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J*va Invaders Abducted

Well today I got email from the law firm of Fenwick & West (Sun's Lawyers) who asked me to change J*va Invaders's name to something that doesn't contain any Trademarked words. I'm bummed, but the game was buggy as heck, and I just don't feel like messing with it, so I've decided to just take it offline. The page still recieves a decent number of hits, so it now contains an explanation of why I took it down, as well as the letter from F&W explaining the whole situation. I've always been a pretty strong J*va supporter, and it's a bummer that they are wasting time going after college students who spend saturday nights writing stupid video games but it's their trademark, they can do what they want. Also, if anyone finds any references to the offending title anywhere else on my site let me know... I think I've found them all but I might have missed a couple somewhere...
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J*va Invaders Abducted

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