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United Kingdom Television

UK Considers Making Netflix Users Pay License Fee to Fund BBC ( 129

The UK is considering making households who only use streaming services such as Netflix and Disney pay the BBC license fee, as part of plans to modernize the way it funds the public-service broadcaster. Bloomberg: Extending the fee to streaming applications is on a menu of options being discussed by Prime Minister Keir Starmer's office, the Treasury and the Department for Culture, Media and Sport, according to people familiar with the matter who asked not to be named discussing internal government deliberations. Alternatives under discussion include allowing the British Broadcasting Corp. to use advertising, imposing a specific tax on streaming services, and asking those who listen to BBC radio to pay a fee.

The government is the early stages of examining how to overhaul the funding of Britain's public broadcaster when its current 11-year charter ends on Dec. 31, 2027. Ministers are looking to either retain and alter the current television license fee model or scrap it and instead fund the BBC through alternative models such as taxation or subscription. That's because viewing habits have changed as users gravitate toward on-demand services. [...] The license fee dates back to 1946, when consumers watched programs at the time of broadcast. It currently costs households who watch live TV or use BBC iPlayer $210.6 a year, an amount that usually rises annually with inflation. Even if they don't watch BBC programs, households are required to hold a TV license to view or stream programs live on sites including YouTube and Amazon Prime Video. However it's not needed by those who only watch on-demand, non-BBC content.

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UK Considers Making Netflix Users Pay License Fee to Fund BBC

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  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday January 28, 2025 @12:37PM (#65125343)
    They claim to be impartial, yet get funded through "fascist" techniques. You can't opt of the BBC if you want a tv for ITV or Sky only, and they can get you through technicalities like live streams of Sky news on Youtube, so if you have a youtube account you have to pay for the BBC as well. The fact that they treat hamas with kid gloves along with funding pedos like Jimmy Saville and Huw Edwards mean that the BBC is a all together nasty organization and the british public would be better off without them.
    • dont be 'merkin (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward
      You sound 'merkin. There's no fascism in taxation. There's no opting out. If you're healthy does that mean you shouldn't have to have health insurance in 'merka?
    • by drinkypoo ( 153816 ) <> on Tuesday January 28, 2025 @02:55PM (#65125779) Homepage Journal

      They claim to be impartial, yet get funded through "fascist" techniques.

      What exactly do you imagine "fascism" means?

      • by mjwx ( 966435 )

        They claim to be impartial, yet get funded through "fascist" techniques.

        What exactly do you imagine "fascism" means?

        I'm gathering from the way he used the word it means "something I don't like".

        I've watched a lot of BBC TV and I'd say they are the least nationalistic, least prone to violence and least authoritarian of the major UK broadcasters.

        If anything the BBC is pro democracy, liberalism and equality which are traits that fascists are dead against.

        The most fascist thing the BBC has done is give undue amounts of air time to the UK's main fascist, Nigel Farage... but even that was done under the auspices of "l

    • I always found these to be amusing.

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 ) on Tuesday January 28, 2025 @03:24PM (#65125867) Homepage Journal

      They can't "get" you if you have a YouTube account. They would need to prove you watch live TV on YouTube, and you are under no obligation to help them do it.

    • oddthen all the uk faschists accuse it of being too left wing , though it has acted hand in glove with right wing parties for the last 14 years
      • The BBC? Of course, European 'right wing' is really left wing, so...
        • Only compared to the very right USA. Not compared to the rest of the world.
        • equally fair to say then the USA is an extremely far right country rapidly descending into facism
          • Fascism? Socialism? Two wings of the same bird. The left loves to bandy about cries of 'fascism!' while enabling the state to turn into a dystopian horror. We have a huge problem in America, it's that we are fat, dumb, and happy and nobody gives a rat's that everything is going to horror.
            • only an american could think fascism and socalism are the same thing. You rightwing fruit cakes nay as well argue abortion is Jeebuses mercy and love for children because it saves them from a life time of suffering .
              • Fascism and socialism both involve putting the state above the individual. Period. But as European, who delivered the world two horrible wars that killed tens of millions, you're awfully good at world destruction.
    • by DrXym ( 126579 )

      The BBC is a high quality broadcasting service precisely because it is funded by the taxpayer, not by advertising or sponsorship. As for the rest of your scattershot lunacy I wonder if you moan about ITN's or CNN's coverage of Hamas. After all, they're news outlets. Or why you single out the BBC when there are many TV celebrities across other channels (and not just in the UK) caught doing things they shouldn't.

  • by alvinrod ( 889928 ) on Tuesday January 28, 2025 @12:40PM (#65125353)
    "We know you quit paying us because we aren't providing you with anything you want enough for what it costs, but now we're going to find a way to increase the cost of the thing you do want and pay for just so we can get paid anyways. No we won't start making anything you actually want with your money, but that's besides the point."

    What do I need to do to have a corporation that everyone is forced to pay money to whether they want to or not? Seems like a sweet deal.
    • by ClickOnThis ( 137803 ) on Tuesday January 28, 2025 @12:52PM (#65125393) Journal

      What do I need to do to have a corporation that everyone is forced to pay money to whether they want to or not?

      Become a Crown corporation that accepts a public mission.

    • by nothinginparticular ( 6181282 ) on Tuesday January 28, 2025 @04:40PM (#65126145)
      That's pretty much my take on it. They've made some great programmes over the years but these days I can't find anything worth watching. If they're making poor content, while being at least partially accountable via licence fees, I can't see how making them less accountable is going to help. I say make them compete fairly with all the other providers. That'd make them trim the fat and come up with some fresh ideas.
      • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

        Funding cuts are part of the problem, forcing the BBC to become more commercially oriented and less willing to invest in niche programming. Even the stuff that does get made is ruined by it, e.g. their nature documentaries are now 45 minutes of commercial slop and 15 minutes of filler, to account for export sales to channels that run ads.

        The Tories finished them off. Newsnight used to do investigations and proper journalism, now it's just chatting to people tangentially related to the stories of the day.


  • It's just a tax (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Mononymous ( 6156676 ) on Tuesday January 28, 2025 @12:42PM (#65125363)

    The licence fee has always confused people, but it's just a tax.

    • Re:It's just a tax (Score:5, Interesting)

      by jd ( 1658 ) <imipak AT yahoo DOT com> on Tuesday January 28, 2025 @12:59PM (#65125415) Homepage Journal

      Agreed. It would be better to reduce the number of taxes and increase those left to cover the actual costs of British services. You then cut the costs of monitoring and collecting.

      However, if this was done, the BBC Charter would need protecting in law to prevent what the Tories did, which was to renege on the charter and redo it to benefit them. The charter should not be for the government to rewrite at will, it should be a contract that neither side can legally violate or ignore.

      • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

        Like so many things in British politics, it was a gentlemen's agreement, a convention. Once the Tories realized that they could just ignore convention and do whatever they wanted to, we suddenly found ourselves in need of a constitution.

        I think they got the idea from the US Republicans who are basically operating the same way, e.g. simply refusing to even hold hearings for Democratic SCOTUS nominations.

    • And if it was just included in normal taxation schemes (income/sales/etc), it would save the government substantial money in collection and enforcement.

    • It's a license but one that works in the opposite way most expect. We're used, in all countries, to the idea that if we broadcast on public frequencies, we need to pay for it. But the TV license (originally) basically switches things around so the receiver pays that license fee.

      There's a problem lately that the scope has been expanded beyond that airwaves license to cover any means of getting television shows, starting with cable, and that's the precedent things like requiring Netflix users pay for the lice

    • The licence fee has always confused people, but it's just a tax.

      Uh, let’s not call it that, shall we?

      Last fucking thing we need is to have the likes of Larry Ellison or Bill Gates running around thinking they’ve got Tax Collector authority. That arrogance runs deep enough giving them license to license.

    • Instead of taxing Netflix, it would make sense at that point to turn it into a general tax and do away with the license fees. If the funding is to be provided regardless, then it massively simplifies things.

      • Thats what they did in NZ, the NZ_On_Air funding comes from general taxation.

        Of course the BBC should be getting some revenue from BritBox, AcornTV, and BBC Select channels (Amazon Prime add-ons) - I don't know wheter they are though.

    • Yep, and a tax on Netflix would probably push a lot of Netflix subscribers over the edge. Many have already balked at the never-ending subscription increases and having a BBC-tax lumped on top would be the final straw for a lot.

      Surely Netflix could file suit that this was an unreasonable anti-Netflix move by the UK government?

    • Re:It's just a tax (Score:5, Insightful)

      by tlhIngan ( 30335 ) <slashdot@worf.TEAnet minus caffeine> on Tuesday January 28, 2025 @04:09PM (#65126041)

      It's a tax yes, but the people who pay the tax are the ones who use the service.

      If you didn't have a TV, you never paid the tax because you couldn't use the service.

      It could be made into a general tax that everyone pays, whether you own a TV or not, which may raise more money since the enforcement is much simpler and you no longer need to enforce it independently, but I'm sure there will be pockets who will complain they now have to pay for stuff they don't want, didn't need and never had.

      • It's a tax yes, but the people who pay the tax are the ones who use the service.

        That hasn't been true since the internet was created. I use the BBC service. I read BBC news. I watch shows that were developed by the BBC, and yet I've never contributed to the BBC funding because I don't live in the UK.

        The idea of a BBC being funded through TV licenses flies in the face of every other service the BBC provides beyond the TV, news, radio, funding for shows released on non broadcast media, etc.

      • It should be a universal tax, like it is in most countries

    • by mjwx ( 966435 )

      The licence fee has always confused people, but it's just a tax.

      Not quite.

      The main feature of the TV license is that it's a source of revenue for the BBC that cannot be directly influenced or interfered with by Westminster.

      This means the government of the day cannot threaten to withhold funds to force change the BBC's editorial policy. This is what separates a public broadcaster like the BBC from a state broadcaster like Russia Today.

      Now I like the BBC, it performs it's mission to educate, inform and entertain quite well but I'm also open to criticism as it's

  • If the government deems the service to be necessary for the public good, fund it with tax money. Same as schools and hospitals. What we have now is a sanctioned extortion scheme that pays people to walk around and snoop through people's windows to see if they happen to be watching telly without a license. The upkeep cost of this nonsense must be pretty high by itself
    • Switching to general taxation probably would be a saving, but politically tricky. The problem is that TV licensing hasn't changed much since the times when not every house had a television compared to now when the average number of sets per household is probably greater than 1.
  • You create this website that has the capacity of showing you the BBC transmission, but you can only watch it if you pay a mensal fee for it, and for those without internet, you could also have this device that can stream it directly to a television (as long this fee is paid as well).

    Then this is the crazy part: you stop transmitting it over the air.
    This way, you will assure that only those who pay the fee can watch the television channel, and you can even crazier and come up with some sort of scheme where t

  • Basically, a media tax to support production of something that isn't entirely profit,-driven.

    If you have a decent government, it's not a bad idea. Unfortunately it is subject to political takeover if not done properly. Here in Canada, the CBC gets accused of bias all the time, and right wing politicians always want to shut it down.

  • by Joe_Dragon ( 2206452 ) on Tuesday January 28, 2025 @01:11PM (#65125457)

    maybe they can try the pbs pledge drive model!

    • I think people have enough tote bags...

    • by Tablizer ( 95088 )

      The new thing is donating your jalopy. Sorry PBS & BBC, but you are NOT getting my jalopy. New cars are too darned expensive.

      Neither is Kars-for-Kids. However, I'll consider Kids-for-Kars: I donate my bratty kid and get a nice used car in exchange. (Yes, I admit, kid took after me.)

      • Kars-for-Kids isn't really a charity for the kids anyway. It's a religious organization masquerading as a children's charity in order to draw upon the sympathy of the Helen Lovejoy brigade to line their church's pockets. Charity navigator gives them only two stars, mostly because of their dodgy their financials.

  • You should have kept all your shortwave transmitters up and stayed off the internet
  • Why not ask everyone else on Earth who doesn't watch BBC to pay for it too?

    • by Sloppy ( 14984 )

      I live in America, but if BBC did than and would provide standard format files (e.g. mp4, mkv), I might say Yes!

      Pirate TV provides something that is currently not for sale at any price. Change that, and you change everything. Alas, nobody's thought of truly opening for business yet.

  • by Cpt_Kirks ( 37296 ) on Tuesday January 28, 2025 @02:26PM (#65125705)

    Crazy idea, I know, but how about the BBC run ads and actually compete in the free market?

    They won't need fees or taxes.

    • by hwstar ( 35834 ) on Tuesday January 28, 2025 @03:12PM (#65125835)

      Ads suck.

      Making it a Subscription service better.

      The BBC is renowned for its high quality programming. Advertisers would insert their tentacles into the BBC which could degrade the quality of the programming.

      Advertising agendas would be promoted due to the power of the purse. Certain programming such as investigative reporting would suffer.

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 ) on Tuesday January 28, 2025 @03:41PM (#65125937) Homepage Journal

      National broadcasters like the BBC tend to be a lot better if they are independently funded, and therefore not required to look at the commercial value of everything they produce. If you take that away, a lot of unprofitable programming will go with it. Programming that is valuable to society and to many individuals, but not commercially viable.

      FWIW Japan has a similar system where you need to pay a licence fee if you own a TV, which funds NHK. NHK is mostly excellent. It's a good model.

      • The likes of David Attenborough probably wouldn't exist in a commercial model, nor would more experimental programmes like Monty Python's Flying Circus ever get off the ground.

        Speaking of Sir David, he was involved in the rollout of colour television in the UK. Heâ(TM)s the reason tennis balls are yellow.

    • There are plenty of free channels to compete with.

    • Crazy idea, I know, but how about the BBC run ads and actually compete in the free market?

      They won't need fees or taxes.

      Solving the wrong problem. Government funded media shouldn't need to run ads, they should just exist with appropriate funding. Just pay for it out of taxes like a normal government would. Not every god damn thing needs free market profit motive driven enshitification.

    • Ummm.... Have you heard of a company called UK TV? They started out years ago offering a paid TV channel called UK Gold. Most of their channels are branded U& ... these days, eg U&Dave, U&Yesterday, U&Gold, and U ..

      Who owns UKTV? After a few years of "musical chairs".... UKTV is now owned by.... The BBC.

      So yes, the BBC does do commerical TV. It's just not BBC branded.

  • Never ever do this. It just prolongs the death of the old thing, and costs everyone more.

  • Service like:


    So I guess it means doing something other than watching TV.

    Will they tax Internet providers too?

    If so, maybe its time to start checking out books from the library again.


    Other countries add the TV license fee to your electricity bill.

    Maybe it's better to have the BBC encrypt, and just make the users who use subscribe and pay for it as a service.

  • As an American, I've always viewed the BBC as an interesting anomaly. It is very different than how things happen over here. And I thought it very interesting that it isn't just a straight tax. It's a license fee you can kinda-sorta opt out of, which is a very progressive way to handle a tax... but it doesn't seem a very practical one. As made obvious by their struggle to remain relevant and secure funding. Which is why this move seems very strange and smacks of desperation.

    Presumably they could just

    • But to tie it to subscription fees to private companies completely outside the country makes no sense to me. Is there a British perspective where this makes sense? Or is it as strange to you as it seems to me?

      We do have Netflix in the UK, you know. It makes sense when you realise that Netflix are now broadcasting events live, which falls under the TV licensing act.

      It is strange though; like many things in the UK TV licensing is based on rules that were devised long ago when they actually made perfect sense. There were much fewer televisions around, there was no such thing as home recording, much less streaming and there were no commercial broadcasters. The sensible thing now would be to make it part of general t

    • The funding makes sense for the times for when the BBC started, and started making a lot less sense at the turn of the millennium. The licence fee is an outdated way of funding public service media.

      I'd advocate for a public service media fee, levied on Internet service bills, streaming media subscription bills, and Internet device purchases. Maybe even impose a fee on Internet companies who make it possible for people to livestream.... after all a livestream fits the definition of a live TV programme, som

    • It's a model still used in a few other countries

      A universal tax to fund the public service broadcaster is more common now

      The US system of not really having a public service broadcaster, and having PBS having to raise money is the strange system

  • with moronic governments. That's right up there with making Mexico pay for "the wall".
  • This is overly complicated.

    It made sense when it was a fee paid by those who use the service (a TV license fee), but once you start charging the fees to those who use competing services... it would be simpler to just tax everyone in the UK a small amount (you pay income taxes already, so not a big change to add it to the annual tax collection amount) and allocate the revenue to support the BBC. Everyone has to pay for it, everyone gets to use it.

  • by tenplus1 ( 6354024 ) on Tuesday January 28, 2025 @09:13PM (#65126709)
    How about the BBC standing on their own two feet for a change and moving to a subscription model for people who actually want to watch their drivel, and not forcing the entire populate to fund their nonsense.
    • by mjwx ( 966435 )

      How about the BBC standing on their own two feet for a change and moving to a subscription model for people who actually want to watch their drivel, and not forcing the entire populate to fund their nonsense.

      Because the last thing those of us who watch the BBC want is for it to become another commercial station full of reality dross and brain dead dramas.

    • Look, I am fully against this "TV tax" bullshit; however, your comment is NOT viable for the purposes that the BBC was created for. If they were to compete in the common market as a regular player, they would be subject to forces that would alter the goals of the BBC. In order to keep the goals "pure" they need to be directly funded.

    • Oh no someone disagrees with the BBC. What you're really saying is you want the funding cut off and for the BBC to turn to a for profit service which will default to providing shock content and tabloid news in the aims to raise revenue and will likely align more with your world view.

      Not everything needs to be for profit rubbish.

  • Make it a tax that very hard to avoid. The net result is the same revenues are collected, and it probably costs less per person because there are a lot of freeloaders not paying a TV licence.

    Probably easiest way is a household tax, e.g. make local councils collect the tax with their other taxes, but it could also be partly funded with a levy against wireless, cable, satellite broadband.

    The nature of who receives funding from the tax also needs to be examined. The BBC is a public service, but there are likel

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