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Carbon Dioxide Reaches Highest Level In 4 Million Years ( 221

An anonymous reader quotes a report from NPR: The amount of carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere reached 419 parts per million in May, its highest level in more than four million years, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration announced on Monday. After dipping last year because of pandemic-fueled lockdowns, emissions of greenhouse gases have begun to soar again as economies open and people resume work and travel. The newly released data about May carbon dioxide levels show that the global community so far has failed to slow the accumulation of heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere, NOAA said in its announcement.

The May measurement is the monthly average of atmospheric data recorded by NOAA and the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at an observatory atop Hawaii's Mauna Loa volcano. NOAA's monthly average from its measurements came to 419.13 parts per million, and scientists from Scripps calculated their average as 418.92. A year ago, the average was 417 parts per million. The last time the atmosphere held similar amounts of carbon dioxide was during the Pliocene period, NOAA said, about 4.1 to 4.5 million years ago. At that time, sea levels were 78 feet higher. The planet was an average of 7 degrees Fahrenheit warmer, and large forests might have grown in what is today's Arctic tundra.
"We are adding roughly 40 billion metric tons of CO2 pollution to the atmosphere per year," said Pieter Tans, a senior scientist with NOAA's Global Monitoring Laboratory, in a statement. "If we want to avoid catastrophic climate change, the highest priority must be to reduce CO2 pollution to zero at the earliest possible date."
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Carbon Dioxide Reaches Highest Level In 4 Million Years

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  • by cats-paw ( 34890 ) on Tuesday June 08, 2021 @10:45PM (#61468066) Homepage

    Edward O Wilson: "we have palaeolithic emotions, medieval institutions and godlike technology"

    and if that wasn't bad enough, the people with the power and wealth think that as the world deteriorates their money and power will protect them. Generally it will, at least for a while, until food is more valuable than "money".

    We can do something about this and it wouldn't even be much of a sacrifice, but it ain't gonna happen.

    Look at Norway. Trillion dollar wealth fund built on the back of the planet even though they are "democratic socialist" society. And even now looking at tapping new oil reserves off the coast which will, in addition to contributing to CO2, will do substantial environmental damage.

    Greed is real.

    And, just to top off the greed, absolute fucking morons in the US who don't even understand what a virus is or that they have vaccines to thank for not getting smallpox, polio and Covid-19. Convincing them that climate change is a liberal conspiracy was simple, and was part of a well orchestrated campaign of lying to generally create the mythology that environmental regulations are holding back jobs.

    Stupidity is real too.

    • Greed is real.

      So use it to your advantage. Do people burn fossil fuels to raise the global temperature? No, they burn it because it makes them money.

      Find a way that lower CO2 emissions makes people money. Electricity from solar power is cheaper than coal? Okay then, problem solved. People will not burn coal because that is a deal that loses them money.

      Off shore windmills are cheaper than natural gas? Okay then, problem solved. If heat pumps and windmills heats a home cheaper than natural gas then that problem has

      • Electricity from solar power is cheaper than coal? Okay then, problem solved. People will not burn coal because that is a deal that loses them money.

        This is already true. One of the US political parties keeps pushing for subsidies to burn coal, and fights against installing solar.

        We are not in a completely free market, so you can't rely on "the magic of the market" to fix all of it.

      • These are great ideas...for 1920. It's far, far too late now. Many of us alive today will live to see a dramatic decrease in this planet's ability to grow food at scale. And when there are no more crops or animals to eat, people will eat people, because that's all that's left.

        But that's not even the worst part. We may have a water shortage before that even happens. If today, you wanted to install a water reclamation system in your home, what would it cost? Do any even exist?

        The situation is dire, and I'm so

        • You can live in denial if you like, or go through the stages of grief if you prefer, but It's really time to make peace with each other because this is it for humans on this planet.

          Ask your doctor about Prozac.

    • What "medieval institutions"? The Catholic Church? It's the only Western institution that remains a thousand years later, so what the hell was he talking about?

      Norway isn't a Socialist nation, they're Capitalist "Social Democrats". Very, very different from "Democratic Socialists", who are just Socialists that want to get elected before establishing a dictatorship.

      And forget Norway anyhow. The West isn't the problem. China is the problem. Don't tell Norway not to pump oil, tell China to stop buil

  • by Truth_Quark ( 219407 ) on Tuesday June 08, 2021 @10:50PM (#61468076) Journal

    After dipping last year because of pandemic-fueled lockdowns, emissions of greenhouse gases have begun to soar again as economies open and people resume work and travel.

    Greenhouse gas emissions are the rate of increase of greenhouse gas concentration in the atmosphere. (Well, less sinks, but those are slow for CO2).

    So "US greenhouse gas emissions being below their 1990 level" is an unusual meaning of "dip". It means that the increase was slightly less than what it was in 1990. Which wasn't very slow as renewableas weren't economically competitive back then.

  • The universe... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Organic Brain Damage ( 863655 ) on Tuesday June 08, 2021 @11:22PM (#61468130)
    ... won't even notice the humans' extinction.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday June 08, 2021 @11:39PM (#61468150)
    Propaganda can not.
  • by Rick Schumann ( 4662797 ) on Wednesday June 09, 2021 @01:21AM (#61468246) Journal
    Face it: we can't even get anti-vaxxers, pandemic deniers, and *ahem* 'others', to STFU, wear masks in public, and take the gods-be-damned coronavirus vaccine, because they're convinced it's all some so-called 'liberal conspiracy', 'it's just the flu', 'the vaccine will make you impotent/make you a zombie/make you sterile/give your kids autism/make your kids want sex change operations', or *whatever*, and now you expect them to stop driving their huge gas-guzzling SUVs and get plug-in electrics, and overall give up *anything*, because they just won't really believe any of this is real until they literally can't live their lives properly anymore? Then there's the ones who think it's 'the apocalypse' incoming and won't do anything about any of it because they believe it's 'Gods will/Gods plan'. Seriously, by the time people in general are convinced this is real and something needs to be done about it, it will be so far past 'too late' that rolling your eyes will be all you can do.
    But PLEASE, someone prove me wrong, PLEASE! I'd rather not, some day when I'm on my deathbed, be thinking that my entire species is going to become extinct soon after I'm gone.
    • "It's TRUMP'S FAULT!"
      "It's the RELIGIOUS's fault!"

      Yeah, deep thoughts, dude. Very persuasive. Feel better now? Maybe bite your pillow or something, vent that spleen?

    • The species exists in more places than the USA.

      Just thought I'd mention that.

      To be precise, 95.75% of the population of the planet earth does not live in the USA.

      So, I'm looking at your post and seeing just USA problems, really - very USA centric argument.

      Almost as if you haven't actually considered the 95.75% of the rest of the global population... interesting ...

  • So what was the level measured 4 million years ago? I'm guessing around 418.8641.
    We only just edged it there.

  • With current world population at approximate 7.9-billion, and other species growing as humanity grows in number such as cats, dogs, it is no surprise. In addition, all the machines like automobiles which are a massive in number...don't forget motorcycles, lawn mowers, etc. For farms, cows, pigs, chickens as food sources, etc.

    Eventually we'll be like Venus, a runaway greenhouse effect, that is if we don't first destroy ourselves with a nuclear war, or some other catastrophe.


    • by HiThere ( 15173 )

      The world population is mainly at the expense of other animals, so if you are going to include machines separately, population should be a wash, or nearly so. The real problem (ISFA we're talking about CO2 levels) is the extraction of fossil carbon from oil, coal, etc.

      I *doubt* that we'll get "a runaway greenhouse effect", though I must admit that the research on that is uncertain. But we may well get a largely desert land mass, most of which is too hot for people to live on. There's at least one model t

  • Tell China and make them care. If the US was "net zero", China's own output plus the coal plants they're building world-wide will make up for it before you can blink.

    There's no point in eviscerating the growth potential of Western economies when China emits more than all of them combined, and will enjoy a massive comparative advantage as a result. We can aim for lower emissions without engaging in a panicked rush. Western economies are not the problem. China is the problem.

    And why doesn't China care

    • There's no point in eviscerating the growth potential of Western economies when China emits more than all of them combined

      Good news! They don't.

      And a much higher percentage of their new generation is not fossil-fuel based than the US.

      Also, we have a wee bit more control over what we do than what another country does.

      Finally, this is a potential massive new industry for the US. We could be the ones that invent and build the new tech for everyone else. Instead, you want to give that away to Europe and China so you can be comfortable in your whataboutism.

  • So, the sensor is on top of a volcano, one of the world's most active. Volcanoes emit CO2, a lot of it. Anyone else see a problem here?

  • by AndyKron ( 937105 ) on Wednesday June 09, 2021 @12:18PM (#61470062)
    This is GREAT NEWS for pot farmers!
  • Soylent Green will be People.

  • political leaders around the world unite and ban all non-essential uses of CO2. If CO2 is going to end human life, then we should prioritize it and start by eliminating the most frivolous uses.

    For example, before we do something about CO2 in a fire extinguisher, we might want to ban champagne. Things like soda pop and other bubbly beverages are totally unnecessary. Dry ice, in all but science and medical labs. CO2 in basically any consumer application.

    Only after all CO2 emissions by non-essential things are

Philosophy: A route of many roads leading from nowhere to nothing. -- Ambrose Bierce
