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Dangerous Temperatures Could Kill 50% More Europeans By 2100, Study Finds ( 117

Dangerous temperatures could kill 50% more people in Europe by the end of the century, a study has found, with the lives lost to stronger heat projected to outnumber those saved from milder cold. From a report: The researchers estimated an extra 8,000 people would die each year as a result of "suboptimal temperatures" even under the most optimistic scenario for cutting planet-heating pollution. The hottest plausible scenario they considered showed a net increase of 80,000 temperature-related deaths a year.

The findings challenge an argument popular among those who say global heating is good for society because fewer people will die from cold weather. "We wanted to test this," said Pierre Masselot, a statistician at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and lead author of the study. "And we show clearly that we will see a net increase in temperature-related deaths under climate change." The study builds on previous research in which the scientists linked temperature to mortality rates for different age groups in 854 cities across Europe. They combined these with three climate scenarios that map possible changes in population structure and temperature over the century.

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Dangerous Temperatures Could Kill 50% More Europeans By 2100, Study Finds

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  • I'm curious what temperatures are they saying will kill?

    Are we talking well over 110F predicted?

    I mean, in the US we have tons of people living in Arizona with extremely high temps.....and doing pretty well.

    That's dry heat...we have areas like New Orleans, with avg highs in the low to mid 90's but is combined with extremely high humidity levels....yet, we seem to make it just fine.

    I'm just curious what is extreme for over there that will kill people?

    • by rossdee ( 243626 )

      Maybe not everybody in Europe has A/C

      • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

        by supremebob ( 574732 )

        Something tells me that "issue" will quickly resolve itself if the temperatures consistently go above 35 degrees C for large portions of the summer.

        • by thegarbz ( 1787294 ) on Monday January 27, 2025 @05:41PM (#65123395)

          How so? You think the most vulnerable groups (the poor, the homeless, and the elderly) have an insane amount of disposable income to suddenly go and buy AC units?

        • by Jahta ( 1141213 )

          Something tells me that "issue" will quickly resolve itself if the temperatures consistently go above 35 degrees C for large portions of the summer.

          A/C is not the easy fix [] that many people think it is.

          TLDR: Without major improvements A/C will make global warming worse; A/C units already produce enough heat to measurably boost urban temperatures, and they leak out potent greenhouse gases. Plus, billions of new A/C units will create one of the largest sources of rising electricity demand around the world; it is estimated that energy demand from cooling will triple, reaching 6,200 terawatt-hours by 2050—or nearly a quarter of the world’s total

      • Maybe not everybody in Europe has A/C

        Not everyone in the US has A/C either....but, it's a good thing to get.

        I mean hell...what's the difficulty in getting a couple of window units for old buildings that don't have central A/C?

        It's not expensive....

        • by jbengt ( 874751 )

          I mean hell...what's the difficulty in getting a couple of window units for old buildings that don't have central A/C?

          That's exactly what Chicago Public schools did with many of their old buildings (a few from as early as the 1880s in my experience): added a couple of "window shakers" in each classroom. Not the ideal situation, given the desire to keep ambient noise down in a learning environment.

          But to answer your question, the difficulty was getting enough electricity. Not only running the conduit an

          • But to answer your question, the difficulty was getting enough electricity. Not only running the conduit and wiring to each room, but not infrequently also requiring an upgrade to the electrical service /switchgear / transformers.

            What special wiring?

            You just plug it into a normal 110V wall socket....good to go.

            • by suutar ( 1860506 )

              Two per classroom, assume 30 classrooms, that's 60 window units, at around a kilowatt each, is 60kilowatts increased usage, or (at 120v) 500 amps. That by itself is more than twice what my house has, and the previous owners had an EV charger installed.

              Yeah, likely need to add new circuits to the building and upgrade the breaker box.

      • Hopefully they are smart enough to install one in the next 75 years...
      • People lived without AC for millennia. It isn't a death sentence.

    • Usually, when talking about fatal heat you are talking about a combination of wet bulb temperature, duration, access to cooling facilities, and health.

      Even when you simplify, it's still complicated.

      At a wet bulb temperature of 35C, a healthy person will die in about 6 hours. That's above 70C on the American heat index... Which is likely reported as 160F.

      However, not all people are fit. Not all people can limit exposure to under 6 hours. And some places are typically more humid than others.

    • by Roger W Moore ( 538166 ) on Monday January 27, 2025 @05:00PM (#65123265) Journal
      The US has a problem with heat deaths as well. In 1995 over 700 people died in Chicago []. Part of it is heat and humidity: with high humidity there are more deaths at lower temperatures because the body uses evaporative cooling from sweat and when the humidity is high that does not work so well.

      Europe also has far less air conditioning that the US and also the elderly are more susceptible than younger people and the average age of the US population is 38.5 vs 44.5 in the EU. So, as temperatures climb, Europe has more eldery people and less air conditioning and so is probably going to be more impacted...but the US will be affected as well.
      • It will prompt wider adoption of AC in Europe though, especially in places like nursing homes where it matters most
    • in the US we have tons of people living in Arizona with extremely high temps.....and doing pretty well

      We aren't all blessed with youth and good health. Check this out:

      Arizona heat deaths []

    • I mean, in the US we have tons of people living in Arizona with extremely high temps.....and doing pretty well.

      The "I know people just fine in more extreme places" is an argument that shows a complete and total lack of critical thinking. Here's the thing, do you know any people in Arizona who don't have an AC unit in the house? I barely know people who do have an AC unit. 43C in Arizona just means people will spend the day indoors. 43C where I live mean people will end up in the emergency ward with heatstroke.

      You make it just fine because you're setup to handle what is a normal event for you. Much of Europe is not.


      • Ya, high heat and low humidity is very survivable, as long as you drink enough water- and that amount is a fucking shit-ton.
        In general- more than you (generic, not personally) realize.
    • by Luckyo ( 1726890 )

      I took a look at the study, since it's claimed findings are in stark contradiction to all previous data.

      Took me about a minute of reading to find the first point of massive cherry picking of the data that would result in complete inversion of the outcomes from reality. They only count places with 50.000 or more people. Their data set is specifically 2016 edition of Urban Europe. I.e. they don't even pretend to be looking at total numbers, they only focus on urban centers, where power outages during cold wea

      • I was a bit surprised by this, but after looking into I found a study that had data on heat and cold deaths for multiple countries [] and it's interesting how much the disparity is as I would have assumed heat deaths were more prevalent since it seems like I hear about heat waves in the news more often and warnings about them.

        I suppose it makes a little sense though. Some years ago I had my AC fail on a particularly hot weekend and my apartment become insufferably warm, but at least I could take a periodic
    • by ceoyoyo ( 59147 )

      People die from the heat in Arizona all the time:

      https://mapazdashboard.arizona... [].

      Louisiana too: []

    • I mean, the title is stupid, but increase in temperatures results in increase of wildfires, which have a lot of nasty sideeffects, to livelihood, property, etc. Places with high temperatures and dry heat that look greener than Arizona, are in danger of looking more like Arizona in the future...
    • Could, would, should - the hallmarks of BS.
    • a lot of folks aren't used to coping strategies required to exist in high temp environments. this leads to psychological stress as well as physiological stress. so folks continue to work hard even when it's too hot. then when heatstroke hits they're confused and can't cool themselves off. also people in the USA die from high heat as well, and the increased rate of death over the past 19 years is staggering, so it's not like a uniquely european problem. in 2023 alone, the usa had like 2300 heat related d
    • You have questioned the True Faith. Nobody is supposed to ask for specifics, and nobody is supposed to notice the total Luddite and ahistorically ignorant pessimist attitudes enshrined in the religion of climate change.

      All the climate change gloom and doom tied to warming presumes that human beings are so stupid and incapable that they will do NOTHING to avoid the problems... as the climate warms (assuming they are correct about warming), nobody will come up with any better air conditioning, nobody will mov

      • I see no rise in sea levels with my own eyes no matter how much people claim.

        You don't see any sea level rise where you live, therefore it isn't happening anywhere? Perhaps that isn't the most robust argument?

        Sea level rise varies by location [] based on local geography, ocean currents, ground water changes, rebounding due to loss of glaciers, etc. In Alaska, the sea level is actually falling. In Louisiana, it's rising by more than an inch every three years. The global average rate is currently about an inch every five years and accelerating steadily.

      • Help me understand how you got so insufferably fucking stupid- please.
        You see no rise of sea levels with your own eyes, therefor it must be globally false?
        You actually think that sea level is the exact same in all places across the globe, don't you?
        Saudis can operate in high temps, therefor thousands of people won't die if it happens in fucking Colorado?
        Heat related deaths have increased almost 700% since the early 2000s.

        The sooner you fuckers die off, the better for all of us. Your stupidity, and you
    • Even dry heat- people start dropping like flies in 119F heat.

      We set a record in 2023 of over 2000 heat-related deaths in the US.
    • We got the first glimpse of this future in 2003 : [] 80k dead. Mostly elderly.

      One of the reasons is that we didn't have cultural knowledge on how to behave in such heat : shutting blinds, closing windows. Up till then, if the inside got hot, you opened all windows and equalize with the outside. When temperatures get to 30C +, that is no longer a workable solution, and the goal of your heat management isn't to cool down, but to prevent heating up.
      Now, 20 years later, when I

    • Wet bulb temperatures over 35 C kill.

  • I thought that the planet was going to be completely uninhabitable in 20 years. Everyone will be dead already.

  • Problem solved. Next whiny topic?

  • Global warming has been studied to death as have the solutions we'd need to implement to stop making the problem worse and allow the planet to slowly soak up some of the excess CO2 and cool off.

    We'll need more nuclear power plants to replace fossil fuel electricity production and provide industrial heat. Dwellings should have heat pumps where it is appropriate to minimize fossil fuel heating and allow people to better tolerate rising temperatures. Transportation fuels should be synthesized to lower CO2 em

  • 20:1.5? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by bill_mcgonigle ( 4333 ) * on Monday January 27, 2025 @05:18PM (#65123325) Homepage Journal

    The current cold:hot ratio is 20:1.

    So in eighty years it will be 12:1?

    Or will the cold deaths go down and it'll be 10:1?

    Not sure when to panic, please advise.

    • Re:20:1.5? (Score:4, Interesting)

      by thegarbz ( 1787294 ) on Monday January 27, 2025 @05:43PM (#65123403)

      Or will the cold deaths go down

      People who can't cope with the heat tend not to have a problem coping with the cold. For example my house doesn't have an air conditioning. It does however have central heating. It really doesn't concern me how cold it gets outside, only how hot.

      In Australia the situation was reversed. The AC did a great job of keeping the place warm, but it was an old non-reverse cycle unit so it SUUUUUCKED in winter as we huddled in front of bar heaters in a poorly insulated house.

      • *cool, the AC did a great job of keeping the place cool. Actually warm works too. When it's 40C outside simply having the inside a warm 27C is already a benefit, especially since the AC dries the air too.

    • Panic when the government needs to convince you to give them more money. This is the only correct position. Anything else is science-denying misinformation.
    • The current cold:hot ratio is 20:1.

      So in eighty years it will be 12:1?

      Or will the cold deaths go down and it'll be 10:1?

      Not sure when to panic, please advise.

      I believe we're all supposed to remain in panic and go to and watch certified Fox news channels or media outlets for more information on how to behave up and through this upcoming event and lots more.

      Bet ya 0:1 we're all set with a good source, now.

      P.S. I believe we need to buy things that have nothing to do with the.... whatever it is we're worried about in order to be prepared. Or something...?

  • So people aren't going to change their behavior at all? Europe isn't going to install more AC? Etc.
    • Who is "Europe"? Nationally the installation of AC units is on the rise. The people who are most vulnerable to heatstroke on the other hand either can't afford to install an AC unit, can't afford to run an AC unit, or can't hang an AC unit in their cardboard box of a house.

      It's always worth looking at who dies of heat / cold related issues before questioning if they will (or even can) change their behavior.

  • What is the projected population of Europe in 2100, and how would this translate to, say, deaths-per-100K relative to today?

  • We will all cook alive!!!!!1
  • ... fewer people will die from cold ...

    While the effects of cold weather are many; hypothermia, dehydration, exhaustion, hunger (reduced cooking and eating), isolation, (in some countries) more attacks from polar bears and paradoxically heat-stroke (from too much clothing), hotter summers doesn't mean warm winters, even though that is what's happening at the moment.

    ... different age groups ...

    This will affect the age-extremes of population: Babies and grannies, both having little economic value. A multitude of old people dying means lower healthcare and pension costs, an

  • by viperidaenz ( 2515578 ) on Monday January 27, 2025 @10:01PM (#65123949)

    Reports saying how much worse it's going to be, without mentioning how bad it is now lose credibility.
    80,000 is a big number.
    But that's apparently in "worst-case scenario", which means 160,000 people already die?
    It doesn't go far into the details, about its based on a per-capita projection. So the 50% increase includes population growth as well.
    They also added in an aging population, which increases the risk.

    That's 2,345,410 people between 2015 and 2099. They're 95% sure that number will be between 327,603 to 4,775,853

    They basically said "we have no idea, but we think it's going to be this"
    Someone took that study, picked out the worst-case figures, and created a click-bait article out of it

  • Most people not just Europeans will be dead by 2100 with good or bad weather.
    • Most people not just Europeans will be dead by 2100 with good or bad weather.

      I want to scientifically or logically counter-argue for information development, but history repeats itself and information isn't paid attention to after about 8-10 years... So I'd say you're right. Well, I mean people will probably burn to death before 2100 but it will be because they can't get along anymore; literally cannot.

      *sticks arm through rear and up to mouth to make it flap*

      We are going to be dead before then so it's not our problem. /s

  • You can always put on more clothes when it's cold. Cooling down without artificial means is more challenging, especially if your windows aren't designed to open and circulate air through the house.

    But most of this is irrelevant, since as soon as the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (used to be called the Atlantic conveyor belt stops, and the Gulf Stream stops bringing warm water to northern Europe, the UK and France in particular, are going to freeze solid.

  • Riiight (Score:2, Insightful)

    by bradley13 ( 1118935 )

    Let's leave aside the question of climate predictions 75 years in advance, or the continual drumbeat of "climate panic". Just how well do you suppose people can predict technological and social change 70 years in advance? Consider: in 1950 - how accurately would people have predicted our current society? Our current technology?

    This kind of study is nothing but publish-or-perish nonsense, deserving of zero attention.

  • My fusion powered grid with heat pump HVAC cooling says otherwise.

    I can play this game too. Lefty's uninformed and unscientifically tested scam like carbon credits and idiotic energy policies are extremely likely to kill millions by 2100.
  • I don't agree or disagree with the opinion based on the data.

    I have a problem with a missing piece of data that skews a LOT of stuff we use population data for nowadays.

    Okay, so with the number of people in the EU (say, 36M), and in 2100 the number being 36M; the historical possibility of death from disease and war outweighs temperature change. Disease and war evolve and change, and Human methods of dealing with it changes but methods of dealing with climate change can also evolve.

    Point of data that people

"I've got some amyls. We could either party later or, like, start his heart." -- "Cheech and Chong's Next Movie"
