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Should Universities De-Prioritize English Departments for Engineering? ( 338

Some American colleges and universities are cutting entire departments. But the Baffler magazine wonders if something else is going on: The ostensible reason provided for these cuts and terminations is "prioritization," a term used by university administrators to rank which programs deserve funding and attention. One such "prioritization" committee at St. Joseph's College in New York described it as a ranking of "centrality and essentiality," "demand and opportunity," and "productivity, revenue, and resources." If the terms sound like university administrator gobbledygook, that's because they are, cleverly disguising administrative judgments as some sort of due process. Around the country it is terms just like these that have been thrown at social science and liberal arts departments. Suddenly, faculty in these departments are expected to justify why they exist and why anyone would need a degree in English.

The two examples from Indiana, from Marian University and Purdue, also reveal how terms like "prioritization" are being used to disguise politically motivated excisions. Prioritization routinely argues that engineering departments need to be the ones getting more money and resources from the administration. Unlike English or political science, which are seen as useless and pointless majors, engineering and computer science carry an implicit promise of a job. Who needs to have read Shakespeare or know about how our political system works when you can rush off to be one among the armies of coders who make our digiverse possible?

That is the dream. In reality, "prioritization" debates, particularly in deep red states, are excellent cover for changing the political demographics of American colleges and universities. The Marian University case is instructive in this sense; the ostensible championing of STEM fields maps neatly onto the project of eliminating the most left-leaning professor, inevitably in departments that teach English or history or political science. If you have a right-leaning board of trustees in a red state like Indiana, professors like Johnny Goldfinger are unwanted, even threatening to those who would like student voters to know less rather than more about the processes of democracy. In a country where everything is riven and divided around political lines, this could well be a covert attack against the otherwise enduring liberal-ness of the college campus....

Despite what current debates about liberal arts would have you believe, not all employers are looking for software developers. A long-range perspective proscribes a rounded education, geared not just for the moment we are in. It is very likely that coding and other functions that administrators believe are the ones that deserve the most priority will be carried out via artificial intelligence processes that can do the painstaking work with far greater accuracy and speed than a human ever can. A liberal arts education is essential to surviving in our polarized world. In educating students in how to respect differences and create dialogue over disagreement, a liberal arts education provides skills essential to maintaining a healthy and functioning democracy.

Creating arbitrary epistemological rankings, where one kind of knowledge is given precedence over others, is failing to attend to the needs of the whole student capable of earning a wage but also of leading a good life....

It only makes sense if the actual purpose of slicing off departments and professors is part of a larger political project that has nothing at all to do with providing the best education.

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Should Universities De-Prioritize English Departments for Engineering?

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  • by Kelxin ( 3417093 ) on Sunday December 26, 2021 @07:44AM (#62116063)
    I don't feel the English departments in engineering are focusing on getting a "degree in English", and they definitely shouldn't get deprioritized. If anything, engineers are well known for their lack of communication skills and avoidance to work with others. With a huge rise over the past 20 years of foreigners coming to US colleges for technical schools, English should be mandatory. Maybe then we'd have a better selection of Indians that actually can communicate and create websites that don't have broken English. ;)
    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by devslash0 ( 4203435 )
      You sound like a manager. There are two main reasons why engineers don't want to work with people. One - some of us are introvert. Two - most of us prefer working with predictable things and make informed technical decisions rather than having to deal with people and their unpredictable emotional states every day.
      • by gtall ( 79522 ) on Sunday December 26, 2021 @08:29AM (#62116161)

        " most of us prefer working with predictable things"

        And this is why many systems are brittle. Many engineers don't know what to do when the problem contains incomplete information. So they bang out a system that manages the information they do have and falls splat when confronted by anything outside their imagined boundaries.

        • by KramberryKoncerto ( 2552046 ) on Sunday December 26, 2021 @08:45AM (#62116219)

          As if English majors can do any better...

          To be fair though, the best engineers have to be able to navigate ambiguity and uncertainty. An engineer who can only work with well-defined specs is always going to be just a cog.

          • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday December 26, 2021 @03:40PM (#62117445)

            I don't even understand this whole discussion. There are two components to English; literature and language.

            Most English majors are about English literature, they're entirely meaningless, and any benefit in terms of language ability comes only from exposure to a sheer variation of literature, and even much of that is unhelpful because much of the studied literature is written using outdated forms of the English language.

            Really, English is a pointless thing to get a degree in, it doesn't meaningfully, to any practical extent, make you a better communicator.

            It's about as useful as a degree in washing dishes. I'm sure if you spent 3 years on it you could make them shinier than most people, but who cares when 0 years study means you can come up with a sufficiently useful result.

            Why people in this thread thing English degrees somehow make people better communicators I've no idea. There are different subjects for that; psychology helps you understand personality types better and hence how to get what you want from people with differing personality traits. Communicating to larger audience is better learnt from a marketing and communications degree.

            The fact most people don't even understand what an English degree largely entails IMO is just further evidence of the utter pointlessness of them. About the only circumstance in which I'd ever recommend and English degree is if you really really want to become an author, but even then it's of questionable benefit given the vast majority of authors don't have one and imagination and creativity are significantly more important, or history and the ability to research if writing non-fiction. If you want to be a technical author then again, an English degree is useless, you need to understand your subject matter, so math, science, computing, engineering, whatever.

        • by Ol Olsoc ( 1175323 ) on Sunday December 26, 2021 @09:42AM (#62116351)

          " most of us prefer working with predictable things"

          And this is why many systems are brittle. Many engineers don't know what to do when the problem contains incomplete information. So they bang out a system that manages the information they do have and falls splat when confronted by anything outside their imagined boundaries.

          That's why when Engineers get stuck on a problem, we bring in the Gender studies majors.

        • by dvice ( 6309704 )

          It is true that many engineers have problems with incomplete information, just like any normal human would. But unlike normal humans, there are some engineers who can solve problem like this. And that is what makes engineers superior to normal humans. As an example look into how Voyager was build. Oh, and there are two of them, just in case something unexpected would happen to the other.

          • I'll go a bit further: any engineer who can only work with well-defined systems is inherently useless. Reality is unpredictable and most of the models we have to use are incomplete at best. Proper engineering is a combination of creativity and knowledge, not a case of just replicating the same solution over and over again. The latter seems to be a result of software developers calling themselves engineers and doing exactly that (copy and paste solutions along the lines of "design patterns"). In actual engin
        • " most of us prefer working with predictable things"

          And this is why many systems are brittle. Many engineers don't know what to do when the problem contains incomplete information. So they bang out a system that manages the information they do have and falls splat when confronted by anything outside their imagined boundaries.

          That is not why. There are many reasons why systems are brittle, and they do not necessarily center themselves around your thesis. Do better with your logical propositions.

      • You sound like a manager. There are two main reasons why engineers don't want to work with people. One - some of us are introvert.

        The early-morning, extrovertation activities will continue until morale improves.

      • I'm an electrical and software engineer. I'm an introvert. I prefer predictable systems that are well designed or coded. None of that removes the need to interoperate and communicate well with other people. When I'm working for a client, I need to understand their needs and communicate back to them how I'm going to fulfill those needs. When I'm working with other companies or a team, I need to communicate what part I'm going to fill and how it will affect them. Whatever language that is taking place i
      • by drinkypoo ( 153816 ) <> on Sunday December 26, 2021 @10:16AM (#62116451) Homepage Journal

        There are two main reasons why engineers don't want to work with people. One - some of us are introvert. Two - most of us prefer working with predictable things

        It doesn't matter what you prefer. If you can't communicate effectively then you are not just worthless, you are actually an impediment. People have to waste their time figuring out how to communicate ideas to you, and what you're talking about, and errors in communication will occur.

      • by dvice ( 6309704 ) on Sunday December 26, 2021 @11:03AM (#62116595)

        Many engineers, especially in the IT are also autistic (quite many most likely without proper diagnosis). There are few things about autistic people and social interaction that studies have shown:
        - Group of autistic people are as good as communication as group of neurotypical are.
        - Mixed group of autistic and neutotypical are worse than autistic and neurotypical groups
        - If you put a neurotypical person in a group of autistic people, the neurotypical will have very hard time being social, while others are doing just fine.

        So what I am trying to say is this: Engineers are not bad at communication. They are as good in communication as others are when talking within their own group. Communication between different groups is difficult, because they speak different "language". Engineers have to spend their whole life trying to understand other group in everyday life, unlike the other group. Perhaps it would be best to teach the other group to understand engineers as that group seems to think they are so good in communication?

    • If anything, engineers are well known for their lack of communication skills and avoidance to work with others. With a huge rise over the past 20 years of foreigners coming to US colleges for technical schools, English should be mandatory. Maybe then we'd have a better selection of Indians that actually can communicate and create websites that don't have broken English. ;)

      No, no, and nope.

      First, it's not in engineers the gift of communication is smaller of larger than in other sciences. There are plenty of "useless" sciences thst have pretty much the same share of introverts and socially awkward people. It's just that in engineering, being so ends not to hamper your career, since the main trick you have to offer can stand for itself and doesn't depend on anyone's goodwill as much as it does in less substantiated sciences.

      Second, unlike majoring in a foreign language, majorin

      • "And finally, most Indians are native speakers. They learn that in school starting the 1st class. If they've had any education, chances are they read and write English better than I do. (And I do it pretty well.)" - Funny, of the hundreds of Indians I've worked with between SatComm, network engineering, programming and web dev, every single one I've had problems with communication and with their English skills. I'm not saying their English is necessarily worse than a large percentage of Americans (which I
    • by hey! ( 33014 ) on Sunday December 26, 2021 @09:26AM (#62116305) Homepage Journal

      People with limited communication skills are easier to keep marginalized. This is why when you look around, so much of society is run by lawyers and so little by people with STEM backgrounds. A lawyer's training in language and persuasion gives him a leg up.

      The Establishment would rather science and engineering become more like trades and less like a profession. It wants productive workers stuck in their narrow silos.

    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • More wokeness (Score:5, Insightful)

    by LondoMollari ( 172563 ) on Sunday December 26, 2021 @07:51AM (#62116075) Homepage

    This article is pretty damn woke. Worrying about politics instead of skills.

  • and have been for a long time. Engineering faculties have more students and bring in more cash than English departments do.

    The real question is why do English professors feel that engineering students should be subsidising English departments and English professor salaries?
    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      Imagine being so short-sighted.

      It's not just English, it's all humanities, like history as well. Imagine a society where people can't understand how human communication works, and treat everything like a technical issue.

      In fact, we see such idiocy on Slashdot. People so obviously out of touch with the real world that they take everything literally and can't understand simple concepts such as context. Look at the sheer number of fauxtistic idiots on this site who take one sentence and try to form a who
      • You didn't answer my question so I'll ask it again: Why should engineering students take on a larger debt than they need to in order to fund English departments?

        Engineering has long been a cash cow for universities. But these students are adding years onto their already decades long debt to subsidise humanity departments. Surely if they are going to spend that money, they should get back personal education in return?
        • by jmccue ( 834797 ) on Sunday December 26, 2021 @09:18AM (#62116287) Homepage

          You didn't answer my question so I'll ask it again: Why should engineering students take on a larger debt than they need to in order to fund English departments?

          Why not, but you think eliminating these departments will reduce costs ? What planet do you live on ?

          In the red states this is all about ensuring students are programmed to "rightthink". Also what about American Football, many universities push that to the exclusion of all else due to its money making potential, the money from that program seems to only go into the pockets of the admins and sports department.

  • Defund SPORTS (Score:5, Insightful)

    by koko ( 66015 ) on Sunday December 26, 2021 @08:11AM (#62116113)

    and keep everything else.

    Problems solveded.

    • Indeed. I never understood why sports have so much importance and money in us universities. You are there to learn, not to run around except insofar as to stay in shape. In other countries you have only an hour or 2 of sport a week, and there may be ONE (very amateurish) competition between universities a year. It's like pro sport has parasited and subsumed us universities instead of building their own structures.
      • Indeed. I never understood why sports have so much importance and money in us universities.

        Because in many areas of the country, college sports is a substantial portion of the university's income and publicity. More over, individuals who do well in college sports and end up being drafted to the NFL/NBA/MLB/etc. get seven figure salaries as a matter of course.

        There's a living to be made in engineering. There's money to be made in sports.

        • by shmlco ( 594907 )

          That's been studied to death and the fact is that, except for a very few exceptions, major sport programs are a net loss.

          As to the individuals who "do well" in college sports... you realize that's a narrow, narrow funnel, right? The odds of any given individual making it through from jr. high, high school, and college to the NFL are astronomical.

          I agree with the parent poster. If the NFL wants farm leagues let them pay for them.

  • Makes sense (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Maimun ( 631984 ) on Sunday December 26, 2021 @08:12AM (#62116117)
    Being a Computer Scientist, I deeply oppose the marginalisation of the humanities. However, and unfortunately, many (most??) of the humanitarian departments in the North American universities are leftist ideology centers, totally detached from reality and actually extremely harmful. The politically correct garbage, nowadays I think called "wokeness", originates in universities.

    "eliminating the most left-leaning professor" sounds like a good idea. Those people have little to do with the Enlightenment. I speak from personal experience when I say they are little more than religious fanatics of the new leftist religion.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by narcc ( 412956 )

      However, and unfortunately, many (most??) of the humanitarian departments in the North American universities are leftist ideology centers, totally detached from reality and actually extremely harmful.

      Do you have evidence to back up those claims?

      • Re:Makes sense (Score:4, Insightful)

        by evilquaker ( 35963 ) on Sunday December 26, 2021 @09:00AM (#62116255)

        Do you have evidence to back up those claims?

        Nah, we're in a post-truth world. The narrative is more important than the facts. As long as you can defend your opinion, it's correct.

        • Re:Makes sense (Score:5, Informative)

          by JohnnieS ( 9174183 ) on Sunday December 26, 2021 @08:06PM (#62118139)
          There have been several big studies showing that the overwhelming majority of university professors are left-leaning. I believe it's generally accepted that the ratio of left/Democrat professors to right/Republican professors is at least 10 to 1, and likely higher depending on whether you exclude the military academies (which tend to be more conservative/right-leaning), etc. Here are a few New York Times articles about it. The NY Times is openly left-leaning, so that lends even more trust to this research since one would assume that it goes against their interest to admit the liberal bias in universities (and it also does credit to the integrity of the NY Times as an institution, the fact that they are often willing to print things that don't necessarily help them out). [] [] [] []
      • Re:Makes sense (Score:4, Informative)

        by Mspangler ( 770054 ) on Sunday December 26, 2021 @10:28AM (#62116467)

        Google "math is racist" and you'll have your answer.

        And Boolean algebra is part of math, so you have stake in this too, oh great programmer.

        The liberal arts departments have been trying to get more of their courses into the engineering curriculum since forever. Engineering is running out of hours for their courses even without the extra "core" liberal arts classes, a few years ago their was serious discussion about making engineering programs five years instead of four.

        This is just the latest iteration of that debate. And it was made worse by the liberal arts departments declaring all white people intrinsically racist.

        And then we have the idiot Berkeley professor stirring things up. I can't call him a racist, but I certainly can and do call him a classist, or maybe a class enemy in the Left's vernacular. []

        • Google "math is racist" and you'll have your answer.

          You miss the point.

          I've been fortunate to interact with a bunch of people from wildly different backgrounds, and it's quite easy to confuse them simply by relying on some of the pop-culture shorthand that me and other native-born white people grew up with.

          And it's not always easy to predict what's confusing. What I think is an easy to understand scenario might only be obvious because I've seen it a dozen versions of it play out on TV. Someone seeing that scenario for the first time will probably be confused

  • cuz (Score:5, Insightful)

    by lkcl ( 517947 ) <> on Sunday December 26, 2021 @08:12AM (#62116119) Homepage

    cuz cermunikashn cleerly izunt uh pryorery if bildin sumfink dat pplz lives depend on and if you can't properly communicate, write documentation, write requirements specifications and get across to people that if the bridge isn't constructed properly and to spec then people DIE, well, obviously that's not important at all.

    there was a story here a few years ago about an entrepreneur who refused to hire computer science majors. instead he hired *english language majors* and trained them to become programmers. why? because the computer science majors were incapable of properly communicating, writing documentation and being part of a team, whereas because reading programs uses the same parts of your brain that are involved in *foreign languages*... see how that works?

    now all we have to do is get across to universities how important english language training really is in engineering, oh wait this is slashdot, oh well

    • English is a foreign language now in the US?

      • Computer programming languages are foreign languages to the English majors the entrepreneur was training to code.

        English is a foreign language, however, to US Slashdot participants.

      • By English he means "writing skills". The ability to write a comprehensive essay or documentation is a skill that is often overlooked in engineering classes.

    • You make very good points.

      If people are unable to get any English education before university.

      Also if people don't communicate outside classes that teach Shakespeare or middle ages literature.

      Also if English majors really focus most of their time on teaching anything about communication in a business context.

      I don't know what kind of people assumes a university can't teach or train communication skills without an English department. Must be those who have never had a university education.

    • by ET3D ( 1169851 )

      You didn't say how this turned out for that entrepreneur.

      Do you have any link which proves that "reading programs uses the same parts of your brain that are involved in *foreign languages*..."? Because programmers don't "read programs". Engineering work is not very close to reading.

      You make quite a few assertions that I'm not sure are at all true. It would be nice if you could at least link to that, and, better, if you actually provide proof for things like the claim that English majors are better at workin

  • by Pinky's Brain ( 1158667 ) on Sunday December 26, 2021 @08:16AM (#62116129)

    These aren't trump voters, they are just normies trying to prevent their college from being the next nexus of mass protests making a mountain of a mole hill and scaring away new students. Militant liberals are an economic liability.

  • by lfp98 ( 740073 ) on Sunday December 26, 2021 @08:37AM (#62116189)
    Microsoft, Google etc. are always whining about how they need more H1-B visas to fill all their tech openings. Instead of just giving them away, the government should auction them off, then use the money to fund competitive scholarships for US citizens in STEM majors. Imagine how much more popular STEM degrees would be if a student could graduate debt-free, vs. $50,000 in loans for an English degree.
  • Oh, I see (Score:4, Informative)

    by cascadingstylesheet ( 140919 ) on Sunday December 26, 2021 @08:39AM (#62116199) Journal

    That is the dream. In reality, "prioritization" debates, particularly in deep red states, are excellent cover for changing the political demographics of American colleges and universities. The Marian University case is instructive in this sense; the ostensible championing of STEM fields maps neatly onto the project of eliminating the most left-leaning professor, inevitably in departments that teach English or history or political science. If you have a right-leaning board of trustees in a red state like Indiana, professors like Johnny Goldfinger are unwanted, even threatening to those who would like student voters to know less rather than more about the processes of democracy. In a country where everything is riven and divided around political lines, this could well be a covert attack against the otherwise enduring liberal-ness of the college campus....

    Yeah, how dare there be any resistance! lol

    Seriously though, from the headline I was half expecting to hear that English departments were on the chopping block because somebody feared that reading ideas from other times (and in ... shudder ... English!) might interfere with the eternal present and the Party.

    (But I'm probably just being silly ... it's not like any real world Minitru would, er, rewrite [] all the past's books or anything.)

  • No (Score:5, Insightful)

    by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Sunday December 26, 2021 @08:43AM (#62116213)
    The humanities are how you teach critical thinking skills to people who don't have them naturally. Cutting them will produce worse engineers and even worse citizens
    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by HanzoSpam ( 713251 )

      The humanities are how you teach critical thinking skills to people who don't have them naturally. Cutting them will produce worse engineers and even worse citizens

      Are you sure you didn't mean to type "critical theory"?

    • by ET3D ( 1169851 )

      That's what people who don't naturally have good critical thinking tend to think.

    • Re:No (Score:4, Insightful)

      by RogueWarrior65 ( 678876 ) on Sunday December 26, 2021 @10:12AM (#62116441)

      Hardly. Debating over the meaning an author had when they wrote what they wrote doesn't teach critical thinking. These days, you're more likely to get a bad grade unless you agree with the professor's point of view. By contrast, the hard sciences do require critical thinking in order to asses the results of an experiment or determine the "best" approach to solving a technical challenge. What should be required for all freshman students is an actual course in critical thinking. Sadly, some people are using the term as a weapon to quash debate just like they use bullsh*t phrases like "you don't believe in science". It goes something like this: "I'm right because critical thinking so STFU."

    • The humanities are how you teach critical thinking skills to people who don't have them naturally. Cutting them will produce worse engineers and even worse citizens

      Actually, humanities departments are the exact opposite of that. All of humanities is based on feelings, emotion, and 100% subjective judgments of what is good and bad, not any kind of logical or actual critical thinking. It is the reason why we have antihistorical theories like the 1619 project, or the nonsense that is called critical race theory, or the other nonsense of infinite numbers of genders.

      Humanities departments should exist to teach everyone the world's cultural heritage. Very very few people

      • In math and science you're either right or you're wrong. You don't start getting into a gray area until graduate level. In humanities those value in being wrong because you can still be half right. The process of coming up with a plausible explanation for the meaning of a work of literature and then justifying why that explanation is valid is the point. It's more about the journey than it is about the destination. Where is math it's all about the destination.

        Humanities is literally teaching the process
      • Man, are you going to be surprised if you ever learn what is taught in humanities departments. But you won't, will you? You'll just keep dancing with that strawman.

  • by registrations_suck ( 1075251 ) on Sunday December 26, 2021 @08:57AM (#62116239)

    I won't disagree with any of the political commentary in TFA. But I will say this. Not every university needs to be all things to all people. If a university wants to be a "science and technology school" there is nothing wrong with specializing in that. People who want to major in English and Poly Sci can go to schools that offer those degrees.

    I don't buy sheets and bedding at the butcher shop. I don't get meat at Bed, Bath and Beyond. Nevertheless, I still sleep on sheets and eat meat....not necessarily in that order.

  • Being an alum, Mitch Daniels (the current president) has froze the tuition for a while. This looks like one of the results. I found the link to the school paper that the english department will have to freeze new grad students due to budget limits. A personal experience for me there was a professor pointing out some basic paragraph structure I lacked; my high school was weak and things like that weren't covered. There will still be english classes, but this isn't good to the department for talent.

  • NO (Score:5, Insightful)

    by cjonslashdot ( 904508 ) on Sunday December 26, 2021 @08:59AM (#62116245)
    I began my career as an engineer, and shifted to IT, and I can say that, without question, my ability to read and write well, has been the singular most important skill throughout my career. And one of the biggest dysfunctions that I see among software developers is an inability to write succinctly and clearly: it makes it impossible for them to advocate for what they need, or become effective leaders, or even properly document their code.
    • All the English classes I took in college had almost nothing to do with how to write or effectively communicate. It was all analyzing literature.
  • Bad idea (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Chelloveck ( 14643 ) on Sunday December 26, 2021 @09:06AM (#62116267)
    I can't comment on the ideological "cut the English department to rid universities of them pesky liberal professors" angle. That may or may not be the root intent. The stated intent, however, is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. Engineers need communication skills. Cutting back on English lessons (in English-speaking countries, anyway) is horribly short-sighted and a disservice to the students.
    • Re:Bad idea (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Amiga Trombone ( 592952 ) on Sunday December 26, 2021 @09:19AM (#62116289)

      They aren't eliminating English classes, they're simple eliminating English as a major. It's not likely English majors are going to be ending up as engineers, anyway. Engineers will still be able to take all the practical English classes they require.

  • Given that many seem to try to drum out "wrong thinkers" be they left or right, depending on the leanings of the university in question.

    The problem then seems to be that in the end the University will not teach balanced views, instead they will be tilted one way in one university and other in another. That sort of thing cannot end well.

  • Slashdot is obviously a site more likely to be visited by engineers than it is by former English majors. And yet its bent is clearly left-leaning. Which is at least one data point for thinking that engineers are more likely to be left leaning than right leaning. A counterargument would be that if it could be shown that slashdot editors (who do get to get pick the content) have more writing than engineering background. But I don't know if that's the case.
  • Political Science: Excluding soldiers, there are over 24 million federal, state and local government jobs. "Public Policy" degrees tend to either fail or get no jobs.

    English: Want a job in Advertising? Want to do any technical writing? (Manuals, help scripts)? Yeah, get a minor in marketing for Advertising, and a minor in something technical for technical writing. But an English degree is often a better choice and gives you more options. They are not looking to hire their boss, they want someone to

  • by wonkavader ( 605434 ) on Sunday December 26, 2021 @10:04AM (#62116423)

    Everyone complaining that universities are not vocational schools doesn't understand what a university is.

    If you want more engineering, open an engineering vocational school, and teach people to be practical engineers.

    An engineering school at a university is about teaching people to be research engineers -- people who will study engineering and shape how it works. People from vocational schools will do this too, but their focus is practical day to day work. People from universities may do practical work, but that's not what they're training for. Universities do not produce journeymen or even as their core focus masters in anything. They produce doctors.

    You can create really good practical engineers much more cheaply in vocational schools than in universities. This what is wanted by the corporate world, since they want to drive pay down by an over-saturation of the job pool. That's short-term thinking, but we're not going to stop US business from short-term thinking, so we should just give them what they want so they stop screwing everyone over in order to get it.

    But we could create better day to day engineers in vocational school than in universities. We get too many people coming out of university engineering programs who haven't been trained to have a work ethic, or have prima-dona complexes, or waste company time on doing things cleverly instead of doing them with long-term maintenance at core. A vocational school mentality would be advantageous there. Think of the engineers in the age of steam. They made things last, made them easy to work on, made them efficient, worked long hours, and accomplished great things. They were mostly NOT the products of universities.

    Instead, the US seems hell-bent on taking an expensive system we've built over centuries and breaking it, to make it expensively produce something it doesn't make well.

    You need English majors and Linguistics majors and historians. If nothing else, this is where most lawyers come from. And lawyers become politicians. So again, this is short-term thinking. Heck, what would the CIA do if you stopped Yale from producing history majors and political science phds? What would the financial industry do without quants? But that is a different system. One that needs to be nurtured.

    Just start making vocational schools and stop messing with the University system.

    Unless, as the articles suggests, you want to make sure no one becomes a doctor of anything, or looks at the world with that mind-set. Hating people because they're smarter than you is also short-term thinking. The people encouraging that who are actually clever (the lawyers with university degrees who become politicians) who do this are sacrificing the entire country for their own short term gain -- they are sociopaths.

  • The simple fact is that science, technology, and engineering (note that I leave out the M and the A) requires a lot of funding to perform. English requires very little money particularly if you skip the hard cover books. That said, STEM people need to be able to communicate and write well but that really has little to do with reading and interpreting some hard core drinking and smoking author that some people think is great but in reality is wholly tedious.

  • by Gim Tom ( 716904 ) on Sunday December 26, 2021 @10:25AM (#62116461)
    As a 74+ year old retired engineer the two skills that were most critical to my entire career were being able to work with people from all different backgrounds and the ability to write and communicate well in person. I did not learn either of these skills in the engineering university I attended, but in my four years in the Air Force after graduation. Being at the bottom of the barrel in terms of rank and authority at the beginning of my service I was not able to order things to be done, but had to get cooperation and buy in from everyone. This is where I learned to work with people, and not just things. While serving during the Vietnam war in SEA i maintained a letter correspondence with one of my cousins who was an English professor at a college in Alaska. This is how I learned to write and be able to communicate my thoughts where others could understand them. After my military service I got my first job writing and updating operational manuals for mainframe computer system used by a very large organization. Within a few years I moved up to doing analysis and far more technical work, and retired as the senior network engineer and network security officer. ALL of these jobs required writing, working with everyone from the top management to the people actually using the systems. The so called soft skills that engineers are often not taught were, for me, the most critical in my entire career.
  • by DarkVader ( 121278 ) on Sunday December 26, 2021 @10:26AM (#62116463)

    No, they shoud do the opposite. The concept of a university should be to first and foremost produce an educated person. That means emphasizing a well-rounded education, with a university diploma meaning that a person who has achieved it has been educated in language, science, history, and the arts. An undergraduate engineering 'degree' is too specialized, and should cease to exist. At the university level, engineering should consist of a few upper-level classes available as electives, and a graduate degree program, because graduate school is where someone with a university education should specialize.

    The undergraduate engineering 'degree' should be removed from the concept of a university education and be considered something that belongs at a vocational school instead. I'm not saying that it should be unavailable, there will always be people who aren't suited to a university education. But it's time to stop pretending that an engineering diploma is in any way equivalent to a well-rounded education.

    A university's job is not to spit out cogs for the machine. That is the job of a vocational education.

    And there will of course be prestigious vocational schools, I can't imagine MIT and GA Tech would go away. But it's time to see that education for what it is, and it's not a full university education.

  • "In educating students in how to respect differences and create dialogue over disagreement, a liberal arts education provides skills essential to maintaining a healthy and functioning democracy." But liberal arts degree are very obviously failing to teach students to respect difference and create dialogue. Instead they're teaching them to despise disagreement and deplatform anyone who doesn't confirm to the prevailing paradigm. If liberal arts programs are obviously failing at their supposed purpose, what
  • School: ya Engrish: na Colledge: 4 yr Majour: gidance gurl said take CS Specialties: I cut paste gud. Job Goals: make um more money.
  • by rnturn ( 11092 ) on Sunday December 26, 2021 @11:35AM (#62116697)

    ... in the workplace, I'd surely hate to see English departments shut down. Or should I phrase that as "the lack of quality". I rarely see job ads that don't include wording like "must have excellent oral and written communication skills". Yet, during a typical work day, it's rare not not say to yourself "WTH is this person trying to communicate?" Emails are lousy with sentence fragments, run-on sentences, paragraphs that span multiple screens, misspellings, atrocious grammar, and a host of other things that are jarring to the reader trying to understand what the writer is trying -- and failing -- to say.

    Now my education and professional background is in engineering but perhaps I'm old-fashioned. I spent many years working in an academic environment (on government-sponsored contracts) where effective communications was essential. We were encouraged to write technical memoranda, presis, and/or reports -- all peer-reviewed -- on a weekly basis, largely to satisfy contract monitors but also to use as sales tools when visiting potential sponsors. So, my sensitivity to the poor writing skills I see in the workplace my be due to my previous work experiences. The trash communications I see daily in the workplace make me want to laugh in the face of everyone in the business world who makes snide comments about those who've worked in academia.

    My (less than) favorite example from the workplace:

    • Perform these steps
      1. Do something
      2. Do another thing
      3. Do yet another thing
    • Paragraph about what the previous steps do
    • Important: Before you do the steps above, perform this first.

    Then there's the detailed instructions on how to install a set of software packages that are flat-out wrong but distributed as the official method of ensuring that your development environment is up to snuff for the project. No problem... everyone has Teams so someone who's figured out the real correct installation process can spend/waste their time assisting others working around the flaws in the documented process. If only everyone had the write access to the wiki to be able to correct the poor communications when it's encountered. [sigh]

Philosophy: A route of many roads leading from nowhere to nothing. -- Ambrose Bierce
