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Eiffel for Linux

Zooko writes " Eiffel, an object oriented programming language, has been getting some good press as an alternative to Java. Today, Interactive Software Engineering, a maker of Eiffel development tools, announced the availability of the latest version of their software for Windows and Linux.

It is nice to see serious support of Linux by a commercial software company. Bertrand Meyer of ISE (and also noted object oriented guru) says: "Linux has been very good to us, and I hope we have been good to Linux too. It's one of our most important commercial platforms. And it's our #1 or #2 development platforms (#2 by a short distance from Windows if you count the number of machines, #1 if you ask developers what they want to develop on...)". See also the GNU Eiffel compiler, SmallEiffel"

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Eiffel for Linux

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