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United States

US Says Chinese Firm Broke Export Rules in ZTE, Iran Contracts ( 30

A US agency dealing with national security said Far East Cable violated American export-control rules by signing contracts with Chinese networking giant ZTE and Iranian businesses to sell US-origin equipment to Iran. From a report: From September 2014 to January 2016, Far East Cable "served as a cutout" between ZTE -- which was under investigation by the US for export-rule violations at the time -- and Iranian telecommunications companies, the Department of Commerce's Bureau of Industry and Security said in a statement Monday. Far East Cable's actions are "part of an effort to conceal and obfuscate ZTE's Iranian business from US investigators," the BIS said in a July 29 letter to the company made available Monday. The agency is charging the cable maker with 18 violations of its export administration regulations.
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US Says Chinese Firm Broke Export Rules in ZTE, Iran Contracts

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  • by cayenne8 ( 626475 ) on Tuesday August 09, 2022 @02:38PM (#62775510) Homepage Journal
    In other news today..."Water is Wet".

    Film at 11.

    • well, compared to the Rules the U.S. breaks... water droplet is wet.

  • Or Iran cares? Right now, the USA is "weak" and other nations can pretty much do whatever they want. When you CONTROL the bulk of global manufacturing and supply, you can pretty much dictate whatever you want.

Perfection is acheived only on the point of collapse. - C. N. Parkinson
