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Russia Threatens Retaliation After YouTube Deletes RT Germany Account ( 83

Russia's Foreign Ministry has threatened harsh retaliatory measures against YouTube after the video sharing service suspended two German-language accounts run by Russian state media, according to a report from Russia's TASS news outlet. Russia went so far as to call the suspensions "information warfare." From a report: The YouTube accounts, RT Germany and Der Fehlende Part, were reportedly deleted after spreading misinformation about the covid-19 pandemic and had a combined subscriber count of roughly 700,000 before being deleted. RT Germany was initially suspended from posting new videos for a week after breaching YouTube's covid-19 misinformation rules, but the account was deleted completely after RT allegedly uploaded the content again to another channel called Der Fehlende Part, or "The Missing Part," in English. "Considering the nature of the incident, which is fully in line with the logic of the information warfare unleashed against Russia, taking retaliatory symmetrical measures against the German media in Russia would seem not just an appropriate, but also a necessary thing to do, especially taking into account that [the German media] were caught interfering into our country's domestic affairs on several occasions in the past," the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement to TASS on Tuesday.
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Russia Threatens Retaliation After YouTube Deletes RT Germany Account

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  • by Registered Coward v2 ( 447531 ) on Wednesday September 29, 2021 @10:56AM (#61844137)
    Clearly Putin understands the value of easy access to foreign audiences as a way to spread propaganda and mount disinformation campaigns. It's a lot easier and cheaper now to do it from the basement of the Kremlin and doesn't want to lose that ability. He wants the German government to do his dirty work since retaliating against YouTube in Russia would have no impact on Germany.
    • Re: (Score:2, Troll)

      Quick lesson in capitalism for Putin, private companies do not have to host his state based propaganda, and they don't really give a crap about him leaning on Germany either...

      imo, the West should continue to cold-shoulder Russia until they come up with a solution for their commander-in-thief

      • Corporations don't give a bugger about human rights.
        If cared they'd stop doing business in Russia.
        They would also stop doing business in China, and Saudi Arabia and Indonesia, and I'm sure you can think of a whole bunch of other countries that you could argue are dictatorships of one kind or another.
        The American based corporation I work for makes nearly $1 billion in profit in China every year, for example. I'm pretty sure the shareholders are ok with that.
    • It's also a pretty empty threat since Putin only allows Putin-approved media in Russia. If you've already eliminated everything but your own propaganda outlets then there's nothing left to make threats to.
  • Now the North Sea oil has run out a bit of depopulating europe is a necessary evil in YTs opinion.

  • Cut them off (Score:1, Insightful)

    by Fuzi719 ( 1107665 )
    There is absolutely nothing in Russia worth having. Completely cut them off from the internet. Same with North Korea and anyone else that threatens the rest of the world. China, too. The only thing these bas***ds do is spread propaganda and malware, the world doesn't need them.
    • by Anonymous Coward

      I have an old hotmail honeypot and it attracts sooo much malware for ru is is not even funny

    • by hey! ( 33014 )

      Disagree and agree.

      Russia is a country with far more than its fair share of human brilliance, but as long as that human capital is fettered by a treacherous, corrupt, authoritarian regime there's no point allowing that regime to wander unsupervised on the commons.

      Imagine Russia, with its human and natural resources, only governed like Norway is. It would almost certainly be the third largest economy in the world; not sandwiched between South Korea, a much smaller country, and Brazil, a developing one. It

    • by bug1 ( 96678 )

      That is a very extreme position. You judging billions of people as worthless based on the actions of dozens of them.

      You would make it even harder for the citizens of those countries to access a diversity of viewpoints, as retaliation for a government funded news site posting covid misinformation.

      By the Way, in Australia Murdock owned Sky News was suspended for the same thing, should News Corp be cut off from the internet as well ?

  • by etash ( 1907284 ) on Wednesday September 29, 2021 @11:15AM (#61844171)
    "taking retaliatory symmetrical measures against the German media in Russia would seem not just an appropriate, but also a necessary thing to do" ok you caught us red handed but we will also ban some german media, don't worry, we won't poison any of you, that's why we said "symmetrical", but we have to appear to be strong and keep the appearances.
    • by fazig ( 2909523 ) on Wednesday September 29, 2021 @12:18PM (#61844465)
      The big irony here is that they've taken systematical measures against foreign media in Russia for a long long time.
      The Russian government has been doing this shit constantly, treating all foreign media as propaganda, all while they coast on Freedom of Press laws that foreign countries have in order to peddle their own brand of propaganda.
      If the retaliation was to be symmetrical, then they would actually have to open up a lot freedom of press in their country first, which is required to establish at least some kind of level field here.

      In my eyes, they have absolutely no right to complain about how they're treated here. Usually I'm not a fan of whataboutery, but in this case the hypocrisy from the side of the Kremlin is off the charts.
      • Absolutely all of this. You know what else was JUST IN THE NEWS!!?

        On Friday morning, Bloomberg reported that Google and Apple have removed longtime opposition leader Alexei Navalny's voter guide app from the App Store and Google Play store in Russia. Activists have charged the companies with bowing to Kremlin pressure.

    • Wait, there is still some kind of media left in Russia that isn't already Putin's hot air distribution system?

  • by nicolaiplum ( 169077 ) on Wednesday September 29, 2021 @11:16AM (#61844173)

    It must have been effective propaganda for the Russians to complain so much.

    RT is a Russian propaganda outlet. Sometimes it says entirely true and neutral things when these are of no matter to the Russians or do not cause division and discord among Western countries. It mixes in a continual stream of lies, disinformation, and controversy under the guise of "alternative" or "balanced" reporting. It's quite cleverly done, and therefore very dangerous.

    Now we know it must have been very effective, or the Russians would not complain so.

    • by garyisabusyguy ( 732330 ) on Wednesday September 29, 2021 @11:22AM (#61844193)

      well, at least they still have Murdoch Media to spread their filth

      • by U0K ( 6195040 )
        According to what's happening, youtube didn't do this because of propaganda, but because of misleading content about the pandemic and vaccines. That is not as much political speech but more about anti-science.

        If they're consistent in cracking down on that kind of anti-science content, they'd also have to go after a lot of Murdoch Media content. Whether those entire channels will get the axe like RT Deutsch did remains to be seen. Time will have to tell.

        The real ridiculous part here is that the foreign m
  • Mis-information warfare, which is what RT conducts.
  • So they're going to delete YouTube's account on all those popular, high-traffic Russian web sites?


  • Its using all sorts of social media to attack other nations, of course they're pissed at losing an attack vector.

    Anything that traces back to Russia should be blocked.

  • Be prepared everyone, the toothless bear is going to retaliate. They will unleash their fearsome military might and weapons on... nobody that has a chance to shoot back. Vlad isn't an idiot so it won't be direct violence. Why? Because Russia / Vlad are fracking terrified of facing an enemy on the battlefield that has "over-the-horizon" kill capability. I mean, the Russian military is great against people that can barely shoot back, but take on a military? A military that can blow tanks up from a few dozen t
    • >> US and other countries won't kill a few of them, and their families, to make a point.

      This is what any Putin collaborator in Russia fears for, if Putin ever decides they are not useful anymore

  • by BAReFO0t ( 6240524 ) on Wednesday September 29, 2021 @12:45PM (#61844625)

    That's my country's equivalent propaganda machine. At least the official one, not counting all the other de-facto "hail state" wankateering news outlets.

    And Voice of America or whatever the US equivalent is.
    And so on, for other countries and corporations and churches etc.

    Just to be freaking consistent.
    Instead of merely supporting one asshole against another. Aka being an asshole too.

  • Putin* seems to have desires of trying to out crazy Kim Jong UN, all the while his country slides further and further into right wing extremism goaded on by him.

    Imagine Trump leveled up 10x. This is who Putin is. Putin isn't crazy enough yet to just go and press "the button", but who knows what someone (and the general leadership) who is increasingly unhinged is capable of doing?

    At this point, it's time to treat the Russian leadership as you would a dangerous insane person and be ready to defend against the

  • Wake me up when Russia calls in a nuclear strike on YouTube.

    • > Wake me up when Russia calls in a nuclear strike on YouTube.

      No need. Those things tend to be quite loud by themselves.

  • Oh boo hoo hoo Russia cry me a river.

    Your communist oppression-bears wouldn't hesitate to turn this about if the shoe was on the other foot.

    Youtube has as much right to ban them as you do to ban anti-putin speakers.

    Not to mention this is a private company that doesn't even answer to the US federal government on issues like this.

    Sorry our first amendment isn't to your liking but you don't get to bitch about this, least of all to a private company that for the purposes of "information warfare" is actu

  • Russia Threatens Retaliation After YouTube Deletes RT Germany Account

    YouTube EULA: 1
    Russian Empire: 0

  • VladimirPutin, Xi Jinping, Kim Jong-un, Ebrahim Raisi, Jeff Bezos, Hibatullah Akhundzada, the list goes on. Too many dick-heads in the world.
  • ...Always trying to silence people they don't like.

If I set here and stare at nothing long enough, people might think I'm an engineer working on something. -- S.R. McElroy
