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United States Technology

Many Military UFO Reports Are Just Foreign Spying or Airborne Trash ( 52

Government officials believe that surveillance operations by foreign powers and weather balloons or other airborne clutter explain most recent incidents of unidentified aerial phenomenon -- government-speak for U.F.O.s -- as well as many episodes in past years. From a report: The sightings have puzzled the Pentagon and intelligence agencies for years, fueling theories about visiting space aliens and spying by a hostile nation using advanced technology. But government officials say many of the incidents have far more ordinary explanations. Intelligence agencies are set to deliver a classified document to Congress by Monday updating a report made public last year that said nearly all of the incidents remain unexplained. The original document looked at 144 incidents between 2004 and 2021 that were reported by U.S. government sources, mostly American military personnel.

This article is based on interviews with American officials familiar with the findings of the Pentagon and intelligence agencies' examination of the incidents. The officials spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the classified work. Some of the incidents have been formally attributed to Chinese surveillance -- with relatively ordinary drone technology -- and others are also thought to be connected to Beijing. China, which has stolen plans for advanced fighter planes, wants to learn more about how the United States trains its military pilots, according to American officials.

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Many Military UFO Reports Are Just Foreign Spying or Airborne Trash

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  • by El_Muerte_TDS ( 592157 ) on Friday October 28, 2022 @09:58AM (#63005883) Homepage

    It is actually your own government spying on you.

    • Re: (Score:2, Troll)

      There are much easier ways to "spy" on their own citizens. You may have heard of someone called Edward Snowden?
    • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

      by DesScorp ( 410532 )

      It is actually your own government spying on you.

      Or in the case of the US military, one branch spying on another.

      Look at the UFO's that have been shadowing aircraft carriers. Obviously advanced drones of some kind. How much do you want to bet that they could be US Air Force drones? The Air Force goes to American political leadership and says "See, the Navy is obsolete. Our drones flew rings around them. Give US their budget instead".

    • What they actually believe is that they can use FUD about aerospace security so that they can increase military spending and ramp up the hate train towards nations that refuse to bend themselves over to US will.
  • and airplanes.

    The 22 year old 2nd Lieutenant who reported it would be sad if you forgot.

  • by Opportunist ( 166417 ) on Friday October 28, 2022 @10:07AM (#63005923)

    What else would they be?

  • by byronivs ( 1626319 ) on Friday October 28, 2022 @10:08AM (#63005925) Journal
    Or Categorized But Not Completely Sure Flying Objects. Or y'know--aliens.
  • Many unidentified objects turn out to be military tech. Is there a story here?
  • by bickerdyke ( 670000 ) on Friday October 28, 2022 @10:13AM (#63005955)

    Ah ja... the same weather balloon stories again that were used in Roswell....:-)

    • The thing that got me was the 'airborne trash' or 'airborne clutter' part. What the fuck is that supposed to mean? Plastic bags being blown about by the wind?

      • by quonset ( 4839537 ) on Friday October 28, 2022 @12:23PM (#63006381)

        The thing that got me was the 'airborne trash' or 'airborne clutter' part. What the fuck is that supposed to mean? Plastic bags being blown about by the wind?

        In some cases, yes. In other cases it could be those mylar balloons people buy for birthdays and celebrations which are filled with our depleting stores of helium, or ballons in general.

      • I was once walking home, I looked up and saw his weird light flitting all over the place, very far away, at the altitude of a jet. It reminded me of those UFO videos of a light moving about erratically.

        It weirded me out, but I decided to stand and stare at it. After 10 minutes of trying to see more detail, I finally figured out it was actually just a plastic bag. Once you recognize it as a plastic bag, you can't unsee it as one.

        I'm a weirdo in that I like walking around looking up at the sky or tall b
  • Hey, now! Don't you dare try to confuse me with your reasonable and well thought out speculations and statements of the obvious! You're not going to dissuade me from believing my completely baseless conspiracy theories that easily!

    Now, where did I put my tinfoil hat? []

  • The recent information on this topic is very project blue book in nature. Of course the majority are explainable. Nobody is interested in the explained, we are interested in hearing about what remains.

  • The stuff that caused people dismay the most at the space observatory I worked was:

    bugs on the telescope

    commercial air traffic

    space debris
    • bugs on the telescope

      You may have intended that as a joke, but fireflies in a telescope were used as a plot device in Road to Morocco [] back in 1942.
      • Ah ! That is so funny. I didn't not know that. It was not meant as a joke.

        Truth being stranger than fiction, etc.
        • If you've never seen any of the Road movies, find a copy and watch it. That bit with the fireflies is just one of the great gags, not all of them in the script. You can usually tell when Hope's ad libbing because it takes Crosby a moment to come up with a response. And the bit with the camel was completely unexpected...
  • That were invisible to radar? Yeah, they kind of stopped once the F117 stealth fighter was revealed to the world.

    • The F-117 has low radar visibility, but it's far from invisible.
      It proved easy enough to track and shoot down with 1960s SAMs.
    • by Reziac ( 43301 ) *

      Those were just reflection artifacts from the camera itself. We have several highway cams in my state that do the same damn thing. I myself have a camera that drops artifacts into photos, except they're round (because they started life as condensation droplets). UFOs in every night shot.

  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Everyone is wrong. Louis Elizondo, the Nimitz crew, the Navy personnel, Lol OK. /s

    Or maybe the religious leaders who earn Billions from donations don't want their source of revenue to stop
  • Frequency of UFO reports correlates with level of marijuana use.

    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • I think culture accounts for nearly 100% of it.

        The brain fills in things it doesn't understand or clearly make out with things directly out of your culture.
        My step mother sees ghosts. My father sees sasquatch.
        UFOs became a sighting about as common as ghost sightings around the time they became part of the culture.

        There's no mystery to it, other than trying to figure out how, or whether, to try to convince the easily duped that their vision and ignorance is in fact fallible.
  • So if we spotted the Millennium Falcon, would it be considered UFO, spacecraft or trash? I mean she might look like a piece of junk []...

  • So this covers their spy saucers
  • by ChromeAeonuim ( 1026946 ) on Friday October 28, 2022 @12:14PM (#63006357)
    Imagine flying all the way across the stars only for some primitive species of primate to call you 'airborne trash'.
  • by Anonymous Coward

    This is probably another attempt to white-wash the reality we are waking up to, that there are alien craft in our airspace and they have been here all along.

    This is a classic tactic, do they believe we're just this stupid... it sounds desperate.

    Humanity as a whole can handle Disclosure, we'll be just fine. Maybe not so much those that have been screwing with us, but that's another topic.

  • Conspiracy nuts think UFO means "we can't understand what it is". It actually means "we didn't bother to look at it".

    Think how many times a pilot sees something sparkling in the distance and just stays on course instead of veering off tens of miles. Well, there are your UFOs.

  • Especially if there are only 99 of them.
  • What bollicks, if it can be identified as a ballon or any thing else for that matter it is not a UFO, the meaning is in the name "Unidentified" means that it is not able to be identified.

"I shall expect a chemical cure for psychopathic behavior by 10 A.M. tomorrow, or I'll have your guts for spaghetti." -- a comic panel by Cotham
