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Greece Introduces Six-day Working Week ( 125

Greece has introduced a six-day working week for some businesses in a bid to boost productivity and employment in the southern European country. From a report: The regulation, which came into force on July 1, bucks a global trend of companies exploring a shorter working week. Under the new legislation, which was passed as part of a broader set of labor laws last year, employees of private businesses that provide round-the-clock services will reportedly have the option of working an additional two hours per day or an extra eight-hour shift. The change means a traditional 40-hour workweek could be extended to 48 hours per week for some businesses. Food service and tourism workers are not included in the six-day working week initiative.
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Greece Introduces Six-day Working Week

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  • Up next (Score:5, Funny)

    by ArchieBunker ( 132337 ) on Tuesday July 02, 2024 @12:12PM (#64594943)

    Raising the retirement age!

    • Re:Up next (Score:4, Informative)

      by LazarusQLong ( 5486838 ) on Tuesday July 02, 2024 @12:17PM (#64594967)
      retirement? who said you get to retire? Work until you die.
      • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

        by Anonymous Coward

        retirement? who said you get to retire? Work until you die.

        Hey...if working 6 days per week boosts the economy, let's try 7.
        Up next: We've added reflectors in orbit so you can work 18 hours per day, get 6 hours of sleep, and repeat that until we put you in the grave.

        • by hawk ( 1151 )

          >Hey...if working 6 days per week boosts the economy, let's try 7.

          1963's âoeThe Subliminal Manâ by J.G. Ballard

          also ad the subliminal ads everywhere, and not just panned but assisted obsolescence (such as changing the bumps on the roads to cause vibrations to cycle can faster.

    • Just like the USA has been doing. The age to start receiving Social Security benefits went from 65 to 67, and there are talks about moving it all the way up to 70, or eliminating it altogether. Also, stupid managers calling you on your days off, or even during vacation time.
      • medicare age needs to go down or single player!

      • Just like the USA has been doing. The age to start receiving Social Security benefits went from 65 to 67, and there are talks about moving it all the way up to 70, or eliminating it altogether. Also, stupid managers calling you on your days off, or even during vacation time.

        American Social Security tax-contribution has an upper limit.

        Quoting Investopedia: "The maximum amount of Social Security tax an employee will have withheld from their paycheck in 2024 is $10,453.20 ($168,600 x 6.2%)."

        Why not make the tax-contribution "unlimited" where you keep earning in a CY so you keep paying into Social Security? Is that "limit" a sop by Congress to the wealthy in Amerika? []

        • by hawk ( 1151 )

          >Is that "limit" a sop by Congress to the wealthy in Amerika?

          No, it's the nature of the program, and how it was sold to the public.

          In theory, you statistically get your own contributions back, with some interest.

          This is roughly true for the "middle" of the three tiers of benefits.

          There is also the lower tier, in which you get that amount, but also a "kicker" as a wealth transfer/anti-poverty program (it is this kicker, not the base benefit, that gets reduced if you have another pension). To pay for the

  • and we'll get to work 29 hours a day and pay the mill owner for permission to come to work...

  • It wasn't too long ago that Greece went through a massive default on debt. In years past, their labor market had been underutilized and experienced low productivity. Much of their economy had become reliant on revenue from a few business sectors, such as shipping.

    To an extent, it makes sense to give Greek businesses overtime options, though it's not clear if Greeks culturally will accept or take advantage of the opportunity, even if the extra work hours come with a higher rate of pay (do they?). It's also curious that Greece is pushing this policy against a backdrop of rampant "undocumented" immigration to their region.

    • by HiThere ( 15173 )

      In another post it was claimed that the overtime hours were to be worked at a 40% increase in wages.

    • by thegarbz ( 1787294 ) on Tuesday July 02, 2024 @02:54PM (#64595537)

      though it's not clear if Greeks culturally will accept or take advantage of the opportunity

      The Greek area already overworking. This is much like a lot of other attempts of the government to reign in undocumented behaviour. By making something legal it becomes reportable, which means little Yiorgos can stop working 5 days a week + 1 day for cash only as an undocumented worker, and switch to working 6 days a week while his employer looses the chance to fuck him over.

  • Initially they will enjoy that extra day of pay but very quickly the economy will readjust so that effectively they are getting the same amount of pay they were previously. Their labour will have been devalued. It's the same for anything that becomes normalised like that. If you are one of a small percentage of people to work a second job, you can indeed enjoy the extra money (if you can stay awake) but if everyone does it, it will become normalised and then everyone will be stuck working two jobs for the p
  • ... the beatings will continue

  • I am not talking about racial slavery but a slavery based on merit -- race-based slavery seemed like a good idea at first until it turned out that idiots exist in every race. However the idea of having slaves was never proven to reduce productivity -- if anything it increases it .. look at Dubai. For the good of civilization and advancing the progress of mankind towards a utopia, 90% of humans must be enslaved. 8% can have bureaucratic positions of authority to manage the slaves -- people chosen for their w

    • How about moving faster towards the mostly slave based economy we are worried about transitioning to already:
      robotnick = slave; a century ago before the word "robot" was adopted to English the best description was "mechanical slave."

    • Switching from employment to slavery would be too expensive, can you imagine the costs of having to not only feed slaves, but house them and provide them healthcare to keep them working and prevent them from dropping dead? Corporations haven't borne those costs in decades! It's far cheaper to let people voluntarily choose to work (at a price the market decides, under threat of homelessness and starvation). Then companies don't necessarily need to pay them more than it takes for them to continue to go to wor

    • Please tell me you forgot to put an "/s" on the end of that drivel......
      • Let's assume it was sarcasm (or satire), what would my explicit statement of that have achieved?

      • by vbdasc ( 146051 )

        Why, it's not as absurd as you seem to think. In fact, many nations, which are currently outcompeting the West economically, are moving closer to this model (or have never steered far from it). It has only one fatal flaw (if we abstain from ethical arguments) - for it to thrive, it needs somebody to buy its products. Remove the West from the equation, and the whole model crumbles. A nation comprised mostly by slaves has a miserably small market.

  • So correct me if I missed the meaning, they intend to increase the work hours from 40 to 48 per week with the expected outcome of increasing employment and productivity? I think I am missing something? Wouldn't employers have an opportunity to reduce staff or at the very least not hire more staff to over the hours of operation since 12 person can do six days and if your business is open only six days you wont need someone to cover that sixth day anymore. As for productivity? Don't know about you but the l
  • Outside progressive circles, global trend is toward longer work weeks. Pretty much all nations that want to stay industrial or become industrial are doing this. China is 996. 12 hours a day, six days a week. Koreans and Japanese are even more hardcore in many fields. Longer hours are also common in places like Turkey and Eastern European nations that are taking on a lot of industry that is offshoring from more progressive nations across North and West Europe.

    So I'm not sure what "global trend" is being refe

  • Somebody has to repay all that debt.

  • The four-day work week is all the rage these days. It makes people so much more productive! Six days a week is going to cut productivity in half!

ASCII a stupid question, you get an EBCDIC answer.
