sat up in their chair and said "Come on Folks, lets just let this go to the next in line who is not a Youtube employee" general optics after all?
  • those awards various dictators give to themselves.
  • Just like the "communities" YT creates. ;)

  • to file a DMCA take down request on the video? Let's see how free expression is when it gets automatically approved.

  • Is this on same par as Nobel winning prize warmonger? Not yet?
  • ...China is set to award its president the acclaimed title "Protector of Human Rights and Freedoms," which they just made up, for his outstanding handling of "undemocratic" feelings among the Uighur population.

    That'll be the best award ceremony since The First Annual Montgomery Burns Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence.

  • Sadly, among the mainstream social platforms, YouTube actually is the most egalitarian and liberal in the original sense, meaning they censor the least. I wouldn't give an award for that very very low bar, but it's worth noting.

  • Susan says EXACTLY what she thinks of independent content creators @1:59 []:

    We think about ourselves as a platform for next generation of media companies to be able to create content and distribute it to the world ...

    YouTube: Look at how great we are at Free Expression! We even got an award from ourselves!
    Viewers: You just going to ignore the List of Demonetization Words []
    Also: Hypocrites, much Susan? [] So how is that "Free Expression" working out for the people that were "de-platformed" such as Alex Jones, David

  • People think they're just silencing conservatives, and that's not true.

    They are trying to get people away from the indie stuff as well. Lesser known bands. Smaller budget films.

    YouTube wants to steer you toward the stuff IT likes. Not the stuff you like.

The trouble with being punctual is that nobody's there to appreciate it. -- Franklin P. Jones
