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China Education Technology

How China Built Tech Prowess: Chemistry Classes and Research Labs ( 44

Stressing science education, China is outpacing other countries in research fields like battery chemistry, crucial to its lead in electric vehicles. From a report: China's domination of electric cars, which is threatening to start a trade war, was born decades ago in university laboratories in Texas, when researchers discovered how to make batteries with minerals that were abundant and cheap. Companies from China have recently built on those early discoveries, figuring out how to make the batteries hold a powerful charge and endure more than a decade of daily recharges. They are inexpensively and reliably manufacturing vast numbers of these batteries, producing most of the world's electric cars and many other clean energy systems.

Batteries are just one example of how China is catching up with -- or passing -- advanced industrial democracies in its technological and manufacturing sophistication. It is achieving many breakthroughs in a long list of sectors, from pharmaceuticals to drones to high-efficiency solar panels. Beijing's challenge to the technological leadership that the United States has held since World War II is evidenced in China's classrooms and corporate budgets, as well as in directives from the highest levels of the Communist Party.

A considerably larger share of Chinese students major in science, math and engineering than students in other big countries do. That share is rising further, even as overall higher education enrollment has increased more than tenfold since 2000. Spending on research and development has surged, tripling in the past decade and moving China into second place after the United States. Researchers in China lead the world in publishing widely cited papers in 52 of 64 critical technologies, recent calculations by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute reveal.

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How China Built Tech Prowess: Chemistry Classes and Research Labs

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  • The New York Times wishing we could be more like China. Since it's pay walled I'm going to assume it's a propaganda piece.

    • by bagofbeans ( 567926 ) on Friday August 09, 2024 @01:37PM (#64693052)

      Chinese student to attractive other person "Hey, wanna go on a date? I'm an engineering/physics/chemistry student." Sure!

      American student to attractive other person "Hey, wanna go on a date? I'm an engineering/physics/chemistry student." Loser! Get an MBA!

    • Comment removed (Score:5, Insightful)

      by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Friday August 09, 2024 @01:42PM (#64693072)
      Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • by LostMyBeaver ( 1226054 ) on Saturday August 10, 2024 @12:40AM (#64694098)
        I've always found China fascinating. When I visit China, I find the American dream everywhere. What I like best about the culture is that you barely know the government is there. It could sound bad, but when I see Americans, I see a lot of hate. What is worse is that the people love it. Everyone in America hates someone else and feels the need to sell the hate. China may be evil, but the people seem to live without hate. Even when you talk about Taiwan, they say "we miss them and want them to come home." and every person under -35 usually adds "but we can wait. It's not worth a war". Everyone else behaves like their willful wife ran off with the pool boy and wants her back and is just waiting.
        Oh, and I never met anyone in China scared to talk politics. They all do it openly but don't seem to want to bother. It's only when you are standing on a soapbox with a bullhorn that there's a problem. And while I can't confirm it, the people are almost all pro-America but sad America is being mean to them.
        There is about 1.4 billion problems with China. When the government is hellbent on making their peoples lives better and the population is 3-4 generations from middle class lethargy and they don't have a hundred years of protectionist regulation blocking progress, those 1.4 billion people will get smarter and richer. India won't be the same because they didn't have 40 years to beat their society into a semi-homogenous culture. Also, The top 30% of India's population openly hates and despises the bottom 70 and would have them recategorized as parasitic animals on the census if the could.
        The US will soon be #2 but will sit around bragging about their former grandeur like the Brits have done for so long.
        People are the most valuable resource on earth. China has four times as many as the US. And if any American is worth three Chinese people (as I've been sold), China still has a lot more resources and will eventually move into first place. Then they won't make a big deal of it because it doesn't matter who is in front, just that you're moving forward.
  • by hjf ( 703092 ) on Friday August 09, 2024 @01:07PM (#64692986) Homepage

    Don't forget that, in order to set up a factory in china, you must have a chinese partner and transfer your technology to them. You have to literally give china all of your secrets to have a factory in there.

    This isn't a problem per se, i suppose. The problem is the amount of companies happily doing it.

    • by olsmeister ( 1488789 ) on Friday August 09, 2024 @01:11PM (#64693000)
      It's not a problem for an MBA, whose sole purpose in life is to reduce costs. It should be a problem however for anyone that cares about the long term prospects of a company. Sadly, most of the people making the decisions will have golden-parachuted out by the time it becomes an issue and do not care.
      • It's not a problem for an MBA, whose sole purpose in life is to reduce costs.

        That's a really positive spin on it.

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      Same as the US then. Look at Chinese factories in the US - they are all local partnerships. Technology transferred to local Americans working there.

      The method might be a little different, but the outcome is the same.

  • Two advantages (Score:5, Informative)

    by Tablizer ( 95088 ) on Friday August 09, 2024 @01:23PM (#64693028) Journal

    China has at least 2 advantages over US companies.

    First, the Chinese gov't heavily subsidizes certain industries. This has worked to win market share in just about every targeted field accept advanced semiconductors.

    Second, dictators don't have to care as much about the side-effects of pollution, and battery manufacturing is highly polluting. Three-eyed people are threatened to STFU if they complain. The moral justification is that the few have to suffer for the benefit of the many (if story gets out).

    There are other structural issues that help, but they are more nuanced than the above.

    • Re:Two advantages (Score:4, Informative)

      by nevermindme ( 912672 ) on Friday August 09, 2024 @01:34PM (#64693046)
      You can house workers in paper mache and substandard concrete buildings and then tell them to get lost when it all goes very bad. As compared to Detroit where the houses of the first auto boom years are architecture gems. In the US a former factory town sucks away all the previouse upside for the state and nation with a welfare class that tends not to take the moving truck out.
    • All countries subsidize certain industries. Corn for a US example.

      • If country A's main export to country B is corn, and country B's main export to country A is high technology, country A has become country B's colony. (Literally, look up the Latin word colonus). We shouldn't be country B, colonizers aren't cool -- but we absolutely, never, should be country A.
        • by Anonymous Coward

          That's the US fault. They don't want to sell technology or anything of importance to China. All they want to sell is fucking corn, and other agricultural products.

          • Ethanol Subsidies. It was cool back in the day as a way to explore how to reduce reliance on imported oil, and seemed to be a way to be more environmentally responsible. It seems like pork in the budget to me now. I have not run the numbers but simply putting solar panels in the fields, I would bet a dollar, would be much more profitable, and environmentally beneficial.
            • by djinn6 ( 1868030 )

              But China makes those solar panels, so no, we can't have that, regardless of the benefits it brings.

              Honestly, we need to stop thinking about how to beat other countries down and focus on improving our own country.

            • Ethanol... and that lovely HFCS to bring on the diabetes.

      • by Tablizer ( 95088 )

        So we get cheep corn, and China gets Jetsons tech.

        Thank the Electoral College.

  • Of course (Score:5, Interesting)

    by hdyoung ( 5182939 ) on Friday August 09, 2024 @01:47PM (#64693090)
    China is going to be our equal in science and engineering. Russia managed it, at it's peak. Just about any country with the national will can pour in enough resources to reach top-tier science and engineering. A rich country can manage it pretty easily. A poor one? Well, that usually requires a dictatorial government that's willing to tax and impoverish it's citizens to scrape the money together. That's the category that Russia and China fall into.

    Maintaining that level is a different story. Russia couldn't, and I have serious doubts that China will be able to, either.

    The other point is that it's not enough to reach that level of science and engineering. The society has to actually take advantage of the knowledge as well. That seems to require stuff like the rule of law, capitalism, societal buy-in, relatively free flow of knowledge, a highly motivated population, and a whole bunch of other ingredients. Russia failed miserably at that other stuff, and I'm worried that China's following that same path.

    While I sound like a China-basher, I actually wish them well. I sincerely hope that they climb that mountain and do whatever is necessary for their society to actually advance. I just doubt that the emperor and the oligarchy will give up enough control to allow it, and the people won't demand it loudly enough. An oligarchy ALWAYS f*(s it up.
    • "Russia managed it"

      Not even close. Quick smoking that stuff!

      • In the mid-1950s, Soviet science was indeed just as good as ours. So was their engineering. And their nuclear technology. The Cold War was so damn intense because, for a while, they were indeed our technical peer. Their economy certainly never matched ours, and we pulled way ahead in later decades as their godawful mismanagement and crappy government corroded everything it touched. But that was later.
      • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • China can't even manage their population levels.

      • by djinn6 ( 1868030 )

        What are you talking about? Their one-child policy worked really well. Too well in fact. They'll probably come up with something similar in the other direction to stabilize the population.

        Besides, it has no bearing on our competition with them. At the projected rates of decline, the Chinese working age population will fall to 375 million by 2100. If the US continues to grow at its current rates, we'll have 307 million within the working age group in 2100.

        So if China somehow fails to catch up in a century or

  • by sinij ( 911942 ) on Friday August 09, 2024 @02:34PM (#64693186)
    China's economy is collapsing [], with demographic issues [] that make consumption-based recovery impossible. So I am skeptical about this puff peace that claims China is innovating or outpacing anyone in any field other than low-quality mass manufacturing.
    • China's economy is collapsing ...

      It sounds like the USA in the 1970s: Countries were becoming self-sufficient and the US monopoly was disappearing. Problem was, all the regulations to protect the middle class and US "way of life" meant corporations couldn't reduce costs, causing US factories to be bought by countries that were cost-effective. The US solved the contradiction by cancelling socialism (housing, healthcare, tertiary-level education), limiting audits of corporations, and giving money to rich people.

      China will find answers t

  • by Jayhawk0123 ( 8440955 ) on Friday August 09, 2024 @02:39PM (#64693210)

    The fact that for the past 30 years - China has employed a state sponsored systematic espionage campaign to siphon off as much tech/research/IP as they can from not just the US, but the west as a whole, plus Russia, and India with minimal repercussions. Skipping decades in development times, and trillions in development costs.... sending students to the west to get trained and bring the knowledge back home. Policies that result in forcing foreign companies to partner with indigenous ones to facilitate tech transfer, then kicking them out. Then you throw in the greedy, short sighted MBA's that offshored operations to China only to create equally footed competitors without additional overhead in the west that can out price them in a few years time. No one saw that coming, except for every worker that lost their job to it in the last 35 years.

    The research paper count is a BS metric, as the system is so bad, that you can't trust research papers anymore - the article should note the ever increasing number of papers found to have outright fraud or misleading data (especially coming out of China - not to say the rest are immune from this). The increasing number of bogus papers making it through and getting published, then additional research being based on faulty data wasting decades and billions.

    China is much like the USSR once was - lots of potential with a highly trained, hard working population - but a system of oppression and control, a culture of corruption and corner cutting that will erase 90+% of that potential.

    Hope I'm wrong, would be nice if economic progress translated to cultural change and instead of adversarial positions - we get a more co-operative one. It's not a zero sum game. Would also be nice if decision makers, and policy makers in the west, Russia, India, the rest of the world had a view of 10+ years, and not next quarter, or next pay cheque. China had a publicized plan decades into the future, pursued it accordingly. Collectively, we sold out to it.

    • by RossCWilliams ( 5513152 ) on Friday August 09, 2024 @06:42PM (#64693684)
      I am trying to figure out how China is nefarious because it is relying on students using the education they got in the United States. There is no doubt whatever advances China is making are based on previous knowledge and advances. What is a bit scary is that instead of competing with them we are trying to cripple their efforts. We are looking to protect the value of our past accomplishments and they are trying to create new accomplishments for a better future. Its time for us to stop looking over our shoulder and focus on stepping up our own pace.
      • the nefarious part isn't in relying on students, it's in the using of the students.

        I'm all for students traveling, learning, returning home to better something. This wasn't done to play catch up in 10 years, what took others 60 years at the cost of those that took the time, effort and cost

        Many cases have proven out to show that these students are then often planted, or recruited when they get jobs at corporations/institutions to then send back further intel.

        If it was organic and natural, not nefarious - do

  • by argStyopa ( 232550 ) on Friday August 09, 2024 @02:41PM (#64693220) Journal

    ...saying math is racist and kids of color are too stupid to understand: [] ...saying chemistry is racist: []

    In fact, all science is racist: []

    Hell, saying linear thinking, the concept of cause an effect, and even hard work being good are "white culture" []
    (This was originally posted at The National Museum of African American History & Culture but was scrubbed after wide mockery.)

  • by MarkWegman ( 2553338 ) on Friday August 09, 2024 @08:30PM (#64693822)
    Several things have changed that have made the US less competitive in science.

    We have the best universities in STEM. We used to allow people with advanced degrees to pretty easily immigrate. We've made that harder by shrinking the pool of various visa types -- mostly as part of an anti-immigrant fever. And if the color of your skin is not white or you speak with an accent, there are lots of places you don't want to live.

    A lot of our politicians reject science. Something like 1/3rd of congress is on record as climate change denial. Many reject the premise of evolution. When I was growing up being a rocket scientist or an atomic scientist was something people really looked up to. Even working in plastic was high prestige as we know from The Graduate. Politicians of course communicate their attitude to their constituents and are also a reflection of those views. Hence the life of a scientist is not as pleasant. After the soviets beat the US to space and after we ended the war in Japan by building a bomb, there was a huge rush based on national security to have more scientists.

    Relative to other fields, science doesn't pay as well and the job security of a scientist has diminished.

  • ... copy more western tech and invent nothing new. Even their military tech is western in origin.

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