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Canada Medicine

Canada Considers Making Vaccines Mandatory 312

New submitter nuckfuts writes: Canada's Minister of Health is signalling that provinces may make vaccines mandatory in the coming months as the only way to deal with surging COVID-19 caseloads. It will be up to individual provinces to decide. Alberta's Premier Jason Kenny as already stated that Alberta will not make vaccines mandatory. Some European countries, such as Austria and Greece, have moved in that direction already as infection rates hit record highs and vaccination campaigns stall. Greeks over the age of 60 who are not yet vaccinated are now subject to monthly fines of 100 euros ($140 Cdn). Austria, which has one of the lowest vaccination rates in the European Union, is looking at fining unvaccinated Austrians more than 7,000 euros ($9,880). Slovakia, meanwhile, is offering payments of 600 euros ($844) to encourage people to get their shots.
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Canada Considers Making Vaccines Mandatory

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  • by dskoll ( 99328 ) on Friday January 07, 2022 @04:32PM (#62152895) Homepage

    Vaccination with an mRNA vaccine is proven safe and effective at reducing hospitalization and serious illness. At some point, society needs to invoke self-defense against people who willfully put it in danger.

    • In the US, there’s a very simply fix to this. Just allow the insurance companies to crank up the premiums on unvaxxed people. The rate of vaccination will skyrocket.
    • by xwin ( 848234 ) on Friday January 07, 2022 @06:15PM (#62153499)
      As a technology professional, I am very concerned about microchip compatibility between the original vaccine and the booster. With the microchip shortage, who knows what kind of chips they are embedding in these booster shots and vaccines. Even if the shots are safe and effective, the incompatible microchips can cause diarrhea, or in technical terms, "core dump".
    • by physicsphairy ( 720718 ) on Friday January 07, 2022 @08:35PM (#62153999)

      Vaccination with an mRNA vaccine is proven safe and effective at reducing hospitalization and serious illness. At some point, society needs to invoke self-defense against people who willfully put it in danger.

      There is no present evidence the existing vaccines are preventing people from contracting or transmitting Omicron. In fact, heavily vaccinated states and countries (such as NY) are among those topping the charts for case #s.

      Even against the older strains there is at best conflicting evidence on whether vaccination or natural immunity is more effective in preventing infection and transmission, so a mandate without a carve out for the naturally immune is imposing a heavy burden on a large group of people without scientific basis.

      Assuming none of that were true, what is the evidence that mandates deliver their promised policy outcomes? (And in fact... don't impede them?) We don't live in a fictional Sim world where you just decide what you want to happen and it happens. Passing a constitutional amendment outlawing alcohol doesn't mean the country stops drinking. We have been running vaccination campaigns in third world countries for decades and have mostly come to consensus is that mandates are not the way to go. (Otherwise it would have been trivial to conditional our billions of $ in aid on them being adopted.) Why is the first world different?

      If it were true that vaccine mandates worked and achieved the desired public health result, then on what basis is it justified when weighed against individual rights? Shouldn't we also outlaw extra-marital sex and conquer HIV and other STDs? And mandate exercise regimens and strict diets, as well as forbid alcohol and processed food? (Those policies would reduce death statistics far more than even universal COVID vaccines.) If effective, should we then start using this system to punish and exclude people who are adversely affecting our society in other ways - racists, criminals, sexual deviants, gangbangers, marxists, etc.?

      Once we agree a "good reason" outweighs fundamental rights, keep in mind you don't necessarily get to be the person who decides what the reason is or what imposition it justifies.

      • Your fundamental error is assuming that the purpose of vaccines is to prevent infections. The goal of vaccines is two-fold - reduce hospitalizations, and reduce long term complications. One *possible* way to do that would be to prevent infections, but that is not the only way.

        There are oceans of data that show that the COVID vaccines are doing *exactly* what they are supposed to do - reducing severity, reducing hospitalizations, and reducing complications.

  • If you want to buy alcohol or pot in Quebec, you have to be vaccinated [] and there was a spike in vaccination appointments when the rule went into effect. Good for Quebec!
  • is about to strike down vaccine mandates in the States. Gorsuch, who I always thought was the least bad of the Trump appointments, commented that the flu kills hundreds of thousands a year. The flu. Which in actuality kills around 20k when we're _not_ in lock down or mandating (or even particularly encouraging) vaccination.

    That's a "I don't.... I can't even...." moment if there ever was one. The fact that one of the leaders of our country (who will lead for the rest of his life) is that ignorant of basi
  • Peter Mculloch (Score:3, Informative)

    by labnet ( 457441 ) on Friday January 07, 2022 @04:57PM (#62153037)

    Have a listen to the Joe Rogan Peter McCullough Interview.
    https://covidvaccinesideeffect... []

    And for balance, a rebuttal of some of his claims. []

    Still, Peter is an expert cardiologist AND directly treats covid patients

    The vaccines are causing heart failures and I don’t think should be given to healthy under 30 males.
    Here are two daily medical reporters that present the latest covid statistics and research and are balanced. John Campbell and Dr Mobeen. [] []

    To be clear, vaccines are useful, but they should be used on a risk/reward basis and certainly not on healthy children. Vitamin D levels are important. They should be above 50ng/mole.
    The second highest risk for severe covid is obesity, which is probably why the USA was so badly affected.

    • by Cyberax ( 705495 )

      The vaccines are causing heart failures and I don’t think should be given to healthy under 30 males.

      There are more than 300 million people vaccinated with mRNA vaccines and more than 50 million people under 30. So far there's no credible rise in heart-related problems.

      We absolutely do see deaths from myocarditis... among the COVID patients.

  • by Striek ( 1811980 ) on Friday January 07, 2022 @05:03PM (#62153089)

    Canadian here. "Canada" isn't considering making vaccines mandatory - the provinces are. Health policy is a matter of provincial jurisdiction here. Just wanted to clarify that.

    But regardless, this is coming awfully close to state sanctioned tyranny, if they implement it. I have, since the start of the pandemic, been first in line for both vaccinations, for the booster, lined up for rapid test kits, all of it. You name it, I've done my part.

    But - if they make vaccination mandatory (I suppose by fining or jailing people who don't vaccinate?), I will stop. It is *MY* body and I will vaccinate only so long as it is *MY* choice. The moment, the very instant I am told I no longer have that choice, I will become a rabid anti-vaxxer. I will fight a law like this tooth and nail, and I will go to jail for that belief. I am not anti-vaccine, but I am anti vaccine mandate, and solidly so. I doubt I'm the only one.

    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by dskoll ( 99328 )

      That is really stupid. So you'd make decisions about your health based on things that are totally unrelated to your health's best interests?

      • by Striek ( 1811980 ) on Friday January 07, 2022 @05:25PM (#62153235)

        That is really stupid

        That is your opinion.

        And yes, I would. My health is not the only factor that informs my decisions on this matter. The possibility of massive government overreach is another one, and if necessary I will use my health, and the health of everyone else, as a method of protest. This would be a massive government abuse of power and I will not abide it.

        Or to put it another way, if they mandate vaccines like this, I will lose all trust in public officials on this matter, and I will lose all trust in the "experts" that inform their opinions. I will not take a vaccine from a state that I do not trust.

        • by dskoll ( 99328 )

          So in a future pandemic, you'd risk death even if you believed a vaccine to be safe and effective, just because of a vaccine mandate? As I said, this is really stupid.

          • by J. T. MacLeod ( 111094 ) on Friday January 07, 2022 @05:58PM (#62153407)

            Having a principle that you will put over your own personal well being is not stupid.

            It is principled.

            We can argue about whether this principle is a good one, but most good things we've had in history have come from people putting principle over their own self-interest.

          • by Striek ( 1811980 )

            A future pandemic may be far worse, or far milder. Yes, there is a level of lethality at which I would acquiesce in this conviction, but Covid-19 isn't it. If Covid was as lethal as Smallpox, then yes, I would vaccinate regardless of an abuse of state power - but it isn't. The point at which that line is remains to be seen, at least for me.

            I might believe vitamins are safe and effective too. But I'll sure as hell refuse them if someone tries to force them upon me.

    • by BeerFartMoron ( 624900 ) on Friday January 07, 2022 @06:34PM (#62153581)

      It is *MY* body and I will vaccinate only so long as it is *MY* choice.

      I agree completely.

      Maybe we can rephrase the issue: you may do as you please with your body, but if you choose to remain unvaccinated then you will not be able to participate fully in polite society. No in-person schooling, no access to bars or restaurants, you must hire someone to do your shopping for you. Forget about theaters, concerts, stadiums or any group activity. You don't get priority treatment at the ER over vaccinated folks.

      Would you be fine with that? I think not. But look at what is really happening. You don't want freedom for your body, freedom of choice. You want freedom from the consequences of your own poor decisions.

      See, your decisions are bad. Bad for you and your health, but we're going to agree that this is OK. You are allowed to make those choices for yourself.

      You just don't get to make them for the rest of us. We made our decision to respect others. We respect your choice. You made it. Now accept the results.

      You can still smoke, just not around others. You can be as drunk and as high as you want, but you can't get behind the wheel.

      You can remain unvaccinated. But since you are unable to play nicely with others, you will need to stay home and play with yourself.

    • by Gravis Zero ( 934156 ) on Friday January 07, 2022 @08:10PM (#62153911)

      this is coming awfully close to state sanctioned tyranny, if they implement it.

      No, it's really not. Highly communicable disease is a community level problem. This means a community level solution is required. If you do not act in the interest of the community then you will be isolated for the health of the community. The alternatives to vaccination compliance are jail or exile because these two things protect the community from you.

      This isn't a new idea but rather it is well traveled legal territory, even in Canada. []

    • by thegarbz ( 1787294 ) on Friday January 07, 2022 @09:01PM (#62154095)

      But - if they make vaccination mandatory

      Canada has many examples of legislated mandatory vaccination. It's not government overreach more than just another day in the office, and legislation that is consistent with that of many western nations around the world. Here's one example: []

      Did you get your kids vaccinated or did you pay the $1000 fine?

      You're happy to get vaccinated for something largely wiped out, but not happy to do so to reduce the effects of an actual pandemic. I'm not sure if you're ignorant or just a bad person.

    • You're not the only one. There is a guy in Prince Rupert, and a lady in Winnipeg who don't want vaccine mandates. So you're not totally alone.

  • During each following wave of lock-downs, after vaccination has become mandatory, politicians will sorely miss their beloved scapegoat group "the unvaccinated". Sure, they can (and will) still blame each upcoming new variant, of which there will inevitably be about 1 or 2 each year, for the next round of lock-downs. But they will no longer be able to channel the outrage onto a scapegoat group, and need to invent other diversions.
  • Will mandatory vaccinations end the emergency pandemic orders? I've yet to read any information or plans how we'll pivot from an endless emergency back to normalcy. I hope that there is some thought on this.
  • Does Canada have someone who stockpiled nearly 1 million covid testing kits [] and let them expire so they didn't have to report how many cases they have? Did this person also spew their infected spittle across a group of people when they were clearly infected with covid []?

  • Here in B.C. we're approaching 90% vaccination. Until they redefine "vaccinated", which I'm expecting in the next few weeks. There's not much wiggle room left.

    I had the same feeling about vaccine passports: almost everybody already is vaccinated. What problem is this supposed to solve?


    • by nwaack ( 3482871 )

      I had the same feeling about vaccine passports: almost everybody already is vaccinated. What problem is this supposed to solve?

      And that's exactly what the non-lemmings around the world have been asking for a while now. As the world's governments brazenly double down on failed policy instead of trying to come up with solutions that actually work, suddenly some of those crazy conspiracy theories are starting to seem less crazy. I'm definitely NOT an anti-vaxxer, but the events that have transpired after the announcement of omicron are starting to make me worry about what those in power are really up to here.

  • Protecting against severe illness is great.

    But really, is that the government's job?

    The goal is to keep hospitals open and not having them stuffed with COVID patients. Is that really a public health problem that justifies mandatory vaccinations?

    The vaccine doesn't prevent you from getting COVID. It doesn't really prevent transmission of COVID, apparently.

    The politicians are chasing a signal, but is that particular signal important anymore?

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. -- Albert Einstein
