Gates on "The Simpsons"
I dunno how many of you are regular Simpsons fanatics (I know Kyle Crider
must be since he was the first to tell me about this). I watch the Simpsons religiously (syndication and
the new episodes each sunday). It, along with the X-Files is just about the only television I watch these
days. Anyway, Bill Gates made a Cameo in last nights episode. Click the link below to read my take on it.
(I'll spoil the joke, so if you want to be surprised, don't read it!)
Basically Homer forms an Internet company after he discovers that Ned is making a fortune from
his. He sets up a home office (complete with typewriter) and a name (a nonsensical stream of
buzzwords). At the end of the show, Bill Gates arrives and states that they don't know what Homer
is doing, so rather than competiting with him, they're going to buy him out. Then Gate's goons
trash Homer's office.
Basically, it was overly contrived, cheesy, and horribly un-funny. Typical of this season. Subtle humour was exchanged for the same level of crap that we might expect on SNL. This episode pulled Homer out of charachter and made him do something so overly staged that we knew what was going to happen from the very beginning, The episode portrayed the truth, and that just isn't funny sometimes.
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Gates on "The Simpsons"
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