California's Population Dropped Again, Census Data Shows ( 222
The number of people living in California fell below 39 million this year, according to new census estimates, the lowest count since 2015. From a report: California's population dipped by about 75,000 from 2022 to 2023, estimates released Tuesday by the Census Bureau shows, with about 38,965,000 million people in the state this year. The state's population has fallen since its 2019 peak of 39.5 million, though the annual loss has also slowed each year. Between 2021 and 2022, California lost a net of about 104,000 people, or 0.3%, higher than the dip of 0.2% between 2022 and 2023.
About 338,000 more people left California for other states than vice versa from July 2022 to July 2023, the Census Bureau data shows. That's slightly greater than the 333,000 from 2021 to 2022, and the most of any state. California historically loses more people to the rest of the country than it gains. The state partially offset its domestic loss via international migration, with a net of 151,000 people moving to California from outside the United States. That was the second-highest number of any state, behind Florida, and a 19% increase from 2021-22. And it was the highest total for California since 2015.
About 338,000 more people left California for other states than vice versa from July 2022 to July 2023, the Census Bureau data shows. That's slightly greater than the 333,000 from 2021 to 2022, and the most of any state. California historically loses more people to the rest of the country than it gains. The state partially offset its domestic loss via international migration, with a net of 151,000 people moving to California from outside the United States. That was the second-highest number of any state, behind Florida, and a 19% increase from 2021-22. And it was the highest total for California since 2015.
This might be the answer... (Score:3, Insightful) the so-called "housing crisis", where pundits claim that we need to keep building in order to keep up with endless growth.
Endless growth is impossible.
We need steady-state sustainability
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People rather be homeless in California than live in a house in some other state.
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People rather be homeless in California than live in a house in some other state.
The open availability of drugs in California; the generous State-funded "social programs" (welfare payouts & public health services, and so on); the lack of criminal enforcement for thefts under $950 USD combined with a "slap on the hand" legal system in the liberal coastal communities; and THE NICE WEATHER (most of the time).
Yeah, why would any homeless want to move out of California and give up all of those nice benefits?
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Then you'd find a lot of people unmotivated to work, or if working, not working very hard. With few people wanting to work or work hard, who's going to pay the bills? That was the challenge the Soviet Union faced and part of why it collapsed. Maybe you should have spent more time reading about the last 40 years and what lead to the collapse of the Soviet Union. Isn't it funny, though, how SBI/UBE "experiments" only fund poor people when a true experiment should be a set of randomly selected individuals not
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What if Strong Basic Income includes millionnaires, unlike the weaker varieties currently popular?
What if SBI freed you to do whatever work you think needs to be done, yourself, or by persuading people it is a good idea?
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Basic income schemes are just inflation. The problem with them is that wealth is not denominated in money, rather in goods and services. Just giving people money without them delivering goods and services is inflationary and the value of the basic income is diluted to nothing rapidly.
This keeps on being explained and the opposite keeps being tried, with the dire inflationary results that are going to get Trump elected again. People getting this through their heads at this point would be nice, rather than
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What if indexation solves nominal inflation forever?
Is Bill Gates' wealth really in goods and services, or does he continue to invest way beyond any need to satiate creature comforts?
Is your tired tale of goods and services contra-indicated by the fact that there is at least ten times as much money as goods and services (check out BIS Statistics for evidence), and the resulting stock market inflation is a good thing because partocipants are effectively indexed? So why can't we use the implicit indexation th
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Strawman, much?
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People need to live somewhere, and the population is increasing, so new housing is needed. Problem is that here in Austin, there are plenty of apartments, but with tremendous vacancy rates because people can't afford to pay $4000 for a 1/1, and have to fight for their lease when it expires in an auction. Yes, there are property taxes, but most of these places are owned by companies which can afford the taxes, because it is more important to take homes out of the real estate market for good which artificia
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I think it can.
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population is increasing
You're talking about California? It's decreasing there.
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...there are plenty of apartments, but with tremendous vacancy rates because people can't afford to pay $4000...
This sounds like the old Yogi-ism: "Nobody goes there anymore, it's too crowded..."
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You don't need endless growth, just new units to keep up with population increases. Population growth is not endless and slows down or reverses when there is prosperity, access to birth control, and freedom from religious indoctrination. And btw, the Earth can easily sustain many times its current number of humans. And even more than that if people make slight sociological changes.
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"Completely wrong" is completely wrong in response to 'eternal growth with finite resources is impossible'.
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Re:This might be the answer... (Score:5, Informative)
Maybe the people living in California simply have different goals than trying to achieve the population density of Manhattan.
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The problem is that the current setup makes it possible for a tiny part of the population to functionally block everyone else from building things.
Funny how that works. I'd really like to build my house in the front yard of the Graceland mansion, but just a couple of Evis' heirs are blocking me, as well.
At any rate, all these stories remind me of what Yogi Berra said: "Nobody goes there anymore. It's too crowded."
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There's a world of difference between blocking people building in your literal back yard, and blocking new developments nearby, or then offshore turbines that aren't visible from the shore.
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Re:This might be the answer... (Score:4, Insightful)
Completely wrong. The problem in California is that it is almost impossible to build new housing
Bullshit. You can build new housing easily in Sacramento, Bakersfield, and so on. It's difficult to _densify_ areas, but building new housing is not a problem.
And that's great. Density is toxic, and we'll have to deconstruct it eventually. So it's great that California is at least not digging in deeper into that quagmire.
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Density is toxic
US large metro areas are responsible for the lions share of economic output. You can like your rural life but you have to accept cities and human density are sort of the entire structure of human civilization...
https://www.visualcapitalist.c... [].
Re:This might be the answer... (Score:5, Interesting)
Typing from Downtown Sacramento, I call bullshit on your bullshit call. The city here, out of pure benevolence, opted to reduce the fees to build new low income housing by $50,000 per unit. That is just the city's fees, not to mention county and state and that was $50k! It is nearly impossible to build affordable housing. Not the loaded term of affordable housing meaning subsidized housing, but starter homes and small homes for people without extremely large budgets. Those are impossible to build due to the above mentioned fees plus restrictive housing regulations that cause the price of a house to escalate so high that only large McMansions can be built because there is no margin for profit otherwise.
The only affordable housing being built is rental apartments. Obviously you haven't seen the "densifying" going on here. I can walk to a dozen large scale apartment building projects. One place in which I used to rent tore down about half of the 60+ year old section of the complex (four square city block complex right downtown) and has replaced that with new, even higher density housing. I just checked the rent. $2000 per month for a 500 square foot studio. $3000 if you want bedrooms. It is a building frenzy downtown here, yes, but only high rent apartments.There is nothing being built for home ownership in all of the downtown region.
Most of the construction for new housing is quite a distance away from the jobs and it is for houses that are generally around 3000 square feet and very expensive. I did find some brand new construction with 2000 square foot houses for just under $600,000 being built right next to the airport and the Amazon warehouses.
This is not the American dream. Home ownership is a huge part of the climb up the ladder of success and has now been made extremely difficult for especially first time home buyers and is one of the biggest reasons why people are fleeing the state. Almost all of my friends that I grew up with and through college have left the state simply because it is so unaffordable.
Also, Bakersfield??? Really? You only move to Bakersfield for agriculture or oil. It isn't one of those places that people want to settle in but have to.
I was born in the city of Sacramento. I've never lived outside of 75 miles from where I was born. I'm leaving the state this coming year too. It no longer makes sense to stay.
Re:This might be the answer... (Score:5, Informative)
The problem in California is that it is almost impossible to build new housing
I've lived my whole life in California, and everywhere I've lived I've seen new housing being built constantly all the time.
Re:This might be the answer... (Score:5, Interesting)
I've lived all but a couple years of my life in California, and I've seen more housing destroyed than built in most areas.
In addition the available supply has been bought up by investment firms (80% of starter homes) and by airbnbers borrowing against their first home to buy a second (third, fourth, etc) and then immediately airbnbing it.
Some of these people are now trying to turn their airbnbs into rentals so they can be slumlords instead of operators of unlicensed hotels. You can recognize them easily because they are fully furnished with cheap shitty furniture and grossly overpriced even given prevailing rents. The economy as measured by how much money average people have to dispose of is doing absolutely shit, whatever the GDP might be doing being wholly irrelevant to the men at the coal-face who have to live with the fact that trickle down doesn't exist. And that's why you're seeing the airbnbs turning back into rentals, people can't afford to take trips.
If you want to understand the housing situation in California, you need to remember that thousands of homes have been destroyed in the last few years, and after a disaster less than 25% of homes are rebuilt. People can't get financing, can't get insurance, can't find builders, rents are too high for more laborers to move into the area. I live in Rio Dell and something like 90% of the homes which were condemned due to the Quake are still standing empty. Habitat for Humanity was giving away repairs, but first you had to get two quotes for the work from contractors, and many people found that impossible. You literally could not get a quote because there were no contractors willing to do one, even for money. Similar forces were at work in Paradise, and in Lake County before that (where I also lived.)
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Completely wrong. The problem in California is that it is almost impossible to build new housing,
My city in the SF Bay Area has added thousands of new housing units in the last couple of years, with more on the way. The state has made if difficult for cities to block building new housing.
Re: This might be the answer... (Score:2)
Thousands is barely a drop in the bucket.
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It's not thousands in the whole of California, it's thousands in a city that is far from the largest in the SF Bay Area.
Thousands is significant in this city.
Re: This might be the answer... (Score:2)
Which city? Tempe AZ is a very small city by landmass for example, yet there are over 75,000 housing units there.
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Re: This might be the answer... (Score:2)
... and we need more houses to achieve steady state stability. We aren't there yet.
Republicans Leaving, Meh (Score:2)
It's too conservative (Score:2)
Re:It's too conservative (Score:4, Insightful)
Re: It's too conservative (Score:3)
Hold on. If the minimum wage is above the value a person can provide, but the minimum wage is significantly below a living wage, then the problem is not the minimum wage. It is some other problem. Is there an economist in the room who can sort this out for us?
Tricky, very tricky (Score:2)
Economists are slowly wiping the egg off their face as a result of the failure of several states increase in minimum wage to result in any loss of jobs. What seems to have happened is that the all the employers in a lot of areas have been informally keeping wages down for the least skilled, so when the minimum wage was raised, the change merely cut their excess profits. This has been most significantly noticed where Amazon has a dominant position in the local economy...
With that cautionary tale in mind, I'l
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Re:Tricky, very tricky (Score:4, Insightful)
Re: Tricky, very tricky (Score:2)
Economists are slowly wiping the egg off their face as a result of the failure of several states increase in minimum wage to result in any loss of jobs.
Which economists? Fresh water? Salt water? Austrian? They'd all have different takes. My personal view was short term increase of money supply followed by a long-term mix of two outcomes: A rise in prices (inflation) to include an increased cost of living, reduced job growth as automation is gradually phased in.
Inflation? Check. Cost of living increase? Check. Push towards more automation even in places where there wasn't much effort prior? Check. For example, McDonald's order kiosks didn't result in layoff
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Similarly if you set an artificial
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Rent controls make housing availability worse ...
The flaw of price control is the very reason why sweat and time (labour) is price-controlled. Yes, price control means the landlord cannot demand the true cost of owning the building, causing living conditions to worsen. There are reasons for rent-control similar to reasons for a minimum wage.
The idea of any wage is better than no wage ignores the fact staying employed has a minimum cost: Less access to family support, healthcare, political/social participation. Plus upfront costs of training, transpo
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Re: profit off basic infrastructure (Score:2)
The fundamental issue with capitalism. It's great for motivating people to work hard to accumulate wealth, but it has an inherent issue wealth concentration.
Since only people with capital can earn without labour, and they decide what labourers get paid... capital ends up buying more capital and you end up with a class system that is binary poor/rich - and over time that ratio grows while mobility between the classes shrinks.
Without some kind of reset, the system will ultimately result in an uber-wealthy cl
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Yeah, I grew up in Texas, and while I love the state, it's become more blatantly conservative. I prefer the 90s when states were not so nearly so thoroughly dominated by single party rule. I prefer light blue states now.
Re:It's too conservative (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:It's too conservative (Score:5, Informative)
Minimum wage in California is going to $16/hr as of Jan 1, 2024. []
On April 1, 2024, minimum wage for fast food will increase to $20/hr, across the state. This wage will be indexed for inflation until 2029. []
Healthcare will begin increases across the state in a variety of positions with an eventual floor of $25/hr. []
A number of local municipalities either equal or exceed those minimums already:
(Berkeley 7/1/2023 $18.07)
(West Hollywood 7/1/2023 $19.08)
https://laborcenter.berkeley.e... []
For those who are not familiar, current federal minimum wage is
$7.25/hr []
Other states vary - either following federal minimum wage guidelines or setting their own minimums. []
To put it another way, come Jan 1, people working at McDonald's in California will make almost 3x the federal minimum wage. And since California is made up of urban and rural areas, that minimum wage will go much further in say, Salinas vs. Milpitas (both bay area adjacent communities). [] []
People who can't afford to living in higher cost of living areas normally move, and then commute. That's the way things normally go. As the regions of higher cost expand, it becomes exponentially more difficult to commute into jobs in those areas because of infrastructure limitations.
Telecommuting is probably the closest we're going to get to the transporter, and my expectation is that it will eventually (if it hasn't already) slow wage growth in industries that adopt it, at least until the number of communities affected by the "zoom town" phenomenon top out and the same problems encountered in urban areas (lack of housing, increased cost of living, inability to house workers working lower end jobs) spreads nationally.
At that point, the arbitrage advantage in working a remote job domestically ends and salaries start to normalize nationally. Why hire programmers from the bay area when you can hire them from the great plains instead? They're the same people - they fled the bay area with their massive cache of RSUs and bought houses and land outside of California using all cash offer. They don't even need to bring their politics with them to cause disruption to local and economies. All you need is for more of them to show up than local communities can absorb, same with any other kind of migrant.
Fundamentally, what we're seeing is a transmission slipping gears. A mismatch between how fast the wheels are going and how high the engine is revving. If you hold the inputs steady, you should eventually reach equilibrium.
Rents are too high? People stop moving in. There's less labor available. Wages are forced to go up, or people are forced to switch to other options. Works great for other cities and states that are capable of absorbing the flow of talent. Who knows, California may even be forced to make themselves competitive at some point, instead of indulging in a Sunset Ave-eque level of denial, as their tax base stops growing at a rate that will paper over the massive obligations that the state has assumed over the yea
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Correction, as of Jan 1, fast food will make 2x, and as of Apr 1 almost 3x federal minimum wage.
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Pretty sure California will just try and figure out how to kill prop 13 and try and increase their tax base off the homeowners. They keep doing what they can to water down prop 13 as it is but with higher income people leaving and broke people showing up, it's created a nice budget deficit of something like 68 billion for our next budget. Can't wait to see how many more tax increases they can find since we all know they won't slash social services or cancel some of their homeless budget that mostly just goe
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Assuming a situation where demand and supply have found equilibrium, one response to someone pricing a good at a higher price is to undercut the slightly and just steal their business, if possible (you have higher efficiencies).
For housing, this is only possible if you can build more housing, and at a rate that allows you to still make a profit while undercutting the competition. Otherwise you're potentially increasing the level at which they can raise prices, assuming more demand than can currently be sup
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In other states, California's current minimum wage is enough to actually live on. Seems California has other problems besides its minimum wage.
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It depends on your definition.
No, it won't support a family.
Yes, it will be enough to rent an apartment with a roommate and pay the bills.
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No, it won't support a family.
Yes, it will be enough to rent an apartment with a roommate and pay the bills.
The Roosevelt definition of "gainfully raise a family while saving for the future." No job that pays too little to do that should exist in the first place, that's just slavery with extra steps. Make it actually worth doing.
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Minimum wage was never intended to be enough to support a family. There are lots of kinds of people who don't need or want to do that:
- Teenagers trying to make some extra spending money
- Older people who want to step back from full-time work, but want to still have something to occupy their time
- Spouses who want to devote more time to their families, and don't want the pressure of full-time work
If you don't want a low-paying job, don't take one! Nobody is holding a gun to your head. There are plenty of go
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Minimum wage was never intended to be enough to support a family.
You know, if you have nothing of value to add to a conversation, it's generally considered polite to shut the fuck up.
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Value--and a fair wage--is in the eyes of the beholder. What of value did you add by attacking me, instead of responding to the topic of the conversation? Usually, when someone starts attacking his opponent in a discussion, it means they have nothing else logical to say.
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Last item for thought.
For older construction (not new construction), as your percentage of long-standing tenants increases subject to rent control, you will eventually hit a tipping point where your real expenses due to inflation are outpacing your rent increases allowed under rent control. The cost of management, repairs, and especially insurance, not to mention the cost of any compliance required under rent control rules.
Part of the reason units are priced so high when they come back on the market is not
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To give an example of expenses that could tip you into the negative, there was a mandated soft-story retrofit. []
In Los Angeles, the cost of that was split between extra rent increases to rent controlled unit, capped at a maximum of $38/mo.
"Hereâ(TM)s where it gets interesting: In cities with rent control, who should pay for the fixes has been the subject of some debate. The Los Angeles City Council determined that owners can pass half the retrofit costs to tenants through
Movers raised the average IQ of all states (Score:2, Funny)
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CA residents seem to think this, but... well.
California has (one of) the lowest average IQs in the country. The folks leaving are almost always upper middle class with some sort of asset/financial mobility and a job allowing them to move (and work remote - or be retired). It's fairly likely that the average IQ of CA has been moved dropped substantially.
To be fair, it's improved somewhat in the last 20 years - it was the lowest by a long shot up until around 2012.
Re: Depends on who is leaving (Score:2)
I've been to both California and Texas. If I had plenty of money, I'd live in California. If I didn't, I'd move to Texas. Similarly, if I had the money, I'd buy a Mercedes. If I didn't, I'd settle for a Nissan.
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I'd probably live outside Seattle. Rich, liberal, but not so rich they've gone completely stupid. I lived there a few years while working for Microsoft and it was amazing. Redmond is absolutely gorgeous!!
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That's ok, I don't go outside much and I'm sensitive to light. All that rain enables the growth of flowers, which they plant everywhere. So pretty!
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May I thank you for ruining my hometown with all the unsunchronized traffic lights? Why do software engineers put up with the inefficiency?
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They will flip themselves eventually. The demographics are set against them. Older GOP diehards will eventually die off, and be replaced by younger citizens who aren't so freaked out about mariuana, gays, or brown skin. Of course, politics being what it is, the lines between the two major parties will split the lines roughly equal between the two. But it's a near certainty that the future politics will be more accepting of differences, if either party wants to survive.
All the actions to stack the legislat
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Older GOP diehards will eventually die off, and be replaced by younger citizens who aren't so freaked out about mariuana, gays, or brown skin.
This prediction has been predicted for a long time. The problem with this take is that the 'younger citizens' will become Older GOP diehards, although probably not as diehard.
"To be young and Republican is heartless. To be old and Demcorat is stupid..."
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Yes but there will no longer be a majority caucasian.
Re: Good (Score:2)
Cubans and Venezuelans who immigrate here generally have a strong distaste for socialism, because unlike you, they've actually experienced it. They're very unlikely to vote the way you think they will. One way or another, skin color has only ever been relevant to Democrats. Period.
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Republicans have a plan for that.
They are working tirelessly to make sure that people other than middle class white males find it difficult to vote and that, should others actually vote, it won't matter.
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i don't think vote in america is rational, if it were probably nobody would vote either red or blue. it's more like a fan thing.
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Hard to break it to you, but interest rates are just one factor that broke the camel's back. Those who are moving out are likely doing so more several factors.
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Per-capita, the exodus from California is low compared to other states. The numbers are large only because the state is the most populous. Pointing to a mass exodus from California is naive when there's a similar exodus from Texas, but both are low per-capita compared to many other states.
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> the exodus from California is low compared to other states.
https://worldpopulationreview.... [] .29 compared to .91 is a striking difference.
Re: Good (Score:2)
Keeping the interest rate low puts upward pressure on housing prices. Raising it puts downward pressure on housing prices. This is exactly why central banks adjust bond rates: To hedge inflation.
While the housing prices generally change in response to interest rates, housing costs generally do not. The biggest influence on housing costs by far comes from matters unrelated to fiscal policy.
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Theoretically, but lack of new construction keeps prices high even when interest rates are high. People sitting on lower interest rate loans are better off staying put, meaning less inventory, which also helps keep prices high. The few that can buy will but lots are shut out.
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How much would free garbage service for homeless camps cost, comparitively?
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What would the garbage service even do? Most of what they have that people call "garbage" they'll assault you if you try to throw it away. Anything from old newspapers to bikes with no wheels. Shit, over in Papago Park, people were assaulted just for walking too close to a garbage heap. They ultimately had to solve the problem by declaring it a nature preserve, that way they had the legal justification for clearing out all of the homeless encampments. []
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What if you started with compassion?
How many trashpiles are protected because they are on private property? Is privately-owned trash less harmful?
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Compassion is not permissiveness. The reason this problem exists at all is because people like you can't tell the difference. What part of "let them dwell in their own pile of trash" sounds like compassion to you?
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Why do I think you are projecting?
If you actually go into homeless camps and talk to people, will you find a lot of them are responsible with trash and would happily use a dumpster?
Re: Good (Score:2)
Projecting what? I never proposed permissiveness, that's all you. And you never answered the question.
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Why do I sense you are afraid that you really want to live in a pile of trash, and project this onto others?
If you actually talk to homeless, will you find a great variety of individuals, many of whom want to live clean, but have nowhere to throw trash because public garbage cans keep getting removed?
Re:Yeah, just not worth it (Score:5, Interesting)
Between crime, natural disasters, insane taxes, and the possibility of remote work, I'm not sure why anyone stays.
California is mostly urban, so it has slightly higher than average crime rates, but still lower than Texas: Crime rates by state [].
The "natural disasters" are local. I don't live in a forest, so the forest fires don't affect me. I don't live on a hill, so the mudslides don't affect me. I live in a single-family home, which are mostly unaffected by earthquakes.
But if people want to leave, that's fine with me. If you live in San Jose, give me a call. I'll come over and help you pack.
Re:Yeah, just not worth it (Score:5, Informative)
Yup. California is the 18th state in the list of per capita violent crime. 15 of the states with higher crime rates than California are predominantly Republican.
I'm happy when people leave. It's overcrowded. For example Los Angeles county has 9.3 million people - that's more people in just one of the 58 California counties than in 42 states. Several other counties could qualify as states based on their population being larger than the average population of all other US states.
As more people leave California other states become more democratic - maybe that's why Republicans cry foul when they lose states they have traditional won.
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Either part of a political party should have an actual RACE for the party members and then the correct candidate.
Instead we get sycophants from gerrymandered districts that are dumber than rocks.
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And the San Francisco Chronicle, upon which this /. post is referring to is "unbiased?"
Re: Yeah, just not worth it (Score:5, Funny)
Can I take a moment to remember fondly my Christmas in Austin driving around a heroin dealer making his rounds, doing bumps at each house he stopped at to make sales?
Re: Yeah, just not worth it (Score:2)
It doesn't matter what the state crime rate is. If you compare Austin vs San Francisco or Los Angeles you get a very different picture of California cities.
It kind of does? Because Houston says hold my beer.
Re:Yeah, just not worth it (Score:5, Funny)
Yes, it's a terrible terrible state. Everyone please leave if you can! I will stay behind to keep an eye on things.
Re: I'm ready for this story (Score:4, Insightful)
I didn't read the whole thing, but I do know that there never was any $97.5 billion budget surplus. That was a forecast, and the actual result was a $31 billion deficit. []
Next year it's turning into a $68 billion dollar deficit, and over the next three years into a $155 billion deficit. []
The reasoning points to much lower tax collection than anticipated, which means that the people who left had to have been some heavy hitters.
That makes me doubt the commentary there about life expectancy being applicable to all, including the poor, due to health care. Even with my income, health care here is dog shit. I had better health care while I was on Medicaid in Arizona. Shit, I've had to pay more to park at my doctor's office than the actual appointment, and it's hard as hell to find available specialists in many cases that won't require an hour drive to get to.
I know exactly why those people left, and I'm leaving this state when the opportunity presents. I pay an insane amount of taxes to this state for basically nothing in return. You ask people what the tax money is spent on and nobody knows because everything here is incredibly broken. Even the people who vote Democrat here say that.
Actually we know where some of it is going: The $100 billion high speed railway to nowhere. That's kind of the running gag around here. For a long ass time this state was taking high income earners for granted and the politicians were crediting themselves when it always had more to do with things like the weather than anything else. I for one look forward to making their budget hole bigger when I leave.