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Indonesia's New Criminal Code Bans Online Insults of the President ( 74

An anonymous reader shares a report: On December 6, Indonesia's parliament passed a criminal code that drew wide criticism for criminalizing premarital sex and cohabitation outside marriage, among other practices. But the code, known as KUHP, also heavily extends the government's reach over online speech -- not just in traditional media outlets, but on social media platforms.

The bill sets out new or strengthened controls on a wide array of actions, from spreading fake news and Marxist-Leninist ideology to insulting the president. These provisions come on the heels of new regulations on tech companies, aimed at enforcing "takedowns" of content targeted by the Indonesian government. Rest of World spoke to activists, online publishers, and social media users, who feared that by the time the bill goes into full effect in 2025, critical commentary would come with harsh consequences -- or that the threat of repercussion would prevent the expression of anything remotely critical at all.

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Indonesia's New Criminal Code Bans Online Insults of the President

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  • Really? (Score:5, Funny)

    by nospam007 ( 722110 ) * on Wednesday December 14, 2022 @03:01PM (#63131134)

    So let me be first to lèse-majesté the idiot.

    • People can just resort to implication, maybe using quotes -- like "smart", "wonderful", "greatest", "stable genius" ... :-)

      [ No, really, it's a "compliment". ]

      • People can just resort to implication, maybe using quotes -- like "smart", "wonderful", "greatest", "stable genius" ... :-)

        [ No, really, it's a "compliment". ]

        Yeah, go ahead and try that in a truly totalitarian country. It's quite easy being such a uhhh.... "clever" couch warrior while living safe in a western country.

        • by Anonymous Coward
          Assassinate Vladimir Putin
        • by mjwx ( 966435 )

          People can just resort to implication, maybe using quotes -- like "smart", "wonderful", "greatest", "stable genius" ... :-)

          [ No, really, it's a "compliment". ]

          Yeah, go ahead and try that in a truly totalitarian country. It's quite easy being such a uhhh.... "clever" couch warrior while living safe in a western country.


          The article is a warning for people who travel to Indonesia, or more for those who don't like it not to travel to Indonesia.

          I'm in the latter, I've never really wanted to visit Indonesia even when I lived close to it. I think the problem Indonesia will have is that they're not solely a Muslim country, large parts of it are majority Hindu or Buddhist and will take exception to some of the laws coming out of Jakarta (another one passed recently criminalises sex before marriage). Something tells me

      • Itâ(TM)s Indonesia dude, they donâ(TM)t understand your level of smarm.
    • You have to pay suitable homage to the fool favoured by the majority .
    • Careful what u wish for. This might backfire ala Streisand effect. Join the grand Pooh bear, Memes likely coming. All the businesses cringing as Indonesia a populace country with potential. But money vs freedom?
  • Indonesia to go off line in ?

    • by q4Fry ( 1322209 )

      What if you make a speech or write a screed in meatspace, and someone else posts it online? What if the poster is outside Indonesian jurisdiction?

      • Anything in there about Thoughtcrime?

      • by youngone ( 975102 ) on Wednesday December 14, 2022 @07:28PM (#63131828)
        Reading a bit about the history of Indonesia will help answer your questions, but the short answer is that after World War II the Netherlands tried to take their empire back, but without American support couldn't, so Indonesia was created.
        People like the Balinese (for example) assumed they would get their independence back, but instead were absorbed into a Javanese empire.
        As long as the rulers of Indonesia were reliably anti-communist they kept American support, but if they made eyes at the Soviet Union, they paid for it.
        The result is a country held together by the threat of violence, and for the East Timorese or the Papuans actual violence. The East Timorese managed to get independence, but it took more than 20 years and a fairly brutal insurrection to manage it.
        Long story short, they don't care about you reminding us about how brutal the government of Indonesia is, this is to keep their own population in line.
        • There are large portions of Ronald H. Spector's book "In the Ruins of Empire" which discuss Indonesia post WW2, the chaos of sudden Japanese withdrawal, the attempts by the Netherlands ( and the French, and the British) to re-establish colonial empires, and the nationalist movements in many of the countries that arose. Indonesia was especially brutal during that period.
  • Most people are stupid and cowards. They rarely if ever revolt against a strong oppressive force. They revolt against people who give them the freedom to revolt. Why have there been no threats against the president of North Korea? Nobody has been able to organize opposition to him as far as I know. Not that he doesnt live in some paranoia of that.

    • They rarely if ever revolt against a strong oppressive force.

      Revolt? At least one in three will join into any intractractable, easy to follow power that seems to be dominant in a society. It's a basic human survival instinct used most often by the least capable people that has held back human progress since the dawn of civilization.

    • Re: (Score:1, Insightful)

      Indonesia just attracted attention unnecessarily. Instread they could have made it socially acceptable to call supporters of their president's opponent "fascists" and "racists" at no risk to those throwing such labels.

      • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

        If MAGA hats don't like being called fascists and racists, they should stop doing such a convincing impression of fascists and racists.

        • Who were burning down city blocks and police stations after the previous election? No MAGA hats spotted there.
          • by Ksevio ( 865461 )

            There were a couple MAGAs caught burning stuff down, but in general there wasn't an organized group responsible, it was more discontented people taking advantage of the moment.

        • Whether someone is fascist or racist is determined by near consensus, not by a minority -- or one man's -- opinion.

          The counter is true: the person who puts other people at risk by accusing them of being rascists and fascist at NO RISK to himself shows what he is made of. It is the skin in the game principle: if you don't take risk for your opinion, you are nothing.

    • by Tablizer ( 95088 )

      > Most people are stupid and cowards. They rarely if ever revolt against a strong oppressive force.

      Poor people barely surviving have to focus on immediate needs. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Protesting can get them AND their families jailed or killed or banned from working and buying food. They generally only do it if enough others are doing it to provide group protection by sheer force.

  • Here we go... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by dark.nebulae ( 3950923 ) on Wednesday December 14, 2022 @03:27PM (#63131230)

    Joko Widodo is an ugly son of a bitch. He loves the cockmeat sandwich, although he has a super tiny penis himself.

    There's your insult, Indonesia, come and get me!

  • The bill sets out new or strengthened controls on a wide array of actions, from spreading fake news and Marxist-Leninist ideology to insulting the president. These provisions come on the heels of new regulations on tech companies, aimed at enforcing "takedowns" of content targeted by the Indonesian government. Rest of World spoke to activists, online publishers, and social media users, who feared that by the time the bill goes into full effect in 2025, critical commentary would come with harsh consequences -- or that the threat of repercussion would prevent the expression of anything remotely critical at all.

    Sounds like every Trumpkins' wet dream.

  • There have been laws proliferating like cancer against insulting religion and race, why not extend that to specific special people? Basically if you don't have anything nice to say these laws and groups of people don't want you to be allowed to talk. You really can't get any more censorship than that.
    • by gtall ( 79522 ) on Wednesday December 14, 2022 @04:07PM (#63131352)

      The reason for the proliferating cancer is because religious nutjobs have been gaining political power. Erdogan, the Whore of Turkey, is right up there along with the Eastern Orthodox Church in Russia, the nucklehead Jewish right wingnuts in Israel, the Christian Church of White Power in the U.S., etc. Never let religions near your government, they destroy everything they touch.

      • Atheists have done a pretty good job of it as well. Guess what--bad people are generally bad people. Some use religion to rise to power. Some use anti-religion to rise to power. Some use social justice, charity, "earn to give", or whatever as a cover to rise to power.
    • by jwhyche ( 6192 )

      What we need is more people reading the Bible. Nothing will make you an atheist faster than reading the Bible. An if the world needs anything, it's more atheists.

      My apologies to Penn and Teller.

  • Nothing new for my fellow Italians. As per Art. 248 of the Italian Penal Code you can be jailed from 1 to 5 years if you offend our president. And to be honest there would be a lot to say about some of our presidents...

  • Joko Widodo is an undignified poopy-head.

  • Lessee, we've got Julian Assange, for publishing classified information, even tho that is protected by the 1st Amendment, and using the internet to do it from a position entirely outside of US jurisdiction.

    So, is that how internet law works?

    It should then, with Indonesia's crackdown on Marxist / Leninist advocacy, be possible to arrest / extradite / prosecute a good percentage of the Democrats in this country. Is there a gofundme for that? I want in...

  • An old joke. American: "We have freedom of speech. I can stand in front of the White House and insult the US president.". Russian: "We have freedom of speech as well. I can stand in front of the Kreml and insult the US president".

    Seriously, in some countries it is illegal to insult a _foreign_ head of state. Because your own citizens in a foreign country could get into trouble because someone safely at home insults the foreign country's head of state or king or whatever, and you don't want that.
  • Oh, so like what the FBI was working to implement at Twitter?

Kleeneness is next to Godelness.
