Dave and Rob's Excellent(?) Adventure
In the process, we tore apart a few other machines to canibalize parts that we knew worked. At that point we decided to move Slashdot from Triton to Spazmo (spazmo is my P2 that I brought to the office last month to test The Mystery Project on *grin*). So after many sqldumps and rapid setting up of programs, we made the IP switcheroo, and tada! Slashdot is a P2/266.
It's running an older version of mysql, but hey, we have twice as much ram. We're gonna get article archiving going today, and probably compile the latest mysql. Tomorrow we hopefully will do the test site- we're aiming to release the Source right after LinuxExpo.
So if anyone notices any wierdness, let us know. We made the swap in like 45 minutes so we might have missed something... or nothing... or everything... *grin*
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Dave and Rob's Excellent(?) Adventure
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