www, DNS, Slashdot and other Evils
As part of the DNS switchover, I made 'www' stay on the old server. Just use 'Slashdot.org' to get here. I've been getting a lot of email from people who think the DNS is still foobar, but I've been really doing this on purpose. web.slashdot.org will also work, but I'd prefer just plain old slashdot. So all you webmasters out there join me, and alias your web sites as web and link them through that. Maybe someday we won't sound silly saying 'www' every 30 seconds when talking about the net to someone.
Update Couple of points. I think 'www' is implicit when talking about a web site. A commercial with a URL is advertising a web site, so they don't need the www. If you want a prefix, cool- use web. or w3. A lot of the discussion here is missing my point- we still need mail.foo.com and ftp.foo.com, but when 'talking' (in real life here guys- remember what it is like to talk to people outside of IRC :) it is dumb to pronounce www. It's just inefficient- 99% of the time it could be dropped. And I know the DNS is screwy still- I've sent dozens of emails to internic- it'll happen eventually.
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www, DNS, Slashdot and other Evils
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