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Cop Summits 'No Longer Fit For Purpose', Say Leading Climate Policy Experts 63

An anonymous reader shares a report: Future UN climate summits should be held only in countries that can show clear support for climate action and have stricter rules on fossil fuel lobbying, according to a group of influential climate policy experts. The group includes former UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon, the former president of Ireland Mary Robinson, the former UN climate chief Christiana Figueres and the prominent climate scientist Johan Rockstrom.

They have written to the UN demanding the current complex process of annual "conferences of the parties" under the UN framework convention on climate change -- the Paris agreement's parent treaty -- be streamlined, and meetings held more frequently, with more of a voice given to developing countries. "It is now clear that the Cop is no longer fit for purpose. We need a shift from negotiation to implementation," they wrote.
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Cop Summits 'No Longer Fit For Purpose', Say Leading Climate Policy Experts

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  • by Baron_Yam ( 643147 ) on Friday November 15, 2024 @02:58PM (#64948399)

    You don't go to a mobster's table to discuss how best to eliminate corruption just because the mobster has expertise on the subject.

    Discussion of climate issues hosted by someone fundamentally opposed to fixing anything is beyond stupid.

    It's about 100 years past the best time to have achieved broad recognition of the issue. We're a century further invested in the source of the problem now, and well, well past the point where we should waste time on people fighting for the status quo.

  • Translation (Score:1, Insightful)

    by DrMrLordX ( 559371 )

    Let's translate what's really being said in the summary:

    If you're trying to make money, you can't be at a UN climate summit.

    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • The headline mentioned "no longer fit for purpose", no need to translate. Unless you think this conference was intended to make money.

      Maybe intentions are muddied by the fact that these events have made money, but no, that was never the stated intention.

      • Of course there was a need. Those climate summits were never solely about climate change, unless you're the type of person that wants to bring about the slow and steady collapse of human civilization.

        Some "climate policy experts" got mad that people are still trying to survive.

  • Mr. Foxy Bushtail has a dynamite solution to the hen-housing crisis, if you petty fools would only listen.
  • ... they will have to have the infrastructure needed to support such international conferences. Specifically, well appointed airports with the capacity to handle the delegates' private jets. Also, a wide selection of Michelin three star restaurants with an adequate selection of Filet Mignon. And for the vegetarians, a world-wide selection of off season fruits and vegetables shall be flown in fresh, daily.

    Or, you know ... they could just Zoom from home.

  • This could turn out as well as when Saudi Arabia was chaired of the UN human rights council. Let's see what happened back in the twenty tweens, Saudi Arabia murdered an American journalist, jailed and executed more people than ever and invaded its neighbour, China arrested 1 million people, Russia invaded Ukraine for the first time this century and North Korea starved even more people while testing severals nukes. The BRICs had it well.
  • They asked a country to host the event. The host said that fossil fuels are a gift from God and that they can't be blamed for simply bringing oil to the market. So now the Cop management wants to only allow countries "supporting the cause" to host in the future. That's selective and discriminative. If you don't want to hear contrary or unpopular opinions, why bother asking for input in the first place? Go back to your echo chamber. Just don't be surprised when others don't follow your lead.

    • by Shag ( 3737 )

      They asked a country to host the event. The host said that fossil fuels are a gift from God and that they can't be blamed for simply bringing oil to the market. So now the Cop management wants to only allow countries "supporting the cause" to host in the future. That's selective and discriminative. If you don't want to hear contrary or unpopular opinions, why bother asking for input in the first place? Go back to your echo chamber. Just don't be surprised when others don't follow your lead.

      Asked? Really? I was of the understanding that countries usually throw their names in the hat a year or two or three ahead of timey. because they want to host the conference. It's like any other big event, brings people from all over who fill hotels and restaurants and whatever else.

      Oh, and if no country volunteers, they can do what they did with COP 12, and host it at the UN's own complex in Nairobi, or some other place that the UN has a lot of facilities and activity.

      Has UNFCCC seriously gotten to the

  • Seems like they should be holding their summits online. A group trying to make everyone else stop their CO2 emissions shouldn't be flying a bunch of people from around the world on private jets to talk about how other people are wasteful. Holding virtual summits will both make them live by the rules they want to impose as well as solve the issue with whether or not a host country is bending the knee enough.

  • The purpose has ALWAYS been a public-facing dance of promises that secure funding and gain political support.

    They've never been about accomplishing things.

    Like any grift, they are no longer for for the purpose because they're losing their unquestioned credibility.

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