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China AI News

China Reports First Arrest Over Fake News Generated By ChatGPT ( 8

A man in China's Gansu province has been detained for allegedly using ChatGPT to generate a fake story about a train crash, marking China's first arrest in an AI-related probe as Beijing tightens deepfake technology. From a report: The story, which claimed the crash killed nine construction workers in a city in China's northwestern Gansu, gained more than 15,000 clicks after being published on social media on April 25, Pingliang city's local police bureau reported. China's new rules for deepfake bar service providers and users from using such technology to produce, release and fabricate untrue information. The rules, which took effect from Jan. 10, are designed to curb the use of generative AI technology to alter online content.
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China Reports First Arrest Over Fake News Generated By ChatGPT

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  • Interesting that the first arrest for a deepfake would be text, since AI isn't necessary for that - it's as easy to write something false as something true.
    • by Bob_Who ( 926234 )
      I think this story may be an even deeper fake...
    • by jonadab ( 583620 )
      They didn't arrest him because the story was fake, or because it was generated by AI. That is all neither here nor there. They arrested him for spreading information that wasn't approved by the state ("spreading rumors"), which is all kinds of illegal in China. Whether it was *true* or not, is irrelevant. Whether it was written by a human, is likewise irrelevant. A train crash with fatalities, is NOT the kind of news story the CCP wants published in their China.
  • Seems familiar... []

  • Now, what I expect to see is a "dial-a-story" where you get a big HTML form with settings like "Length", checkboxes for things like "clickbait title" or "outrage the left/right", and then it generates not only the "copy" for the story text, but also creates fake pictures and (eventually) video of the fake story (even setting up the fake links to go to other fake stories and fake evidence). We have all the individual pieces for this, now. They just need to be assembled. I'm not even sure it's a bad thing. I
  • We truly live in the Matrix... []

  • 'Murica! (Score:1, Flamebait)

    by Tablizer ( 95088 )

    Thank heaven that we live in the USA where the First Amendment protects our right to lie our over-fed asses off (as long as you don't tick off something rich).

Disraeli was pretty close: actually, there are Lies, Damn lies, Statistics, Benchmarks, and Delivery dates.
