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FCC is Offering $200 Million To Protect Schools and Libraries From Hackers 21

The Federal Communications Commission is making up to $200 million available to help schools and libraries make their computer systems more secure. From a report: The Schools and Libraries Cybersecurity Pilot Program will be used to evaluate whether to fund this kind of program on a more permanent basis. The funding will come through a pool of money called the Universal Service Fund (USF), which is made up of contributions from telecommunications companies. Schools and libraries participating in the program will be able to reimburse things like advanced firewalls, identity protection and authentication services, malware protection, and VPNs.

FCC is Offering $200 Million To Protect Schools and Libraries From Hackers

Comments Filter:
  • When? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by backslashdot ( 95548 ) on Wednesday October 02, 2024 @03:42PM (#64835059)

    Is this like the $42 billion "for rural broadband" they gave AT&T and Verizon who hasn't bothered to connect even one rural person?

    • It's far worse than that. Roughly $1 trillion has been given to private companies to build out broadband in this country since the Clinton administration []. While we may now have higher speeds than the 45 Mbps indicated in the link, do we have symmetrical speeds? Has, as you pointed out, rural broadband been a success?

      Considering the amount of money thrown at private industry to get broadband in this country up to speed, we should all have 500 Mbps for less than $100/month and our choice of providers.
  • My plan would be to remove computers and internet from all schools and libraries. Gimme money!
  • by usedtobestine ( 7476084 ) on Wednesday October 02, 2024 @04:09PM (#64835161)

    This fund is from fees collected by the Telcos from their customers. It is not, as the summary stated, "made up of contributions from telecommunications companies"

  • FCC is Offering $200 Million To Protect Schools and Libraries From Hackers

    Sounds like a good, steady, well-paying job for hackers ... :-)

  • The problems with 'cybersecurity' anywhere, schools or otherwise, are mostly people problems, not technology problems. If they're going to spend that money training people to not be stupid, not clicking that sketchy link in their email or falling for any kind of phishing attempts, then it might be money well-spent.
  • USF is supposed to be for deploying access to those in low income areas, and healthcare, and schools. Not to fund some useless cybersecurity theater.

    The IT sector has become the new administration bloat, school administration departments became so bloated they need more administration just to manage the administration department. IT is just another layer that now is self-feeding on expenses just like administrations did a few decades back.

    Someday schools will become focused on teaching children again,
  • You want to protect schools and libraries from hackers? Just ditch Windows and install Linux. That will get you 3/4th of the way there.

    Which raises the question: what does $200m pay for?

Money can't buy love, but it improves your bargaining position. -- Christopher Marlowe
