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United States Education

Coastal Cities Priced Out Low-Wage Workers. Now College Graduates Are Leaving, Too. 156

The college graduates who fill white-collar jobs in the San Francisco area began to leave in growing numbers about a decade ago. From a report: More and more have moved to other parts of the country -- an accelerating outflow of educated workers that, in a poorer part of America, might be thought of as brain drain. When the pandemic arrived, these departures surged so sharply that the San Francisco area has lately lost more educated workers than have moved in. Over this same time, a similar pattern has been taking shape on the other side of the country. (Charts in the linked story.) And in the New York area, long a net exporter of graduates, swelling losses have reinforced the trend: Educated workers, dating to even before the pandemic, have been migrating away from the most prosperous parts of the country.

This pattern, visible in an Upshot analysis of census microdata, is startling in retrospect. Major coastal metros have been hubs of the kind of educated workers coveted most by high-powered employers and economic development officials. Economists have lamented the growing coastal concentration of their wealth. A politics of resentment in America has fed on it, too. These urban centers have become a class of their own -- "superstar cities" -- with outsize impact on the American economy fueled by the clustering of workers with degrees. But it appears in domestic migration data that, years after lower-wage residents have been priced out of expensive coastal metros, higher-paid workers are now turning away from them, too.

Working-age Americans with a degree are still flowing into these regions from other parts of the country, often in large numbers. But as the pool leaving grows faster, that educational advantage is eroding. Boston's pull with college graduates has weakened. Seattle's edge vanished during the pandemic. And the analysis shows San Francisco, San Jose, Los Angeles and Washington all crossing a significant threshold: More college-educated workers left than moved in. For most of this century, large metros with a million residents or more have received all of the net gains from college-educated workers migrating around the country, at the expense of smaller places. But among those large urban areas, the dozen metros with the highest living costs -- nearly all of them coastal -- have had a uniquely bifurcated migration pattern: As they saw net gains from college graduates, they lost large numbers of workers without degrees.
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Coastal Cities Priced Out Low-Wage Workers. Now College Graduates Are Leaving, Too.

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  • Guilty AF (Score:5, Interesting)

    by dbialac ( 320955 ) on Monday May 15, 2023 @05:27PM (#63523895)
    I'm among them. I moved to a more rural place which is developed enough but away from the crowds everywhere. It wasn't the beach itself, but it wasn't a draw for me either. I've dropped a ton of weight because outdoor activities are everywhere, not just laying my fat ass on a beach. I'm pretty fit because of the move.
    • Re:Guilty AF (Score:4, Insightful)

      by awwshit ( 6214476 ) on Monday May 15, 2023 @05:40PM (#63523957)

      > not just laying my fat ass on a beach

      Most people I know that like the beach don't just sit around on it. They swim, surf, paddle, boat, hike. Sure you might rest or relax a bit but I don't know anyone getting fat from sitting around the beach all the time.

      • My guess is the poster didn't get fat from sitting around the beach. It's that the types of beach-related activities "not" involving sitting around didn't draw him. Whereas the activities in the new home do.

      • I grew up in Santa Cruz, and have seen no shortage of fatasses laying on the beach. They might even have relatives who are not fatasses who are running around on the same beach. Nobody gets fat from sitting on a beach, they get fat from sitting on a beach (or a bench, or anything else really) eating potato chips and whatnot. Ask me how I know.

  • Priced out? (Score:2, Insightful)

    Maybe some but a good number have also left because San Fran is a literal shithole. Companies are closing up and abandoning the shithole in droves. Whole Foods opened a flagship store and closed it a year later because they couldn't deal with the rampant theft and drug use. Every week another major retailer packs up and goes away. Progressive policies have ruined the town but progressives don't care, they are on a holy crusade. Consequences be damned.
    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by ndsurvivor ( 891239 )
      Right wing news plays anecdotal evidence of Democratic cities in a loop. If you look at statistics, crime rates in Red States are the highest.
      • Re: (Score:1, Insightful)

        by Anonymous Coward

        And if you look even deeper, you find that it's blue cities in red states that are dragging them down.

        • Comment removed (Score:5, Insightful)

          by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Monday May 15, 2023 @06:45PM (#63524127)
          Comment removed based on user account deletion
        • by dstwins ( 167742 )
          If that's true, then I'm sure as a good researcher, you can provide data on this ummm?
          I mean its easy to toss out statements like that.. but this is VERY much a put up or shut up situation...

          And lets also get real here.. Municipalities/City Mayors don't have a LOT of power.. In fact their authority to rule and to decide actions, enact plans, and other functions are only granted by the STATE.

          So if you want to look at it this way, Think of a company.

          President = CEO
          State Officials = Division Heads
        • by jbengt ( 874751 )

          And if you look even deeper, you find that it's blue cities in red states that are dragging them down.

          OK, I'll look.

          Here's a list [] of the 10 counties in the US with the highest crime rates.
          It's about half urban areas and half rural or small towns.
          The one thing they all have in common is low median household incomes.

      • Blue cities play hell with red state statistics I'm afraid.

        • What you mean, rather, is that even Red States can't solve the problems that arise from the success of cities.

          And that's fair, because those problems are hard to solve.
          But the idea that municipalities trump state authority is.... laughable.
        • by Ksevio ( 865461 )

          Red cities tend to fare worse than Blue cities

      • I'll just ignore what I see with my own eyes, hear with my own ears, and believe your bullshit.

    • Re:Priced out? (Score:5, Insightful)

      by nicolaiplum ( 169077 ) on Monday May 15, 2023 @05:50PM (#63523983)

      I'm not sure how you can call a complete refusal to build more housing "progressive".

    • by ljw1004 ( 764174 )

      Maybe some but a good number have also left because San Fran is a literal shithole. Companies are closing up and abandoning the shithole in droves. Whole Foods opened a flagship store and closed it a year later because they couldn't deal with the rampant theft and drug use. Every week another major retailer packs up and goes away. Progressive policies have ruined the town but progressives don't care, they are on a holy crusade. Consequences be damned.

      This comment about San Francisco pops up so much. I wish I knew how to get independent corroboration. Like, how much is this personal experience? How much is it true reports that have been cherry-picked to tell a one-sided story? How much is an honest attempt to get a representative picture by taking into account the full context?

      I never lived there myself, but work in tech and used to visit the Bay Area a bunch up until five years ago. I loathed Mountain View and Palo Alto for being so shallow. You'd go in

      • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

        by flyingfsck ( 986395 )
        I’m a foreigner and visited California three times - my impression was that it is a huge coastal slum.
      • Re:Priced out? (Score:4, Interesting)

        by skam240 ( 789197 ) on Monday May 15, 2023 @06:32PM (#63524091)

        Well a little common sense can help. Are people paying ridiculous sums of money to live in this place? Yes? Then you can be pretty sure said place is not a "literal shithole" and the person saying as such has other reasons to disparage the place and isnt being honest about them.

        As someone who is born, raised, and still lives near SF I can tell you the city certainly has more problems than it used to. The chief problem is the high property values and rents have increased the city's homeless population significantly which has created increased problems with crime. It's definitely not the worst city in America I've ever been to though and that's easily supported by data where SF doesnt even come close to the country's most dangerous city [] (they dont even make the 75 city list here)

        Between proper data and a little common sense it's pretty easy to see that those painting SF as some kind of hell scape are not being honest.

        • While I agree with you in general, California is definitely losing population, and I do think that is mostly driven by the insane cost of housing. It's the same in a lot of other areas around the globe.

          Seeing it through the eyes of a millennial I think we're just seeing a realisation that the economy has changed. It's not about working hard and focusing on your career to grow your earnings. I mean, that works for about the upper 5-10% of people. For everyone else, it's about getting onto the biggest asset r

          • by skam240 ( 789197 )

            While I agree with you in general, California is definitely losing population, and I do think that is mostly driven by the insane cost of housing.

            I'm not sure what you mean by "while I agree with you..." as nothing you're saying is contradicting me but yes, California is losing population due to high property values. The communities that have the highest demand and therefor should be adding the most housing (areas like Silicon Valley) basically refuse to add any more than any other community so their problems spill onto other communities who also dont want to expand their housing growth and the problem continues to expand out. Here in Northern Califo

        • Yes and no. Both you and the GP are forming equally uninformed views. You said it yourself, born, raised and lived near. That is another way of saying "this is all I've ever known".

          While you're correct that SF isn't as bad as people make it out, your reasoning isn't right. People spend money on something when they need something and are ignorant of alternatives. This isn't just about housing mind you, it's about everything in life. Your decisions are made based on the information you seek out. You'd be amaz

          • by skam240 ( 789197 )

            Yes and no. Both you and the GP are forming equally uninformed views. You said it yourself, born, raised and lived near. That is another way of saying "this is all I've ever known".

            Nonsense, A) I provided actual data to support my point which you're ignoring and B) You're assuming I dont travel extensively which I do.

            While you're correct that SF isn't as bad as people make it out, your reasoning isn't right.

            No, it is. Housing costs are driven by supply and demand. If prices have risen to crazy highs in a major urban area that means demand has risen higher than supply. A massive decline in quality of life should reduce demand however. The fact that housing values havent declined recently strongly suggests that SF has not seen a massive decline in quality of life.

            Now this isnt

      • I lived in SF in the 90's and early 00's, and I used to visit quite frequently. Now it is down to about once every year or two; most of my friends have left the city so limited reasons to go back.

        But: I still love it. Yes, there are shitty areas. They have been shitty and scary for 30 years. There have been homeless people on the streets for 30 years as well, although it is much worse today (just like almost every other city). The people don't do it for me in the same way anymore... but that is mostly

        • I live about 480m/800km from NYC, and feel kind of the same about it. Wonderful place to visit, and I loved to visit when I could. But I'd never want to live there, nor could I possibly afford to even if I did. Even just visiting for a weekend now, with my family, would cost about 5% of my total yearly income, and that's if I stayed in an illegal AirBNB in the South Bronx. And no realistic way to keep my family safe.
    • here's an article on the actual reasons. []

      1. Glut of stores
      2. Remote work
      3. Online shoping

      Article mentions crime, but crime rates are low []. Close to the bottom. So it's really only mentioned for classic "both sides" nonsense the media has done for decades to keep people from shouting "da librul media!" at them.

      Are crime rates higher in big cities? No actually, they're not. To get those numbers you have to play with statistics. I learned this from a YouTuber named Beau Of The Fifth Column [].

      Short a
      • Comment removed (Score:4, Interesting)

        by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Monday May 15, 2023 @06:52PM (#63524147)
        Comment removed based on user account deletion
        • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

          by rsilvergun ( 571051 )
          When I was a kid my mom moved us out to "the country" to get away from the crime in the big city.... The town she moved us to had a major drug problem and plenty of smuggling going on. Lots of pretty nasty gangs. I would have been too young to have noticed any of it but it was kind of hilarious to have been moved from a scary big city that was actually quite safe to a extremely unsafe small town because people's perception is small towns are better and safer because of Andy Griffith.
        • by dstwins ( 167742 )
          Its as always the classic case of lying with numbers.. you can be factually correct but skew perception.. Like when they report a 5% rise of crime (which in raw numbers can mean literally 3 more reported criminal acts).. Or playing around with what defines a crime.. and of course misleading details about the crime. Is crime up.. yes.. globally.. ( and nationally in the US:
      • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

        by Tony Isaac ( 1301187 )

        The CNN article you linked to is an opinion piece, not a research study.

        The ABC 7 story focuses only on murder and violent crime. Property crimes like theft and burglary are higher than average for large cities, a factor in stores like Whole Foods leaving. []

        Your YouTuber is the one feeding people lines.

        • "higher than average for large cities" is kind of meaningless. If you break it down by county instead of using the ambiguous phrase "large cities" their rates are low.

          It's a false narrative being pushed to make Democrat run cities (e.g. most if not all large ones) seem more dangerous.

          Whole foods says a lot of things. Walgreens did too. Both were lies. They'd planned the store closings in advance. Walgreens is especially hilarious because the reason for the store closings was they were short on cash
          • So you are claiming that profitable stores are being shutdown because these companies don't like making money? Clearly the stores aren't making money or they wouldn't be closing. Businesses don't close stores that turn a net profit. That wouldn't make any sense.

        • Come on, dude.
          Starbucks did this shit, too.

          Shut down stores trying to unionize for being in "high-crime areas" that had statistically tiny crime rates.
          Is your thing just that you'll blindly believe anything that makes you feel like you picked the right team, or what?
      • So it's really only mentioned for classic "both sides" nonsense the media has done for decades to keep people from shouting "da librul media!" at them.

        What do you suggest as the alternative to both sides, Fox News of only saying their side. Having both sides, trying to see the other sides point of view is important.

        But what the media do now is SO much better than the classic method, of just telling the side you believe and calling out the opposite side as lairs. And I love it when these people say we "need to have a conversation" while not entertaining the opposing point of view.

        You don't need to agree with the opposing opinion but refusing to even listen

        • I don't think it's "better" than the classic method (which also sucked).

          The both-sides-ism isn't really "telling both sides", it's more of a "make sure you show everything in a morally relativistic way, so that nothing anywhere can be construed by anyone as being clearly wrong"

          As for the alternative? No idea. Figure that out, and I bet you get a Nobel.
    • Re:Priced out? (Score:5, Interesting)

      by Midnight_Falcon ( 2432802 ) on Monday May 15, 2023 @06:21PM (#63524063)
      That Whole Foods is in the downtown area, where offices are abandoned. Its main business was serving office workers picking up food on the way home, offices with kitchens and needing supplies (only place to get craft beer or good champagne to pop after that Series B raise..), etc etc. It closed because work from home made the downtown foot traffic decline by 2/3rds, which persists with hybrid models still drawing down foot traffic. There's also crazy homeless people, but that they could have easily dealt with -- it's that raw economics said that the location wouldn't survive because of lack of traffic.

      Meanwhile, around the same time Whole Foods opened up a new location in San Francisco in the Stonestown mall on the other side of the city. It's beautiful, clean, and PACKED full of people every day of the week and is a rousing success. This is because it's located where people are working from home now. How come there's no news story about the success of the SF Stonestown Whole Foods?

      So, your right wing news sources might want to spin the Whole Foods story, but the truth is it just boils down to economics.

      • rIGHT w1NG pROPAGANDA - like this: []

      • yeah and why are all these other stores pulling out? [] but go ahead and stick your fingers in your ears and pretend that progressive policies had nothing to do with your town rotting out from the inside.
        • The same point holds true, Union Square is a downtown shopping district which now relies entirely on tourists. Did you read the article you linked? It notes Office Depot and Amazon Go are leaving... relied on by office workers, not so much by tourists or anyone else.
    • Re:Priced out? (Score:4, Interesting)

      by dstwins ( 167742 ) on Monday May 15, 2023 @06:26PM (#63524081) Homepage
      Its amazing that the article mentions COSTAL cities (of which San Francisco is one of hundreds).. and yet you single out San Francisco.. it sounds like you have an axe to grind..

      Guess what.. Every city has had and WILL have flows and ebbs in their lifespan.. in the in the 60's it was the Midwest, in the 50;s it was DC and Baltimore, 70's and 80's it was NYC and Miami, , in the 90's it was Portland and Metro Seattle, in the Early 2000's it was Texas. Right now its the high cost cities/areas (Honolulu, California, Seattle, NY, etc...). Cities expand and contract (due more with economic pressures than anything else which ties into just about everything which sometimes hastens that change or slows it down) and none of it overnight. Some will leave over climate, others politics, still others because they are not "wanted" (look at the "south" and Texas for the exodus of LBGTQ and others leaving for simply SAFER passage, let alone racial/gender reasons). Right now we have a big "post pandemic" cleanup that EVERYONE (globally) is facing.. (high inflation, job contraction, stifled wages relative to high cost of living, etc..) and so everyone is doing whatever they need to make adjustments.. (some are going back to the old "Multi-generational homes", some are leaving for lower costs (which also equals lower wages and a higher expense burden on other goods/services which they over time find is about the same).

      Now one thing that IS different is remote work which is allowing this shift to take place regardless of work.. The upside to this is it COULD democratize where you live (since your living and working locations don't HAVE to be the same).. But that also means for many it allows them to be where they feel most comfortable regardless of income. Some people are predicting the "midwest" and "south" to have a boon because of this.. and sure, there will be some that will flock to those areas, but then it also means when people move into an area they will be looking less about "jobs" and more about the Quality of life, health/safety, education, weather, if THEY are accepted, etc.. (which means that boon they are predicting will just be the usual reshuffling.. with concentrations of people of similar mindsets in areas.. and while this COULD be good, I this could also be VERY VERY bad.. (think about a state like FL where instead of it being pretty conservative and moderately racist (compared to other locations).. the hard core haters move in and turn it into a state wide "white supremacy" zone.. and while this sounds like hyperbole.. in a world where your employment and living can be separate zones... its almost inevitable for like minded to coalesce together.

      At the end of the day, as my father once quipped: There is someplace for EVERYONE.. your job is to find out where that is.
      • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

        by pete6677 ( 681676 )

        Large American Democrat-run cities have far worse problems post-pandemic because they had the genius idea to stop prosecuting most crime. And what do you know, they have more crime now than they did in the past couple of decades.

    • by skam240 ( 789197 )

      Maybe some but a good number have also left because San Fran is a literal shithole.

      Translation, "I'm a conservative with low self esteem and thus desperately need the fiction that San Francisco is hell on earth so I can feel better about myself"

      • If it keeps these people from visiting, good riddance.

      • s/self esteem/income/;
        s/self esteem/quality of life/;

        A few recommendations.
        I lived in the midwest for a while (my family moved there from Seattle when I was 16)
        We were well off (My dad had a theory- making 6 figures in the midwest would make him live like a king)

        Living in buildings that would be condemned in anything but a third-world country looks super fun.
        I eventually finished high school in Oregon and got my ass back to Seattle.
        Yes, my cost of living is high. But my disposable income is measure
    • Re:Priced out? (Score:4, Insightful)

      by swell ( 195815 ) <> on Monday May 15, 2023 @07:26PM (#63524269)

      "left because San Fran is a literal shithole"

      What motivates a person to choose a location? Often it is 'lifestyle', which can be interpreted in various ways; partytown, beach bunnies, wealth opportunities, etc. Some of these are of temporary interest and pass as our interests evolve.

      When I went to San Francisco it was populated with beatniks; yes, Ginsberg and the like. I got to know them in the dingy coffee houses and clubs of the day. I spent time at Cochran's Billiards where the world's best players duked it out every nite. A few years later SF became a haven for a new generation of artists, hippies, and the Berkeley, Oakland, East Bay revolution. Since the time of Mark Twain, SF has been a hotbed of culture.

      I've lived in many cities and long ago found the key to a 'place of interest'. To be interesting, a city must have culture in its slums. My motivation was and is culture and I often find the ghetto is an inspiration.

      Tips: you won't find it in Seattle, Denver, Dallas, Omaha, Sedona or Boise. Yes they all have music & art venues for the wealthy, but culture will be harder to find. You might still find it in NYC, SF, Boston, Detroit, Chicago, N'Orleans. Even smaller cities (like the former Sedona or Nashville) can sprout culture. Chicago's underclass was once celebrated by a journalist named Studs Terkel who spent much of his life in barrooms interviewing and immortalizing the LCD (lowest common denominator) people of the city. You could do worse. Culture can happen anywhere but some environments encourage them. When the poorest have culture, you can bet that it is widespread in the area.

      -- Or you could choose a location with great beaches, parties, or wealth opportunities.

    • > Maybe some but a good number have also left because San Fran is a literal shithole.

      There are just too many people who WANT to be in SF, rich and poor. You can only fit so many and then bad things start happening. It's not a red-vs-blue thing. Those who remain are self-filtered to be people who are willing to tolerate the downsides of over-crowding.

  • The author writes a story that includes some cities that are - more or less - on the coasts, and somehow they think that means the story can address all "Coastal cities".
  • Of breaking up and dispersing the liberal power blocks in those cities.
    • Of breaking up and dispersing the liberal power blocks in those cities.

      Yup. Those liberals are relocating to areas where fascists are entrenched and changing voting demographics. It's why those fascists keep making it more difficult for people to vote so they can keep their regimes in power.

  • This is awesome! Seriously ... it makes NO logical sense that the nation is somehow better off concentrating as many "tech-savvy" people as possible in a few major coastal cities. It's just an artifact left over from the early days of the personal computer, really. And even decades ago, there were companies who realized they could build and sell computers without a requirement of having a headquarters in Silicon Valley. (Gateway 2000 was a good example. It was a winning strategy to set up a corporate HQ in

  • Rising housing and living costs make the pay premium less attractive while friends and family move away because rents doubled while wages/retirement funds didn't. Working from home/anywhere is unraveling this for a whole class of workers but a lot of people are going to be bound to the offices of ever-consolidating industries until they are replaced with software. The housing bubble is bursting so people are moving away. Wherever a new concentration of work arises the same problem will recreate itself and r
  • Sorry, but not everyone can fit in the good-weather places. There's plenty of land in the middle of the USA, and even empty houses in the rust-belt.

    Many are just going to have to accept bad weather to get decent housing. Humans have been living in extreme environments for tens of thousands of years. And you'll have A/C and heat, unlike Grog in 20,000 bc.

    Spread the fuck out!

  • If they can all work from home, then why should they stay in the most overpriced regions? Spread out and they'll be able to afford a house, car and pay back their student debt. Sounds like a win win to me.

    I would love if it made things more affordable in those coastal cities but sadly it will probably just push up the "cheap" places to live and then only well paid people will be affording a house.

    Sign of the times I suppose.

  • The story is not complete without mentioning that so many people could opt to move there but they don't.

  • The parasitic economy will follow them wherever they move it eventually. There will always be a segment of the population who have no practical, valuable skills but whose only ability is to convince everyone that a) they should be in charge and b) whatever they want to do will get done no matter the cost. Money is merely the tool. When coupled with impenetrable legalese, bureaucracy always grows and outgrows the food source.

  • ...that whenever over the last couple of years someone mentions the rather obvious fact of population flight from California, there are at least three posters who show up regularly angrily insisting such a thing isn't happening and is just 'fake news'.

  • by endus ( 698588 )

    CEOs...tell me more about how you're going to retain top tier talent while forcing everyone to come to the office.

    Still resisting remote work because something something office good?

    The cost of living in these cities is ridiculous and what you get for those high prices is trash. This is true even for workers making good money.

    I will look more in to the actual crime stats based on some comments in the thread but, subjectively, San Francisco around the convention center was really becoming a horror show. I

  • Define "college"? Lately, this includes community "colleges" and vocational "colleges," whose graduates are not going to be among top earners. So, it is not clear whether this outflux is any different than things were before, except to prove that low quality degrees do not get you high pay.

Not only is UNIX dead, it's starting to smell really bad. -- Rob Pike
