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Over 4 Million Gen Zers Are Jobless (fortune.com) 286

Fortune reports that over 4 million Gen Zers are currently not in education, employment, or training (NEET), with experts blaming a broken educational system and "worthless degrees" for failing to deliver on promises of career readiness. From the report: While some Gen Zers may fall into this category because they are taking care of a family member, many have become frozen out of the increasingly tough job market where white-collar jobs are becoming seemingly out of reach. In the U.S., this translates to an estimated over 4.3 million young people not in school or work. Across the pond in the U.K., the situation is also only getting worse, with the number of NEET young people rising by over 100,000 in the last year alone.

A British podcaster went so far as to call the situation a "catastrophe" -- and cast a broad-stroke blame on the education system. "In many cases, young people have been sent off to universities for worthless degrees which have produced nothing for them at all," the political commentator, journalist and author, Peter Hitchens slammed colleges last week. "And they would be much better off if they apprenticed to plumbers or electricians, they would be able to look forward to a much more abundant and satisfying life." With millions of Gen Zers waking up each day feeling left behind, there needs to be a "wake-up call" that includes educational and workplace partners stepping up, Jeff Bulanda, vice president at Jobs for the Future, tells Fortune.

Over 4 Million Gen Zers Are Jobless

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  • student loan bankruptcy can fix an lot of issues!

    • It'd get the debt off your back, but it's not going to get you a job.

      • by hwstar ( 35834 )

        A lot of student loans aren't dis-chargeable in bankruptcy. The only way out is to leave the country and never come back (Some people did exactly that).

        • Better hope you don't get sent back for not paying taxes. The exit fee for renouncing citizenship isn't cheap either.

  • We're in a golden age. Elon and Trump, two people who are better than you, informed us so. Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?... [youtube.com]

    • by dbialac ( 320955 )
      I think Trump meant to say Gilded Age. Still, while putting tariffs in place will raise prices, bringing manufacturing back to the US will also raise wages as demand for blue collar workers will increase. When there's nobody left to buy your products because you offshored everything, the working class will get poor and we'll get a repeat of the late 19th century and early 20th century. The execution of the UHC CEO may just be the beginning.
      • Re:So what? (Score:5, Insightful)

        by skam240 ( 789197 ) on Wednesday March 26, 2025 @08:11PM (#65261699)

        The problem with these plans is there's no need to wreck the economy to do this. Long lead times on the tariffs along with a gradual phase in would give companies time to relocate to the US and time for supply chains to reorient. This? This is fucking chaos, companies dont know whats going on so not only will the public take the full brunt of these tariffs for a while but we're also cratering the stock market.

        Everything this administration is doing from the tariffs to the firing / rehiring in our bureaucracy to just keeping a fucking war planning meeting private is being done with the utmost incompetence.

        • by dbialac ( 320955 )
          I don't think a phase in is a bad idea, but I would compliment it with a second mechanism for tariffs. I would link tariffs to the importing country's median household income, as determined by the US. If something is culturally specific, tariffs are waived. If wages in the importing country are higher, there is no tariff. I would also raise taxes on the wealthy, though this only gets you so far because until a wealthy person sells his investments, he doesn't pay any taxes on the money. I would also re-insta
        • EXACTLY THE POINT. These are cruel and punitive by design. Why not give a 6mo warning so people can actually try to proactively be ready for disruptions to their businesses?
      • We're in a golden age.

        I think Trump meant to say Gilded Age.

        Or Glidden [wikipedia.org] Age considering how they're trying to white-wash this multi-level Signal fuck-up ... :-)

  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday March 26, 2025 @07:38PM (#65261629)

    From my limited observation of people I know, and from what I read, they all have very high expectations, and there just aren't tons of high-paying jobs where you just show up, or "work" from home.

    That said, I know several gen Z who do some kind of hands-on job, including construction, plumbing, electrical work, manufacturing, etc., and they're doing very well.

    • ...and considering that there are probably much more Gen-Z than the 4 million mentioned above.... your experience is not in any contradiction to the article.

      Not ALL are unemployed, not ALL are lazy.. and so on.

    • by mjwx ( 966435 )

      From my limited observation

      I snipped the bit you got right.

      In reality most jobs are now insanely hard to get for someone with no experience. Multiple interview rounds, fewer positions mean that there are always far more applicants than jobs. Can't really blame them for giving up. Meanwhile, they get guff like yours from boomers who got everything handed to them on a silver shovel and zero understanding of what it's actually like out there as they were given a nice banking job back in the 70s despite not having a degree.


  • by RightwingNutjob ( 1302813 ) on Wednesday March 26, 2025 @07:50PM (#65261647)

    In 1970.

    For those too GenZ or later to have learned such things, a cargo cult is an aboriginal superstition that springs up after first contact with the industrial world. Its most famous instance was in the South Pacific during and after the Second World War when primitive islanders saw industrial scale war play out in front of them after having been living in grass huts for thousands of years.

    Having to understanding of industrial production or economies of scale, and barely knowing anything about the places where the Japanese and American mechanized militaries came from, they reasoned that the plentiful food and durable clothing delivered as cargo by airplanes were gifts from the gods that were rightfully theirs, and the foreign devils usurped them by performing special rituals.

    So naturally by aping these rituals, by building bamboo control towers and talking into coconut headsets, the gods would deliver the cargos to its rightful recipients.

    This is fundamentally an error of superficiality: you do something that superficially kinda looks like what the other guy is doing when he gets his reward, so you expect you'll get yours too, any predicate or underlying context be damnded.

    Similarly, "college=easy street" is a similar error of superficiality. Successful people when to college, and if that's all you know and all you ape, you reason you'll be successful too.

    What did these successful people do in college? Did they have their noses to the grindstone taking 6 classes per term double majoring majoring in physics and asian languages or did they bum around in rocks-for-jocks? And if the latter, did they have a cushy job lined up already and college was just finishing school?

    If you don't bother finding out the details and go about figuring out which ones matter, "college" may as well be a poorly xeroxes diploma from RightwingNutjob's School of Computer Stuff for all the good it's gonna do you.

    Lest y'all mistake me for knocking on people who didn't have the cultural capital and family pedigree to know better, I saw the exact same pathology play out at both my alma mater and where I went to grad school among upper-middle-class coastal suburban and private school kids and young adults. Except it had a little twist on it: rather than assuming that *any* college or grad school on their resume was automatic gold, they acted like the fact if having been accepted to those particular places (both regularly make the top 10 or 20 lists), they were automatically touched by God, and were as good as those institutions' most illustrious alums.

    No need to work smart, no need to avoid bullshit dead end research projects. Just by virtue of the particular kind of piece of paper you got in the end, you were good.

    Not at all surprising that many of these people and their cohort are falling flat on the hard slab of Mommy's unfinished basement.

    • by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Wednesday March 26, 2025 @08:21PM (#65261723)
      Look I don't know how to break this to you but the US federal government publishes statistics on degrees awarded by major. If you look at them you're going to find those kids aren't fucking with academia they're getting what people consider real degrees. Medicine, science, law, accounting and business. That accounts for about 80% of degrees awarded by major. The remaining 20% are almost entirely destined to be teachers. There's a very very very very tiny number of things like music majors for film majors or generic liberal arts degrees that aren't just going to go straight into teaching high school English.

      Then again we are literally shutting down the department of education so I guess we're going to just stop teaching how to read and write. I'm sure that'll turn out well in a country with more guns than people. You know violence is super cool in movies, not so much in the real world. And sure you can buy a gun yourself but if you think back to those old westerns sooner or later the guy who relied on violence got shot and killed too.
      • Yeah most of the people I was talking about got a piece of paper that said Bachelor of Science in some kind of engineering. For some is was a master's or a doctorate. And they acted like being accepted into the degree program was proof enough they were awesome already.

        Also...there are no undergraduate medical degrees in the US. And there are plenty of "business" degrees at nominally accredited nonprofit schools that exist soley to suck in subsidized tuition dollars and spit out 22 year old know-nothings who

        • by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Wednesday March 26, 2025 @09:05PM (#65261811)
          Without telling me you haven't been near a college in 20 years.

          At this point you're just coming up with excuses to shit on kids. Old people have been doing that for a very long time. Eventually the kids are going to push back and take your meds away but by then it'll be too late.

          I put a kid through college not too long ago. Their workload was insane. Take all the bullshit classes us old farts Got our degrees on and add to that a fuck ton of additional real hard coursework and then on top of that a fuck ton of additional coursework that exists only to be on the job training you have to pay for. If you walk into a college nowadays when you get to your 300 level courses they literally do an interview because they have too few slots and too many students and part of that interview is making sure that you're not working because if you are you're not going to be able to keep up with the course load and so they won't let you into your 300 level courses they'll pick a kid who doesn't have to work instead...

          You're making the mistake of thinking that nothing ever changes. It's something conservatives always do. School isn't like what it was when we were kids it is orders of magnitude more difficult. Christ even high school was brutal for my kid. I remember getting up sometimes at midnight to go piss and finding them still banging out homework. I'd ask the teacher if something was wrong and a teacher just said no, the kids fine but we just have to give out that much homework every night. Local businesses demanded it.

          I don't understand why it's so hard for old people to believe that young people have it harder and worse but I know it is absolutely critical to the identity of an old person to believe that
          • I have interviewed many computer science majors who could not program their way out of a brown paper bag. I asked them for details about what their classes were like, what kinds of exercises they did, a summary of the topics covered, etc. And what I found was that nearly all of them had a very surface-level education in computer science with very little depth. In particular, they simply weren't made to write enough code that solves actual problems to develop the core skill that software developers need.

            • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

              by radarskiy ( 2874255 )

              "I have interviewed many computer science majors"

              You interviewed computer science majors, but wanted programmers.

              Imagine you wanted car mechanics but interviewed only mechanical engineering majors. Some of them may be able to do the job, but not because of the college classes they were taking.

              • They chose computer science as their major so they could become programmers. The school councilor told them that this major would prepare them to become programmers. They then sought out jobs as programmers, with "computer science degree" on their resumes.

                The exact same way I did when I went to college, and then got my first job, many years ago.

                Once upon a time, "software engineering" didn't exist but "computer science" did, and it was focused on how you use teams of human beings (who had the job of "comp

          • I'm literally in college right now. Finishing a degree this semester as it were. I was a college drop out 20 years ago but decided I really wanted to finish my degree.

            With that said, I find college EASIER now then ever before. I've also watched about half my instructors bend over backwards to help make things easier on their students. It's a joke compared to twenty years ago. Instead of challenging the students, I see instructors passing out extra credit, extending due dates and offering makeup work. WTF, t

            • Because you just said you got a PhD so I guess now you're back for another degree? If so why do you value education so little?

              Sorry but I smell bullshit. I mean it's possible that you have somehow made it through a bachelor's, a masters, one PhD and you're on your second PhD and yet despite all that education you are incapable of seeing past the most rudimentary anti-education propaganda.

              But if so then I guess maybe you're in that 1% of useless degrees? Because I find it extremely hard to believe th
              • Nothing that you claim about the poster's background lines up with the credible and consistent statements that he has previously made about it. You are the one fabricating here.
    • What did these successful people do in college?

      Which college did they go to and how well connected were the other students and faculty. There aren't many Harvard or Yale grads out of work and its not because they all had their nose to the grindstone. Or the quality of the education. Almost all the "studies" that demonstrate the value of a college education and degree pay little attention to the other things some colleges provide - and others just don't. Social connections being the most important difference. Obviously there are other factors that are in

      • It would have been believable if Professor's salaries had some correlation to tuition. Instead, the opposite happened.

        Dedicated PhD's have no job security and can barely afford to live in their car despite working full time. Ther's a serious disconnect in academia when the football players and coaches are paid more than the faculty.
        • I think the best line I have heard is that when the football coach is the highest paid person on campus you aren't an educational institution, you are a sports franchise with a side hustle. Why should a PHD get paid more than a good tackle, much less a quarterback?
    • by AvitarX ( 172628 )

      The one thing I think your comment leaves out is that havibg a college degree certifies that you can do what you're supposed to with minimal guidance.

      When less of the population had a degree this was a good differentiator from the general population (college attendance went up 50% as a percent of highschool graduates between 1960 and now, I can't find college graduation rates back before 2000, but since then it was relatively flat).

      So for every generic white collar job that demands a college degree, but wit

      • I'm not saying it's easy, but I have friends that don't have degrees that work office jobs and are doing just fine. One's making 70k as a administrative assistant. She's got no degree but she did finish a medical coding and billing program. Her first real office job opportunity came partially because she had 10 college A's. So even though she had no degree, the employer took a chance on her given she at least had good marks on the education she did attempt. It shows she can learn.

        Most of her colleagues also

        • by AvitarX ( 172628 )

          That's actually promising I think.

          The real trick is that once you get that first job, of you do well then you're pretty much in that ecosystem and have a career. It's not glamorous, but that's why they pay you.

    • Just thought I'd throw this out there, as an interesting aside: https://www.righto.com/2025/01... [righto.com]
  • They want to be (Score:2, Flamebait)

    by neoRUR ( 674398 )

    From what I have seen, they don't want to work.

    • Your elders said the same about your generation. And their said it about theirs. Back when I was a kid I walked to school barefoot in the snow and it was uphill both ways. Kids these days and their shoes have it too fucking easy. Now get off my lawn.

      • That's kinda how I feel every time I read one of these.

        But also, having seen a lot of Gen Z come in, and get kicked out our doors at work... I'm starting to think the stereotype has some truth behind it.
        When I was 18, slinging burgers to pay my tuition, I'd have given someone an old fashioned under the desk for a raise.
        Now, I'm not saying that's good... but in 20 years, I've had 4 people stop coming into work for days at a time, come back, and act like nothing happened.
        They were all within the last 3 y
    • Who does? I have hobbies and interests to fill my time. Add on the maintenance and upkeep of owning a home and you'll always have something to do.

  • by Qbertino ( 265505 ) <moiraNO@SPAMmodparlor.com> on Wednesday March 26, 2025 @07:56PM (#65261661)

    Pretty much this. My daughter is "stuck" in a new-agey eco project in the jungles of central America and is struggling in a quarter-life crisis in trying to find out where to go from here. And given the overall current state of things I really can't blame her. And I actually _do_ think that joining some eco-permaculture-community project really isn't the worst of ideas for someone of her generation in that situation. If the going get's really tough at least she will know how to grow food. Couldn't say that about many people these days.

  • Jobs. (Score:3, Insightful)

    by ledow ( 319597 ) on Wednesday March 26, 2025 @08:03PM (#65261679) Homepage

    I'll say it again.

    The purpose of education, especially higher education, is NOT to exclusively function as a guarantee of entry to a high-paying career.

    It's a very American disease to think so.

    And regardless of your opinion on that... to end up not in education or employment or training after a degree means that - unless you have a serious medical condition - you haven't got off your arse and found a job.

  • Check the original source. Key quote (about US data): "After reaching an historic low point in 2019 at 10.7 percent, the youth disconnection rate spiked from 2020-2021 but has now nearly returned to the 2019 rate, at 10.9 percent in 2022." It was as high as 14.7 percent in 2010. In other words, youth disconnection (no job, no school) was close to record lows in 2022 and may even be lower now, despite degrees in basket weaving.
  • Unemployment in the US for 25-30 year olds was 3.X% last year, while for 20-24 year olds was 7.X%. Normal age range for college graduation is 23 to 29. Close to zero 20-24 year olds have a college degree. See "political commentator" this is called "math", it's a thing a university can teach you.
  • I think the issue is more expectations than anything else. A degree in many fields does not automatically lead to a high paying job. My thesis advisor many years ago told me that the best lab technician he ever had had a history Ph'D. Of course, he probably did not have $200k of student loans to pay off. The issue is that a college education has become unreasonable expensive.
  • Doctor/nurse going to be in demand until we run out of people. Not dentists though. Fuck those guys.
  • How about waiting tables while you search for your dream job? Do something.. anything
  • If all of them had apprenticed as a plumber or electrician, they'd have saturated the market and then salaries for plumbers and electricians would plummet.
  • Half the population won't do trades and if we somehow changed our attituteds to not look down on them there would be an outrage that men are over represented in these good jobs. People in the trades would be labelled sexist and firms would have quotas and be shamed if they didn't meet them.
  • ... educational and workplace partners stepping up ...

    In the first case, the employee buys an education (which an employer might value). In the second, the Employer gives experience. Mass automation and women in the workforce led to down-sizing and the gig-economy: Employees stopped being an investment as capitalists raced to the bottom (line). Employers made education and 'experience' a Government responsibility. This has been happening for 30 years.

    I've seen vocational training change, to training provided by a third-party - for consistency, to workers

  • by upuv ( 1201447 ) on Thursday March 27, 2025 @12:55AM (#65262135) Journal

    Trumps Tariffs are a massive consumer TAX. It's not foreign nations paying the bill. It ultimately US citizens that are paying the tariff charges.

    Trump keeps floating billion dollar numbers around on how a tariff is going to raise money for the government. Those tariffs are paid for by the people buying those products in the US.

    When you spike inflation like that, people stop spending. If they stop spending less money is circulating which means less jobs and lower wages.

    Yes foreign companies will feel a sting. They simply won't be selling as much product. Which might also increase prices even more. Economies of scale and all being eroded.

    Trump somehow has forgotten that the US has a highly integrated international supply chain. So domestic goods in the US are also being hit with tariffs. Just to get the parts for the domestically produced goods.

    Internal trade agreements will adapt far faster than US industrial ramp up. Most companies will be hesitant to ramp up anyway. As the US economy craters as it is. Companies are not going to risk investing domestically on production. They'll actually seek foreign opportunity to invest and develop where economic growth and stability are stronger outside of the US.

    The US is really on the an economic edge here. Trump is gambling hard on this strategy. Hoping the world will blink. I just don't see it happening. Rather quickly the rest of the world is enacting economic stimulus packages to offset the impacts of the US tariff wall. They are very quickly reworking trade agreements with each and cutting the US out almost completely. Then there is the absolutely massive shift in military spending in the EU. Some reports that number at $850USD. That's almost a trillion dollars NOT going to the US. Just instantly shifted to Europe and it's close allies.

    OK All of that was about TRUMP. But the above says. Less money circulating, Massive inflation, Lower real wages and less jobs for everyone in the US. Trump has destroyed for a lot of people any hope of a healthy + happy future in the US.

  • by Tom ( 822 ) on Thursday March 27, 2025 @05:23AM (#65262375) Homepage Journal

    It's easy to ascribe things to one cause, but that's rarely true.

    Yes, there are a lot of people whom you should seriously look at and ask what exactly their career plans were when they decided to do gender studies or whatever.

    Yes, the economy is in the dumpster and that obviously means a shortage of job openings.

    Yes, Gen Z has a different attitude to work-life-balance than previous generations. (and, frankly speaking, my attitude to work would've been different as well if it had been clear from the start that I'll never be able to afford a house.)

    But - studies show that only about half of the students end up in careers directly related to their field of study. There are some obvious lines - you can't be a lawyer without a law degree or a doctor without a degree in medicine - but in most other fields, there are students going on to different careers and workers who never studied it.

    So 4 Million - that's the sum total of a bunch of causes, only some of which are within reach of the graduates to influence.

The time spent on any item of the agenda [of a finance committee] will be in inverse proportion to the sum involved. -- C.N. Parkinson
