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Slashdot Downtime

Well we tried to put 64 megs of RAM in the Slashdot server this morning (hence the downtime) and some wierd EISA error appeared- we tried some stuff, and eventually went back to 64. Not so great, but we'll try again tomorrow morning when you guys aren't trying to get your fixes :) Also the rewrite is coming along well. I have a 75% complete version ready to go. Some of the new comment code needs some fixing, and a few minor HTML and graphics changes and we should be ready to go. It's designed for 800x600 now, and the vast majority of hits can be handled now without resorting to CGI so it should be much faster. Oh, and mod_perl is very cool. I'll hopefully have a beta version for everyone to test tomorrow night.
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Slashdot Downtime

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"If there isn't a population problem, why is the government putting cancer in the cigarettes?" -- the elder Steptoe, c. 1970
