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United States Education

Trump Signs Order Aiming To Close the Education Department (npr.org) 455

President Trump signed a long-expected executive action on Thursday calling on U.S. Education Secretary Linda McMahon to "take all necessary steps to facilitate the closure of the Department of Education and return authority over education to the States and local communities." From a report: "We're going to be returning education, very simply, back to the states where it belongs," Trump said. "And this is a very popular thing to do, but much more importantly, it's a common sense thing to do, and it's going to work, absolutely."

The move has been expected since early February, when the White House revealed its intentions but withheld the action until after McMahon's Senate confirmation. It now arrives more than a week after the Trump administration has already begun sweeping layoffs at the Education Department. According to the administration's own numbers, Trump inherited a department with 4,133 employees. Nearly 600 workers have since chosen to leave, by resigning or retiring. And last week, 1,300 workers were told they would lose their jobs as part of a reduction in force. That leaves 2,183 staff at the department -- roughly half the size it was just a few weeks ago.

The order instructs McMahon to act "to the maximum extent appropriate and permitted by law," an acknowledgement that the department and its signature responsibilities were created by Congress and cannot legally be ended without congressional approval. That would almost certainly require 60 votes in the U.S. Senate to overcome a Democratic filibuster.

Trump Signs Order Aiming To Close the Education Department

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  • by Anonymous Coward on Friday March 21, 2025 @12:33AM (#65248861)

    Trump wants to re-write history and only teach things he agrees with. He has already deleted plenty of inconvenient truths from the Department of Defense website and purged photos that show historical events he doesn't agree with. Returning education to the states is his attempt to let states warp their curriculum to whatever version of history is in favor this year.

    Moon landing? Didn't happen.
    Holocaust? Made up to justify WWII.
    Evolution? False because apes can't talk.
    Bible study? Mandatory.

    • Re: (Score:2, Troll)

      by gtall ( 79522 )

      More to the point, it is an an attempt to let the Christian jackoffs control education in the States since they'll vote for whatever silliness he comes up with.

    • Holocaust? Made up to justify WWII.

      Trump is on the opposite end of that camp. By that I mean ignoring everything which was done in the middle east post Holocaust. He basically gave Netanyahu a reacharound the last time they met.

    • by Dan East ( 318230 ) on Friday March 21, 2025 @08:18AM (#65249279) Journal

      Trump wants to re-write history and only teach things he agrees with

      Isn't he relinquishing his federal power over education by dismantling the federal department of education? I mean if that's his goal, to rewrite history and control what is taught, wouldn't he want to consolidate power at his level of the government even more?

      I just don't understand the logic here, because he wouldn't need to return control to the states. It is totally within his power to have the education department let the states do whatever they want (and for the most part they already can, right?) and continue spending tons of federal money on the department.

      How does dismantling the federal DOE make states like California teach what Trump wants them to? I'm legitimately curious how dismantling the DOE will impact what my kids are taught in school. If there's something I'm missing here I'd like to know what it is, because this power could be wielded by either side down the road when we have a different president.

  • by CommunityMember ( 6662188 ) on Friday March 21, 2025 @12:47AM (#65248865)
    Even the While House Press office agrees that this requires congressional action, which almost everyone agrees is not going to happen. It would appear appearances are more important then actual results.
    • by Tablizer ( 95088 ) on Friday March 21, 2025 @01:02AM (#65248873) Journal

      But Trump can just close it and there are no cops to enforce the court rulings. Thanks to SCOTUS's 5th Avenue Gift Card, Impeachment is just about the only thing that can stop Don from just doing whatever the fuck he wants, and that takes 2/3 of Congress, which is unlikely to happen because Don has GOP by the balls by threatening to fund campaigns against disloyal GOP reps.

      He's a thug. It's civil war or we will be Nazified.

      • But Trump can just close it and there are no cops to enforce the court rulings.

        The courts can deputize people to physically carry out court orders. It can hold people that are not the president criminally and or civilly in contempt of court. The president never actually physically does anything himself.

        • by gtall ( 79522 )

          And asshole can call out his own Maggot army like he did on Jan. 6. Good luck getting the deputies to fight against that crew when that crew is composed of neo-Nazis and willing to start shooting. They aren't training in private militias for no reason.

        • by ukoda ( 537183 ) on Friday March 21, 2025 @05:10AM (#65249081) Homepage
          Amazing to read the discussions like this happening in the USA. From the outside looking in the decline in the USA has be clear for a long time now, but the rate that is now happening is breath taking. The fact that majority voted for this is hard to comprehend. I'm guessing the average voter was too self centered and short sighted to truly comprehend the choice they were making. The alternative reasons for their actions cast a far worse view on them.

          There are fixes for the problem but again they will never happen due to voters self interests being put ahead of their desire to have a robust democracy.

          I assume after you guys finish gutting your government the next step to deal with those pesky voters having a say. You don't want them voting for change in 2028.
          • The fact that majority voted for this is hard to comprehend.

            It's more like 1/3 of the country when you look at the popular vote.

            • 1/3 directly supported him

              Another 1/3 is made up of people who either were victims of voter suppression or who just didn't care enough, supporting Trump through inaction because they didn't see him as a big enough problem.

              Unfortunately it's reasonable to make the claim the majority of Americans supported Trump and what he represented. The Democrats put up a pretty inoffensive candidate last year, and somehow the non-voting third still felt Trump was an acceptable alternative.

          • The fact that majority voted for this is hard to comprehend.

            THIS HERE! Most of the dictatorships / hard right fascists grew into their position, not get voted in. You end up with a "normal" party in power, who over the course of time sets up institutions to stay in power. But with Trump, EVERYONE KNEW. I mean I laughed at the silly Americans the first time they voted in Trump. But when they did it again my jaw hit the fucking floor.

        • More scarily, the President could probably say "you can do what you want to any court deputies, just stop them, do what you have to, I'll pardon you". All legal protections for anyone acting on behalf of the court count for very little against an armed mob protected by presidential immunity.

          It will be economics that does this president in. The masses (via pensions) and the 1% haven't started to feel the stock market pressure ... yet. Stock market down leads to lack of confidence, less investment, less jobs,

        • by msauve ( 701917 )
          >The president never actually physically does anything himself.

          I've heard he occasionally throws ketchup on the walls all by himself.
      • The sadder part is, if somehow they ever return to power, the Dems do not have the balls to play fuck-you-stop-me, if they ever actually get a turn to play again.
        • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

          by sinij ( 911942 )
          Democrats have no political power left to stop Trump. This is because they wasted it all on gaslighting population about Biden's mental decline and then again trying to fail upwards Harris into presidency.
          • "Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you're a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it's true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number

      • by skam240 ( 789197 )

        It's civil war or we will be Nazified

        That is just ridiculous drama and if you actually believed that you'd be cashing out your 401k and buying guns and canned food. I imagine you're not though.

        Trump is shit hole of a human being, is not to be trusted, and is likely to do a lot of damage to our government and international standing. To say our only way from here is either Nazism or civil war is preposterous though. His approval rating is already dropping and if he keeps on this path he'll loose congressional majority in less than 2 years and fr

      • by sinij ( 911942 )

        It's civil war or we will be Nazified.

        Sorry, shitposting on the internet does not qualify as engaging in a civil war and your furry suit does not qualify as rebel's uniform.

  • And then... (Score:4, Insightful)

    by zeeky boogy doog ( 8381659 ) on Friday March 21, 2025 @12:54AM (#65248867)
    Things will get even shittier in red states, because it turns out that a curriculum based on Republican Jesus is even more useless to the workforce than one based on Biblical Jesus, let alone one based on reality.

    And they will keep on fucking voting for the people who keep making things worse for them, again and again, and blame literally everyone else.
    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      Religion is always a bad thing in school. My kids had 12 years of Jesus is a swell guy nonsense. They rarely had teachers who believed it though.

      The real problem will be that agricultural states will be badly hurt. They reproduce the most and lack the jobs for population growth. They have to urbanize and if a child is raised in Farmville, they'll have great difficulties relocating if the other state don't respect their education.
    • Re: (Score:2, Troll)

      by migos ( 10321981 )
      Not to mention that red state high schools will have such bad reputations that colleges in other states will never admit them.
    • And if spineless democrats somehow ever get the presidency again, will not have the balls to play by the new rulez of fuck-you-stop-me.
    • "Make America Stupid Again"

      Seems like a fairly transparent plan. You can't work out the shit these fundamentalist throwbacks are pulling if you can't understand it. The emphasis is firmly on the 'mentalist' there

  • by gkelley ( 9990154 ) on Friday March 21, 2025 @01:12AM (#65248893)
    States/counties/towns/cities already control education in their districts, not the Feds. The Ed department only manages funds for certain mandated (by Congress) programs and makes sure that schools were following the laws passed by Congress. This will most certainly affect red states more than blue states (loss of funds for special needs students and other programs that help low income students). I feel sorry for all the children that will be negatively affected by this decision.
    • by migos ( 10321981 )
      They also set curriculums so that Americans can get similar education across the board, and can apply for colleges on even footing. What this will do is that red states will start teaching bibles and shit instead of real science and elite schools will basically reject most students from the shitty states.
      • by chiefcrash ( 1315009 ) on Friday March 21, 2025 @09:39AM (#65249533)
        It doesn't appear so. Per the DOE's website:
        In creating the Department of Education, Congress specified that: No provision of a program administered by the Secretary or by any other officer of the Department shall be construed to authorize the Secretary or any such officer to exercise any direction, supervision, or control over the curriculum, program of instruction, administration, or personnel of any educational institution, school, or school system, over any accrediting agency or association, or over the selection or content of library resources, textbooks, or other instructional materials by any educational institution or school system, except to the extent authorized by law. (Section 103[b], Public Law 96-88)

        Thus, the Department does not:
        establish schools and colleges;
        develop curricula;
        set requirements for enrollment and graduation;
        determine state education standards; or
        develop or implement testing to measure whether states are meeting their education standards.

        These are responsibilities handled by the various states and districts as well as by public and private organizations of all kinds, not by the U.S. Department of Education.
  • Project 2025 (Score:4, Insightful)

    by felixrising ( 1135205 ) on Friday March 21, 2025 @02:44AM (#65248961)
    Just read project 2025, it's the guide he's following. Including shuttering the department of education.
    • Was not a secret. This is what people voted (or did not bother to vote for).
      • Was not a secret. This is what people voted (or did not bother to vote for).

        This is what people deliberately voted for or stayed at home and didn't bother to vote against. Now they are stuck with it and both are unhappy. The latter because this and a whole bunch of other stuff is happening and the former because they thought Trump would only be doing these things to liberals and that they themselves, having voted for Trump, would of course be exempt.

  • Came for the TDS (Score:3, Insightful)

    by cascadingstylesheet ( 140919 ) on Friday March 21, 2025 @06:45AM (#65249163) Journal

    Was not disappointed, lol

    The world will not end if federal bureaucrats stop controlling local K12 education. The sky is not falling, Chicken Little.

    Honestly, if you fear the chief executive this much, then why would you want federal executive departments to have that much control over your schools?

    • by sinij ( 911942 )

      Honestly, if you fear the chief executive this much, then why would you want federal executive departments to have that much control over your schools?

      How else would they push The Message on unwilling parents and innocent children?

    • by Ksevio ( 865461 ) on Friday March 21, 2025 @10:55AM (#65249793) Homepage

      I don't think anyone is arguing that eliminating the department of education is bad because Trump is doing it, they're saying it's bad because it'll have a negative effect on education (especially in red states). The ED doesn't have a ton of control over schools anyways, it mostly manages and distributes funds and runs special programs.

      The most TDS I've seen is MAGAs that believe Trump can do no wrong and anything he does is brilliant without any basis on reality.

  • by davide marney ( 231845 ) on Friday March 21, 2025 @07:23AM (#65249187) Journal

    IBM, who is no one's idea of an efficiently-run corporation, nevertheless routinely reduces staff and restructures itself in response to demand for its services and products. On the same day that Trump began the process to restructure the Department of Education's units, IBM did the same at its Classic Cloud unit. The size of the RIFs appears to be roughly similar: 1,300 from the Department, and "thousands" from IBM. Let us compare the reactions to both events using only slightly exaggerated language:

    The RIF at IBM is business as usual.

    The RIF at the Department is the end of civilization as we know it; the abandonment of all hope for the poor, uneducated masses; a useless gesture that panders to Trump's voting bloc; an attempt to rewrite history; and puts Jesus into the classroom curriculum.

  • You mean a state can teach its kids the Puritans were the first people to ban Christmas? That the European invaders raped, murdered, and destroyed their way through the indigenous people? That the Civil War was about slavery? That U.S. citizens were put into camps because of their ethnicity?


  • by fluffernutter ( 1411889 ) on Friday March 21, 2025 @09:03AM (#65249415)
    Let's just be thankful that people haven't started disappearing in the middle of the night without a trace yet.
  • by Revek ( 133289 ) on Friday March 21, 2025 @09:07AM (#65249425)
    How long will this go on until a business will refuse to hire based on the lousy inconsistent education that a diploma from one of the taliban regions of the US produces.
  • by fluffernutter ( 1411889 ) on Friday March 21, 2025 @10:25AM (#65249697)
    Here is what Trump supporters seem to totally miss:

    It's easy to fire people. Biden could have fired everyone. Any president could have.

    The hard part is to replace it with something BETTER. This is normally why we elect who we elect.

    For some reason, Trump's followers have decided to cheer about the first part and demand nothing for the second part. Maybe they have become so frustrated with not enough of the second part being done they forget it altogether. The problem is, civilization requires either nothing to be done or both to be done. Without replacing functional parts with something, there is no government. Without government civilization fails.

Stupidity, like virtue, is its own reward.
