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America's Successful War on Poverty ( 304

America's child poverty rate plunged in 2021, hitting a record low and accelerating a decadelong decline. That's the main message from Census Bureau data released yesterday, Axios' Felix Salmon writes. From the report: Millions of children aren't growing up in poverty today, thanks in very large part to government poverty-reduction programs. The most recent decline can be linked directly to the increase in the child tax credit that was implemented in July 2021 but then expired at the end of that year -- which means that next year's number is likely to see a rare increase.

A reduction in child poverty goes hand in hand with a reduction in the number of poor parents -- specifically mothers. The number of women heads of households in poverty declined to 4.95 million in 2021 from 7.8 million in 2020, per the census supplemental poverty measure, on top of the 3.4 million children who were taken out of poverty. The report is a "kids story but it's also a women's story," said Kate Gallagher Robbins, a senior fellow at the National Partnership for Women and Families.

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America's Successful War on Poverty

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  • This is a lie (Score:2, Insightful)

    Not successful, just people keep cutting needed services from there lives.
    Health is good and all, but it doesn't pay me.
    • Re:This is a lie (Score:5, Insightful)

      by jacks smirking reven ( 909048 ) on Wednesday September 14, 2022 @10:38AM (#62881047)

      Which services are they cutting and where is the data for this?

      If people are cutting services like food, shelter, energy, healthcare then we should tackle those issues directly. No reason anyone in America should be struggling for the bottom rung of the needs pyramid.

      • Re: (Score:2, Troll)

        I go without Mental Health services cause of cost.
        Have gone without food from a couple of days cause of cost.
        Currently behind on my power bill.
        • Re:This is a lie (Score:5, Insightful)

          by jacks smirking reven ( 909048 ) on Wednesday September 14, 2022 @11:12AM (#62881183)

          I feel for you but to be fair that is a sample size of one.

          People have been cutting and turning away from healthcare because of cost for my entire life, this has been a problem for 50+ years in America and it's not going to be solved without a fundamental change to the way we treat healthcare. Every other developed nation on earth has realized this fact and implemented a system that takes into account the reality of how humans treat health services because that behavior breaks markets. Vote accordingly if you want to change the cruelty of the system.

          I agree that things like SNAP and WIC and other food assistance programs should be more universal and easier to get. Nobody in this country should go hungry. America produces well in excess of the the amount of food we consume so it's certainly not due to a shortage that prices are too high.

          • Re:This is a lie (Score:5, Insightful)

            by cayenne8 ( 626475 ) on Wednesday September 14, 2022 @11:46AM (#62881359) Homepage Journal
            The thing that stood out in the synopsis, that seemed to try to put it up as a positive thing....that it helps women with children in the poverty rung of society.

            THAT is one of the chief PROBLEMS we have in the US, especially amongst the poor of our society.

            There is no good reason so many of these kids are being raised with no fathers!!

            We should, as a country, take a lot of this money being spent for welfare programs and use it and our energies as a country to encourage couples that have kids to stay together and raise these kids.

            This alone would pay off fiscally for the US, in that we'd likely have less money putting out supporting these kids since they'd have extra hands working to support and raise them!!

            Hey, hats off to the single Mom that raises kids....its a tough job, BUT it is something that should be rare rather than the norm.

            Studies show that kids with no father in the picture, run much higher risk of being arrested for committing crimes and going to jail. They have a much less chance of getting themselves an education and being successful in life.

            The mothers and fathers of these kids need to be more responsible for raising and supporting these kids they takes two to make them, it really takes 2 to stand the best chance of raising and supporting them.

            The current welfare system, the way it is set up, often rewards no father at home....we didn't have this much problem with single mothers prior to the modern welfare state that started during the LBJ presidency.

            Just ike the "war on drugs" isn't working, and needs to be re-examined...we need to examine also the laws, policies and programs that aren't supporting poor kids properly and look into promoting keeping fathers with their kids IN the household.

            In the long run, this will give the kids their best shot in life and will also lessen the burden on the tax payer for supporting other peoples' kids.

            • Re:This is a lie (Score:4, Insightful)

              by jacks smirking reven ( 909048 ) on Wednesday September 14, 2022 @11:58AM (#62881399)

              Great, I agree.

              Let's have a multi-payer universal healthcare system.

              Let's have a public housing initiative where nobody ever has to be at risk of losing shelter.

              Let's have mandated maternity and paternity leave so parents are encourages to care for their kids in the early years when it's the hardest.

              Let's implement a negative income tax or other redistributive program so people can always have their very basic needs met and the crushing stress of worrying about food, shelter, healthcare and energy are alleviated.

              It's great to point out the issues but we can't legislate culture directly.

              Before LBJ we had lot's of different problems, it's not as though poor families did not exist in that time, we just were not as aware of it.

              If you have "free market" solutions to these issues lets hear them.

              • Why free market? (Score:5, Insightful)

                by larryjoe ( 135075 ) on Wednesday September 14, 2022 @12:08PM (#62881437)

                If you have "free market" solutions to these issues lets hear them.

                Sometimes in the West, "free market" has a meaning akin to "apple pie," i.e., some magical fairy dust that is assumed to be so obvious as to obviate the need for explanation. Is there any semblance of an explanation for why any free market ideas would be helpful to alleviate poverty? While free markets tend to do fairly well in maximizing over time the goals of the market, the alleviation of poverty is never a goal of any economic free market. Thus, free markets never help those in poverty and in reality often produce poverty as a byproduct. I suppose there is a (Christian?) hope that the rich people produced by the free market will help out the poor, but unfortunately that doesn't happen as often as is needed.

                • by jacks smirking reven ( 909048 ) on Wednesday September 14, 2022 @12:17PM (#62881481)

                  That's why i put the question out there because I see people ragging left and right on public and social programs but have no realistic solutions to problems. It's libertarian masturbation to think if we just take the guardrails off capitalism it will come to everyones rescue.

                  Like you said, markets work for lot's of things but definitely not everything, especially when it comes to things people cannot afford to be without.

                • "Free Market" is code for some private sector company wanting to gain profits from the spending of government money

                  FYI, it does not work, some functions of government work better without a profit motive and including "free market" solutions just means funneling money away from the intended goal into an executive's pockets

            • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

              by Ichijo ( 607641 )

              The current welfare system, the way it is set up, often rewards no father at home

              Yes, they give women the financial freedom to divorce their abusive husbands. But this is a good thing.

            • Re:This is a lie (Score:5, Insightful)

              by ageoffri ( 723674 ) on Wednesday September 14, 2022 @12:23PM (#62881529)

              Sounds like you have never had to deal with the American family law system. The current system in nearly every State is designed to force a parent (father normally) mostly out of their children's lives. Title IV-D incentivizes States to maximize child support payments and in turn that gives the State money from the federal government.

              You want father's involved, then do like a bare handful of States have done and make it a presumption of 50/50 parenting time. Of all places, Kentucky has this as law.

              The system supports false allegations and so much crap by mother's due to child support being a multi-billion dollar industry.

              In just over 6 years, I've spent over 250k to get 50/50 and joint decision making which has led to bankruptcy. I even had a full day trial where a judge ignored the report of a psychologist with nearly 40 years of child custody evaluations and found that my ex is not a suitable parent for even 50/50.

              Start small, allow father's to be in their kids lives without spending insane amount of money. Studies have shown that 50/50 has outcomes simliar to peaceful 2 parent homes, so let's go for that.

              • Re:This is a lie (Score:5, Insightful)

                by cayenne8 ( 626475 ) on Wednesday September 14, 2022 @01:00PM (#62881735) Homepage Journal

                Sounds like you have never had to deal with the American family law system. The current system in nearly every State is designed to force a parent (father normally) mostly out of their children's lives. Title IV-D incentivizes States to maximize child support payments and in turn that gives the State money from the federal government.

                You want father's involved, then do like a bare handful of States have done and make it a presumption of 50/50 parenting time. Of all places, Kentucky has this as law.

                The system supports false allegations and so much crap by mother's due to child support being a multi-billion dollar industry.

                In just over 6 years, I've spent over 250k to get 50/50 and joint decision making which has led to bankruptcy. I even had a full day trial where a judge ignored the report of a psychologist with nearly 40 years of child custody evaluations and found that my ex is not a suitable parent for even 50/50.

                Start small, allow father's to be in their kids lives without spending insane amount of money. Studies have shown that 50/50 has outcomes simliar to peaceful 2 parent homes, so let's go for that.

                I agree....we definitely need to rewrite the laws to quit making fathers out to be the bad guys, and incentivize families to stay together first, and if that just cannot work...then make the next best thing to KEEP the father active in the child's life and support.

                Let's redo the law system and quit assuming the father is automatically bad, abusive and that the mother is a saint and needs to have everything ruled in her favor.

            • Re:This is a lie (Score:5, Informative)

              by garyisabusyguy ( 732330 ) on Wednesday September 14, 2022 @12:41PM (#62881633)

              Here is the thing that has led to the dismantling of poor families

              In order to qualify for services, there cannot be a man in the house

              It was based on racist ideas of layabouts getting government money and it has progressed into fathers simply being excluded

              This will require decades to fix, and reformation of the propaganda (thin "welfare queen" trope) among the general population

              Yes, that is a steep hill to climb

              The steepest hill is that having really poor people around, makes people that are not poor feel better, and makes the rich feel like kings

            • Re:This is a lie (Score:4, Insightful)

              by bradley13 ( 1118935 ) on Wednesday September 14, 2022 @02:11PM (#62881973) Homepage

              You must be as much a geezer as I am, in order to even know that it was once different. Because that was back in the 60's. LBJ wanted to help poor families, but his programs (which were the foundation of the current welfare system) destroyed them.

              While this affects all races, it has especially changed black culture, where it is now perfectly normal for a woman to have multiple kids from multiple baby-daddies - with no intention of staying with any of them. Good intentions destroyed families, especially black families. Just as destroying poor families took decades, fixing this problem would also require decades.

              What I find really annoying is that the problems of LBJ's Great Society programs were so predictable. "If you want more of something, subsidize it." The programs subsidized not having two parents stay together, and they subsidized having kids. Today's programs still do.

              But it's all ok. It doesn't matter how many millions of lives have been destroyed, because their intentions were pure...

          • I tend to agree with you on healthcare, but realize that changing to another countries system will require all nurses and doctors to take a roughly 50% cut in pay, and limitations on who can become specialists, etc. I don't think that will fly within those professions. Check the earning stats worldwide.

            As to food: while some programs are required, expanding will just make the middle class once again pay for the poor. I'd prefer food allocations-"Here's some food for the month, it's healthy" - as opposed

            • Re:This is a lie (Score:5, Interesting)

              by jacks smirking reven ( 909048 ) on Wednesday September 14, 2022 @12:33PM (#62881599)

              I don't exactly believe those numbers but lket's just accept that as the fact. Answer is, I don't give a shit?

              Part of a comprehensive restructuring of healthcare also has to involve making it much more affordable for those who want to become doctors and nurses to be able to pursue that. If doctors didn't have to come out of residency with mountains of debt and sky-high insurance bills do they need to earn such high salaries? Probably not.

              All those countries still have systems where people pay less per capita (sometimes far less) and get equal or better outcomes with universal access, just overall better. There definitely is not a big correlation between doctor salaries and health outcomes.

              In no other country are there poor doctors, doctoring will always be a top 10% job but maybe it won't be a top 1% job, but if your sole reason to become a doctor is the money maybe those people go into other careers.

              Also when people talk about the artificial limites the AMA puts on residencies they are right, we need to lift those caps. We have seen an increase in the number of DO's in response to that recently.

              Docts and nurses pull big money because our system is wildly inflated in terms of costs, and those costs are everywhere, from school right through to the grave. The market is incapable of bringing those costs down, an open market for healthcare cannot and will never work, the sooner we accept that the better off we will be.

      • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

        by Powercntrl ( 458442 )

        If people are cutting services like food, shelter, energy, healthcare then we should tackle those issues directly.

        I haven't had health coverage since the great recession. My state (Florida) never accepted the ACA extension, so low income by itself isn't a qualifier for subsidized coverage. As you said, we should tackle those issues, but when the majority of Florida's electorate is satisfied with a policy of "fuck you, I got mine", the issues remain.

        • Oh as a fellow Floridian I fully understand, it's a clusterfuck and I don't think people realize that there are still states that literally turn away ACA Medicare money for "principles", especially when Florida literally elected a man who should be in prison to two terms of goverenorship.

          In general it's a stopgap though to the broken system.

    • It is not a lie, just smoke and mirrors.

      "The differences among the 2020 to 2021 percent changes in median household income for the regions were not statistically significant. Neither the rate nor the number in poverty was significantly different from 2020."

      Supplemental poverty measure decreases because it accounts for all the government handouts during covid. Of course, it caused sky high inflation so it is not sustainable and we are back at square one.
      • Re: This is a lie (Score:3, Insightful)

        by fod_dzug ( 6598790 )
        Inflation is only "unsustainable" when the wealth gap decreases. When inflation is caused by tax cuts and Wall Street bailouts, no one seems to have a problem with it. Kids need to have access to healthy food and quality education, no matter how rich their parents are. That's much more important for the future of a nation that any inflation.
        • The child tax credits were nowhere near enough to lift anybody out of poverty. They provided some short term relief for people who spent it wisely but this wasn't money we had sitting around. It was borrowed, which means as a society we eventually pay for it. This can manifest as inflation, increases in taxes, and cuts to spending.
        • Inflation is only "unsustainable" when the wealth gap decreases. When inflation is caused by tax cuts and Wall Street bailouts, no one seems to have a problem with it.

          Define "no one", because I'm quite certain bailouts have affected the innocent, as opposed to the guilty who are pocketing the cash. You know how Greed pays for fines? Layoffs.

          Kids need to have access to healthy food and quality education, no matter how rich their parents are.

          In the public system of indoctrination and low budgets, kids have access to neither of those things. It's why our public edumucashun system is considered a joke now.

          That's much more important for the future of a nation that any inflation.

          Agreed, but it's not more important than inflation, especially rampant inflation. Those parents will be dead-ass broke and suffering far before 13 years of public edu

        • by DarkOx ( 621550 )

          well you might want to look at the EXPLODING cost of food then! Inflation at the grocery store is vastly out pacing core CPI. If there is one group this is HURTING the most its people who were already food insecure.

          Inflation over 3% or so should imho be regarded as UNACCEPTABLE from a policy standpoint. Pretty much ANYTHING the government does should take a back seat because, inflation running beyond that goes against the core constitutional mission to "promote the general welfare"

      • by whitroth ( 9367 )

        Bullshit. Look at the sky-high PROFITS the oil industry, and a good number of others posted. Look at the massive increases in CEO salaries and bonuses.

    • by Dusanyu ( 675778 )
      The information focuses on. if your a childless adult this information just like the government don't care. This is why you see homeless vets with PTSD and TBI on the corner begging. Even Canada with its social programs is offering vets with these issues MAID rather than get them any real help []
  • And then... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by fropenn ( 1116699 ) on Wednesday September 14, 2022 @10:29AM (#62880997)
    The child tax credit was not renewed (no Republican support) and children in poverty went right back up again. https://www.povertycenter.colu... []
    • Don't forget universal free school lunch.
  • The report is a "kids story but it's also a women's story,"

    We have little to none of those around here...

    • It's a women's and children's story, on the receiving end that is...
      • It's a women's and children's story, on the receiving end that is...

        This is the should not be a single mother problem.

        We need to encourage the fathers of these children to stick around raise and support them and not have it up to the taxpayers to do so.

        It takes two to make them, it really takes two to raise them.

        • by GlennC ( 96879 )

          So what, specifically, do you suggest be done?

          • So what, specifically, do you suggest be done?

            Well, rather than configuring the welfare safety net to pay more to single mothers, maybe we start by configuring it to where payments are a bit more if the father is there in the house?

            Or, something along those lines.

            Incentivize.....we do it all the time, why not promote whole families?

  • by gweihir ( 88907 ) on Wednesday September 14, 2022 @10:34AM (#62881021)

    Downward that is. Because this sounds way too good to be true.

    • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

      by cuda13579 ( 1060440 )

      How about we consider what is called "poverty" in America (really, they mean U.S.) vs the rest of the world. Groups in the U.S. bitch about the 1% all the time, without many of them realizing that, in comparison to income worldwide, they ARE in the 1%.

      • by DarkRookie2 ( 5551422 ) on Wednesday September 14, 2022 @11:11AM (#62881175)

        How about we consider what is called "poverty" in America

        Why, so people like you can go "Sorry you cant afford basic services, but the world average says your rich"

      • by gweihir ( 88907 )

        "Poverty" basically means you cannot partake in society to a reasonable degree because lack of money. Hence your statement is totally inane.

      • The top 1% net worth globally is just over $1 million [], a threshold attained by the top 11% of US households [].

        So, roughly, the richest 10% of Americans are in the global 1%.

      • Comparing income directly like that is a bullshit way to evaluate poverty or wealth. What matters isn't your raw income, but what your income can provide you. Making $100 a month in a place where you can live in a mansion for $10 a month is a far better situation than someone making $1 million a month where a 20 square foot efficiency apartment costs $900k a month. But your logic would say the person living in luxury is poor and the person who can't afford food is in the 1%
      • Poverty is a relative number your smooth brain.

      • This is just false. Poverty in American often looks a lot like what the third world considers poverty. You just have to walk down a few side streets in most major cities to see homeless people in squalor, begging. It might not be in your face daily, but it's there.

        Sure there's a "middle class poverty" that is slightly better off but still destitute - about 40 million - but there is at least a quarter million living in true, dehumanizing poverty, even under the most rosy claims of the government.

  • And in spite of the data, half the electorate's response will amount to "Nuh-Uh!"
  • I was honestly expecting them to just shoot everyone below the poverty line to accomplish that feat.

    Hey, that's how a "war on ..." is done in the US normally.

  • by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Wednesday September 14, 2022 @11:12AM (#62881181)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • I have noticed there is a lot of popular support for theft on reddit as well. It sounds humane in the short term but seems like it will lead to a reduced rather than greater supply long term. I think it is much better to manage wealth transfers via welfare programs to prevent cold and hunger. It's hard to make sense of statistics about hunger, you see statistics that some huge percentage of people are going hungry but nobody actually starves to death or even looks malnourished, even the beggars on stree
  • by ElizabethGreene ( 1185405 ) on Wednesday September 14, 2022 @11:13AM (#62881187)

    In the US the definition of Poverty was written in 1963 by Mollie Orshansky and is updated annually to account for CPI (Inflation). It was simplified in the 80s by removing the distinction for male and female headed households, farm and non-farm households, and expanded by increasing the number of members of the household from 7 to 9.

    <prediction>Next year we'll see a significant jump in the number of households in poverty because of this year's staggering CPI. It might be a bit early to declare victory.<prediction>

  • This feels like a real misrepresentation of the facts.

    One there is criticism about the way that the Census Bureau measures this. As another data point, another way to measure this is it has remained steady at 11M children in the US, not 3.8M []. Note this from the Center for American Progress, which I don't always agree with so take that with a political grain of salt. But at least is suggests that there's a broader debate here about how to actually measure this so resources can be allocated successfull

    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by cayenne8 ( 626475 )

      In this summary flyer summarizing also a US Census Bureau study from 2021, kids growing up in homes without fathers were 4X as likely to end up in poverty [], along with a host of other social issues such as low self confidence, teenage pregnancy, etc.

      So the Child Tax Credit and other welfare programs are great and all, but how about some programs designed to encourage stronger marriages and 2 parent households and more engaged fathers? Seems like a reduction in the number of father

  • Child poverty was a disaster under Obama, everything became perfect and ran just swimmingly under Trump, and Biden is damaging it forever.

    Whew... imagine if I had to figure it out myself!

  • With this much gaslighting we'd light the whole world and not use one watt of electricity.

    War on Proverty (LBJ's Great Society) is a monumental flop, see my other post in this thread about culture.

    Change The Culture. The culture is the root cause.

    But please, admit... the gaslight in that article is such that you can light the world with it. Hell the gaslighting in general these days is like that.

  • This is silly (Score:5, Interesting)

    by kaatochacha ( 651922 ) on Wednesday September 14, 2022 @11:43AM (#62881331)
    The numbers work because massive cash infusions provide IMMEDIATE upticks for fighting poverty, while the inflation it causes take a while to actually appear.

    It's like throwing a car off a cliff, determining that it immediately has a really good MPG for distance travelled, and ignoring the eventual crash.

  • Poor people got less poor because the government printed money to give them. This in turn caused inflation, making everyone else poorer. So, the question is, are you happy with the new prices in place in order to bring all those people out of poverty? ...And, to continue the rate of price increase as productivity fails to keep up with future giveaways to "the poor"?

    Or, would you rather that maybe "the poor" produced fewer babies that had to be supported by you, the taxpayer?

    • I would rather not have a large population of people who are unable to participate in society. I think that is more expensive in the long run.
  • by Anonymous Crowded ( 6202674 ) on Wednesday September 14, 2022 @12:38PM (#62881613)

    So, from a neighborhood where I was the grinch against the "Protect our children! Vote NO for the mega-shelter" campaign (no, I did NOT drive on anyone's property just to run over those signs) . . . I think we're pretty much still the "if you're poor, it's your fault" country we've been for a while.

    As many above have noted - it's just like not counting jobless people who are jobless too long or 'retire' when they wouldn't have normally.

    Until we decide to offer complete mental health services to anyone who wants it and require it from people that we send to jail that aren't actually dangerous or are dangerous due to medical reasons . . . we are not even trying. If we can achieve THAT, you'll notice that any effort or money we put into social programs for poverty, education, drugs, violence will go a LOT farther.

  • by Malays2 bowman ( 6656916 ) on Wednesday September 14, 2022 @06:51PM (#62882885)

    "America's Successful War on Poverty" I am at a total loss for words at how incredibly stupid this statement is.

Never trust a computer you can't repair yourself.
