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Earth Government

The Climate Issue Government Leaders Aren't Addressing: Livestock Farming (theguardian.com) 445

It's "a major cause" of our climate crisis. "It's on course to guzzle half the world's carbon budget," writes a Guardian columnist — asking "so why are governments so afraid to discuss it?"

They've reviewed every agreement announced at 26 different climates. The results? Livestock is mentioned in only three agreements, and the only action each of them proposes is "management". Nowhere is there a word about reduction. It's as though nuclear non-proliferation negotiators had decided not to talk about bombs. You cannot address an issue if you will not discuss it. The call to stop farming animals should be as familiar as the call to leave fossil fuels in the ground. But it is seldom heard.

Livestock farming, a recent paper in the journal Sustainability estimates, accounts for between 16.5% and 28% of all greenhouse gas pollution. The wide range of these figures is an indication of how badly this issue has been neglected. As the same paper shows, the official figure (14.5%), published by the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation, is clearly wrong. Everyone in the field knows it, yet few attempts have been made to update it. Even if the minimum number (16.5%) applies, this is greater than all the world's transport emissions.

And it is growing fast. In the 20 years to 2018, global meat consumption rose by 58%. A paper in Climate Policy estimates that, by 2030, greenhouse gases from livestock farming could use half the world's entire carbon budget, if we want to avoid more than 1.5C of global heating. An analysis by Our World in Data shows that even if greenhouse gas pollution from every other sector were eliminated today, by 2100 food production will, on its current trajectory, bust the global carbon budget two or three times over. This is largely because of animal farming, which accounts for 57% of greenhouse gases from the food system, though it provides just 18% of the calories.

The article also notes an academic paper which calculated that if livestock pastures in just the world's richest nations were returned to wild ecosystems, it would fully offset 12 years worth of global carbon emissions. "This issue has become even more urgent now we know the heating impact of methane is rising.

"Livestock farming is the world's greatest source of methane released by human activities. Yet there is no mention of it in the global methane pledge launched at last year's climate summit."

Thanks to Slashdot reader AleRunner for sharing the article.
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The Climate Issue Government Leaders Aren't Addressing: Livestock Farming

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  • Eat meat why? (Score:2, Insightful)

    by fbobraga ( 1612783 )
    I don't understand how people that say "climate change matters" are not all vegans...
    • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday November 13, 2022 @02:50PM (#63048233)

      Because they don't really care about climate change. Just like they don't really care about black lives, or whatever they're protesting this week.

      The grauniad putting it this way puts them with the shouty "$TOPIC MATTERS!" crowd, the people who'll protest anything and everything to further their agenda. Which is, total breakdown of western civilisation, so they can remake it to their liking.

      Me, I care about farming because that's where our food comes from. We might do with a little less meat (I already eat vegetarian most days), but reducing it to zero isn't all that good for the environment either, nevermind for us. Much of the pasture for livestock isn't suitable for growing other stuff that we can eat directly.

      • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday November 13, 2022 @03:01PM (#63048263)

        The call to stop farming animals should be as familiar as the call to leave fossil fuels in the ground.

        That is silly bullshit. Burning fossil fuels is relative new (in the grand scheme of things) and we can develop alternatives.

        Livestock is mentioned in only three agreements, and the only action each of them proposes is "management". Nowhere is there a word about reduction.

        Humans will always need to eat. We will always need to produce food and as the population increases we will need to produce more food, not less.

        The vast majority of people in the world do not want to live in a cave and eat nothing but plants and bugs.

        • by Z00L00K ( 682162 )

          To sum all of this up - there are too many humans in the world. There are actually fewer other mammals in the world now than it was just a few decades ago.

          • No. It is that we feed our livestock stupidly because corn is the only thing that will grow in some parts of the country with outsized political influence.
            • Monbiot is not complaining about corn-fed livestock.

              In reality, grass-fed meat is by far the most damaging component of our diets, as a result of its massive land requirement, greenhouse gas emissions, and carbon and ecological opportunity costs.

            • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

              No. It is that we feed our livestock stupidly because corn is the only thing that will grow in some parts of the country with outsized political influence.

              No, that is wrong. Cows burp more methane when eating grass than eating corn.

              Corn subsidies are stupid, but they aren't the cause of this problem.

              Disclaimer: I am 99% vegetarian and haven't eaten beef in 30 years.

        • I think I have a solution. We decrease the population, that way there will be enough food.

          • I think I have a solution. We decrease the population, that way there will be enough food.

            And we wouldn't have to use as much space for animal farming as we do now because there wouldn't be a need for it. We'd also reduce the amount of pollution we pump out, reduce the amount of waste we produce, reduce the amount of natural resources we consume, have better education because class sizes would be smaller, better healthcare because hospitals and doctors wouldn't be overwhelmed, and more people would be able to have their own place rather than some cramped apartment.

          • by CrimsonAvenger ( 580665 ) on Sunday November 13, 2022 @06:30PM (#63048897)

            I think I have a solution. We decrease the population, that way there will be enough food.

            Somehow, I suspect that when you say that, you really mean decrease OTHER population - most people who say words to the effect of "we need fewer people" really mean "we need fewer OTHER people."

            In any case, when you get ready to reduce the population, my first thought is "you first!"....

            • by Opportunist ( 166417 ) on Sunday November 13, 2022 @07:23PM (#63048973)

              We just need to pump out fewer units. There's no need to kill off what's already here, just avoid creating more problems.

          • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

            by Hylandr ( 813770 )

            This arguemnt has been debinked since the 60's.

            Farting cows aren't killing the planet. There were far more Bison and other wildlife roaming the earth, burping, farting and fucking since forever.

            I will eat the humans that demand I eat the bugs.

      • They are so fixated on emissions they forgot about the climate.

      • by Anonymous Coward
        Right. Just like all those idiots who pretend to care about "rising" crime but aren't willing to become police officers. Or the ones who whine about politicians yet you never see them run for office. Or the retards who pretend to be pro-life but suddenly stop caring once the baby is born, and won't even bother adopting any children of their own.
        Everyone knows if you don't personally dedicate every waking hour of your life to solving a problem, you must not really care about that problem.
      • by piojo ( 995934 )

        Because they don't really care about climate change.

        As someone who composts in an apartment, reuses grey water when possible, and eats meat, my initial response to this was "fuck you". But if you'll permit me to walk that back a bit, I can explain and try to understand.

        I gather you think it's your job to reduce climate change in every way you can? I think it's society's job. I want to reduce my meat intake and electricity usage! I just don't want to be the only person that does it. There is a significant individual cost to making sacrifices for the climate,

    • Moderation works. We can cut the livestock problem by 3/4s without everyone becoming vegan or even vegetarian. The snag is the _increase_ in meat eating. I remember in the 60s when having a thick steak for the family once a week as normal, and in some families there was beef every day. It's the appearance of affluence; it used to be expensive and now it's not so much, so eat it up like the rich people do. If you're not so poor, then you can still have the cheap fast food burger once a day.

      If people jus

      • Re:Eat meat why? (Score:4, Insightful)

        by larwe ( 858929 ) on Sunday November 13, 2022 @04:08PM (#63048501)

        The snag is the _increase_ in meat eating

        The increase in meat eating is not "Americans eating 3x more steaks than before". Yes, it's true, people in affluent countries are, in the main, eating more meat than they did decades ago (due to a combination of rising purchasing power and lowered real cost of meat due to high-density industrial farming techniques), but the _real_ increase in meat consumption comes from countries where meat was formerly a mostly-unaffordable luxury for most. As real incomes have risen in those countries, their demand for a higher meat-to-grains/vegetables ratio has similarly increased, and given the sizes of those populations, the effect here is FAR greater than "we can afford to put a bit more chicken in the pot tonight" in already-wealthy countries.

        • by Burz ( 138833 )

          Now compare food waste in America (40%) vs developing countries.

          Seems like the (truly) really-real increases are probably discernible, but not from anything in the above post.

      • Re:Eat meat why? (Score:5, Insightful)

        by geekmux ( 1040042 ) on Sunday November 13, 2022 @04:22PM (#63048553)

        If people just decided that once or twice a week to go vegetarian, that it would make a big impact on the carbon footprint.

        Like recycling, you have to turn an alternative diet/lifestyle into something that people want to participate in. By force usually doesn't work, and the rich will always find a way to simply pay the sin tax and continue to enjoy an affluent lifestyle, often paid out of the pockets of others.

      • If the US and Europe stopped the massive subsidies they pay farmers (of all types) this problem would correct itself to a large degree.
      • Re:Eat meat why? (Score:4, Interesting)

        by ewibble ( 1655195 ) on Sunday November 13, 2022 @05:28PM (#63048747)

        I think that is a major problem. We as humans generally tend to consume as much resources that are available to us. If the human population halved tomorrow I just think in a few years we would simply consume twice as per person.

        I see it in a lot of things: Build bigger roads people just drive more. Hard drive, and internet speeds become larger, images, games and movies just become larger. CPU speeds increase programs become less efficient. Building becomes more efficient we just build bigger houses. Provide excess food we be come obese. I think we consume as much as we can because we evolved in a environment with scarce resources, were it made sense to consume as much as possible while it lasted. We need to learn to be happy with what we have got (or at this point, less than what we have got). Until we do that we will never save the planet. Also unfortunately capitalism is set up to encourage us to consume more. Please note I am not anti-capitalism, it has good points, just anti unrestrained capitalism.

        • It's seemed clear to me for a while now that pretty much all our large scale problems have deep roots in our biology. It is quite an uphill struggle to work against our natural tendencies when seeking solutions. I would go so far as to say it's ultimately one of the Great Filters-- perhaps even the most significant one.

          We have to change who we are at a fundamental level if we're ever going to have a decent shot at expanding beyond this little star system. Otherwise, we'll just keep making the same m
      • it used to be expensive and now it's not so much,

        What? Are you Jerome Powell by chance? Clearly you haven't gone grocery shopping recently or you'd know how expensive beef is. And eating a fast food burger is no longer cheap either.

    • I don't understand how people that say "climate change matters" are not all vegans...

      I think the word you're looking for is "Hypocrisy".

      Suffering and inconvenience is for thee, not for me.

    • Re:Eat meat why? (Score:5, Insightful)

      by thegarbz ( 1787294 ) on Sunday November 13, 2022 @04:04PM (#63048477)

      I don't understand how people that say "climate change matters" are not all vegans...

      If people want to talk about climate change they shouldn't post on Slashdot. Imagine the waste of electricity that is for something that objectively achieves nothing at all. /sarcasm

      Your criticism is silly. People are insanely wasteful (myself included). There are many things we could do to improve the climate which have little to no meaningful impact on us, and certainly many that make far less of an impact than chowing down a steak. We don't need to get to zero emissions, and doing so is technically infeasible even if we discover the secret to fusion power tomorrow.

      Don't let perfect be the enemy of progress.

      • If people want to talk about climate change they shouldn't post on Slashdot. Imagine the waste of electricity that is for something that objectively achieves nothing at all. /sarcasm

        The effect of rlectricity waste is not even close to cattle raising for food make, relating to climate change... (electricity can be generated by non polluting ways, but meat relays on cattle farm)

    • Well, it depends. If you don't have any children you are immensely ahead in your future carbon footprint, so you can eat meat, and run a dirty car too.

      Let's be realistic: Not only people are eating more meat, cars are getting bigger too, so are houses, so are airports. Instead of grounding our own coffee, we increasingly use capsules from plastic or aluminum, think about the energy cost of that. So trends are not going in the right direction. In fact, asking people to reduce their convenience now for a poss

      • I don't think reducing the population will help we will just consume more and catch up quickly. As you said we eat more meat, cars are bigger, houses are bigger ... People in the rich countries produce 50 times more carbon than poor countries do you think it would be hard for us to produce 100 times? Especially if we demand equality? The only true way is to learn to be content and not want to consume more. I don't want to destroy the human population by not having children. If only 1 generation doesn't have

    • Re:Eat meat why? (Score:5, Insightful)

      by drinkypoo ( 153816 ) <drink@hyperlogos.org> on Sunday November 13, 2022 @05:13PM (#63048705) Homepage Journal

      Because we aren't vegans, our brains developed fully.

      Meat is not the problem. Cows are the problem. Unsustainable systems in general are the problem. Meat can be very sustainable, but probably not ever if you're eating cows. Goats can eat pretty much anything, if they are eating kudzu or being used to clear brush they have positive impact. Chickens eating insects (which can be raised on most vegetation) are very low-impact.

      In fact, animals like these actually make food more sustainable by eating food waste, and turning it into compost more rapidly while also growing. Their crap is much better fertilizer than that synthetic garbage as it contains micronutrients that it doesn't.

    • by tragedy ( 27079 )

      I don't understand how people that say "climate change matters" are not all vegans...

      Some of them most certainly are vegans. Others don't eat beef, or eat it rarely and stick to other, less resource intensive meats.

  • by mmiscool ( 2434450 ) on Sunday November 13, 2022 @02:50PM (#63048237) Homepage
    You can keep your commie hippie BS.
    • Communists do not eat bugs. Some hippies do.

      I eat lobster and shrimp which are pretty bug-like and do not produce methane.

      That said, dairy cattle give much less methane than beef cattle mainly because of what we feed them.

    • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

      by thegarbz ( 1787294 )

      Why not? They actually taste quite alright. Think of them like land based shrimp and remember how absurd the idea is that eating one animal disgusts you while another delights you.

    • Thankfully, nobody's going to ask you when the revolution comes!

  • by NovusPeregrine ( 10150543 ) on Sunday November 13, 2022 @02:57PM (#63048251)
    No one is talking about it, because there is nothing to be done about it. In a world where hunger is still a major issue for a significant portion of the population and as members of an omnivore species... we'll never cut livestock production. At best, means to reduce the impact might be found. But the idea of actual cuts is an utter pipe dream.
  • There is a limit (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Kernel Kurtz ( 182424 ) on Sunday November 13, 2022 @02:59PM (#63048255)
    At some point the push to degrade people's lifestyles to "save the world" reaches a limit where people perceive the solution as being worse than the problem it is trying to solve.

    Messing with people's food, disincentivizing personal transportation, rationing of electricity, and reducing the consumer goods available to them make it seem like the climate alarmists are trying to insert themselves into every facet of life. That may work in places that are traditionally authoritarian, but is obviously not going to be well received in places where people are traditionally free to live their lives as they see fit.

    We are not ants. Solutions that treat us like them are destined to fail.
    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • Re:There is a limit (Score:4, Interesting)

        by Kernel Kurtz ( 182424 ) on Sunday November 13, 2022 @03:26PM (#63048357)

        The actual choice is reduce greenhouse gas emissions or suffer climate change that will most likely decimate our ability to produce food & lead to mass starvation, refugee crises on a scale never seen before, & societal destabilisation. That's the price of our hamburgers, fried chicken, & steaks every day. It's one of those "buy now pay later" special deals.

        We easily produce enough food to feed the world. The problem is distribution and waste, not production. Perhaps in the future we will dedicate some effort to solve those real problems, but I am not hopeful. Blaming my steak dinner for starving people in Africa is easier, and probably works well enough with intellectually shallow people.

      • Re:There is a limit (Score:5, Interesting)

        by WaffleMonster ( 969671 ) on Sunday November 13, 2022 @03:42PM (#63048405)

        The actual choice is reduce greenhouse gas emissions or suffer climate change that will most likely decimate our ability to produce food & lead to mass starvation, refugee crises on a scale never seen before, & societal destabilisation. That's the price of our hamburgers, fried chicken, & steaks every day. It's one of those "buy now pay later" special deals.

        Overall arable land globally increases ~30% under climate change with substantial disruptive shrinkage in some regions.

        Climate change is likely certainly a source of major disruption /w many losers especially as a result of worldwide coastal flooding over long term. When it comes to food supply people should be far more concerned about soil erosion than they are of impacts of climate change. This is a far greater direct threat to global food supplies than climate change and is a manageable problem.

        • Comment removed based on user account deletion
        • by q_e_t ( 5104099 )

          Overall arable land globally increases ~30% under climate change with substantial disruptive shrinkage in some regions.

          (a) Over what time period?

          (b) Citation required

      • The actual choice is reduce greenhouse gas emissions or suffer climate change that will most likely decimate...

        No it wont, even with the correct usage of decimate.

        There's a lot of land that's too damn cold for farming. A lot of the land that are claimed to be too damn hot for people and farming in the future aren't exactly the highest yield farming lands today. The plants themselves grow just fine in the heat, so long as they have adequate water. Keeping the farms properly irrigated will be tough, but desertification has been going on since long before the industrial revolution.

        • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • We are not ants.

      You're right. The lemming masses running off the YOLO cliff are much dumber than that.

      Solutions that treat us like them are destined to fail.

      So let's just sit back and let Mother Nature take it's course. I'm sure Greed N. Corruption will eventually bow to Common F. Sense, because humans will eventually find a cure for the Disease of Greed that has crushed empires for thousands of years, right?

      It's not environmental change that is hard for people to accept as they endure a 100+ degree heatwave in fucking Portland. It's the greedy liars constantly trying to ma

      • Re:There is a limit (Score:4, Informative)

        by Kernel Kurtz ( 182424 ) on Sunday November 13, 2022 @04:10PM (#63048513)

        So let's just sit back and let Mother Nature take it's course.

        An equilibrium will eventually be reached. I'm not sure how many billions of humans that will ultimately entail, but in the end the system is self-correcting. Mother Nature was always going to have the final say.

        • An equilibrium will eventually be reached. I'm not sure how many billions of humans that will ultimately entail, but in the end the system is self-correcting.

          If we wait for the system to auto-correct, the number of billions will be zero. So will the number of millions.

          • Like the guy on the street corner yelling at passersby while holding up "The end is nigh" sign, your alarmism is duly noted. Exaggerated predictions of apocalypse actually do a disservice to your cause, but carry on.
    • Re: (Score:2, Flamebait)

      by rsilvergun ( 571051 )
      If you're not used to eating animal flesh it's actually kind of gross. And yes I called it animal flesh on purpose. I don't actually judge people that eat meat, I still eat seafood myself, but not that often and I much prefer eating vegetarian.

      As for people's transportation I would kill to live in a walkable City that didn't have a cost of living so high you're living in a rented van. People are obsessed with cars because they're told to be obsessed with cars. It's not like you're really giving any othe
      • If you're not used to eating animal flesh it's actually kind of gross.

        I doubt many cavemen thought so. Normal omnivorous humans clearly get past that pretty quickly and come to love a good burger.

        As for people's transportation I would kill to live in a walkable City that didn't have a cost of living so high you're living in a rented van.

        There are numerous such places. They are called "villages" or sometimes "towns". The ability to easily explore the vast world beyond just your village is one of the greatest achievements of modern humanity. I don't know why people want to convert their cities to villages when there are so many of the latter already to choose from. I consider it anti-civilization.

        What would you do with an extra $1,000 a month in your pocket?

        Buying a nicer c

    • Very well said. Thank you for saving me from having to come up with a similar comment myself.

  • by laughingskeptic ( 1004414 ) on Sunday November 13, 2022 @03:10PM (#63048297)
    Estimates for the native U.S. bison population range up to 60 million. We slaughter 30 million cattle a year in the U.S. These are generally 2 years old, so our bovine fart production hasn't changed much. Our cervidae fart production is way up though since we have killed off the deer predators.
    • so our bovine fart production hasn't changed much.

      But you're suggesting we could halve it without touching a bison right? It seems strange to write off something which could help as "it hasn't changed much" and therefore shouldn't be a focus.

      • We have replaced the wild bison with domestic cattle in roughly equal numbers over the last 250 years (the slaughter of the bison in the late 19th century would have put us at the all time low bovine number). However, we have far more deer than we had 250 years ago. So in some regards we are eating the wrong kinds of meat.
  • Livestock farming is a relatively rapid cycle - very different from digging up fuels that have been in the ground for thousands of years.
    The gases emitted by the livestock are created from the food they consume. If that food was not consumed by livestock, it would be consumed by other animals or bacteria, or just wouldn't have been grown at all.
    If you grow food directly for humans, it's still going to be emitted as gas and feces. At least feces from livestock is generally used directly to fertilise the fiel

    • The rising standards of living and population growth has created a lot of land use changes last century though, doesn't matter much in steady state but we don't live in steady state. Increasing total meat consumption is causing continued forest to pasture conversion.

  • by Powercntrl ( 458442 ) on Sunday November 13, 2022 @03:12PM (#63048303) Homepage

    If you're a politician planning on proposing that people eat less/no meat, you might as well just blow your campaign funds in Vegas and then call your Republican opponent and congratulate them on their victory in advance.

    People don't like making substantial compromises to their standards of living in the name of saving the climate. Come up with a solution that is equivalent or better (LED bulbs are a great example) and the market will adopt it voluntarily. Force a plant (or worse, bugs, eww) based diet down the throats of people who don't want it, and in a democracy, get ready to reap the whirlwind.

    I say this as someone who doesn't mind a good Impossible Burger once in awhile. As long as it's my choice, plant-based options are just fine. The moment the government proposes taking that choice away from me, I'm holding my nose very tightly and voting for the other guy.

  • Why not, everything else is already taxed.

  • In a democracy, most people will not give up meat for climate. You can slowly boil the frog them into giving up some luxuries for climate stabilization measures, but if they get the idea you are trying to deny them meat for every meal they will vote Trump or worse in a heartbeat to get it back. Come hell or high water, literally.

    Forcing that level of change on humanity could only really be done by a world dictator.

    • Attitudes can an do change, most people used to think being gay was bad, now most people at the very least don't care. Diamonds where not very valuable, until an ad campaign was run and now they charge insane amounts of money for them. Smoking was cool, now its not.

      Why is eating meat any different? Why is eating bugs yuck? its psychological based on probably marketing by meat companies and it can change, sure you won't convince everyone, and the change will not be immediate but I could happen for a signific

  • by oumuamua ( 6173784 ) on Sunday November 13, 2022 @03:38PM (#63048393)
    AND the world passes 8 billion people on the 15th of Nov
    So what can you do about population? Provide FREE contraceptives and Maybe educate people that 2 kids is the sustainable number and hint you are being irresponsible if you go over that, but hey, make up your own mind.
    Same for beef consumption: educate people that eating lots of beef is irresponsible but hey, make up your own mind.
    Also after beef, there is always something next in line: https://www.genolve.com/design... [genolve.com]
  • Has anyone seen the veg section at a supermarket? All the easy cheap foods have meat in them. Maybe if more tasty, cheap & healthy options existed, people would buy them. Currently most products are âoe meat-substituteâ oriented. Which essentially means that shoppers can buy real meat or some fake ass product that claims to taste like meat
  • From science.org: Termites may emit large quantities of methane, carbon dioxide, and molecular hydrogen into the atmosphere. Global annual emissions calculated from laboratory measurements could reach 1.5 × 1014 grams of methane and 5 × 1016 grams of carbon dioxide. As much as 2 × 1014 grams of molecular hydrogen may also be produced.

    There is also natural processes in termite mounds that reduce the emissions of methane to those stated values, the generation being almost twice as high. Somet
  • The current New Zealand government *is* proposing to do something domestically - an emissions trading scheme, which is basically a cap-and-trade system causing high emitters to spend more money buying limited credits, forcing emitters to reduce their emissions one way or another (or pay sky high prices to continue on).

    Guess what...

    The government is being slaughtered over it - farming is a strong lobby across a lot of the world, and NZ is no exception.

    Thats why no one is talking about it.

    The other aspect is

    • The New Zealand government is not being "slaughtered" by it, sure there is opposition to it but the governing collation is hardly going to loose by a landslide. Its slightly behind sure but there could be many reasons for that in the current economic climate.

  • About land use than anything, when greens go out and hike, they want to see the land as pristine as possible, and cow $!#@ really gets in the way. They want all livestock off the land so that goes on the agenda.
    • by PPH ( 736903 )

      About land use than anything, when greens go out and hike, they want to see the land as pristine as possible,

      Return land to it's natural state. And when they are hiking, they can watch out for that grizz--

  • There are insinuated assumptions in the article. I see this often today. General statements that point to a solution that may not be there. Not all meat production land can be converted to farming. Farming isn't as green as some make it sound.

    I'm not here to push an agenda. What I see is that our economies are based on growth but there are too many humans already on the planet. Nobody is talking on how we can shrink the number of humans. Not even the vegans.

  • by Mspangler ( 770054 ) on Sunday November 13, 2022 @06:16PM (#63048865)

    "The article also notes an academic paper which calculated that if livestock pastures in just the world's richest nations were returned to wild ecosystems,"

    If the cows don't eat the the plants what animal does? Deer, elk, bison are all ruminants and will do the same thing as the cows. How about horses, do they produce less methane? Or rabbits?

    If you want to argue for more grass fed beef and less feedlot beef you can make a case. But back in the 1990s I remember a big uproar about cattle wandering around the west eating grass and the environmentalists were against cows there too.

  • by keltor ( 99721 ) * on Sunday November 13, 2022 @06:18PM (#63048869)
    There are some subjects that honestly 99% of the public care little fuck all about. Meat/livestock/etc are not those things. It's like soda taxes - these are subjects that piss people off and get you voted out of office. Remember we don't just need to magically get rid of all carbon from the atmosphere, we just need to bring it back down to a reasonable level, the biggest growth factor in recent decades is actually deforestation (which is not an issue in NA as we have been in net growth for quite a while - currently there is more trees than 400 years ago.) Deforestation and fossil fuels is entirely enough to fix the issue on their own. There's no need for the world to start eating bugs or go vegan (which is probably not actually possible anyways.)
  • more neomalthusian rubbish aimed at destroying agriculture and curbing self-sufficiency.

    International freight shipping is one of the biggest polluters, but nobody quite addresses that because it's what the rich need to make you poorer and themselves richer.
    • Not to worry, I've heard you can buy annulments from the Pope. err, I meant to say you can buy carbon credits from the megacorps
  • by sgendler ( 237727 ) on Sunday November 13, 2022 @11:21PM (#63049383)

    It sure sounds like these carbon estimates are equating methane, generated by farmed animals that ate grasses grown in the same year they were eaten, with fossil fuel methane emitted after being sequestered from the atmosphere for tens to hundreds of millions of years. They are clearly NOT the same thing. Yes, methane is a more effective greenhouse gas than CO2, but it also persists in the atmosphere for much less time (9 years versus thousands) and, ultimately, carbon emissions that are part of the active carbon cycle aren't contributing to significantly to climate change as the crops that will grow next year to feed livestock next year will be reducing atmospheric carbon at the same rate that it is emitted, no? Cows cannot emit more carbon than they eat and the carbon they eat comes larger right out of the atmosphere. The carbon associated with fueling farm equipment and transporting livestock to market and such is relevant. Cow farts seem much less so.

  • by bsdetector101 ( 6345122 ) on Monday November 14, 2022 @05:16AM (#63049731)
    Livestock farming has been around for centuries and now it's being called a major source which accounts for 57% of greenhouse gases from the food system. How do you accurately account for that ? There are a lot of other major sources that are causing pollution within the last 100 years ! Quit cutting down trees that absorb cow gas !!!

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