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California's Population Jumps Back to Near Pre-Pandemic Levels ( 79

"California's population grew this year by nearly a quarter of a million residents," reports the Los Angeles Daily News, "closing in on record-high population levels the Golden State reached before the pandemic, the U.S. Census Bureau reported Thursday."

Although "Data showed the state is growing more slowly than the country as a whole and other large states in the South..." The Census Bureau's Vintage 2024 population estimates show California's population on July 1, 2024 was 39,431,000, an increase of 233,000 from the year before, and just 125,000 short of the 2020 high point.

For Jeff Bellisario, executive director of the Bay Area Council Economic Institute, there are two ways to look at the new data. "There's the optimistic look that in the past year, we have seen the population increase... bigger increases than we have in a decade, so I do think there is some truth to the narrative of folks coming back to California," he said. On the other hand, California is still far behind the population gains made in states like Florida and Texas. "We are still trying to claw back to where we were pre-pandemic," Bellisario said. "It's going to take us a few more years to get to solid population growth numbers." California had the third most new residents, with the population growing by about 0.59%. Florida and Texas saw more new residents, and top the list of states with the largest increases by raw numbers...

Overall, the population of the entire country grew by about 0.9%, slightly outpacing California's growth.

A graph accompanying the article shows California's population increasing steadily until the pandemic — which produced a sudden drop that the article seems to attribute to pandemic restrictions (including restrictions on entering the country). And then this year there was a sudden spike back to nearly where it was before the pandemic.
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California's Population Jumps Back to Near Pre-Pandemic Levels

Comments Filter:
  • by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Saturday December 21, 2024 @12:42PM (#65030833)
    I have it on good authority that California is a burnt out hellscape and everyone is fleeing it. Why the police are just terrified to even set foot in California. Roving bands of blue haired women's studies professors ruled the streets with an iron grip and force everyone to take puberty blockers and use pronouns. It's terrifying.
    • That's why the population actually increasing is news.
      It's probably a mix of California still being a target for immigrants, and some probably found their new state even more hellish in its own unique ways to their sensibilities.

    • by Tablizer ( 95088 ) on Saturday December 21, 2024 @01:41PM (#65030909) Journal

      We Californians merely tell the rest of the country that so they don't move here and make traffic worse. It worked for a few years.

    • Yeah didn't we already decide everything California bad? How can this be? This is as horrific as DST!!!

    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      by VertosCay ( 7266594 )
      Naw, the population is growing. Of course it's all homeless (excuse me, the unhoused) and lazy welfare system'ers, but it is growing!
    • > Roving bands of blue haired women's studies
      > professors

      Don't forget immigrants, LGBT people, non Musk-worshipping tech workers, women who don't fancy being handmaids, all those aspiring Hollywood leftists waiting tables in LA until they get their big break, and the jews who control the space lasers. The golden state is attracting a veritable cornucopia of undesirables.

  • RTO policies (Score:4, Interesting)

    by SchroedingersCat ( 583063 ) on Saturday December 21, 2024 @01:06PM (#65030869)
    Probably not by choice - RTO policies are having effect.
  • Hispanic (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Dan East ( 318230 ) on Saturday December 21, 2024 @01:28PM (#65030887) Journal

    According to the XLS on the linked website, "Annual Estimates of the Resident Population by Sex, Race, and Hispanic Origin for California", the number of non-Hispanics has still been decreasing (in raw numbers - not just as a percentage of the population), while the number of Hispanics has increased.

    The individuals purportedly fleeing California around the time of COVID were primarily non-Hispanic. Thus this strongly suggests that the population increase was not due to professionals moving back to CA that left for states like Texas.

    • Re: Hispanic (Score:5, Interesting)

      by Midnight_Falcon ( 2432802 ) on Saturday December 21, 2024 @01:57PM (#65030951)
      I am of mixed Hispanic descent, go down as white/Hispanic on the census, and definitely work in tech in California and have for nearly two decades. I think you are falsely equating Hispanic population with non-white collar.
      • I am definitely generalizing, and making the assumption that most of the influx of Hispanic immigrants are not white-collar, which is probably true on average. Did you immigrate to California directly two decades ago? Did you obtain your education in the US or abroad before you immigrated? Or are you a natural citizen? I'm just curious in the context of Hispanic immigration (IE the state of immigrants at the time of migration), because the topic is regarding replacing the population that left California. Th

        • Re: Hispanic (Score:4, Interesting)

          by Midnight_Falcon ( 2432802 ) on Saturday December 21, 2024 @03:23PM (#65031067)
          I didn't immigrate anywhere, I have a grandmother who is 100 percent Puerto Rican. However she appeared white despite not speaking much English. As such she was already an American citizen. I moved to California about 20 years ago from NYC. Hispanic for census purposes counts people like me with descent from Spanish dominated Caribbean colonies like Cuba or Puerto Rico.
    • Well, I guess we know who you voted for in November....

      The number of Caucasians is lower than Hispanics and blacks because they have more money and more access to birth control. Poor people tend to have more kids. This has been a demographic trend in America since the 90s. Normal folk look at it and shrug. People who watch a little too much Tucker Carlson call it a Replacement. A Great one...
  • Lets see: an estimated 2 million people illegally crossed the border last year, California is the largest sanctuary state, and it has a long border with Mexico.

    Who wants to take the bet a bunch of that population increase is illegals?

    • by Dan East ( 318230 ) on Saturday December 21, 2024 @02:36PM (#65031011) Journal

      It could be argued that this particular population growth is bad. I think it's fair to state:

      The majority of the individuals that left California earned middle-class wages or better, on which they were directly taxed by California.

      That same majority was highly educated and experienced, and added indirect value to California as a pool of workers that helped make the state appealing for tech industry. Big tech companies justify their location in California due to the skilled workforce availability.

      The majority of immigrants are not highly educated or skilled to the same degree as the individuals that left. In fact, it is likely some significant number of the immigrants will actually cost California money. That seems like the exact opposite of what California would want. Well, except the fact that raw numbers of bodies in the state help give them political clout at the federal level.

      • It could be argued that this particular population growth is bad. I think it's fair to state:

        The majority of the individuals that left California earned middle-class wages or better, on which they were directly taxed by California.

        That same majority was highly educated and experienced, and added indirect value to California as a pool of workers that helped make the state appealing for tech industry. Big tech companies justify their location in California due to the skilled workforce availability.

        The majority of immigrants are not highly educated or skilled to the same degree as the individuals that left. In fact, it is likely some significant number of the immigrants will actually cost California money. That seems like the exact opposite of what California would want. Well, except the fact that raw numbers of bodies in the state help give them political clout at the federal level.

        But ... but ... that makes the gloating unsatisfying!

  • Since congressional seats are apportioned by population without regard for citizenship status, there's every incentive in the world to invite the world in...provided you don't give a fuck about having to spend a billion a year (Massachusetts) housing them, schooling their children, giving them free healthcare...

    You can have open borders or you can have a welfare state. Not both at once.

    Bernie Sanders might have been caught saying something along those lines not too long ago.

  • by Fly Swatter ( 30498 ) on Saturday December 21, 2024 @03:38PM (#65031085) Homepage

    Yet oddly, our planet is not growing in size and usable land area is shrinking - think about that.
  • Yeah...they won't mention that!
  • by Anonymous Coward
    People are fleeing shithole states like Texas and Florida, which are becoming increasingly hostile to humans in general now that fascist pigs won elections, and criminal traitors like Trump are elected, and fascist pigs like Musk are gaining political power in this country.
    Musk and Trump rightly deserve to die in prison, by the way, and all the oligarchs and fascist pigs that support them likewise deserve to be executed.

    ..and now the fascist pigs of Slashdot will bandy about catch-phrases like 'Trump dysmorphic syndrome' and other bullshit intended to devalue actual patriots who value our representative democracy and who fight against the rise of authoritarianism in these United States

    Those of us who voted for Harris/Walz will be pointing and laughing at you imbeciles w

  • This is a serious question. Are the newcomers working jobs that raise them above the poverty limits and are therefore contributing more to the system then they are taking?

    We've lost a lot of hire earners over the past 4 years. Many of our jobs lost were "good" jobs and most of the added jobs have been on the service sector such as retail, food service and hospitality. Not exactly well paying jobs.

  • WTF happened to slashdot with the intrusive ads and not rendering pages!
  • Is some of this down to companies trying to bring back employees to their hideously expensive offices? Staff who had found a way to do the same job without hours of commuting per week and also saving thousands in rent are now seeing the tide turn - people are going back to the office and in an IT downturn, presenteeism is a survival tactic
  • They're all homeless.
  • Recovering Californian, now living in Maine for the past 24 years,.... Why the hell are people moving to the shitty state that is California? Ugggh.....

If you have to ask how much it is, you can't afford it.
