Running Linux Review
by Matt Welsh and Lar Kaufman
reviewed by hemos
Being a relative newcomer to the Linux world, I needed more assistance then one can obtain simply by reading Slashdot. Imagine my delight in finding/using Running Linux. The book will work for a variety of people , whether it be setting up Linux for the first time, or for those who feel more comfortable with Linux. The book's authors, Matt Welsh and Lar Kaufman, obviously understand Linux, and more to the point, the mentality behind the operating system itself.
The book was designed along with the fine folks at Red Hat and is available both with a companion disk, or separately. For someone just setting up Linux for the first time (and how many people haven't been converted ye t?) the first option is perfect. They can not only get a fairly recent build of the OS, but also have the knowledge base provided to them that will allow them to understand Linux in a non-threatening, and more importantly, non-frustrating way.
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