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Joe Rogan Gets New Spotify Deal Worth Up To $250 Million (wsj.com) 134

Spotify has reached a new deal with star podcaster Joe Rogan that will allow his hit show to be distributed broadly. From a report: Rogan's fresh deal, estimated to be worth as much as $250 million over its multiyear term, involves an upfront minimum guarantee, plus a revenue sharing agreement based on ad sales. Under the new licensing agreement, Spotify will sell ads for and distribute "The Joe Rogan Experience" across several podcast platforms, including in a video format on YouTube, the company said Friday. Under his previous deal, the show was exclusive to Spotify. The new deal is emblematic of shifting economics in podcasting, which has matured in both audience reach and advertising spending since Rogan's last deal. Spotify is working to revise the terms of its deals with top talent so that shows are distributed on several platforms to maximize their audience and ad sales, rather than requiring exclusivity.
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Joe Rogan Gets New Spotify Deal Worth Up To $250 Million

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  • by DesScorp ( 410532 ) on Friday February 02, 2024 @12:41PM (#64208634) Journal

    Neil Young: "Spotify can have Neil Young, or Joe Rogan, but not both!"
    Spotify: "K, bye. Oh, Joe, here's a new contract worth more than double your original contract"

    • Some people operate on principle.

    • Neil Young did exactly what he said and parted ways with Spotify. I can find no faults or complaints with his actions.

    • Mr Young just didn't want to share the same platform as Joe Rogan and had no financial needed to. Not everything is a boycott and to be honest boycotts tend to be extremely ineffective. But sometimes you just don't want to do business with someone because they're kind of an asshole and Spotify is being more than a little bit of an asshole by allowing Rogan to spout off anti-science and anti vaccine propaganda that's going to get people killed.

      But like a lot of larger than Life personalities people turn
  • by CrappySnackPlane ( 7852536 ) on Friday February 02, 2024 @12:47PM (#64208652)

    Both of them are geared towards the drooling dipshit demographic, it's just different genitals.

    Oprah even pushed the same amount of oughties-flavored wackadoo flimflam, but never drew much heat for it.


    • Oprah has brought us such gems as Dr. Phil, Dr. Oz, and gave Jenny McCarthy a platform to spout off anti vaccine nonsense.

    • That's what I've heard Joe Rogan referred to as. Oprah keeps the flimflammery a little on the down low by interspersing it more with innocuous content. One of the major complaints from Joe Rogan fans right now is that he's gone so crazy that all the light-hearted fun talking stuff isn't there anymore and it's just him ranting about vaccines and conspiracy theories now
    • Slashdot is full of idiots who defend them. Can't tell the Trumpies from the conspiratards from the libertarians from the musclehead-wannabes, Joe appeals to all of them.

    • Pointing out Rogan is an amoral, greedy tool tends to trigger a collection of what I would call "low-thinkers". They'll mindlessly defend him however they can.

      But every downvote here is one the mouth-breathers can't use elsewhere, so more than worth it.

  • He'd be worth at least as much

  • Wrong direction (Score:5, Insightful)

    by MpVpRb ( 1423381 ) on Friday February 02, 2024 @01:09PM (#64208734)

    Spotify should be 100% music and pay musicians better

  • by davide marney ( 231845 ) on Friday February 02, 2024 @01:35PM (#64208796) Journal

    The transition from the corporate, mainstream media empires of the Television Age to the corporate, mainstream empires of the Internet Age is nearly complete. I'm surprised it took this long, actually. I think consumers are the winners here. The content from podcasts, social media (X in particular), and independent news organizations is markedly more diverse and interesting. That comes from embracing free speech as a consumer value. Freedom is simply more attractive to a broader spectrum of people than the walled garden of speech policing.

    It's important to note, however, that the new Internet version of media is just as corporatized as the old, in particular with regards to the necessity of making bank. If you like the content, you really do need to support it with your subscriptions and your attention (to ads, that is.) In the end, if we want "free" as in speech, we can't have "free" as in beer. Everyone has bills to pay.

    • The transfer from blogs to podcasts has not impressed or assisted me in any way whatsoever. 99% of podcasts are a thorough waste of time. Sometimes you need to waste time -- like on a public transportation commute. Otherwise, who needs it?

    • In context "freedom" means a broad selection of information sources that validate my preconceived beliefs and shelter me from unwelcome contradiction by experts.

    • by gtall ( 79522 )

      Yup, now people have no problem drooling over podcasts telling them only what they already believe.

  • Let me break it down (Score:5, Interesting)

    by CodeInspired ( 896780 ) on Friday February 02, 2024 @01:38PM (#64208804)
    Joe Rogan represents classic masculinity. Despite what you may think of that, there are millions of people who appreciate a guy being a guy and talking about guy things. He's funny, somewhat articulate, and asks a lot of questions many people are thinking but don't verbalize. His involvement in MMA and UFC are what gives him credit to speak on "man terms". Right, wrong or indifferent, there are millions of men who feel this way and want to listen to someone say it out loud on a national scale. That's worth every penny of the contract.
    • Worth it to him, obviously. Worth it to Spotify, maybe. Worth it to the world? Doubtful.

      • by bill_mcgonigle ( 4333 ) * on Friday February 02, 2024 @02:10PM (#64208922) Homepage Journal

        > Worth it to the world? Doubtful.

        Contrary to the Soy Brigade protestations, there's no universal objective valuation for anything.

        Individuals value one thing or another and then through iteration and collaboration methods these values are revised to reflect requirements, preferences, and changing conditions.

        The Soviets eventually used French newspaper commodity prices after their central planning failed. Such ideas led Sanders to get cheers for saying we don't need more than one brand of deodorant. Then again, he honeymooned in Moscow.

    • Joe Rogan represents classic masculinity.

      If you define classic masculinity by 1980s action movies, then sure. But despite millions of people who watch his show, billions don't give a shit about him or his image.

      That's worth every penny of the contract.

      Sure if you're a podcast platform. I'm all for it, I just wish Spotify would stop pretending to be about music and stop bitching that they can't afford to pay artists. Incidentally we're talking about a company that lost $800million last year and has never made a yearly profit in its operating history despite having Rogan on their platform

      • If you define classic masculinity as mis remembered 80s action movies.

        Rambo was anti authoritarian, anti war and about PTSD. It would probably be decried as woke now, but gets remembered as yeah guns America fuck yeah.

    • Ok, I've watched a few videos now.

      That's not "classic masculinity", that's what you thought would be masculinity when you were a 13 year old boy. That's a mix of trashy 80s action movies. Yes, that was what I'd have considered a "real man" back when I was 13, but since I've grown up.

    • Classic masculinity?

      Where are the tools and shop skills?

      Does his even have a super hairy back?

  • Mill's Trident: You're either wrong, partially wrong, or 100% right [substack.com]. In any case, free speech is absolutely necessary as Adam Goldstein & I explain in today's installment of the Eternally Radical Idea.

  • The guy lost the plot a long time ago, and just sounds like a cranky, entitled nut job.
  • by Opportunist ( 166417 ) on Friday February 02, 2024 @04:35PM (#64209330)

    Seriously, who?

Basic unit of Laryngitis = The Hoarsepower
