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2025 Marks the Start of the Gen Beta Era 73

Generation Beta, starting in 2025 and lasting until around 2039, will grow up deeply immersed in AI and smart technology, facing pressing societal challenges like climate change and global shifts while potentially being shielded from excessive screen time by tech-savvy Gen Z parents. NBC News reports: Start and end dates of generations can be murky, but Generation Beta will keep being born until around 2039. Before them, Gen Alpha stretched from 2010 to 2024, Gen Z from around 1996 to 2010, and millennials from 1981 to 1996. The upcoming generation "will inherit a world grappling with major societal challenges," wrote demographer and futurist Mark McCrindle in a blog post. "With climate change, global population shifts, and rapid urbanisation at the forefront, sustainability will not just be a preference but an expectation." [...]

Just like Gen Z and Gen Alpha, Gen Beta will grow up with social media, though it's still unknown how those mediums will evolve in the next decade-plus. But other experts predict that Gen Z parents might choose to shield their kids from being chronically online, a stereotype that has come to define Gen Alpha. While older millennial parents tend to integrate technology into their Gen Alpha kids' lives, McCrindle wrote that Gen Z parents might take a different approach with their future Gen Beta children. "Generation Z know more about both the positives and challenges that come with social media use from a young age," McCrindle wrote. "As the most technologically savvy generation of parents, Gen Z see the benefits of technology and screen time, but equally they see the downsides of it and are pushing back on technology and the age at which their children access and engage with it."
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2025 Marks the Start of the Gen Beta Era

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  • Insert beta cuck jokes here!

  • So in the rush to name the next generation and claim the naming credit, they go with yet another letter. Lame.
    • I like to call them Eloi...
    • Yeah, it's especially stupid to attempt pre-defining a social generation without knowing what's going to happen and whether the next 14 years will somehow make sense in terms of a cohesive grouping.

      But then, that's about that level of intelligence I'd expect from a blogger who self-identifies as a "futurist".

      • by Ol Olsoc ( 1175323 ) on Wednesday January 01, 2025 @09:02AM (#65054931)

        Yeah, it's especially stupid to attempt pre-defining a social generation without knowing what's going to happen and whether the next 14 years will somehow make sense in terms of a cohesive grouping.

        But then, that's about that level of intelligence I'd expect from a blogger who self-identifies as a "futurist".

        Agreed. Was he not thinking when he assigned the name? Calling someone or anything a "beta" is very insulting.

    • How about we start naming these generations instead of letters?

      I vote for "gen-F" because they are the Fucked generation. thanks boomers...also uneducated gen X.

      I think these generation boundaries are silly; it's far more about the cultural background which could differ in a few years... also, given the bubbles people increasingly live in today, the common experiences that define a generation are weakening. Toxic social media has been around a generation already.

      • How about we start naming these generations instead of letters?

        I vote for "gen-F" because they are the Fucked generation. thanks boomers...also uneducated gen X.

        I think these generation boundaries are silly; it's far more about the cultural background which could differ in a few years... also, given the bubbles people increasingly live in today, the common experiences that define a generation are weakening. Toxic social media has been around a generation already.

        Are they the fucked generation? Is the present day conditions so awful that these victims would have been better off dying in WW1, WW2, Korea, Veitnam. Starving during the great depression, or subsistence farming, a bad harvest away from starving to death? Living out an abbreviated life in an iron tube after contracting polio, dying of diseases we have vaccinations for today.

        As a Boomer, I grew up in some conditions that would probably have a lot of present day young people committing mass suicide. The

      • Gen-X says go fuck yourself millennial douche.
      • by MrKaos ( 858439 )

        ..also uneducated gen X.

        What do you mean by this? Most X gens were below voting age before things like free education and health care were taken by boomers.

    • by dohzer ( 867770 )

      Perhaps we should use a number for the next generation. I propose the totally non-confusing name of "Generation Zero".

    • by MrKaos ( 858439 )

      So in the rush to name the next generation and claim the naming credit, they go with yet another letter. Lame.

      I'm still trying to understand why Millennials aren't called Generation WWWHHHHYYYYYY.

    • It's like the hurricane naming strategy of what to do when you go past Z.
  • Older millennial parents tend to integrate tech into their gen alpha lives? Gen Z knowing more about positives and challenges? FFS, middle and older Millennials and older gens learned the hard way how the internet operated. Gen Z never got the memo that "If it's free, you're the product," and that LilBonita2010 *is not* a 14 year old girl that lives the next town over, that the "olds" before them knew. GenZ is not the most tech savvy, by any stretch.
    The stupidity I see daily in Gen Z age group vs. Mille
  • by SubmergedInTech ( 7710960 ) on Tuesday December 31, 2024 @10:28PM (#65054369)

    Generations after that will be DLC.

    • When two 16 year olds have sex with each other do we call them Gen Early Access?

    • by mjwx ( 966435 )

      Generations after that will be DLC.

      Aren't you skipping Gen Release Candidate... then Gen 1.0 which will only be half a generation before we get several Gen DLCs that double the cost.

  • by ishmaelflood ( 643277 ) on Tuesday December 31, 2024 @10:43PM (#65054383)

    Dear Gen Beta

    Please don't be whiny entitled screen addicts like your parents (yes that's our fault).

    All the best


    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      The irony is that it's mostly the grandpas who are whiney entitled screen addicts. Stuck in front of the TV for hours on end, and feeling entitled even though they are refusing to pay the cost of what they inflicted on gen beta.

    • Re:Dear Gen Beta (Score:4, Insightful)

      by thegarbz ( 1787294 ) on Wednesday January 01, 2025 @07:16AM (#65054817)

      Hey gramps, you should be old enough and have seen enough to know that every generation is considered whiny entitled ${thing_of_the_day} addicts by the generation which preceded them. Why should Gen Beta be any different?

    • ever seen how much tv boomers watch?
      • by mjwx ( 966435 )

        ever seen how much tv boomers watch?

        Just to be pedantic, a child born today parents will most likely be Millennial, born around 1995-2008 so their grand parents will likely be Gen Xers... Boomers are now the great grandparents... And yes, boomers are the epitome of entitlement, exemplified by the amount they complain about how entitled others allegedly are whilst expecting their house value to continually rise and get free stuff.

  • is that there will be a lot fewer of them.

    Anyway after Gen z should be Gen [ then Gen \

  • by caywen ( 942955 ) on Tuesday December 31, 2024 @11:46PM (#65054447)

    Gen X parent of GenZ kids here. I used to be proud of being kind of latchkey, and going out to do things like fishing instead of constant screen time. In reality, the amount of Apple II, Nintendo, MTV, etc. screen time was quite significant. And I find my kids love to go out to hang with friends at boba joints or go fishing. Honestly, from where I stand, I think in general Gen Z will be great people and sensible parents.

    • by fjo3 ( 1399739 ) on Wednesday January 01, 2025 @12:55AM (#65054513)

      Gen X parent of GenZ kids here. I used to be proud of being kind of latchkey, and going out to do things like fishing instead of constant screen time. In reality, the amount of Apple II, Nintendo, MTV, etc. screen time was quite significant. And I find my kids love to go out to hang with friends at boba joints or go fishing. Honestly, from where I stand, I think in general Gen Z will be great people and sensible parents.

      It sounds like you did a great job as a parent. Sincerely, congratulations. It's not easy, nor is it common, but I'm glad there will be some good young adults out there.

      • by caywen ( 942955 )

        Much appreciate the sentiment, but wasn’t a super parent, but I did ok. I think I attribute it more to a their innate sense that screens, AI, and social networking, crazy politics, etc can’t be all there is to life. Maybe it is like a drug - with too much, there might be a sort of rejection mechanism of all of that. I think they will have their struggles, but I’m not subscribing to the notion that future generations are going to be dysfunctional. At least not yet.

    • by CAIMLAS ( 41445 )

      "Xennial" here, with Gen Alpha and Zoomer children (spanning about 15 years age gap). Started early with genX and still going with young'uns just starting school - almost spanning 3 'generations'.

      I think overall, Millennials are somehow shaping up to be far better parents - the ones who are breeding - than GenX and Boomers, based on the results I'm seeing. It wasn't until about 5 years ago that I started seeing kids outside playing and riding bikes again. GenX helicopter-parented the shit out of their kids.

  • by Waffle Iron ( 339739 ) on Wednesday January 01, 2025 @01:09AM (#65054533)

    Gen Betas overheard in bar:

    "I hate the damned Gen Delters at my office. They're all nothing but entitled slackers."

    • “They think they know everything, and are always quite sure about it; this, in fact, is why they overdo everything.”
      — Rhetoric, Aristotle

    • by Calydor ( 739835 )

      "Non-Offensive Epithet, one of them even called me a Roomer the other day because I can afford living in a room of my own instead of with three others."

    • by sinij ( 911942 )
      You are assuming that there will be offices (or human jobs) at that point. A lot more likely scenario:

      Gen Betas in a clickbait podcast:"I hate the damned Gen Delters in my following. They're all nothing but entitled clout chasers."
  • by ClueHammer ( 6261830 ) on Wednesday January 01, 2025 @01:13AM (#65054537)
    To be exclusively used to insult a group purely based on when they where born.
  • They'll be testing all the beta versions of the upcoming AI models that one day would take over the world.

  • Back when I was in high school, I can recall being taught a 'generation' for a species was the time taken for a newborn to grown and mature to the point where they would reproduce - and for humans, this was 20 years. When and why did it change? Did the anthropologists / demographers win a fist fight with the biologists?

    • I got a sense that it started to change because they wanted to "Millennial" one to be as long as possible to include as many people as they could. Then again it really was always changing and never really set in stone to begin with, but I always got a sense that some would make Millennial 50 years long just to more bitch about as many people as possible. I'm Gen X until they move the goalposts further back... again.
  • because the only real way to do that is to avoid screen time themselves.

    And this is not a knock on them. I'm 40, my kids are now teens and adults and I found/find it impossible to stick to the recommended screen time (none for under 2, 1 hour for 2 - 12, 2 hours for teens). There's not really anything to do on an average day if you avoid screen time. Yes, there are outdoor activities - and I enjoy them! - but few people can take their kids camping or hiking or fishing or etc. every day. I ride a bike ev
    • Our son had zero screen time until he was 3.5. Thatâ(TM)s when Covid lockdown forced him out of nursery and both of us to work from home. It was still limited and it was TV, not device time. Maybe itâ(TM)s a factor of how much screen time parents have? Weâ(TM)re a house where the TV is only on in the evening, and never as background noise.

  • sustainability has been a god damned expectation since the 70s, the rich had a reaction formation to it and decided to be a bunch of bitches who'd rather end the world than do the right thing, like the barbarians at the gates of Alexandria. Do they appear to be acting less bratty to you, suddenly? cuz they aint
  • "With climate change, global population shifts, and rapid urbanisation at the forefront, sustainability will not just be a preference but an expectation."


    They had the exact same alarmist screed 30+ years ago for the Millennials.

    Maybe they should stop prognosticating doom and start doing something useful, like looking for solutions.

  • You are not defined by this date. The only generation that is a solid monolith is one that follows a catastrophic or breakthrough event, such as a massive war, a transformative technological breakthrough, or a plague/blight. And there's about a 16 year window of strong impact at the time of the event according to childhood development. Adolescence (around 10) to around age 26 at the time of event. 26 is around when the brain is fully developed. Everyone older just falls between the cracks and/or loses their

  • ... are sure buggy! Hopefully, the next generation will be better and more stable.

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