Humorous Proof of IE5 at Bootnet
Well Bootnet has posted an article about
MSIE5... the funny thing is that their "Proof" is an httpd log entry frome tide11.microsoft.com formatted
like IE5 most likely will. See Those strings are really easy to change (as
proven by the zany
stuff that you guys put into my agent logs each week). Will someone mail me a perl script or something that
sets HTTP_USER_AGENT = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.66; Windows NT 6.66)"
and does a GET off bootnet? If we each ran it once, we won't hurt their
server at all and they'll notice the new browsers in the log files and maybe
report wide scale beta testing has
begun on IE6.66 and NT 6.66. Shhh... don't tell them *grin*. All kidding
aside, BootNet is a Neato-Site(tm) and definately worth a regular gander. Thanks
to Xces for letting me know.
Update:A few notes, Slashdot has recieved dozens of hits from tide*.microsoft.com in the last few weeks. Read whatever you want into that. Second, this script was sent to us by Vivek that will fake an agent. run it with an address, port and an agent string (like the one above) as parameters. Lynx users can set it already.
Humorous Proof of IE5 at Bootnet More Login
Humorous Proof of IE5 at Bootnet
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