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Google Open Source News

Google Unveils Site Showcasing Google-Approved Open Source Tools and Tutorials for Google-Technology Developers (googleblog.com) 12

Quoting the Google Developers blog: Developers around the world are constantly creating open source tools and tutorials but have a hard time getting them discovered. The content published often spanned many different sites - from GitHub to Medium. Therefore we decided to create a space where we can highlight the best projects related to Google technologies in one place - introducing the Developer Library.

The platform showcases blog posts and open source tools with easy-to-use navigation. Content is categorized by product areas; Machine Learning, Flutter, Firebase, Angular, Cloud, Android, with more to come.

What makes the Developer Library unique is that each piece featured on the site is reviewed, in detail, by a team of Google experts for accuracy and relevancy, so you know when you view the content on the site it has the stamp of approval from Google.

The "Dev Library" web site describes itself as "a showcase of what developers like you have built with Google technologies."
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Google Unveils Site Showcasing Google-Approved Open Source Tools and Tutorials for Google-Technology Developers

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Some programming languages manage to absorb change, but withstand progress. -- Epigrams in Programming, ACM SIGPLAN Sept. 1982
