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Trees and Land Absorbed Almost No CO2 Last Year 86

The Earth's natural carbon sinks -- oceans, forests, and soils -- are increasingly struggling to absorb human carbon emissions as global temperatures rise, raising concerns that achieving net-zero targets may become impossible. "In 2023, the hottest year ever recorded, preliminary findings by an international team of researchers show the amount of carbon absorbed by land has temporarily collapsed," reports The Guardian. "The final result was that forest, plants and soil -- as a net category -- absorbed almost no carbon." The Guardian reports: The 2023 breakdown of the land carbon sink could be temporary: without the pressures of drought or wildfires, land would return to absorbing carbon again. But it demonstrates the fragility of these ecosystems, with massive implications for the climate crisis. Reaching net zero is impossible without nature. In the absence of technology that can remove atmospheric carbon on a large scale, the Earth's vast forests, grasslands, peat bogs and oceans are the only option for absorbing human carbon pollution, which reached a record 37.4bn tonnes in 2023.

At least 118 countries are relying on the land to meet national climate targets. But rising temperatures, increased extreme weather and droughts are pushing the ecosystems into uncharted territory. The kind of rapid land sink collapse seen in 2023 has not been factored into most climate models. If it continues, it raises the prospect of rapid global heating beyond what those models have predicted.
"We're seeing cracks in the resilience of the Earth's systems. We're seeing massive cracks on land -- terrestrial ecosystems are losing their carbon store and carbon uptake capacity, but the oceans are also showing signs of instability," Johan Rockstrom, director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, told an event at New York Climate Week in September.

"Nature has so far balanced our abuse. This is coming to an end."

Trees and Land Absorbed Almost No CO2 Last Year

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  • by stooo ( 2202012 ) on Tuesday October 15, 2024 @03:16AM (#64865231) Homepage

    Exxon predicted this in 1970. Others did too. Nobody did the right thing.

    • by evanh ( 627108 ) on Tuesday October 15, 2024 @03:28AM (#64865243)

      More than that, they actively discouraged of doing the right thing.
      There was political will in 1988 ... Until they created political roadblocks to force us into this path.

      • Re: (Score:1, Troll)

        by gtall ( 79522 )

        They didn't, Conservatives did. When they realized Democrats were advocating for changes to fix the problem, they thought it would be a good idea to politicize it. They could easily sell it to their yokels as, "see, with us, you won't have to change your lifestyle." 'twas but a short step from that to "they do not understand 'America', real Americans do not believe in anthropocentric global warming."

        Now we have a certain political class that wants to return to the beliefs of 60 years ago, when everyone they

    • Re: (Score:2, Troll)

      by gweihir ( 88907 )

      Indeed. These people, in particular the Exxon ones, are the most evil people in human history. Even the Nazis or Stalin only killed a few million people. Aggressive lies about what they knew, will kill several orders of magnitude more and make life miserable for the rest,

      • by gweihir ( 88907 )

        Note to down-moder: By denying reality, you become complicit in the evil.

      • Then where does say Google fit in the scheme of things. Their emissions are up 50% since 2019 so they can do stupid AI responses no one even wants. And Google publicly admits the climate problem. They just signed a nuke deal to come online in 2030. [] 2030 is a very long time from now and with their energy consumption growing annually, by 2030 the earth will be a hot tub. And even TX has started to reconsider if data centers can willy nilly connect to the grid because of their
    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      by jmccue ( 834797 )

      US President Carter in the late 70s tried to get things started to mitigate the issue. But Regan took over in 1981 and undid what little Carter did. Plus he doubled down on fossil fuels. So blame the people who voted GOP the 1980 and in the future for this.

      Granted the Democrats gave up on fixing this when Clinton took over in 1992. Gore did get religion on Climate Change, but SOTUS installed Bush in 2000. So here we are.

    • If we really want to date our fuckery as a species, scientists first started predicting climate instability from carbon in the 1870s when spectography first revealed what CO2 does to IR light alarming industrial chemists that coal and steam industry might have unpleasant effects on the climate. We knew at least the outlines of the problem 150 years ago.

    • Nothing surprising here, corporations producing large quantities of ThingX will hire the best scientists to study any negative effects that ThingX may have on humans or the environment (after binding the scientists with NDAs of course). That way, if ThingX has any negative effects on humans or the environment, they have ample time to mount a disinformation campaign and bribe people at key positions before everyone else is even aware a problem exists, essentially being one lap ahead of everyone else. Cigaret
    • Yeah but have you seen Clarence Thomas's luxury motor coach? It's pretty sweet. And who wants to ride the train like a poor person surrounded by hobos? Besides walkable cities and public transportation are a globalist plot to control us. Also they're apparently using the Cobra weather dominator down in Florida...
  • Seems like an important number at the moment, 420. It does not seem like the concentration of CO2 will go below that number in my lifetime, and it seems like it could 800 ppm of CO2.
  • Take Note (Score:5, Insightful)

    by zeeky boogy doog ( 8381659 ) on Tuesday October 15, 2024 @04:03AM (#64865289)
    Now that the problem is blowing up in our faces, take note of who's been telling you that this is a problem that needs to be dealt with for decades and who's been lying about even the existence of the problem since the beginning.

    Consider carefully and in the near future, hopefully your mob will make the right choice of who to tear limb from limb.
  • I asked Claude. I'm guessing AI will be nuclear powered so discounting it for now.
    Actually, it was the most serious chat I've had with an LLM and I'm impressed.
    While a DOJ page suggested that transportation and industrial use were the biggest fossil fuel using sectors, if you just ask (Claude) about CO2 emissions it was much more enlightening. And Claude creates these little "artifact" documents which is quite useful.
    For one thing, coal and gas power plants overshadow everything else. If you can switch coal

    • > While a DOJ page suggested that transportation and industrial use were the biggest fossil fuel using sectors, if you just ask (Claude) about CO2 emissions it was much more enlightening. And Claude creates these little "artifact" documents which is quite useful.
      For one thing, coal and gas power plants overshadow everything else.

      So do the overshadowing coal/gas emissions also include electricity run industry? How big a consumer of electricity is it? How would time of use pricing affect those industries?


    • A big one is to get rid of food fertilizing with fossil fuel.
      Will not be easy, but we have the means to do it.
      Besides : Halving meat production will free up so much space for new forests it's unbelievable.

      • A bigger one in the future would be elimination of AI data centers. All those nukes they are building to run AI data centers could be used to displace fossil generation that humans are currently using.
    • Interesting, but the answers are fixated on what could cause CO2 reduction in a time scale of one or two years.

      We need more reductions on a longer term scale.

      (It also looked at electrical generation, which is part, but only part, of the total emissions.)

  • "Trees and Land Absorbed Almost No CO2 Last Year" This indicates that trees didn't grow last year
    • Re:Hah ok (Score:4, Informative)

      by ShanghaiBill ( 739463 ) on Tuesday October 15, 2024 @05:28AM (#64865387)

      This indicates that trees didn't grow last year

      It means there was no net growth.

      Some trees grew. Others rotted or burned.

      2023 was a record year for forest fires.

      • On the bright side, if we can reduce forest fires, we will be getting a net carbon sink from forests again. And recently burned areas should grow quickly. Not that I'm suggesting we don't also need to reduce CO2 emissions to a sustainable level.
        • by AvitarX ( 172628 )

          I think the concern is that climate change has increased the amount of fires (record hot year) and therefore making it harder to use the forests as a sink.

          • You can also only count on growing so many trees, and that each of those trees is going to have a limit on how much CO2 they can absorb and sequester. And then yes, when you count deforestation, either through human activity or wildfires, even where everything else is equal, you're going to start hitting those limits.

            We keep looking for some sort of Get Out Of Jail free card, some magical solution, whether it's carbon sequestration, tree planting, iron filings in the sea, increasing cloud cover, space mirro

  • Doom! (Score:1, Troll)

    by armada ( 553343 )
    Doom. Doom. Doom!
  • by mpercy ( 1085347 ) on Tuesday October 15, 2024 @07:18AM (#64865525)

    Tree continued to grow and forests continued to absorb billions of tonnes of CO2.

    But the natural output of CO2 by said forests has increased so that forests are no longer large net CO2 reducers.

    Forests used to be considered to take up about 2x more CO2 than they emitted: "Forests emitted on average 8.1 billion metric tonnes of carbon dioxide and absorbed 16 billion between 2001 and 2019." but that dynamic is what is being highlighted here.

    • by flink ( 18449 )

      I think forests being carbon sinks is only a short term artifact of the fact that we have so many young forests due to reforestation after the deforestation of the last 500 years. A mature forest is going to have as almost as much gradual CO2 release due to decay as there is capture due to growth, with an occasional rapid release due to fires. The only exception is if there is some mechanism that sequesters organic material before it can rot or burn, like a peat bog, or rivers carrying fallen trees out to

      • So......cut old trees and plant fresh ones is the answer ? I know people in other countries, regular people have started taking matters in their own hands and many plant trees themselves (when the governments do not do it) in spaces previously occupied by trees that have burned down.
        • by Bumbul ( 7920730 )

          So......cut old trees and plant fresh ones is the answer ? I know people in other countries, regular people have started taking matters in their own hands and many plant trees themselves (when the governments do not do it) in spaces previously occupied by trees that have burned down.

          Yes, if those old trees are used/stored in a way that doesn't release the carbon stored in them back in to the atmosphere. There was a recent suggestion to bury that wood: []

    • by MightyMartian ( 840721 ) on Tuesday October 15, 2024 @10:26AM (#64865949) Journal

      Every bucket has a top, every system has a maximum carrying capacity. This idea that somehow because fossil fuels are relatively cheap and high density energy storage mediums, that thermodynamics somehow is magically suspended is the very core of the magical thinking of defenders of such energy sources. The physical laws of our universe don't care about our economic systems or are short term interests, or hell even our long term interests. Increase the thermal equilibrium of any system, whether a pot of water or the atmosphere and oceans of our planet, and things will heat up (in other words, more energy in the system). To deny it is to basically deny bedrock physical laws we've known about since the 19th century.

  • First of all, I am a firm believer in the effects of climate change, to the point that I'm very familiar with the Keeling curve []. A shift in 8 Gigatons per year should be noticeable, IMHO but I can't see it. Maybe another carbon sink is simultaneously increasing its capture capacity?
    • First of all, I am a firm believer in the effects of climate change, to the point that I'm very familiar with the
      Keeling curve []. A shift in 8 Gigatons per year should be noticeable,

      Should it? 8 gigatons is a little over one part per million of the atmosphere. The winter to summer variation is about 6 ppm.

      Looking at the Keeling curve [] the slope is definitely increasing.

      The curve itself doesn't say whether the increase in slope is a decrease in absorption or an increase in emission, but sites I see tend to say emissions aren't increasing (e.g., [] . The headline here is misleading; the text says "emissions “are appro

  • It is clear from this paper : [] that temperature is a lagging indicator for the impact of greenhouse gasses. The mass of our atmosphere is small compared to the mass of the ice, oceans and the upper 30m or so of the crust which are all heat sinks for a warming atmosphere. These heat sinks are holding back the planet from being "as warm as it should be based on the current greenhouse gas concentrations" The component that exchanges heat most effectively is melting ice. The m

A bug in the hand is better than one as yet undetected.
