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Earth Broke Heat Records 12 Months Straight ( 224

The European Union's Copernicus Climate Change Service reported that the past year saw record-breaking heat, with global temperatures surpassing all historical measurements. According to Copernicus, May marked the 12th consecutive month of record-high global temperatures, and exceeded a key Paris Agreement temperature target. The Week reports: The stretch is a "stark warning." In a separate study published Wednesday, a group of 57 scientists found that human activity was responsible for 92% of 2023's warming, which increased at a rate "unprecedented in the instrumental record."

While averting catastrophe is "still just about possible," the decisions made by global leaders "especially in the next 18 months" will determine whether the planet can be saved, U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres said in a special address. "We need an exit ramp off the highway to climate hell."

Without serious efforts to reverse global warming, "this string of hottest months will be remembered as comparatively cold," Copernicus Director Carlo Buontempo said.
"The 11 months in a row that tied or broke the 1.5C barrier did not yet constitute a breaching of the Paris target, since the benchmark refers to a timescale of multiple decades," notes Axios. "Still, the fact that the climate is now exceeding the target with greater regularity, and is projected to continue doing so, is a sign of the matter's urgency."
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Earth Broke Heat Records 12 Months Straight

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  • Oh wow (Score:2, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward

    Guess we need more batteries? More immigration to Canada?

    • Have you been to Canada lately? India is way ahead of you.

  • by Pseudonymous Powers ( 4097097 ) on Friday June 07, 2024 @09:18AM (#64530101)

    SCIENTISTS: Hey, robots are gonna eat everybody's lunch someday soon.

    SKEPTICS: Meh. They can't even pass the Turing Test, and my dumbass cousin can.

    [Someday soon comes.]

    ROBOTS: [pass the Turing Test easily]

    SKEPTICS: Meh. That otherwise photorealistic video of me committing child genocide has six fingers on one hand and nine on the other. Nothing to worry about. Stop bothering me about this.


    SCIENTISTS: Hey, global warming is going to cook the world economy to death someday soon.

    SKEPTICS: Meh. It's not like we're hitting a new heat record every month for three years.

    [Someday soon comes.]

    GLOBAL WARMING: [hits a new heat record every month for three years, gains sentience, passes Turing Test easily.]

    SKEPTICS: Meh. Stop bothering me about this.

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 ) on Friday June 07, 2024 @10:00AM (#64530207) Homepage Journal

      Reminds me of that meme with the dinosaur watching the dinosaur-killing meteorite blazing through the sky and exclaiming "oh shit! The economy!"

      • Reminds me of that meme with the dinosaur watching the dinosaur-killing meteorite blazing through the sky and exclaiming "oh shit! The economy!"

        To be fair, that dinosaur-killing meteorite would thoroughly screw the economy.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by sarren1901 ( 5415506 )

      What, you have a climate crisis and still insist on global shipping?
      What, you have a climate crisis and still allow air travel and private jets?
      What, you have a climate crisis and still allow rich folk can own numerous 10k sq ft homes because?
      What, you have a climate crisis and still think uncontrolled breeding is okay?
      What, you have a climate crisis and still think forcing everyone to return to the office is a good idea?
      What, you have a climate crisis and still think fast fashion is acceptable?

      Seems like a

      • by Ichijo ( 607641 )

        I'll go live in a tepee, start substance farming and stop driving a car as soon as Al fucking Gore does.

        Living that way would cripple his ability to get the word out. Do you actually think he doesn't believe in anthropogenic global warming, or are you just tired of hearing his message and want him to shut up?

      • by Ksevio ( 865461 )

        I'll go live in a tepee, start substance farming and stop driving a car as soon as Al fucking Gore does.

        Luckily, you won't have to. Global warming isn't a problem that can be solved by individuals, it takes actions at the government level.

  • We beat all those previous generations!
  • by Baron_Yam ( 643147 ) on Friday June 07, 2024 @10:11AM (#64530233)

    So far, a mixed batch of posts from straight denialism, through 'not our fault, so do nothing', and ending with 'doing something is bad'.

    Jesus, it's like you all WANT the planet to be drastically less livable for humans.

    • It's amazing to watch the wheels turn on supposedly educated people when their political dogma starts getting in the way. How things are justified and tweaked as to not upset their world view.

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      I think a lot of them just figure they will be dead before it gets really bad, so don't want to do make any changes at all to their lifestyle. Even changes for the better, just because someone said they should and they don't like taking advice.

      • Yup - if the choice is between making $$$ and saving future generations that's an easy choice to make.

    • by hey! ( 33014 ) on Friday June 07, 2024 @12:06PM (#64530621) Homepage Journal

      That's just a small number of people making a disproportionate number of posts. Denialism works by normalizing fringe ideas through exposure.

  • Doesn't matter. (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Petersko ( 564140 )

    Those who are board with the idea of man-made climate change (including me) didn't need this article. Those that are not aren't listening. There aren't a whole lot who haven't bucketed themselves.

    One of these groups has a built in mechanism that absolves them of the need to do anything at all. "It's not happening", and "It's happening but it's just natural" both are easy escape routes where no action is needed. And thanks to the complexity of the system and the inherent inability to "prove" definitively to

    • Actually the reason it does not matter is because this is a fluctuation due to weather, not climate. While it will have a small effect when added to the multi-year averages that you need to reduce weather fluctuations to get at the climate, these data are largely irrelevant to the case for climate change. This is especially true when you remember that this past year was an El Nino year which tends to increase temperatures across large areas and a fluctuation based on one weather event is not evidence of cli
    • by leonbev ( 111395 )

      I'm on team "It's happening but I can't do anything about it because I'm not the leader of India or China."

      Seriously, the US could probably cease to exist tomorrow and the rest of the planet is still screwed.

  • That the collapse of almost every lost civilization on Earth has been precipitated by climate change.

    • That the collapse of almost every lost civilization on Earth has been precipitated by climate change.

      Even before the industrial revolution? No, impossible!

      The current dogma is that modern man is the cause of all the world's ills, pointing out that there exists a history to Earth that extends so far into the past that it is literally difficult to imagine for a aren't supposed to do that! :)

      • I believe the collapse of  ancient Mesopotamian empires was prompted by saltification of cropland, as those cultures invented irrigation and applied it for millennium. Long before the industrial revolution. That crop-failure was not quite climate change-prompted collapse, but it was human-engaged actions. Mini-famines in Europe and America  prompted by  mini-ice-ages were ( arguably )  closer to weather-variation than climate change.   
  • Most don't act until things are on fire.

  • In order to fix this we'd need to convince the thousand or so people globally who own virtually all of the wealth to be happy with only owning most of the wealth. Since those people will have zero issues paying to avoid the major impacts of climate change, it's simply not going to happen. Sure the global governments can attempt to force them to part with some of their wealth to "save the species", but the thousand or so will just spend a bit more to ensure governmental leaders can afford their own climate

  • This article [] keeps getting [] re-posted [] every year []!
  • Climate scientists: "The planet's heating to dangerous levels. Millions are probably going to die & 10's of millions more displaced."

    Politicians: "This is OK."
    • I know it sounds mean but this is an economic problem not an emotional problem. Civilization won't end. People suffer from all kinds of issues all the time. Perhaps the effort and money that MAY slow down climate change may be better spent in other ways.
    • 400k people have died in the war in Yemen. Not theoretical people. Real dead people from bullets, starvation, and disease.

      That's just one small country most people never heard of and can't find on a map. Does that bother you? Are you concerned about real people dying right now today, every day?

      It's a lot easier to virtue signal about a few million potential future deaths than do something right now about real ones.

      On top of Yemen we can of course add the hundreds of thousands in Ukraine, and in general

  • Nobody with some actual intelligence is surprised. This is entirely expected. We are on-track for about 2.5C "locked in" already (taking some effects like less air pollution from burning fossiles into account) and probably will get more than 3C. At that time, most societies will not be able to adapt anymore.

Excessive login or logout messages are a sure sign of senility.
